Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 543 Chapter 540 Treatment

Until now, Master Lich's teleportation technique has been as easy as snapping his fingers and "pop" to a new place, which saves three-quarters of the time compared to Zhuang Xuteng's bone spear technique.

Only this time, the augmented warriors who rushed over were known for their extreme explosive speed. In this field, he is the strongest, or at least tied for the strongest. When Zhuang Xuteng took one less step and had to use roll buffering to slow down, the abnormal movement caused by his collision with the ground was discovered by the enhanced person. This guy stayed behind to keep charging and did not participate in the first charge. It was only then that he finally thought he had caught the enemy's true identity, so he rushed forward decisively.

Before the teleportation technique was completed, he bumped into Zhuang Xuteng.

At this time, Zhuang Xuteng took an anti-impact posture. First, the tentacles of the resentful spirit formed as much springs as buffers. The tentacles that could not be stretched would explode on their own to disperse the impact force. With the blessing of Eight Flashes, his limbs first contact the enemy, and then contract, providing acceleration for his main body, and by working hard to extend the viscosity time of the collision, thereby reducing the direct impact force. His Kaho armor jacket, bone shield and alloy frame are his last hope, the rest depends on luck.

Just like that, with half of Master Lich's left arm hanging on Zhuang Xuteng's shoulder, he flew out first.

He once suspected that he exceeded the speed of sound because his back hurt more than his hands and feet, which were the first to bear the impact. However, the pain in his hands, feet and back was nothing compared to the sadness of seeing the Lich Master teleport away. He knew that it was not the Lich Master's fault that he was not teleported away, it was just that this collision-type enhanced person was too powerful. However, it is unlikely that the Lich Master will teleport back immediately and catch himself flying towards the Wall of Sighs, right?

impossible? impossible……

In fact, the main reason for Zhuang Xuteng's back pain was not the sound barrier wall, but the life support system, which was the shadow slave backpack of the fully sealed environmental protection suit. It's completely dead weight and acts like a living wall when hit at high speeds. Zhuang Xuteng received the huge impact. His back directly smashed his backpack, and then he "broke out" from the protective suit. At the collision site, the sky was filled with yellow broken protective suit shells, as if a yellow balloon had exploded, or someone had set off paper fireworks.

As a blessing and a misfortune, the debris in the sky seriously affected the enhanced people's ability to analyze battlefield situations. They tried firing ghost energy bombs into the air, but failed to find Zhuang Xuteng's exact location. In order to cope with the impact, Zhuang Xuteng had exhausted all his mobility. At this moment, he had no energy left to use the floating technique. Therefore, he could only draw a standard arc under the influence of gravity and rush towards the Wall of Sighs at extremely high speeds.

"Pay attention to the Wall of Sighs, he will hit it!" Someone is already charging up. Once they notice the changes in the rolling gray fog and the ferocious human face on the wall, they will immediately rush forward to pursue it. But they waited for a while, but there was no change in the Wall of Sighs, there was no reaction from the ground nearby, and even the applause shock wave radar found nothing.

This is because Zhuang Xuteng passed through the Wall of Sighs without any hindrance, and he still did not land.

Being able to fly over was beyond Zhuang Xuteng's expectation, but now was not the time to think about the reason. There is a hill on this side of the Wall of Sighs. The Lich's mage tower towers on the top of the hill. His laboratories, libraries, storage rooms, classrooms, office and management places, residences and various living and commercial facilities are along the hill. Three roads are arranged together to form a large-scale urban area. What should this be called? Probably also a kind of CBD. But its real name is: a man-made obstacle that is about to be hit by Zhuang Xuteng, causing serious injury or even death.

I heard that the magic brick was very strong, comparable to steel, and Zhuang Xuteng didn't want to be killed on it.

He used the levitating technique to the extreme, first turning sideways to avoid the interception of the mage tower, and then trying to reverse the direction to the vertical ground, relying on gravity to slow down. After consuming a quarter of the mana in his body, he finally began to fly upwards. The next question was how to land.

The mage tower not far away is definitely the best choice. Landing on it and then slowly climbing down is definitely much better than falling directly. At this time, you can use the levitating spell, which consumes a lot of mana, and use the tentacles of the resentful spirit as a traction rope to save energy and be more efficient. But as soon as the tentacles of the resentful spirit came into contact with the mage tower, they were immediately attacked. A blood-red flame appeared out of nowhere and burned away the tentacles of the resentful spirit.

