Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 524 Chapter 521 Two Half

It is unimaginable in today's society to privately own the Shadow Realm Channel, and companies will not let "their exclusive rights" be stolen by others. Influenced by the Lich Master, Zhuang Xuteng was curious about the Shadow Realm and had always wanted to visit the Lich Master's hometown. He even wanted to use the Lich Master's help to pass through the so-called Wall of Sighs and surpass the entire progress of the company's exploration team in one fell swoop.

However, what happened to Dr. Booker sounded the alarm for him. He must figure out what the doctor was contaminated with, what kind of equipment or skills the company used to discover it, and whether this discovery mechanism exists around him. Only after completing these preparations can he go to the Shadow Realm with confidence.

Dr. Bukele had no answers to these questions. He had deduced the idea that he was caught with something contaminated from a few words of the interrogator. There were company spies monitoring the matter, and it was only when he saw that guy appearing among the interrogators that he suddenly realized it.

In Zhuang Xuteng's address book, there is a confirmed member of the company's film exploration team: Hill Lee. The last meeting with her went well, but she was from the company after all, and it was very dangerous to ask her this question. Even if she didn't betray Zhuang Xuteng before, it doesn't mean she won't betray him next time, or never.

"Perhaps only the Lich Master can restrain her." Zhuang Xuteng thought to himself.

On the other hand, the "folk method" of finding the passage to the shadow world combines shadow technology, modern chemistry, engineering, and the magic of the Annihilation Dynasty. This combination made Zhuang Xuteng immediately think of Safety Blue. Safety Blue is also a combination of technology and magic. The only difference between the two is the magic: one is the magic of the old era, and the other is the magic of the Annihilation Dynasty.

The Dynasty of Annihilation is what this world calls the world of Master Lich. If you want to discuss the spells of the Annihilation Dynasty, it is best to go directly to the Lich Master. Zhuang Xuteng remembered the contents of the note firmly, and began to meditate after returning home, and soon he projected himself into the stone pillar hall.

The scenery here has remained unchanged for thousands of years, but the Lich Master has become two. Two identical skeletons stood upright under the steps of the throne, motionless, glaring at Zhuang Xuteng with two pairs of black eye sockets.

"Can a skeleton still have mitosis?" Zhuang Xuteng smiled and waved his hand. His joke obviously didn't work, and the Lich Master ignored him. "I understand, do you want me to tell which one is real?"

The two skeletons nodded together - they deliberately didn't speak, and it was possible that their voices were the fault. Zhuang Xuteng smiled and shrugged, walked around the two skeletons, walked up the steps step by step, turned around gracefully, and was about to shove his butt on the throne. At this moment, another Lich Master appeared on the throne. He blocked the path of Zhuang Xuteng's butt with his skull middle finger, preparing to pierce it.

Zhuang Xuteng snorted and stopped moving, just out of reach of the finger. "It really happened. I... Ouch! You really stabbed me! Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and hid..."

"How do you see through advanced invisibility?" Master Lich put his hands on the armrests of the throne, making it clear that he did not want to share the throne with others.

Zhuang Xuteng didn't need to answer this question at all. He pointed at Master Lich's hands and already told him the answer. "Those two skeletons look alike! Why did you make that thing?"

"Those are my clones. As long as conditions permit, I can use them to go out and have a look." Master Lich said: "Although I ask you to help me find bone fragments, your progress is too slow. I will not be idle. I didn’t do anything, so I had to push forward the work by myself. The two clones you see were made by me using the thief’s corpse.”

"The body of a thief?" Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked, "What have you done?"

"My corpse fragments are used by some people as souvenirs, and some are used as amulets or superstitious objects. Their ignorance shocks me, but their shamelessness in not wanting to return them to their original owners makes me very satisfied." Lich Master pointed out Looking at the rolling mist on the ground, he said: "I sent them here. The shameless ones accompany me with death and corpses. Those who are willing to let go, I let them go back without pain or memory."

Zhuang Xuteng sighed and said, "You killed someone here, and I didn't know about it."

