Great Yinxian Dynasty

Chapter 514: Brothers

"Does the Big Thousand World really have what the master and the master said? I am looking forward to it" Long Aotian muttered to himself while looking at the sky.

Looking at the woman's haggard face, the man showed a trace of distressed expression: "It's all my fault that caused you to fall into such a field. If I fight for a bit, I won't have this scene."

The woman smiled and flowers bloomed: "Who has a past, an unbearable past?"

As they were talking, the man and the woman raised their heads at the same time and looked into the distance. The violent power of Heaven's Punishment made the whole world tremble slightly.

The woman's lips trembled: "You said, did they come".

"Probably not, how could I find here so soon" the man stood up suddenly.

"Otherwise, let's go quickly" distressed grief flashed in the woman's eyes.

"It's useless, they can find here. They are well prepared and can't escape." The man smiled desperately: "I only wanted to live a stable life with you, but your identity is too sensitive, and the Emperor refused to let it go. Pass us".

"Go and dismiss those disciples, they are innocent" the woman whispered.

The man nodded and looked at Long Aotian and the little junior: "You go, the farther you go, the better."

"Master, what happened?" Long Aotian stubbornly refused to leave, staring at the man stubbornly.

"This matter is not something you can temper, so hurry up, otherwise it's too late" the woman's voice was harsh.

"No, I won't go" Long Aotian said.

"You don't need to go anymore" a voice came from the sky, the voice rolled, like a nine-day god, the mountains and rivers are trembling.

"Brother" the woman said softly. There was a hint of joy, and the despair faded.

"Humph" Chen Jiu hummed coldly. As soon as he entered the world, Chen Jiu discovered the aura of Liu Runxuan and Wu Rui. In the eyes of such powerful men as Chen Jiu, the aura of the two was no different from that of a light bulb.

"Wait for me to go to Thunder Punishment. I will ask you to settle the account." After saying that, Shanchuan returned to silence.

"This is..." Long Aotian and other disciples were shaking. Mind almost collapsed under the sound, and there was no resistance, just like that worthless ant.

Three days later, Chen Jiu restrained his breath, and the punishment disappeared. A step forward, across thousands of mountains and rivers, twisting time and space, came to the peak of this beautiful Zongmen Mountain.

Chen Jiuyi sits in a purple shirt, embroidered with mountains, rivers, sun and moon, birds, beasts, insects, and fish.

It's just now that gloomy face dripping with water. It is hopeless.

"Brother" Runxuan said while holding the baby in her arms.

"Hmph, I don't have a good sister like you, it's really cheating. Brother cheating" Chen Jiu's words couldn't stop leaking a trace of energy, and the space was distorted.

"Hiss~~~" Long Aotian took a deep breath. What a strong man is this. Between his breath, the space is distorted, destroying time and space.

After speaking. Chen Jiu looked at the child in Chen Runxuan's arms and the boy beside Wu Rui. The voice was even more harsh: "This king is wrong, one day in the sky. One year underground, I didn't expect you to have a child. It's really a shame."

Regardless of Chen Jiu's gloomy face, Run Xuan looked at the boy: "Wu Hui, call uncle soon."

"Shut up" Chen Jiu's blue veins jumped: "These two evil animals are not worthy to call my uncle."

"Brother, what a wicked animal? This is your nephew" Chen Runxuan was like an angry hen, guarding her cub.

"Slap" Chen Jiu slapped Chen Runxuan.

"Brother, you hit me" Chen Runxuan looked at Chen Jiu in disbelief, her face full of confusion, an expression that she knew Chen Jiu for the first time.

Chen Jiu's palm trembled slightly, but his face was still green and did not speak.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Long Aotian on one side had no idea what was going on.

After a long time, Chen Jiu calmed down and said softly: "These two children belong to you. I didn't expect you to have children of your own when you grow up."

Chen Runxuan's body trembled. She knew Chen Jiu too well. The angry Chen Jiu was not terrible, what was terrifying was like this.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Chen Runxuan stepped forward to protect her eldest son.

Chen Jiu's fingertips mana surged: "They shouldn't have come into this world."

