"But..." Harry wanted to say something more.

But then the owls arrived, swooping down through the rain-stained windows, shedding tiny droplets of water.

Most people are receiving more emails than usual, and some nervous parents are eager for news about their children and to reassure them that everything is okay at home.

Harry also received two packages——

One contained a brand new and intact "Advanced Potions Tutorial", and the other package came from Sirius, which contained a letter from him and a small suitcase full of candies——

Sirius Black seemed to have heard from Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley that Harry was magically teleported directly to Hogwarts by Tiera, so he sent Harry a package with various Such magical candy, I want Harry to make up for the regret of not making a train.

At the same time, the letter also asked Harry about his course selection and life in the new semester.

This made Harry feel overwhelmed and warm in his heart. He held Sirius's letter and the box of candy in his hands and stared at them for a long time.

Harry didn't come back to his senses until Ron reached out and took a Lemon Olaf-flavored rubber worm from the package and asked Harry if he could eat one.

"Oh, great, so now that you've received your new book..." Hermione said looking very happy for Harry, then reached for Harry's other package and helped Harry place it in front of him , "Now can you return the old copy?"

"Are you crazy?" said Harry. "Of course I'm going to keep it, you see, I've planned it all-"

He pulled out the old copy of "Advanced Potion Making" from his bag, tapped the cover with his wand, and said softly: "Exchange faces!"

The cover of the worn book "Advanced Potion Making" fell off.

Then Harry did the same thing to the new book, then he swapped the covers, knocked the two books, and said, "Restored to the same condition!"

Suddenly, the Prince's book looked like new, while the new book from Flourishes and Blotts looked very much like an old book.

"I'm going to return this new copy to Slug. He won't mind. It's worth nine galleons." Harry said happily.

Hermione pouted a little angrily, seemingly disapproving of what he did, but her anger was interrupted by a copy of the Daily Prophet falling in front of her.

She hurriedly opened the newspaper and looked at the front page carefully.

"Has anyone else we know died?" Ron asked casually——

He asked the same question every time Hermione opened the newspaper, mostly to excuse Hermione's little old lady behavior.

"No, but there are more Dementor attacks..." Hermione said, tilting her head strangely, tapping her chin again and again with her fingers. This was her habit when thinking, and she always liked to tap her chin like Beating his chin like a drum.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Do you still remember that Tiera adjusted the habitats of some magical animals in order to build a harmonious British magical society?" Hermione asked rhetorically without confirming the answer.

"He's done a lot of things." Ron shrugged and said, "How do I know which one it is?"

"Tiera believes that the instinct and nature of magical animals like dementors are contradictory to the survival patterns of most wizards and magical animals. Therefore, in order to prevent dementors from harming other wizards and magical animals, Tiera Zikaban was emptied, and all the prisoners were transferred to other places. A super large ritual magic was used there to expel all the dementors to a specific main spiritual world, and completely sealed the gap... ..." Hermione frowned, "In other words, theoretically... at least there should be no more Dementors within the sphere of influence of the British Magical Federation..."

"Maybe it's because Tiera wasn't cleaned up at the beginning." Ron said nonchalantly while chewing food, "You know, just like Harry last summer vacation, a dementor left his post without permission and went out to find someone. Eat, and then happened to miss Tiera’s sealing magic.”

"This is almost impossible." Hermione frowned and said, "Tiera is not such a careless person... There is no way he could have missed the dementors... And didn't you listen to me? Dementor attacks 'More'."

"Does this mean that dementors are constantly coming to the British Magical Federation's sphere of influence?" Harry asked, "Who could it be? Voldemort? Or other foreign forces?"

"I'm afraid it's Voldemort right now," Hermione said worriedly, "It's okay that it's a foreign force, but I'm afraid that Voldemort will reopen the seal and release and enslave a group of dementors to carry out terrorist attacks everywhere."

"Should we tell Tiera our suspicions?" Hermione asked after a moment of silence.

"Oh, come on." Ron rolled his eyes and said, "Is there anything you thought of that Tiera didn't think of? Maybe he has already started investigating at this time, why should we cause trouble for him."

"Hmph..." Hermione snorted to Ron dissatisfied, "Okay..."

Then he continued to lower his head and read the newspaper.

"Um...Hermione, isn't there any good news in the newspapers?" Harry asked.

"Yes, they captured a Death Eater." Hermione said without raising her head.

"Great, who is it?" Harry asked.

"Stansham Parker," Hermione replied.

"What?" Harry was so shocked that he asked again, "Who?"

"Stansham Parker, the conductor of the Knight Bus, the most famous means of transportation in the wizarding world, was arrested on suspicion of participating in Death Eater activities." Hermione picked up the newspaper and read it -

"Twenty-one-year-old Mr Sampke was robbed at his home in Clapham late last night and has now been put into protective custody..."

"Stansham Parker? Death Eater?" Harry said in surprise. He remembered the acne-covered person when he first met him during the summer vacation before the start of the third grade. "No way!"

"He may have been under the Imperius Curse." Ron interrupted at the right time. "You will never figure out who is truly loyal to Voldemort and who chooses to be loyal because of the Imperius Curse."

"Maybe." Hermione said uninterestedly. She continued to read the Daily Prophet. "The newspaper said that he was arrested after overhearing the Death Eaters' secret plan in a bar. of."

"The secret plans of the Death Eaters are still under investigation." Hermione read out the last sentence of the newspaper report about Stanchantank.

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