"so what?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm not your friend, nor the victim's, so I can't meddle in other people's business. But I want to make a point: You are in my body, so killing someone won't have any impact on me, right?"

"The death of a few people here has no effect on you, it just uses some of your mana." Master Lich said: "I have misappropriated some of the mana you cultivated, and the same is true for the shadow energy. These misappropriations have caused you The lack of mana constantly urges you to keep working hard, like a kind of weight training.”

"Just use it. This is what we agreed a long time ago. I have never gone back on it. In all the mercenary operations, I have definitely killed people who deserved death. Therefore, I have no reason, no position, and no qualification to treat you." Preaching. As long as we don't have a bad influence on each other, there's no need to interfere in each other's affairs, right?"

The Lich Master nodded and said, "I heard something in your words... What happened? Are you in trouble?"

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine. It's just that I recently got a strange thing, which contains some of the spells that are said to be from the Nirvana Divine Dynasty. The Nirvana Divine Dynasty is what we call it here, but it's actually..."

"...It's actually my hometown - I understand what the Divine Dynasty of Nirvana is. Unfortunately, such a name is all wrong. We are neither Nirvana, nor have we ever had a Divine Dynasty. Remember our true calling: Chaofeng The Second Arcane Kingdom.”

Zhuang Xuteng recited it three times and wrote down the name carefully.

The Lich Master waved his hand upon seeing this, as if he regretted bringing up the name. He said: "The name is not easy to remember. It changes every one hundred years and changes with the leaders of the Mage Association. I have had six kingdoms, which means I have been in power for six hundred years. Please tell me about your affairs first! Do you want me to see the magic of the Annihilation Dynasty?"

"Yes, I have this idea." Zhuang Xuteng said: "The news I received said that this spell is related to the shadow world passage. If we can figure out what is going on, it is possible to open the shadow world passage and enter the shadow world secretly. Eh. , are you not excited at all? Now that you can go home, can’t you cause some mood swings? "

"I know what kind of emotional reaction I should have, but this 'knowing' is based on my thinking, and my thinking tells me one thing: what you say may not be reliable." The Lich Master sat firmly. In the throne, he drew a circle in the air with one hand and said at the same time: "It's great to be able to go back. It means that I can mobilize my mana to complete work that cannot be done here. But I still need a body, and this has not changed. Directly changing the body means that I have to strengthen it again, and it will take at least a few hundred years to build it..."

Zhuang Xuteng shrugged his shoulders, turned around gracefully, and said, "Since you have no interest, then I will..."

"I never said I was not interested, you can't just slander..."

The turn continued from 180 degrees until it completed a full circle - Zhuang Xuteng's original turning force was such a complete circle. He knew that Master Lich would definitely seize this opportunity. Zhuang Xuteng stretched out his hand and said, "Can you make me paper and pen? Everything is in my head."

"Since you have memorized everything, there is no need for pen and paper. You have your own pillar of wisdom. Put your hand on it and think about it, and it will show your knowledge." Master Lich immediately stood up, as if he was afraid of Zhuang Xuteng As if he had changed his mind, he immediately took him to Shizhu.

Zhuang Xuteng placed his hand on the stone pillar, and recalled Dr. Booker's records in his brain, and presented them to Master Lich. In order to avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments caused by omissions, Zhuang Xuteng provided complete records. The Booker version of the methods of searching, opening, controlling, hiding, closing, etc. of the Shadow Realm Channel appears exactly on the Wisdom Stone Pillar.

If skeletons could make expressions, then the Lich Master's face would be very exciting. He had seen the fantastic ideas of people in this world through supercomputing and dormant martial arts, and today he expanded his horizons again. Different cultures, customs and technical ideas have formed completely different ways of thinking and created completely different problem-solving methods.

For the Lich Master, what he saw could be described as "deviant" or "crazy", but after going through a bunch of crazy steps, the whole thing somehow made sense and could be explained. "The feeling this thing gives should I put the beginning is like knowing that you can get closer to your destination by turning right, but you have to turn left. After that, I added more noodles, more water, more water, more noodles, and did a lot Irrelevant things. After that, turn left, turn left, jump twice...and there you are."

