Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 542 Chapter 539 Haunted

"Can I go see the Wall of Sighs?" Zhuang Xuteng rubbed his hands, tilted his head, and said, "I can just look outside, not necessarily inside. I just want to know the wall of sighs that can make the company unable to do anything. What does the wall look like?”

The Lich Master thought for a moment and then agreed. "The company is conducting experiments everywhere outside my fence, and they may set up camps anywhere. In addition, I haven't been back for so many years, and I don't know their current distribution. Therefore, no matter what you see after teleporting there, don't be surprised, don't make any noise, and don't make any changes. .The invisibility ring cannot block sounds, nor can it prevent touches."

"Understood, I shut up. Uh, Master, will it be teleported into the wall?"

"No. The teleportation technique will not target the interior of a solid. It has been designed to be safe for this situation when it was developed. The worst case scenario is to teleport us into poisonous gas. In addition, unless we specify to teleport into the air , otherwise you will always remain grounded and never stand on lava.”

The safety design in every spell comes from lessons learned from tragic accidents. The blood and tears shed by predecessors - or experimental animals - cannot be shed in vain, and the safety and happiness of future generations are based on it.

Master Lich grabbed Zhuang Xuteng's arm. After the slight dizziness, the feeling of being grounded was reassuring. They were lucky that the company did not build a research base where they settled, nor did they hold meetings around them. However, a six-person research team was installing equipment thirty meters away. Judging from the sealed tent they were slowly erecting, this group of people had just arrived.

The Lich Master pointed his finger at the ground, drew a circle in the void, and then said: "I created a one-way soundproof cover. As long as you don't leave the circle, your voice will not be transmitted. Now you can speak."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded without saying a word, all his attention being attracted by the wall of sighs. Just fifty meters in front of the two people, a towering wall lay across the ruins of the building. It was precisely perpendicular to the ground and showed an arc shape when extending to the left and right. Zhuang Xuteng guessed that it was a cylindrical shape as a whole. The wall appears gray and black visually, and there seems to be rolling clouds on the surface. From time to time, some struggling, twisted faces with hideous and painful expressions appear. These human faces will make roaring and shouting expressions, but they can't make any sound. Just staring at them makes people feel terrified.

"Does this wall have a roof?" Zhuang Xuteng made a simple measurement with Kahuo's Eye and found that the wall is always vertical to the ground and extends to the end of the field of vision. "How high is it? Can't you fly over it?"

Master Lich shook his head and said: "The wall is extremely high. You can fly up one hundred thousand meters and still not be able to see the end of it. But its actual height is only ten thousand meters, which is also the projection diameter of the protective cover. This involves some I won’t go into detail about space magic.”

"Wow, that's amazing. This is the first time I've seen such a large spell. I read the records of the temple and found that the scale of the priest's divine spell is incomparable to the Wall of Sighs. You are so amazing!"

"Initially, this protective shield had a diameter of 20,000 meters, and it was gradually compressed to this extent." Master Lich said: "Look at the ruins around you, it is the city I lived in at that time. The city is named after me, and I At the same time, he is the eternal lord here."

This is the first time Zhuang Xuteng has seen ruins, and the ruins here are very strange. They are not broken and then eroded, but more like melted. The Lich Master said that this was the impact of the accident at that time. All things built with magic would become shadow followers, and would have characteristics such as undead, resentment, and decay. Due to their advanced magic, all town buildings use magic bricks, and the construction process also relies on magic.

After the "Day of Destruction", spell creations have two possibilities: melt them, or turn them into shadow objects. Most of the ones that can move in the soil and gather into mines are the lowest level shadow servants, which are used to make shadow servant batteries. These are basically the remains of buildings built with mana. The more advanced the mana items were in the past, the greater the possibility of converting them into mid-to-high-level shadow carriers. However, the top active shadows can only come from powerful souls, which are the former high mages and archmages.

"Basically there are almost no wreckage visible in other parts of the world, and traces of civilization's past existence are disappearing very quickly." The Lich Master said: "The outside of the Wall of Sighs is slightly better. Although it is still exposed, at least it has been avoided. The first wave with the strongest destructive power.”

Zhuang Xuteng said: "Dr. Booker's original job was to preserve the cultural relics of the Shadow Realm. Those things..."

