Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 414 Chapter 411 Don’t chase me

The Lich Master asked Hill Lee to collect some small objects from the shadow world that did not respond to the shadow energy. Most of them looked like jewelry. It specializes in several designs, such as a necklace engraved with a "water droplets surrounding a skull" emblem.

"If I were to search the Shadow Realm myself, it would be almost impossible to find these things. The environment there is harsh, full of dangers, and most of it is primitive jungles and ruins. It is simply a hell to find things." Hill Lee unlocked the trap and used his own hands He took out the box and opened it, pointing to the contents inside and said: "These are basically from the scrap warehouse. I don't know if they can satisfy the Lich Master."

In front of Zhuang Xuteng was a suitcase full of "baubles", half of which were rings, necklaces, and earrings, and the rest were handicrafts such as small cups and bottles. There were hundreds of them. These things are wrapped in fluffy thin strips of paper scrunched up, hiding each other, and it will be very difficult to rummage and inventory. However, they also received enough cushioning, so they could carry the box and walk directly.

"I didn't expect there to be so many..." Zhuang Xuteng said truthfully: "Did you get it from the company warehouse?"

"Yes, but the accurate statement was obtained from the temporary storage of waste in the classification and storage department of the Pioneer Research Center." Hill Lee casually pulled a few handfuls in the box and said: "These are not valuable and of no use. Many people come to choose souvenirs. I just choose more."

"Are these all gems?" Zhuang Xuteng picked up a necklace and pointed at the ruby ​​the size of a fingernail in the middle and said, "Are the employees of the company so rich? Can they just take this?"

"The environment of the Shadow Realm has an erosive effect on the items there. The more pure things are needed, the more obvious the erosion effect. These are indeed gems, at least they used to be. But after the Shadow Realm erodes, if you use them to test them, they will all Tell you this is counterfeit, worthless glass.”

"Uh... I don't quite understand. How can a gem turn into glass?"

"Don't tell me that I don't understand, neither do the people in the research center." Hill Lee leaned against the wall, folding his arms in front of his chest, not caring at all that his long legs were exposed outside his pajamas. She secretly paid attention to Zhuang Xuteng's eyes to see if he would be attracted to her long legs. She is very confident in her physical condition, and there are almost no men who can turn a blind eye.

Zhuang Xuteng sighed and gave him a reluctant look, showing that he was in line with Hill Li's concept of a "normal man". In fact, he kept opening the Wraith Jelly and had everything around him under control. Not to mention peeking, he has collected all the tactile information of the surrounding environment. In other words, he has "touched everything" and there is no surprise at all due to visual changes.

"Put the things you don't understand in the scrap warehouse?" Zhuang Xuteng shifted his gaze back to the box, and then took a few casual glances. He used Wraith Jelly to track the changes in Hill Lee's expression. Judging from her appearance, he should have lowered his guard again. "Is there something you haven't finished saying?"

"The principle of shadow erosion is still unknown, but the method to prevent erosion is already there, and that is human activity." Hill Li shook her upper body, and Zhuang Xuteng just looked away and "didn't see it" at all. She turned over Rolling his eyes, he then said: "The erosion of the Shadow Realm is the same phenomenon as the semi-desertification of our wild environment. Only by building more and larger settlements can we stabilize it. If we don't develop well here, we may end up with Same as the Shadow Realm.”

"Don't kid me. Can semi-desertification and gems turning into glass be the same thing?" Zhuang Xuteng shook his head, expressing disbelief.

"If you are interested in studying this direction, I can recommend you to go to the research center. If you don't want to go, then I have to say: These are things that smart people worry about. What does ordinary people like you and me have to do with it? It's better to think more. I want to serve the Lich Master well and get more good things from it."

"That's right!" Zhuang Xuteng nodded. He had finished checking the box and confirmed that there was no shadow tracking device inside. "Okay, I'll take my things and leave. Do you have anything else to explain?"

"No more. Except that I want to dream of the Lich Master as soon as possible and ask him to finish the last part of Common Language." Hill Lee took out a pack of cigarettes from his pajamas pocket, took out a long and thin one, and hit Snap your fingers to create a flame and ignite it. She took a slow drag, exhaled it forcefully, then brushed her hair with the hand holding the cigarette, and asked Zhuang Xuteng sideways, "Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

"Well, I don't like the smell of cigarettes." Zhuang Xuteng forced a perfunctory smile and then lifted the box. He pointed to the window and said, "Should we leave through the fire stairs?"

