Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 525 Chapter 522 Save the Bank

Due to the huge gap in knowledge accumulation, Zhuang Xuteng was unable to fully understand the Lich Master's explanations and could only memorize them by rote. Afterwards, he went to Dr. Bukele and asked him to study the part he didn't understand - about 70 percent.

Dr. Bukele listened carefully to Zhuang Xuteng's questions and then expressed disappointment in Zhuang Xuteng. "You must report the chips I gave you to those mysterious people behind you, and they gave you a preliminary analysis, right? With your own knowledge, it is impossible for you to ask these highly targeted and key questions. You lowered the value of the chips, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, the value of the chips has not changed: the people who rescued you will never interact with the company, and they will not continue to expand your research."

Dr. Bukele rolled his eyes at Zhuang Xuteng and said: "Whatever you say... Just understand in your heart that I can't control you, let alone the people you contact. Come, let me explain these issues to you. Just go back to being a sounding board."

Through Dr. Booker's explanation, Zhuang Xuteng probably understood another 30%. This does not mean that he has mastered all 60%, it just means that he knows what this part is talking about and what steps should be used to achieve it.

With this 60%, Zhuang Xuteng went to find the third smart person he knew: Morgana.

Those who can carry out research across disciplines are smart people - this is the simple idea of ​​Zhuang Xuteng, who cannot understand any subject. The safe blue that combines old magic and modern magic from technology, chemistry, pharmacy, biology and medicine. No one else can figure out how it works, but Morgana can take it apart and find out that it can be effective. the real core. Although her research ends here, with what Zhuang Xuteng provided her, maybe she can inspire new ideas!

Zhuang Xuteng could feel that Morgana had been in a bad mood recently due to the stagnation of research, and often had no response when called by her name. This state is actually not a big deal to ordinary people, but she belongs to PCPD and may encounter dangerous people at any time. If she reacts slowly or fails to respond, it is very likely to be life-threatening.

"This is something to cheer you up. I found the best researcher and got such a research material. It was mixed with chemistry, shadow technology and magic. Because he did it, I thought, maybe you Seeing how it’s done can give you some inspiration.”

Morgana came over in her bathrobe and dried her hair with a towel. She smells sweet, but has a stinky expression. "Did you steal this thing? You were not at home a few days ago. Did you go to disrupt social order again? Am I right?"

"I went to help others, and no one was harmed. This information is considered a tip I got, not stolen goods, so you can rest assured to read it!" Zhuang Xuteng took the towel, turned behind Morgana, and wiped her hair carefully He also warned: "However, this information is very sensitive and must be kept strictly confidential. It must not be spread out. It is related to the company, and its confidentiality level is enough to make people lose their heads."

"Is it so powerful?" Morgana became interested when she heard the confidentiality level. She picked up the document handwritten by Zhuang Xuteng and started to look at it. At first she held it with one hand, but soon it became both hands. Then she sat down solemnly at the desk, took out a few pieces of paper and started taking notes. Zhuang Xuteng controlled her reading speed based on her gaze, and once he found that she encountered some problems that he happened to understand, he would explain them to her in time.

Morgana put away her initially dismissive attitude, listened attentively to Zhuang Xuteng's explanation, and continued to use notes and calculations for her own interpretation and learning. After a while, she began to put forward her own opinions and had a heated discussion with Zhuang Xuteng.

Morgana has been very rebellious since she was a child, and a large part of her knowledge comes from witches. That is a group that is not accepted by the mainstream temple system and sometimes suffers suppression and harm. They cannot take the ordinary path, nor can they take the ordinary path. In other words, her style will never lack the "wild" and "evil" styles, so it is easy to understand Dr. Booker's overall idea of ​​using various easily available materials at hand to complete the project design.

Zhuang Xuteng, however, had no choice but to highlight a random thought. The knowledge (or skill) that has the greatest impact on Zhuang Xuteng's thinking system is super-calculation martial arts, which teaches him how to predict the opponent's actions and how to attack the enemy first from strange angles to gain an advantage. When discussing specific issues with Morgana, Zhuang Xuteng often tries to understand Morgana before understanding the problem, predicts her thinking, and then uncannily prepares answers from 60% of the known knowledge. .