"At the beginning, walking directly to the right seemed to be getting closer and closer, but in fact it was impossible to go - I know it very well." Master Lich concluded: "Zhuang Xuteng, the person who completed this research is either very lucky. If you are right, you may be a master."

"Uh... I'm not sure what kind of person he is. It could be a combination of both. You've seen Dr. Booker, too. It's just that he's using safety blue now, and his body and mind are on the verge of collapse, and his death is imminent. "

"He still hides this hand?" Master Lich clenched his fists and said, "I do underestimate him."

"Can you save him?"

Master Lich shook his head and said: "Necromantic spells cannot make other living people immortal. Everyone must use their own spells to obtain the effects that still exist after death. If I take action, I can only turn him into a wraith, and you That ghost is in a similar state.”

"What a pity. He is in pain now. If he can't hold on, I will give him a treat, which can be regarded as helping him." Zhuang Xuteng waved his hand and said: "Those are all things for later - this thing I gave you , do you understand?"

"I understand it, but I haven't mastered it yet. There are a lot of technologies from your world in it, and I need to slowly understand them. But the so-called spells of the Annihilation Dynasty are not difficult here. In fact, they are like this." The Lich Master came to the next door. Put your palms on the pillar, and the knowledge about magic will be reflected on the pillar, open and open for Zhuang Xuteng to see.

It was a spell that created illusory objects or imitated the effects of other spells, and was classified into the "Shadow·Creation·Conjuration" category. The creation of the spell is about borrowing and repaying. It is just borrowing now and paying back in the future, or I borrow and he pays back. Mixing this spell with shadow technology creates a relatively stable "borrow from this world, return to that world" effect.

The Lich Master slowly shook his head and said: "Bukele's idea is too shameless. It can basically be summed up as follows: eat yours, live yours, and use yours. You have to be willing and willing to do it, and I only need to Just smile at you.”

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head. He felt that the Lich Master was talking about gods in the history of this world. After the gods left, the mystery of the temple system also collapsed. For a period of time, the analysis of divine magic and the rule of gods was particularly popular. One of the theories is that the gods have not paid anything at all. The so-called divine power is just the use of the spiritual power generated by faith. This theory continued to develop and slowly became the basic management system of the republican government. After the corporate war, the consciousness of society became a company, and the channels and circulation channels of society became a constitutional government. The only thing that has not changed is ordinary people - who provided faith in the past and now provide labor force.

However, the gods have already left, and the evil of the company and the constitutional government has nothing to do with Master Lich, so Zhuang Xuteng did not bring up this topic. "What seems to be nonsense actually works in the end. It's not impossible for this kind of thing to happen. Master, do you think these things are real? Is it really valuable?"

"It's true and very valuable. It provides a solution to many problems that span the two worlds. A more vivid way of saying it is: it can improve the efficiency of spell conversion in the two worlds, and it also provides A new way of transformation. Put it this way, you should be able to understand its meaning."

"As long as it's valuable, it's not in vain." Zhuang Xuteng's smile exuded a philistine feeling. He snapped his fingers happily and said, "Can you briefly introduce what this thing is, so that I can take it and ask for a price."

"I can tell you, but I strongly object to you revealing this thing. Think about it, who are the people who run cross-world business? Under their management, who else has the courage and the ability to do cross-world operations? What about your ability? If you really want to sell this thing, irrelevant people will not bid, and relevant people will most likely be fake. As soon as you say it, you may end up like old man Bukele. You are the origin, I can teleport people here, but I can’t teleport you out.”

"I helped Bukele. He said this thing would be used to save my life."

The Lich Master paused for a moment and said: "This makes sense. If the company catches you, this thing is indeed of some value to them, and it may be worth your life. I also think that old man Bucker is not that kind of person. Idiot trying to exchange this thing for money. Well, this reason makes sense, I can tell you in detail, enough to enrich your life-buying negotiation strategy."

Zhuang Xuteng listened carefully, especially where magic was involved. After he listened to Master Lich, he planned to go to Dr. Booker and ask as many questions as he could. Wouldn't it be complete if the two sides came together to confirm each other?

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