Uh, if you don't allow touching, don't let touch. Let's try another way. Zhuang Xuteng called the servant of the resentful spirit, unfolded it as much as possible, and used it as a parachute for himself. The impact of opening the umbrella shattered the Wraith Servant twice in a row, but the third time it was finally successful. Zhuang Xuteng began to slow down, and at the same time, he used the body changes of the resentful spirit servant to let the umbrella carry him around the mage tower, increasing the wind resistance on the face and consuming kinetic and potential energy.

Suddenly, Master Lich teleported to Zhuang Xuteng's side. With only one arm left, he let his body float in the air and tilted his head to observe Zhuang Xuteng.

"You really came in..." Master Lich said: "I received a warning message that the mage tower was attacked, and then it was transmitted in. How did you think of coming in?"

"I was knocked in! Master, can you put me on the ground first? The servant of the resentful spirit can't hold it anymore, and I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Xuteng said "Wow" and spurted out blood. The Lich Master immediately stretched out his remaining hand and teleported him back to the ground. At this time, blood rained down from the sky, ready to pour on their faces. The Lich looked up, fire erupted from his eye sockets, and the blood was burned away.

Zhuang Xuteng knelt on the ground, coughed twice, and vomited another mouthful of blood. The Lich Master looked at the blood stains spreading on the ground and felt that they had polluted his home, and he was unhappy. But in front of Zhuang Xuteng, he didn't want to reveal his absolute disgust towards outsiders, so he remained silent for the time being and did not burn off the blood stains.

"It hurts me so much. My internal organs are burning. I need to lie down for a while." Zhuang Xuteng slowly lay down, and the whole process of flattening his back was accompanied by a clicking sound. "There is no living thing to transfer the damage to me, so I can only recover slowly by myself."

"This is the shortcoming of necromancy, and the same goes for dormant martial arts." The Lich Master said: "There are no living creatures here, unless you want to go to the mining camp. There are mostly ordinary workers over there, and the environment is safer. Strange. , how did you get in, is it because of my hand?"

He pulled the severed hand from Zhuang Xuteng's shoulder and slapped it on his shoulder, so that the arm could be used again. Zhuang Xuteng looked down at himself and found that only broken pieces of the protective suit were left, with barely more than half remaining. Fortunately, the Shadow Condor Spear Ring and Armor Sundering Hammer that I picked up are still there and have not been lost outside.

"I don't know. After I was hit, all my strength was used to reduce the impact, and I didn't care about my body posture. I only know that my back must have hit the wall of sighs before my chest. As for my back and shoulders I don't know who got the severed hand first and who came last." Zhuang Xuteng lay down and adjusted his breathing while saying, "I don't even know the principle of the Wall of Sighs, and I never thought I could come here directly."

"Forget it if I don't know. You're probably lucky!" Master Lich said, but other thoughts were running through his heart.

It doesn’t matter whether the severed hand hits the wall of sighs first. This protective barrier is the highest technological product of his combination of necromancy, space magic and protective magic. Wouldn't it be a joke if he could pass through it with a part of his body? Don't talk about using your severed hand as a key. Even if he jumps in with the Lich Master in his arms, it will only be the Lich Master himself who comes in, and the grappler lies on the wall and is burned by necromancy.

Now there are two possibilities: there is something wrong with the Wall of Sighs, or the Wall of Sighs recognizes Zhuang Xuteng as himself.

The Lich Master waved and grabbed a skin bag from the air and handed it to Zhuang Xuteng. "It contains a healing potion. Theoretically it will not expire, but in fact no one has drunk the potion left a thousand years ago. I have no tongue and can't taste it, and this kind of healing spell is very difficult for me as a dead soul. It’s harmful. Drink it carefully and see how your body reacts before deciding how much to drink. I don’t have any living things here, so necromancy can’t cure you.”

Zhuang Xuteng sat up with his hands on his body and took the skin bag, saying that he would taste it slowly. Afterwards, the Lich Master snapped his fingers and disappeared. He teleported into the Mage Tower and began to check the condition of the protective barrier.

During the years since he left, the company's pioneering team tried various methods, including extremely violent methods, to try to break down the Wall of Sighs, but it remained strong. The three system powers of necromancy, protection, and space used by the Wall of Sighs decompose, demolish, and then absorb all violent parts. All violence will only promote death, and the spatial properties of the barrier itself give it an almost infinite carrying space, enough to resolve violence on a level that would destroy the world.

To unlock the barrier's protection, necromancy and space power are both indispensable. Over the long years, the eroding shadow energy is part of the undead, and they continue to gather from all directions, leaving no dead ends in space. This meets the conditions. Even so, by continuously grinding it with the power to destroy the whole world, half of its diameter was worn away.

