Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 413 Chapter 410 Sharing Secrets

The train announcement was announcing the outside temperature. Gaofeng City was colder than Peicheng. A group of strong cold air happened to hit the mountain here. The temperature in the entire city dropped ten degrees overnight and was already below freezing. This kind of weather is rare in history, and low temperature warnings were issued throughout the city. For first-class passengers, the service they can get is that they can buy cold-proof down jackets before getting off the bus.

Zhuang Xuteng also bought one. The price of two hundred and twenty euros was indeed a bit expensive, but he had no intention of using his body to fight the cold air. Who told him to walk in a little hurry and not pay more attention to the weather changes? These two hundred and twenty euros are a lesson.

"Fortunately, we met when we were traveling and we were able to buy some clothes. If it had been during the mission, I'm afraid something big would have happened." Zhuang Xuteng stepped off the train. The cold wind blew from the side and he tried hard to search for every crevice in his clothes. , drill in hard. This time the cold air has completely tamed the previous moisture flow, and the wind seems to have been covered in frost and snow. Zhuang Xuteng shuddered, immediately tightened his collar, lowered the brim of his hat, and walked quickly towards the underground passage out of the station along with the crowd.

"This weather is so cold and wet, it's so uncomfortable."

Everyone's evaluation of the weather was similar. Everyone was walking in a hurry, wanting to hide indoors in the warmth as soon as possible. Zhuang Xuteng wanted to complete the work here as soon as possible, so he used the method of exchanging money for services. He rented a new gasoline car at double the price and drove into the cold wind.

He had already memorized the map of Summit City in his mind. The weather was bad. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not take shortcuts and only took the wide and good roads. Through the car glass, what he saw was a relatively declining city. The lights and advertisements on both sides of the road, the state of maintenance of the buildings, and the clothing and equipment of pedestrians on the road all looked worse than those in Peicheng. Between two blocks, he also saw a row of homeless tents. There were still living dead people lingering in the tents with firelight. Those dark tents themselves were like tombs.

No one cares about these people outside. Zhuang Xuteng frowned. He hated this scene, but he had no power to change him. Just as he stopped and waited for the traffic light, two children rushed up and wiped the car glass with a wet rag. When the temperature has dropped below zero, and you still use a wet rag, do these children not want their own hands?

His first reaction was to roll down the car window and give them his coat. Anyway, there was heating in the car, and he would soon be arriving at the hotel where he would stay, where there would be enough warmth. But he thought of Peicheng, where there were cases of robberies committed while rolling down the car windows. This kind of thing won't hurt Zhuang Xuteng, but it will make him feel sick. To avoid making himself sick, he just rolled down a crack and threw a few euros out.

Unfortunately, the two children picked up the euros and did not leave. They didn't even have time to express their gratitude to Zhuang Xuteng, so they went to wipe the glass of the next car. Zhuang Xuteng followed the child's gaze and saw several men smoking standing at a sheltered corner on the roadside. They were wearing thick coats with bulging bags under them that were most likely weapons. That was supposed to be the kid's controller, and nine times out of ten it was a local gang. While they were waiting for the children to ask for money, they were also waiting for the children to block the car window with their bodies so that they could rush over and rob them.

"Alas..." Zhuang Xuteng sighed and shook his head slowly. It was the right thing to do not put down the glass and save yourself a battle.

The uneven situation on the roadside did not improve until he entered Beishan District. At least he saw the flashing red and blue lights of the local police patrol car. The tents and glass-cleaning children on the roadside disappeared, and there were more men and women wearing cool clothes standing on the street. Holding hot drinks in hand, they struggled to fight against the cold weather and the icy world. Zhuang Xuteng maintained a high speed throughout the whole process, which earned them slightly disappointed expressions.

"I have always chosen the high road, why am I still like this..."

This is all because Zhuang Xuteng only knows geography and not history well. Gaofeng City has a longer history than Peicheng, and the "Dao" has been occupied for a longer time. In particular, the two urban areas in the flatlands have not only slowly deteriorated themselves, but have also been affected by the slums in the development areas. It is difficult to be regarded as "modern urban areas" anymore. People who are really familiar with the city usually choose the highways that circle the city and a few closed roads, where the scenery is at least better.

Zhuang Xuteng drove straight through Beicheng District without stopping, entering the High-tech Zone under the bright neon lights. He suddenly felt like he was back in the upper part of Peicheng. More high-rise buildings, more bright and bright windows, and more pedestrians wearing warm clothes. If this is modern civilization, then it only exists in the high-tech zone in Gaofeng City.