"They are all handmade products and are hobbies. We do not rely on magic for everything. Some people like houses made of pure wood, mud, and thatch, and are also willing to use stone and wood carvings to create. Those things have no magic power, so they are preserved . However, many things will undergo some changes after being contaminated by the shadow energy. My energy is limited, and it is impossible to study everything."

It is destroyed quickly, and it is difficult to leave traces of civilization, but it rarely allows companies to take advantage. If this place was still the same as before, with mana bricks and magical artifacts everywhere, the four major companies would have gained a whole world's resources in vain. However, the company has indeed picked up a whole world of resources for free, and Ying Cong is the resource!

"Alas... the company is too greedy." Zhuang Xuteng felt this and said: "The shadow world passage does not need to be maintained by the company, and there is no need to move the place to open the mine... As long as someone who is not so greedy can get things from this world back, It’s enough for people in the world over there to live a good life.”

The Lich Master said: "That is a mess in your world...but your stone pillar should have the answer you need. The person who left those things for you actually knows the answer."

"It seems that I have to take a look at the sick lady's tattoo early. But, things come one by one." Zhuang Xuteng smiled, then pointed at the company's development team and asked: "What are they doing outside the Wall of Sighs?"

"I don't understand those shadow-slave devices. I only know that they will set up some machines to emit light and hit the Wall of Sighs. Sometimes they don't use light and replace it with drills. Sometimes they find living things and throw them at the wall."

"Wow, that doesn't feel advanced at all. Didn't they try to drill underground?"

"The barrier has the same effect downwards and upwards. They did try to dig tunnels, and even used large machines to dig downwards to form a huge mine. It's useless, they don't have space spells. Besides, even if they develop shadow spells Ended up with space spells and no chance of figuring out my spells.”

Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "Is the wall of sighs absolutely impenetrable?"

"That's not true. For example, I can walk in directly as if it doesn't exist." Master Lich said: "In the final analysis, it is just a spell. It cannot stop so many erosions in so many years. It can only be used once and for all." If it shrinks and shrinks, it will eventually be destroyed. It is actually easy to crack it. Just gather a large number of shadows and strengthen the erosion, and it will collapse. "

"But strengthening erosion will make it retreat, and the exposed things will be quickly destroyed by the erosion effect, which means you can't get anything." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and asked: "Isn't this still invincible? There can't be invincibility. Spells, right?”

Seeing that Zhuang Xuteng was a qualified apprentice, Master Lich finally said: "If you can cast a spell to stop time, this wall will not exist."

"You can also stop time, wow... it's amazing..." Zhuang Xuteng did not finish what he said. He frowned, looked at the pioneer team, and said: "Master Lich, the man in the red isolation suit just now seems to be He glanced at our side."

"I didn't pay attention." The Lich Master raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, then looked at his fingertips and said, "It seems like something is interfering with the spell."

"Be careful." Zhuang Xuteng took out the armor-breaking hammer, increased his concentration on super-computing martial arts, and said to the Lich Master at the same time: "I feel something is not right, how about we get out of here?"

"Okay." The Lich Master reached out to grab Zhuang Xuteng, preparing to take him with him to teleport, but Zhuang Xuteng suddenly waved his hand and used all the resentful spirit tentacles to push the Lich Master hard and push him out. At the same time, a red shadow appeared where the Lich Master originally stood. It swung down the luminous short blade in its hand, just cutting through the air.

Zhuang Xuteng has already entered the eighth flash. His movements are not as fast as the red figure, but his reaction speed has a great advantage. Just as the red shadow was waving in the air, Zhuang Xuteng swung his armor-breaking hammer and smashed it towards the red figure's body.

The red figure suddenly blurred, twisting and spinning in the air. It seemed to know the location of the Lich Master and was turning in that direction. Zhuang Xuteng swung the armor-breaking hammer, originally intended to hit the red shadow's body, but after it deformed, the relative positions of its limbs and body changed. This hammer only hit the red shadow's shoulder, and then penetrated through.

Only about one-third felt like it was being exerted, and the remaining two-thirds felt like it was hitting the air. Zhuang Xuteng was sure that the red figure in front of him was definitely not a complete entity, but rather looked like an enhanced version of the servant of the resentful spirit. With his attack, one of the red shadow's arms was completely shattered and quickly dissipated in the wind, while its glowing short-bladed weapon fell to the ground.

The light disappeared, leaving only a short hilt. Zhuang Xuteng had just ordered the Wraith Tentacle to pick it up when he noticed that the red figure had grown its arms again and turned to face him, ready to charge.