His "answers" would not answer the question nine times out of ten, but they would give Morgana more or less hints each time. In fact, whether it is Dr. Booker or Master Lich, they all have a style of rigorous thinking, self-consistent system, echoing back and forth, and simplifying the complex. Only by using one part of the content to explain another part of the content is the correct way to solve the problem.

With Zhuang Xuteng's assistance, Morgana began to understand what the research on the "Shadow Realm Passage Radar" was all about. It can be said that it is very unique and cannot be analyzed by common sense at all. It first requires readers to throw away all critical thoughts, resist the urge to apply the theoretical system they are familiar with, first admit that it is right, and then use it to explain themselves, so that they can understand it.

If you go to Dr. Bukele with the question "How did you conceive this thing?" to find an answer, I'm afraid he won't be able to answer it. Dr. Bukele also started the research from hearsay, not fully understanding the significance of each step. The entire research did not come from experiments or any theory, but from his experience and flash of ideas. Asked about his theory, he could only answer his feelings, which is why he could only explain 30% of the content to Zhuang Xuteng - he himself didn't think this thing was research.

The saying "a blind cat encounters a dead mouse" is very appropriate, but it is a bit exaggerated. Dr. Booker does not rely solely on "accidents". A lifetime of diligent work has given him a vague idea of ​​where to go to find what he needs. s things.

"My dear, this thing you got is real. It is definitely not false information that was pieced together to deal with the problem. It is very complete and complete. It feels like a potion recipe that some witches accidentally obtained. It’s the same as magic spells or curse spells: if you insist on using the theory of divine magic to explain it, then it will never be explained, and it will be wrong no matter what... By the way, have you actually used this thing?"

"I heard that it was tested and it was very successful, but it also brought trouble: Shadow Realm Passage! The company will come looking for it!"

Morgana thought for a moment and nodded. "Once the Shadow Realm Passage is involved, the four major companies will immediately join forces. Previously, a family in the Temple Department happened to discover a Shadow Realm Passage, which was opened in a summer resort of their family. I originally thought that the land It's theirs, the house is theirs, this shadow world passage is theirs, right? As a result, within a year, the family disappeared, died, and disappeared. The house was auctioned by the constitutional government, and then transferred to the company In hand."

"Other temple families are also trying to fight for that land, but the company has unlimited funds to bid. Anyway, the money is still floating around in the company's bank." Morgana waved her hand and said: "I can probably guess now. Why did this thing fall into your hands, and you confidently said, "You didn't do anything bad" - you went to save people, right? This is your reward for heroically saving people!"

Well, the timing is wrong, but to briefly summarize Dr. Booker’s case, the theme is indeed about saving people. Zhuang Xuteng nodded, admitted, and then said: "I can't reveal the details of the mission, just know it. What I'm concerned about now is whether I can monetize this. For example, I want to visit the film world. I heard that people are making money everywhere there. Opportunity."

"You are already a billionaire. The benefits of making money from the shadow world are not commensurate with the risks. Moreover, we cannot complete this so-called shadow world channel radar now. There are just a lot of things missing in it. By the way, you still have to think about it. The radar has been completed and started successfully, but what should I do when I encounter the company’s development team at the entrance of the Shadow Realm Passage: Hello, I am a tourist and happened to be here. I am definitely not spying on anything..."

Zhuang Xuteng shook his head: "No one believes this reason."

"Yes, no one believes it! You'd better save it..." Morgana returned the piece of paper to Zhuang Xuteng, then lit the fireplace and said that she was going to destroy all the verification papers one by one.

"Just forget it?" Zhuang Xuteng sighed, raised his hand, and threw the paper with the method on it into the fire. For a moment, Morgana raised her hand as if to grab the piece of paper. Her hand stopped in mid-air, then she retracted it, and she said: "It's okay to burn it. It's dangerous enough for the two of us to get the safety blue, there's no need to involve the Shadow Realm Passage."

"Just think of it as an interesting couple life experience. I have poor academic performance, but I have wanted to try out what it would be like to be a scholar and do research since I was a child. Today is a dream come true." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the wall clock and said: "Unknowingly It has been more than ten hours, and Roubao has slept for two rounds, so we should go to bed and rest."

"You go to bed first, I have to think about it again. We are not doing radar research projects, but that thing is very inspiring to me. I want to sort out my thoughts now, and I don't want to go to bed."

"It's already three o'clock. Aren't you going to work today?"

"I'm going to take a leave right now." Morgana smiled and said, "Although I don't use it often, I still have privileges in the PCPD. You don't have to go to work if you don't want to, and no one can fire me."