The car parked in front of the hotel. Zhuang Xuteng handed the keys to the parking attendant and asked him to find him at the front desk. He booked a room here for three days, which should be enough to complete the Lich Master's mission. After this driving tour, he disliked Summit City very much and just wanted to finish his work and leave early.

After paying the deposit and getting the room card, the parking attendant also brought the car keys. Zhuang Xuteng carries a box with him, which contains the equipment he used on this trip. Naturally, he cannot give it to a waiter who wants to earn tips by carrying luggage.

After freshening up a little in the room, picking up today's newspaper and reading for a while, and declining the special service offered to him over the phone, Zhuang Xuteng was ready to take action. He used disguise technology to change his face into a memorable one, then wrapped himself tightly, went down the fire escape, left the hotel, and walked for a block. On the way here, he noticed a barbecue steak restaurant on the street. The signboard said "Must Eat List XX in Summit City", and there were two public telephones in the corner of the lobby, and one person was using them at the time.

I ordered the classic barbecue recommended by the boss. It tasted really good, but Zhuang Xuteng’s main purpose was the phone call here. When he saw that both phones were empty and he was about to finish eating, he went there and dialed Hill Lee's mobile phone number. Ring four times, hang up, then dial again, ring twice, hang up. The third time he dialed, he would only wait three times.

On the third call, the call was connected. Hill Lee's voice was a little harsh and asked: "Who is on the other side? I have never seen this number!"

"This is the exam center. Are you ready for the exam?" Zhuang Xuteng said the code word.

"What exam center? You called the wrong number! You don't have to sell me, I'm always ready, no need! If you come to harass this number again, I will definitely make you regret it!" Hill Lee hung up the phone and said Raise your middle finger towards the microphone.

Zhuang Xuteng put down the public phone and the pen and paper with five euros, curled his lips, and returned to his seat to finish his dinner. He has already heard the code words, those four keywords "ready". Everything else is a cover, and whatever Hill Lee's circumstances may be, nothing she says will arouse suspicion.

"Just be ready." Zhuang Xuteng quickly finished the meal, left a tip and left the restaurant. He did not go far, but hid upstairs opposite the hotel, huddled at the corner of the roof, and watched from a high position.

If someone came to the public phone specifically or asked the hotel owner for surveillance video, it would mean that Hill Lee had betrayed the Lich Master and the entire operation would have to be cancelled. But there is another possibility: the first trap was set at the place where the items were taken, and after it failed there, Hill Lee would resort to the next best thing and collect information through tracking numbers.

Zhuang Xuteng has made preparations for both approaches.

The wind became weaker and weaker, the snow began to fall, and the pull of the two air masses of coldness and dampness finally came to a conclusion. Not long after, Zhuang Xuteng's body was covered with a thin layer of white snow, and he began to control his breathing more precisely to avoid exposing himself by exhaling white mist. Maintaining this state, Zhuang Xuteng stayed on the roof all night, and no suspicious target appeared.

Hill Lee has passed the first level, and the next step is to meet her. The things she prepared for the Lich Master were kept at home. The address was clear and Zhuang Xuteng could come to her door at any time. However, she has set up a lot of security protections at home, and the risk of breaking in is very high, so she has to make "preparations", that is, put down the protection.

Zhuang Xuteng stayed up all night, but he still wanted to continue taking action. After eating some high-calorie food to replenish his strength, using martial arts and necromancy to massage his muscles, and then throwing away the dead mice and replacing them with a new batch, Zhuang Xuteng basically recovered. Still wearing this disguise, he called a car and went straight to Hill Lee's residence in Nanshan District.

Now is the most dangerous time in the entire operation. Zhuang Xuteng cannot be sure whether there are traps ahead. From the moment he got off the car, he entered a state of stealth investigation, first checking the outer environment bit by bit, and then gradually moving towards the inner circle.

He was not in a hurry at all. He pushed about halfway through and made sure he found a safe place. He took a rest first. After you have slept enough, eat some compressed food to replenish your body, and then continue to check. It can be said that he got in inch by inch, exercising caution to the extreme.

The next night, he sneaked into Hill Lee's home, lurking in the shadows, and secretly observed her. Because his sneaking skills were so good, Hill Lee never noticed him. Through observation, Zhuang Xuteng found that Hill Li had been very nervous and showed signs of fatigue. He should be under both physical and mental pressure. At first, he suspected that this was a guilty conscience, but after more careful observation, he found that this was just normal uneasiness, not something lurking in his heart.