Zhuang Xuteng, who was in the eight-dodge state, noticed a problem: he could not directly perceive the red figure's intention. The super-computing martial arts skills of this guy were also greatly restricted due to his "incomplete entity" state. The ghost jelly is not accurate, and the judgment of human body movements cannot be used on this guy. Zhuang Xuteng's current state is only equivalent to 5 flashes, and at most 6 flashes, which is obviously unable to fight against the company's enhanced people.

The red figure suddenly accelerated, and Zhuang Xuteng already felt that he couldn't dodge. However, the Lich Master took action, and it dispersed the red figure with just a wave of his hand. It was a gray gust of wind, sweeping across the ground like the shock wave of a shell explosion. Zhuang Xuteng was blown away and managed to stand still with the help of the floating technique. The red figure disappeared faster than soap bubbles in a typhoon, and the handle of the short-blade knife happened to pass by and was caught in Zhuang Xuteng's hand.

Before he caught it, he was very happy - he picked up the company's things again. However, the next moment he realized that the invisibility ring could make him and the things he held disappear, but the change from "visible" to "invisible" would definitely be noticed by the company's enhancers.

In an instant, three enhanced people activated their implants and rushed towards him at the same time. Anyone who can touch him is an extremely serious threat. Fortunately, Zhuang Xuteng had a clear mind and moved immediately when he realized the problem. He was able to escape from the three people's trap. However, his protective suit was scratched by one of them and was immediately torn out, taking away some of the materials.

One of the company's enhanced personnel raised his hand, with a yellow protective suit hooked between his claws and fingers. "It's a company guy, he must be using an invisibility cloak!"

The best way to break an invisibility cloak is to sprinkle water on a large area, and you can find the invisible person by analyzing the changes in water droplets - but this only applies to situations where the site has been prepared in advance. Another common method that everyone knows is war shackles.

However, activating the war shackles means that everyone's protective clothing will stop working. Although these clothes have long been designed to have passive air tightness, that is, they can suffocate people to death after stopping filtration, but with the detection function offline, no one dares to bet on whether the air tightness is 100%. Once the war shackles are used, everyone must implement evacuation procedures and leave the Shadow Realm as soon as possible. But if the war shackles completely wipe out the communication system, they will be unable to call the helicopter, and it is very likely that they will not be able to leave in time...

At this time, more unique methods of anti-invisibility are needed. Accompanied by a shout of "I'm coming!", a two-meter-five-meter-tall giant from a little further away stepped on the ground hard, and at the same time, his palms suddenly merged in front of him, making two "boom" and "pop" sounds. Vibratory waves of force spread along the ground, and the sound waves of applause swept through the air. This guy actually uses his body as a shock wave radar, which is really unexpected.

Zhuang Xuteng didn't know whether the invisibility ring could protect him in this situation; he fought against four enhanced people from the company's development team by himself, but the result was obvious, that he would die. He didn't think about how to crack the shock wave radar at all, he just activated the driving assistance suit implant, kicked off the ground the moment he landed, used the levitation technique to make a turn, and moved close to the ground in the direction of the Lich Master.

Thanks to the levitation technique. The sound of him kicking on the ground was heard, and the flying dust and stones were also used as intelligence, so several enhancement people immediately calculated Zhuang Xuteng's original take-off direction. Two ghost energy bullets passed by each other, and they were only twenty centimeters away from Zhuang Xuteng's back. Zhuang Xuteng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He originally wanted to kick on the ground again, but in order to avoid being discovered again, he took one step less and could only roll and land next to the Lich Master.

Ghost energy bombs followed closely, mixed with dozens of fast-flying metal needles. Fortunately, Master Lich waved his right hand upwards, and by changing the spatial distribution, all these flying props turned upwards, protecting Zhuang Xuteng. At the same time, he grabbed Zhuang Xuteng's shoulder with his left hand and started teleporting.

At this moment, a company enhancer activated high-speed burst again, and rushed to Zhuang Xuteng's side at a speed far exceeding that of Cassandra, Isabel, and Colonel Taft. His speed and explosive power have exceeded the limit of the Lich Master's response, and with the teleportation spell being cast, there is really no way to change his moves. Although Zhuang Xuteng knew the opponent's intention and direction of movement in advance, his absolute speed couldn't keep up and he couldn't avoid it. He could only take a posture to prevent impact, and then hope that the Lich Master could teleport earlier.

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