"Yes, let's go, let's go!" Hill Lee threw the cigarette butt on the ground angrily and crushed it with his slippers. "Hurry up, don't delay running errands for the master!"

"As you wish." Zhuang Xuteng nodded with a smile, carrying the box in one hand, and walked across the window to the fire escape outside. Before he could start going downstairs, three gray station wagons and more than a dozen motorcycles gathered from three different directions and stopped at the apartment downstairs. Dozens of people armed with weapons began to charge into the building. An equal number of people formed a circle around the building.

"Did you arrange an ambush for me?" Zhuang Xuteng turned around and asked.

Hill Lee also heard the commotion downstairs, frowned and leaned out to take a look, and said, "It looks like a local gang. What are they doing here? This apartment has never been harassed by gangs."

"It seems you were deceived by the advertisement." Zhuang Xuteng watched and listened, confirming that there were indeed gang members below. "You are a company employee, how would you deal with this kind of thing?"

"I should call the security department immediately and they will send an emergency team to take me away." Hill Lee frowned and said, "You must disappear within five minutes, otherwise you will be discovered by the emergency team. I also Go back upstairs immediately, I only have one registered address here."

"Okay, you can call us now. We'll see you again later." Zhuang Xuteng opened his coat first, hooked the box with the lining hook, and fixed it to his belt. Then, he grabbed the railing of the fire stairway, pushed his legs against the wall, and jumped out. He glided across a six-lane street in the air, and then landed on the wall on the other side like a bat. He crawled into the shadows like a gecko swimming on the wall, and soon disappeared.

Hill Li was stunned. Fortunately, she was following the pioneering team and had already seen the abilities of powerful people with implants, so she would not scream in fear. She just didn't expect Zhuang Xuteng to have such amazing skills.

"It's pretty awesome..." Hill Lee shook his head and walked up the fire stairs back to his room. As she walked, she made a phone call and asked the security department of Dingxin Magic to send someone over. She no longer cared about Zhuang Xuteng lurking at the door of her house, with a knife almost held to her neck. She thought it was normal for people with such abilities to do things corresponding to their abilities.

"What kind of people has Master Lich snareed? I don't know how long I can be used."

Zhuang Xuteng certainly couldn't hear Hill Li's sigh, he was worrying about another thing. Just when he used the levitation technique to leave the besieged apartment, he felt that he was being watched, and the person who was watching him followed him all the way. Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to get into unnecessary entanglements with him, so he used the floating technique many times to jump between buildings, twisting and turning in an attempt to get rid of his tail. Unfortunately, he only felt his tail flicking off briefly a few times. After ten seconds, the feeling of being watched would catch up with him again.

Weird, how did this happen? Zhuang Xuteng has been thinking of ways to get rid of tracking. The best way is to drill into the sewer and pass through the steam pipe well. This can limit the tracking options, either give up, or follow him down and be directly discovered by him. But he thought about it for a while and gave up on this method: firstly, he was not familiar with the sewer system of Summit City, and he just memorized the map, so he didn't know whether they had been repaired or changed; secondly, the box he was carrying was extra bulky, which affected his ability to pass through. Sex, not suitable for drilling holes.

So the next best thing can be done, which is to enter the tunnel. Zhuang Xuteng jumped from the wall, landed lightly and accurately on the roof of a truck, and followed it into the mountain tunnel. He turned back and stared behind him, focusing his shadowy eyes, and finally found what was following him.

It was a basketball with wings - Zhuang Xuteng's first impression was so weird. Because they were more than forty meters apart, the opponent was flying faster and knew how to hide his body in the traffic. Within the fleeting observation area, Zhuang Xuteng could only see something the size of a basketball, which was maintained by a pair of flapping flesh wings. Flying, swooping down from the sky, chasing into the tunnel.

"What weird thing? A small tracking aircraft?" Zhuang Xuteng sat cross-legged on the roof of the car, scratching his head. "The gangs in Summit City are so advanced! There is such a thing. Have they regarded me as a target in the apartment building? Tsk, tsk, that's really unlucky. How can I get rid of it in a while?"

I had already tried conventional ways of getting rid of tracking, such as sneaking and turning quickly, but I didn't expect that thing to be able to catch up. Combined with the phenomenon that it was briefly thrown away from surveillance, but it could still be found, Zhuang Xuteng believed that in addition to visual, auditory, and shadow energy responses, it might also have the ability to track by smell.