So Zhuang Xuteng decided to show up. At dawn, Hill Lee was woken up by the alarm clock and got up to wash up. When he passed by the living room, he saw a stranger sitting on the sofa. She was startled, quickly dodged back, pulled out the gun from the bedroom and put it on. A normal person would have shouted for help at this time, but Hill Lee lowered her voice and asked, "Who are you?" as if she was afraid that others would hear.

"Master Lich asked me to come here." Zhuang Xuteng said, "I talked to you on the phone."

"How many dentures does Master have?"

"Not a single tooth." Zhuang Xuteng answered according to the agreed code. "Do you have any other questions? If not, give me the things so that I can go back and recover."

Hill Lee walked out. She wore an extra nightgown than before to cover her previously exposed beauty. "How long have you been here?" She frowned slightly and looked Zhuang Xuteng up and down, her eyes seeming to be disappointed with Zhuang Xuteng. "Are you a voyeur?"

"This has nothing to do with what I am going to do today. But I can tell you something: if I want to kill you, you are already dead now, so don't bother hiding the shadow guns on your body. You have no chance to use them." Zhuang Xuteng He pointed at Hill's chest and between the legs, and then said: "In addition, your level of installing implants seems not high. I suggest you don't try me out, as it will affect my mood."

"Cold and ruthless, what a boring man." Hill Li knew that she had a good figure and appearance. Although she didn't like others to take advantage of her, she did not hesitate to use her advantages. "The things are downstairs. You can only get there through the fire stairs. It's cold outside now. Do you want me to wear some clothes?"

"Wear it!" Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said, "When we meet for the first time, I know you will have a lot of questions, so you don't need to be so restrained. Just ask whatever you want, and I will answer you the one I can answer."

"So good?" Hill's eyes lit up, then he frowned and said to himself: "You know very well... Master Lich should have many servants, right? Are you the one who runs errands and collects things for Master Lich?"

"I don't know how many there are in total, but I know you are one of them." Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly, and he felt that he was one of them. "I don't specialize in running errands. My specialty is killing people."

"I can see it... You make me feel very scary, and the threat is even more powerful than the Pioneer of the Pioneer Team."

The development team is an elite working group sent by the company to the film world. It generally consists of environmental engineers, security teams, exploration and research teams, survival experts and other world culture research specialists. The number of people is variable, mainly depending on the distance into the film world and the planned activities. Work.

Hill Lee is a "different world culture research specialist", and her main expertise lies in language. The Lich Master explained to her the Universal Language of Spell Symbols, which is mostly used in landmarks, maps, and unencrypted historical documents. Relying on her language advantage, Hill Li was promoted quickly. She was no longer the pretty warehouse manager who was bullied by others, but became a junior middle-level employee of Dingxin Magic. As for the death of her original boss, it was also deemed an accident and was not traced back to Hill Lee at all.

"I know that the Lich Master must have a close relationship with the Shadow Realm, and is very likely to be the last survivor of the Shadow Realm. I have repeatedly advised it not to appear. The company is very powerful and will definitely capture it for research. It's a pity... ..." Hill Li sighed and said: "It thinks very highly of itself, looks down on nothing, and doesn't care about my warning at all. I have no choice but to listen to it and find the best things for it."

"Well, as long as you can complete the deal." Zhuang Xuteng nodded. The Lich Master was his biggest secret, and talking to Hill Lee could release some of the pressure from keeping the secret for so long. "I know that Master Lich taught you things so that you can develop in the company. I envy you very much. I am a pure tool person and have learned nothing."

"Ah? Then you have to perform well and at least learn something! Master Lich can teach you just a little bit, which is enough for you to improve and develop!" Hill Lee patted his chest and said: "I am an example. In the past I'm just a little secretary, not important at all. Anyone can bully and abandon me. It's different now, I can use a lot of resources, and anyone who wants to bully me has to think carefully."

"Just weighing and weighing? What if I still bully you after weighing and weighing?"

"Continue to improve myself, what else can I do?" Hill Lee said: "I don't want to have a belly full of implants... My physique has no chance of combat effectiveness, so I can only keep climbing up in the civilian career. However, The Lich Master said that if I behave well, he will send someone to teach me the advanced shadow follower spell. That person is not you, right?"

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head and said sincerely: "I also want to learn shadow magic, but it's a pity..."

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