Seeing Chen Jiu's palm mana surging more and more fiercely, Chen Runxuan suddenly knelt down: "Brother, please let us go."

"I let you go, who will let the human race go, do you know how much this incident has hit the royal family's reputation, how much the humanity momentum has even declined, that is the fate of countless people, it is corrupted in your hands" Chen Jiu's voice became calmer.

Seeing Chen Jiu's dreamlike palm gradually traverse the space and grabbed Wu Hui's head, Long Aotian on one side jumped out: "Let go of my brother."

"Bang" Long Aotian was knocked into the air without any resistance and fell to the ground in a faint.

"Stop." Chen Runxuan stopped in the palm of Chen Jiu's palm, staring at Chen Jiu tightly: "You said that the humanity that I have harmed has fallen, and the human luck has declined, but I want to ask you, when did I accept that? The title of the human princess is just something you imposed on me. Besides, is it wrong for me to pursue my own happiness in life?, don’t you also pursue your own happiness, why do you blame me for all these faults? Body".

"But if you pursue happiness, you can't follow this waste. Chen Jiu can't afford to lose this person, and you can't pursue it. His foundation has been broken, and longevity is difficult. What should you do after tens of thousands of years? Regarding this waste, There is no right to pursue you at all, and he has no qualifications at all."

Chen Jiu's palm slowly retracted. He felt that Chen Runxuan was right. Indeed, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, even though the happiness that Chen Runxuan pursues is wrong, in Chen Jiu's view.

"But even though he can't live forever and his foundation is ruined, he is the happiness I want, no complaints or regrets" Chen Runxuan roared.

Looking at Chen Runxuan, whose eyes were red and her usual gentle appearance, Chen Jiu was silent for a while.

"I give you two choices. Either you go back with me, or I kill them, erase your memory, and let you start a new life." Chen Jiu's voice was low, and Chen Runxuan's momentum dropped a lot: "I am after all Only you sister, I am responsible for you."

"I don't want you to be responsible. I have the right to pursue my own happiness. I am not a pet you raised. I am a human being. I am a real person. You are like a golden bird in a cage every day. That's not the life I want," Chen Runxuan cried.

Chen Jiu was silent for a while, then laughed at himself with a bleak voice: "Remember when I found you, you were a little girl begging on the street, robbing wild dogs for food, all dirty, and you couldn't see a clean appearance. ".

After speaking, Chen Jiu raised his head to look at the sky, and there was a moment of silence: "I Chen Jiu has been miserable since childhood. I have been fighting every day and living a precarious life. When I find my relative, I will swear that I will let her live. On the best day, enjoying the best resources, and practicing the best exercises, I wasted every day to wash her marrow and cut her hair, but I didn’t expect that what we ushered in today would be blame.”

"Brother,," Chen Runxuan's emotions returned to calm after hearing the words, as if she remembered the days before, she felt bad after saying the previous sentence.

"Listen to me" Chen Jiudao.

"Unexpectedly, you will actually pursue your own happiness. I consider everything for you. I didn't expect you to have your own ideas. It's a pity. I will ask you. For three thousand years, except for the last time I came back from the ancient heaven, Imprisoned you one step?".

"No" Run Xuan whispered.

"Have you ever scolded you?"

"Without all kinds of food and clothing, have you ever been less than you?" Chen Jiudao.

Runxuan did not speak.

Chen Jiu turned around and looked at the setting sun in the sky: "People are always inadequate. Think about that little beggar back then, and then think about your food, clothing, housing, and transportation. All the resources I used were earned by my life. , You just say that to me?, Golden Silk Bird, so chilling."

"Brother, me,,,".

"I just ask you, do you want to go back with me? If you go back with me, we will stop. We are still good brothers and sisters. If we choose to guard these people, our brothers and sisters will end their grievances." Chen Jiu interrupted Chen Runxuan's words. One sentence of canary really makes Chen Jiu feel chilling.

Originally, Chen Jiu didn't really want to ask the guilt, but just made an appearance to clean up the traces, but he did not expect to hear such a sentence. (To be continued)



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