After-school time in sixth grade was not as relaxing and enjoyable as Ron once thought -

Ron thought that by choosing fewer classes, he would have more time to do the things he wanted to do, such as practicing hard to get into the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

But even though Ron had tried his best to take as few courses as possible, the large amount of homework still occupied most of his time every day, making him feel like he was going through an exam every day.

In addition, the courses have become more difficult than before

In recent days, Harry and Ron were confused by half of what Professor McGonagall taught them every day. Even Hermione had to ask Professor McGonagall to repeat what she taught once or twice more, or to He kept asking questions during physical education class until he became impatient with the questions.

But what is unbelievable is that although Hermione's complaints are increasing, Harry's best subject suddenly became Potions. Hermione thinks this is thanks to "Half-Blood Prince", and Tiera seems to Give Harry average confidence and attribute all this to Harry's own talent and hard work.

"Look Harry." Tiera once said earnestly, "You also lent this book to Ron and Hermione, but they couldn't even read it-"

"It's not that I can't stand it." Hermione, who was busy writing a paper on transfiguration, suddenly raised her head and stared at Tiera with piercing eyes. "I just think that his blind writing and drawing are completely meaningless!"

"Okay, okay." Tiera shrugged helplessly, "It means you have a connection with the original owner of this book. Harry, you guys may have a lot to talk about."

"Yeah" Harry nodded silently. He didn't know why. Tiera was obviously trying to comfort him and cheer him up, but Harry always heard a hint of gloating in Tiera's tone.

The sixth-year Defense class taught by Snape and the fast class of Tiera's Dark Arts class both require students to cast spells as silently as possible when using spells in class, while in the practical class of Dark Arts class, students are required to cast spells silently. Jela asked the students in the class to cast spells without a wand in addition to silent spells.

Of course, the students in the slow class of the black magic class are still consolidating their connections with magic calculations, and the students in the ordinary class are still learning how to construct magical configurations.

Thanks to the training provided by Dumbledore's Army, most of the fifth and sixth grade Gryffindor students were assigned to fast classes and practical classes.

This makes the atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room and the self-study classes of fifth and sixth grade students a bit depressing, because now everyone has to use spells silently whether in Dark Arts class, Defense class, Charms class, or Transfiguration class. .

When Harry looked around at his classmates in the common room or at lunchtime, he would often see them turning blue, as if they had taken too much Unipol, but he knew they were all working hard and quietly practicing. Spell.

Going to the plant greenhouse became a kind of relaxation. Although they were assigned plants that were more dangerous than those in the herbal medicine class, here at least they could shout loudly when poisonous tentacles suddenly grabbed them from behind. Call it out.

Too much homework and crazy practice of silent spells have prevented Harry, Ron and Hermione from visiting Hagrid for a long time, and Hagrid has stopped coming to the staff table for dinner. This is not a big deal. It was a good sign that on several occasions when they met Hagrid in the corridors or on the playground, he didn't notice them or hear them say hello to him.

"We have to go find him and explain." Hermione said during breakfast on the third Saturday, looking at Hagrid's empty chair at the staff table.

"Yes, but we have Quidditch tryouts this morning!" Ron said dissatisfied, "The Magic Team's Quaffle is still waiting for us to practice! Even if we go, what's the explanation? How are we going to tell him? We hate this stupid homework? And hasn’t Tiera told us that we have a conflict with our class schedule?"

"We don't hate it!" Hermione retorted, "I, I, I just think that as good friends, we should talk to Hagrid face to face. You know, just communicate, and I always think it would be good for us. It’s not good for a friend to lie like this.”

"Then you can tell yourself, I haven't forgotten those squids," Ron said stubbornly, "I'm telling you, if we go now, we will just jump into the fire pit ourselves. Didn't you hear what he was going to do to him?" What are you doing, stupid brother—if we stay there, we’ll have to teach Graup how to tie his shoes.”

"But I don't want to keep not talking to Hagrid like this." Hermione said distractedly, "This makes me feel like I'm bullying him."

"We can go after the Quidditch trials." Harry promised. In fact, he also missed Hagrid, although he also felt that like Ron, it was best not to meet Grawp.

"But the selection may take the whole morning, and there are many people who signed up." He felt a little nervous about the first difficulty he faced after becoming captain, "I don't know why our team suddenly became so popular. I really hope it will be Yela can come with me."

Harry looked around nervously——

The seat in the classroom that belonged to Tiera was also empty.

This morning was the slow class of the Dark Arts class, so the professor Tiera finished her breakfast early and left early, while the student Tiera ran to Horace Slughorn holding a notebook early in the morning. In En's office, he said he went to ask for advice——

Tiera had been like this almost every weekend since her first Potions class. She would go to Horace Slughorn's office early in the morning to ask questions, and then return to her dormitory very late.

Harry didn't know that Tiera was so smart and knowledgeable, so she still had any questions to ask.

"Oh, come on, Harry." Hermione suddenly became impatient, "You should hurry up and be independent. It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! It's you! It's you!"

Hermione's voice got higher every time.

"You're very interesting and, frankly, very talented," Hermione said.

Ron banged the table with a large piece of kipper, and Hermione glanced at him contemptuously, then turned to look at Harry.

"Now everyone knows that you know the truth, right? Now the entire wizarding world has to admit that it was you who saw Voldemort come back, and it was you who led us all to bravely go to the Ministry of Magic to fight against the Death Eaters last semester, right?" "Hermione cheered Harry up.

"But it was Tiera who defeated Voldemort in the end," Harry argued weakly, "If Tiera could-"

"But you are the chosen one." Ron suddenly interrupted, "And you don't know as many creepy spells as Tiera. Believe me, Harry, from the time I was about to enter Quidditch As for the team's candidate players, I would rather face you alone during the team selection, rather than facing you with Tiera standing next to you. To be honest, it makes us all feel a little um. It’s a bit hard to let go.”

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