Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3307 Shadow of the Mountain (1)

In the Vatican's catalog of banned books, there is a copy of "On the Liberation of the Sea" written by Grotius.

Sweden also has the East India Company, which was founded by Gustavus II in 1626. However, it was not until 1731 that the Swedish East India Company was officially established and started trading. The largest shareholder of the company was a Scottish Englishman. , owner of a company based in Ostend that closed in 1727, and had extensive experience in the East India trade.

In the second stage of the war, after the victory of the Holy Roman Empire, Gustavus chose to form a joint fleet with the Netherlands, and because he received financial support from France, he landed in Pomerania in 1630 and began the first phase of the Thirty Years' War. Three stages.

Due to this relationship, many of Grotius's views in "On the Freedom of the Sea" were expressed for the Dutch, not to mention that Grotius was also the legal advisor of the Dutch East India Company at the time.

In 1613, he traveled to London to attend a conference to defend the Dutch East India Company's monopoly on the spice trade. At this time, Britain and the Netherlands had replaced Spain and Portugal, or in other words, only Spain and Portugal had the ability to sail across the oceans.

Chapter 6 of the pamphlet states: The reason why the Portuguese claimed possession of the sea or navigation rights was the grant from Pope Alexander. This grant was outside the scope of commercial trade and had no effect on things. The prison sea or navigation rights did not Belonging to anyone, it follows that it could neither be gifted by the Pope nor accepted by the Portuguese. The proclamation of this gift had no legal effect, or it could be said that it was simply a measure the Pope wished to take to mediate the dispute over the Swords of Spain and Portugal, and that he had no intention of infringing upon the rights of other states. In addition, Spain and Portugal's respective hemispheric sovereignty had no legal or spiritual basis. Alexander VI had no secular power over people outside the non-Christian world. Unless the Pope was the Lord of the entire secular world, he could not be said to have universal power in trade. .

So this book was banned six months after it was published. However, this "book war" started, but at that time the heliocentric theory and the geocentric theory were more influential. After all, there were Galileo and Bruno.

If both parties have no will, it will be like the Badajoz Conference 200 years ago, which lasted for several months without any results. The delegates held a completely deformed world map in their hands, and the route from Portugal to India was stretched. It's very long, so long that one wonders whether they will reach India in their lifetime.

In Homer's epic poem, there was no supranational institution in the ancient Greek world for the Trojans and Argives to negotiate a solution to Helen's problem.

In fact, international law is only binding on countries that "consent". It was and is the basis of international law.

If the bombardment of Copenhagen was defined as piracy, in 1802 a multinational coalition including the United States attacked Algeria, forcing Bey to release the Christians.

Since the Middle Ages, the term "universal jurisdiction" has existed in some countries along the Mediterranean. Grotius's explanation is that for crimes that affect the entire human society, the country affected by the crime does not have such supreme power or discretion because Other independent states or their rulers also have the power to impose punishments.

Grindelwald is an international criminal, and his crimes have had an impact on the entire wizarding world, and even the Muggle world. Based on France being affected by his crimes at the time and the "principle of universal jurisdiction", the British Ministry of Magic can intervene, and Grindelwald Waugh was not tried in the United States; he was merely detained and escaped from prison on his way to court.

The direct motivation of the principle of "universal jurisdiction" is to combat piracy, which is a common need for international crimes. At the International Law Conference in 1664, a British jurist pointed out that "all pirates, from a legal point of view, are enemies of mankind. Not an enemy of a country or a certain type of people."

When a Dutch ship arrived in Macau in 1601, the sailors captured by the Portuguese were executed as pirates. That is, all countries in the world have jurisdiction over pirates.

Julian Ouvral seems to be planning to use this principle to intervene in this rebellion in Italy. Pirates can easily escape on the ocean, just as easily as the Alps. Although it is a "natural border", it covers a very wide range, with many Places to hide and escape.

Since there are professional people in charge of it, she, a layman, doesn't care about it anymore, not to mention she doesn't have time to do it because someone from the International Federation of Wizards is here.

She had caused such a big fuss and had expected that the International Confederation of Wizards would come after her, but they were not here because of her use of magic against Muggles.

When the Federation investigated the site afterwards, they found a mine, or something similar, on the top of the removed snow mountain, filled with various treasures, all sealed by ice.

The goblins of Lombardy said that it was the ancient city where their ancestors lived, and the treasures in it all belonged to them.

The French wizard said that these things were French. If Georgiana had not removed the snow covering them, no one would have known that there was such a cave in the mountain.

The unicorn horns inside are packed in boxes. No wonder unicorns are hard to find outside the Forbidden Forest.

Italy has not yet been truly unified, but the Siberian Alpine Republic currently has this intention. For example, in the Audit Court, there are two systems, Venice and Florence. Which one should be used?

Lorenzo had always been generous to artists and writers. Lorenzo discovered Michelangelo's talent early, arranged a room for him in the Medici Palace, and took care of him like a family member, even his His father was assigned to work in the customs, and during this time Michelangelo would show Lorenzo his creations every day.

Leonardo da Vinci went to Milan to develop, although Lorenzo also discovered Leonardo's talent when he was still a teenager and focused on cultivating it.

The land is steaming with the hustle and bustle of human history, but the ocean remains indifferent to what is happening on the land in its primitive tranquility and rage. On the sea, there are no walls, no borders, no tombs, and no epitaphs. The ocean, far away from the human world, is as lonely as a god. It has no memories and therefore no history. It retains its original "natural state" and the power contained within it. It has never been tamed and no one can tame it.

All mortals are mortal, even Helen will grow old, as long as she is alive.

On the contrary, it was Lily who stayed in her 20s forever.

"Madam, look, we're out of the mountains!" Feryl said happily, holding Georgiana's arm.

In front of them was a large plain.

Unlike in the mountains, there are no obstacles here. It seems that you can go in any direction.

Is this really the case?

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