"No problem, the barrier function is intact, it's just a little old." The Lich Master took back the spell and input mana into it to improve its condition and make its counterattack stronger. "Since there is no problem with the magic circle, the problem lies with Zhuang Xuteng. He... although he took away some intelligence from me, my soul cannot be cut, and he should not be recognized as me."

The Lich Master was puzzled, so he floated to the window and looked at Zhuang Xuteng below. At this time, Zhuang Xuteng sat obediently, sipping the healing potion in small sips, sticking out his tongue from time to time, and then muttering about the taste of the potion.

"Like a child." The Lich Master thought about it for a moment and understood what was going on. Being able to continue sipping means that the healing potion is still effective. As for the taste... it has been kept in a skin bag for a thousand years. There is indeed a magic to protect the skin from damage, and there is indeed no magic to prevent the odor from being transferred! That potion must smell like rotten leather, that's right.

Zhuang Xuteng just sat there, not walking around or even looking around, which made Master Lich feel good. He teleported back, stood next to Zhuang Xuteng, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"It's better. I can feel the changes in my body. This potion is really useful..." Zhuang Xuteng blinked and said boldly: "Master, you said this thing is harmful to you - do you have any extra? Why don't you give them all away? Me, okay?"

"You are thinking too much. Once these magic items are taken out, they will be immediately destroyed by the shadow servants and turn into resentment in your hands. I can't send you back directly, the furthest you can only go is to the edge of the shadow realm passage. Got it Right? I still have twenty servings over there. You can drink it if you want, but you definitely can’t take it with you, and it’s useless if you drink too much.”

"This works really well." Zhuang Xuteng scratched his head and said, "I major in necromancy, can I minor in healing spells?"

"No. If there is even a chance, can I? Since I didn't use healing spells directly on you, it means that the two cannot coexist. I know all those spells, but I can't cast them."

Zhuang Xuteng nodded, understanding that greed could not defeat the laws of nature. He rubbed his chest and felt much better than before. The long-term pain was not as good as the short-term pain. He directly pressed the skin bag and drank all the stale healing potion inside.

A warm feeling started to slide down from the throat, gathered in the stomach, and then spread to the limbs. The healing spell contained in this skin is not simple. It also has the functions of treating trauma, dispelling diseases, detoxifying and regenerating the body. Many people boast that this potion can "heal bones and the living dead." Master Lich has tried it himself and is sure that such comments are pure nonsense, but its therapeutic effect on living people is indeed unparalleled. In the end, Master Lich only saved twenty-seven copies, and now there are only twenty left.

Except for the portion Zhuang Xuteng drank, the other six portions were used to resist the erosion of shadow energy. The Lich Master still remembers the situation at that time: after the great destruction, the resentment swept across the land with lightning speed. Even if he senses danger in advance and activates the protective barrier immediately, it will take more than ten seconds for such a large barrier to rise.

To be honest, such a huge and solid barrier can be activated in more than ten seconds, which is powerful enough. But the destruction came faster. Everyone, including the Lich Master, was contaminated with the resentment of destruction before the barrier was raised. After the barrier was raised, the mana-constructed buildings immediately stabilized, but the living people did not stop decaying.

The Lich Master thought of various treatment methods, but people still died one after another. He also tried to focus all the grievances of everyone on himself, but it didn't work. Finally, he also tried to turn people into undead in an emergency, which is "forced lich transformation". The transformed lich quickly turned into a ghost, left the barrier, and became a member of the active shadows.

The biggest pain was not that he couldn't save the person, but that he didn't know why he survived.

In order to figure out this problem, he resumed his research and stuffed all the spells for becoming a god into his mind. He successfully advanced his research several steps and figured out why everyone else had failed. But his initial research - that the immortality of the undead could not be converted into the immortality of the gods - set clear shackles: he could research, but he could not cast spells to verify his research.

Then, the Shadow Realm passage appeared and attracted some people. The Lich Master thought this was an opportunity and tried to transfer all the power of destruction to these living people in an attempt to reverse the process of destruction, and then use time spells to change everything back. He knew very well that time spells could not be used in this way, but at that time, he kept complaining about why he could not die, so he felt that the powerful time spells might be able to kill him, and dying while casting the spells would be considered worthy of him.

Still unsuccessful, the destruction is irreversible. He was discouraged until he learned that the people who came were the origins of those bastard gods, and he had new ambitions.

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