"That's right, children of powerful people..." As soon as Zhuang Xuteng finished speaking, he quickly dodged Morgana's fist. But one is really dodging, and the other is just pretending to hit. Morgana doesn't like to be treated as a powerful person and hates being said so, but she can laugh at herself. Zhuang Xuteng knew this very well and just deliberately teased her. This was a joke that could only be used between husband and wife.

"Haha, the witch hit me empty-handed." Zhuang Xuteng changed his formal title and said: "I am happy to be able to help you this time, which also means I have made a lot of money. By the way, you have been in a bad mood recently, I It looks quite dangerous. I think it would be better for you to take a leave of absence and concentrate on the research on safety blue at home instead of half-heartedly."

Morgana lowered her head, adjusted her breathing and said, "If I quit the PCPD and come back to study Safety Blue, will you think I have failed?"

Zhuang Xuteng quickly sat down next to Morgana and said: "It's not a big defeat, but a small defeat does matter. PCPD makes you feel uncomfortable? Is someone bullying you? Who? I'll kill him!"

"Who do you want to kill!" Morgana pointed her finger at Zhuang Xuteng's forehead and said, "If you say this, do you mean that I, the detective, have this gang killer in my family?"

"The gang killer is not as powerful as me." Zhuang Xuteng shrugged, knowing that he had made the topic less serious. "What's wrong? Are you really shocked? Let me express my opinion first. As long as you don't dump me or find someone else, it doesn't matter whether you are a PCPD or not. I can support you! Don't say you quit, I quit too. Okay, we have enough money to spend."

Morgana caressed Zhuang Xuteng's face and said: "I'm a little discouraged about the safety blue thing. From Blue Savage, Blue Powder to Safety Blue, I've been checking for so many years, but I hit a wall. I've been in a bad mood recently because of this. At the same time, the PCPD also arranged some boring things for me, which wasted time. I was anxious and anxious, and I didn’t want to do it anymore.”

"It just happened that I was inspired again today, and I have ideas again, so I want to concentrate on research." Morgana said: "I suddenly remembered it and didn't think about it carefully, so I want to hear your opinion. "

Zhuang Xuteng thought about it carefully and said: "The PCPD platform is still useful when taking action, so I don't have to leave. Can you switch to a casual job to free up your energy? Let me think about it... you can say that you are pregnant, It would be inappropriate to go out on the streets again to perform duties.”

"Nonsense! How can you joke about such a thing?"

"I'm just giving you an example. Besides, this is a normal thing, just try hard." Zhuang Xuteng observed Morgana's expression, saw her brows spread and her eyes dodge slightly, and he knew she was fine. "Don't get hung up on temporary gains and losses. Let's do whatever is beneficial and use various reasonable methods to solve the difficulties. You think about it again, I'll take a shower, and then take the time to take a nap."

"I will go with you!"

Zhuang Xuteng pointed to Morgana's yukata and said, "You washed it after you came back... Oh, I understand, together, together!"

Lying to the PCPD is bad behavior, and both people must have a clear conscience "as much as possible". The two of them didn't officially get up until noon the next day. They both felt as if they had slept and not rested. Anyway, their muscles were quite tired.

Zhuang Xuteng filled the meat bun bowl with dried meat grains, then put the vengeful tentacles into the mouse cage and began to transfer muscle fatigue. Just as he was stretching his muscles to recover, his daily cell phone and work cell phone rang at the same time.

Both mobile phones showed blank numbers, so Zhuang Xuteng connected them both. The voice of Meteor came from inside, which was a pre-recorded voice that was continuously played in a loop: "Type three warning, bank robbers; type three warning, bank robbers..."

"It's broken, the music restaurant was attacked, something happened to Lucy!" Zhuang Xuteng immediately opened all the tentacles of the resentful spirit, and saw more than a dozen drawers and cabinets opened in the room, and then his combat equipment flew out one by one, They put it on him one after another.

Morgana was dumbfounded. Who is the witch and who knows magic? She shook her head vigorously to get herself back to the correct train of thought and said, "Ask Brother Dao and your teammates. Verify the information first, don't be anxious, you must not be anxious."

"Category three warnings refer to threats from gangs." Zhuang Xuteng said while getting dressed: "If there is any news from the PCPD, please check it for me!"

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