If you want to disable olfactory tracking, the best way is to enter an area with strong smell and strong stimulation to cover up the original olfactory information and make the tracker lose the target. Zhuang Xuteng sniffed himself. All his senses were enhanced by super computing martial arts, and his sense of smell was more sensitive than normal people. He smelled a guy who hadn't showered in three days. He still had all kinds of strange smell information on him while lurking, so he was indeed easy to track.

"Are there any areas with strong smells around?" Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while, and he thought of Peihe. One and a half kilometers south from the tunnel exit is the river channel where Peihe leaves the mountains and enters the plains. If you wash yourself in the river and leave at a different location, there will be no smell problem. "Besides this method, you can also..."

Another way is of course to kill the tracker directly! Zhuang Xuteng sat cross-legged and rested for a moment. The moment the truck exited the tunnel, he jumped upwards. He used the levitation technique to turn in the air and landed on the hillside above the tunnel entrance. He stayed here, waiting for the tracker to come out. As long as that thing doesn't give up tracking, this is its only exit.

Entering, I feel closer and closer. Zhuang Xuteng opened the resentful spirit jelly and secretly locked on the approaching tracker. At this time, he frowned because he could already "touch" the shape of the thing, and that thing...

The moment the flesh-winged basketball flew into the air, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly took action and caught it in the air! "Why is it really like this?" Zhuang Xuteng looked at the thing in his hand - it could hardly be described as a thing, more like a spliced ​​baby.

Overall, it looks like a doll that has been taken apart, stuffed with various instruments, and then sewn back together. The only problem is that this doll was made by a living person, probably only a baby about two hundred days old. It has a brain with implanted chips, its eyes, nose, and ears have all been replaced by implants, and most of the organs in its body have been replaced. The muscles in its arms and legs atrophied, replaced by a mechanical hook on its abdomen, like a one-legged bird. When it was caught by Zhuang Xuteng, it attacked with its hook claws and slapped fiercely with its fleshy wings.

Zhuang Xuteng held its neck tightly, blocking the attack with his other hand, taking advantage of the opportunity to break its wings, controlling its claws, and making all its attacks ineffective.

"What is this?" Zhuang Xuteng focused his magic power on the Eye of Shadow to enhance the observation effect. He found that this tracker had the same technical style as the Purple Man. The crown-of-thorns structure on its head was a communication control antenna. "Are you a zombie puppet too? Who is commanding you?"

Zhuang Xuteng's question is destined to remain unanswered. When it was determined that the struggle was fruitless, the self-destruction device began to activate. Zhuang Xuteng captured the sudden increase in the shadow energy change, and also noticed the increasing vibration in the little thing's body through his palms. He immediately threw the aircraft down into the tunnel and then clung to the hillside to avoid it.

"Boom!" The explosive power of the aircraft is about the same as a grenade. Judging from the dazzling white light it emits and the smoke and molten state it continues to burn, it also contains thermite additives that Zhuang Xuteng is familiar with. Under the high temperature, all evidence of its existence was destroyed.

The impact, smoke, heat and flash produced by the explosion were all blocked by the tunnel, leaving Zhuang Xuteng unscathed. He took one look at the scene, and the image generated in his mind already contained enough information that he had no reason to stay here. He immediately ran to Peihe as fast as he could, dived and snorkeled, and exchanged the life of the mouse for more survival time. Then he left the river and cleaned up his equipment.

He believes that investigators will definitely go to the tunnel to check in the future, the tracker will definitely continue to work, and his appearance information will definitely be transmitted to the controller before self-destruction. However, he has been using the disguised face and voice, and his original appearance and voice information have not been exposed. He took off his disguise, took off his wet clothes, and burned them, along with the dead rat, with fire from the palm of his hand.

The second fire was the box he left for Hill Lee. The Lich Master wants only one of these, and the rest is a burden. After Zhuang Xuteng destroyed these things, he spread the ashes into the Pei River and quickly left the scene. His activities in Summit City were over, and he would have to figure out why he was being targeted.

As for who is being targeted, that doesn't matter. Only companies, not gangs, the military, or other mercenaries, have the technical ability to build that kind of tracker. Since Hill Li worked for Dingxin Group, Dingxin Group temporarily became Zhuang Xuteng's primary suspect.

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