Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3308 Shadow of the Mountain (2)

Dumbledore is a very good "discoverer". He found many useful talents among students, such as Newt Scamander and Hagrid. They were both recognized weirdos in school. Hagrid was even Fired.

Strictly speaking, Grindelwald did not cause any chaos in New York. It was Credence the Obscurial who did it. He just manipulated Credence behind the scenes and pretended to be an Auror.

He acted very well, at least no one suspected that the Auror was not himself.

The jurisdiction involved can be divided into people, things, and things. Because Grindelwald did not kill anyone in the United States, he could not be hanged after being caught like a pirate. Macusa can only detain him, and then they can choose to hand over Grindelwald to Europe or try them themselves. After World War II, universal jurisdiction was applied to other international crimes, such as the capture of Nazis.

But all this was after Grindelwald was arrested, and the power of arrest is another matter.

Georgiana took out her British passport. According to the Magna Carta of 1215, citizens should be free to enter or leave the kingdom, but Scamander entered France by smuggling.

First, the European Union had not yet been established and he could not travel freely among the contracting countries.

Second, it is true that Grindelwald instigated some people in the French Ministry of Magic, causing the Ministry to be short of manpower, but this does not mean that any British person can take care of their internal affairs.

Scamander is not on the French entry permission list, he is on the UK no travel list unless he joins the Ministry of Magic so that the Ministry can submit his name to the French who stamp the list and he can Activities like other British Aurors.

Scamander refused, so if he was caught smuggling across the border he would be deported or even imprisoned until someone remembered him.

At the same time, because of Georgiana's status as a citizen, the United Kingdom can also intervene in the Italian incident. The last time in Switzerland, they intervened with financial support, and the money was used for Georgiana to repair the wooden track and transport it from Mont Blanc Logistics Raised from merchants.

But citizenship can be suspended, either by Georgiana herself or by the British government, who can deprive him or her of citizenship by order as long as the Home Secretary feels that he or she has caused serious harm to the vital interests of the kingdom or overseas territories. .

However, there is also the Earl of Aberdeen. As long as she agrees to marry him and become the Countess of Aberdeen, she can still obtain British citizenship, and then she can use the writ of habeas corpus.

Then she took out the pass stamped with the great seal of France.

This thing was useless against the bandits who tried to rob them in the Alps, but it was useful where there was a government and she could go anywhere she wanted in Italy.

The question of wizards could be put on hold; the International Confederation of Wizards was not here to arrest her for trial or hearing.

Oh, arrest powers, she slapped her head.

British police would not be like American Aurors and rush into a bar to make an arrest without a warrant. Even if it was during Prohibition and it was a speakeasy, arrests without a warrant only occurred in emergencies.

Although there was an atmosphere of terror in New York at that time, it could not be considered an emergency. Most people felt that life was peaceful, with only occasional gas explosions, and social order was still there.

Although Georgiana had not yet arrived in Milan, the civilians she saw along the way were not frightened or packed with bags, and looked like they were fleeing.

What does the War of Spanish Succession have to do with Italy?

But there must be a chessboard when playing chess. France's Bourbons and Austria's Habsburgs had already deployed in Italy before declaring war. Both sides set fires along the way to prevent the other's supplies, so the villagers had to run into the mountains to take shelter.

In other words, the Southern Alpine Republic still has some control, but the trouble is that there are many exiles here.

Cerroni's poem denounced the transfer of Venice to Austria as a "treason" and called the French thieves "stained with royal blood." Georgiana wanted to ask him, who is your king?

Although this manuscript is logically confusing, it is very provocative.

Prince Eugen joined the Austrian army, and he never thought of returning to France, even though his mother was Louis XIV's first love.

Olympia was accused of participating in the palace poisoning, but when the incident occurred, Prince Eugen had not yet joined the army, and she was imprisoned in Brussels, where she eventually died.

Napoleon was not the first person after Hannibal to cross the Alps; Prince Eugen also did so during the War for the Spanish Throne.

There was also a French army that followed Prince Eugen's example, but got lost in the mountains. They joined the fleeing Italians and together they destroyed the monsters in the mountains.

Severus used necromancy magic to make the bones of the dead fight with the big-headed hairy monster. Grindelwald is also preparing to use the Deathly Hallows to create the Inferi Corps. Everything about the Inferi after death and life has nothing to do with it. They will only obey the commands of the wizard who summoned them.

They didn't think about it when they used it. Similarly, dark wizards will not explain their use of dark magic to the Ministry of Magic and the International Federation of Wizards. They are criminals who violate the international law of secrecy, aren't they?

When William the Conqueror landed in Britain, Malfoy served him as a wizard and did many shady things.

But Georgiana abides by Muggle laws in the Muggle world and does not use magic to do anything. She even needs Augereau's protection. No matter what, she is a weak woman.

So she considers herself to be a law-abiding and law-abiding person, but she encountered a non-negotiable situation in the mountains.

The carriage stopped at this time, and she looked out the window.

"We are in Novana," said Katharina.

Georgiana looked at Polina next to her, with Delmid sleeping soundly against her.

She actually wanted to be that kind of woman, but as soon as the carriage door opened, she turned around and forgot all about it. For a moment, she thought she had become a sculpture.

Outside the carriage stood a guard of honor, all Italians. Under their gaze, she walked towards her temporary residence, a red brick fortress.

Novana is very close to Milan. If the situation in Milan is so complicated, then living here is actually not bad.

A French gendarme who was lame on one leg came out, stopped a few steps away from her, and bowed to her.

"Welcome to Italy, Madame Sèvre, I am Du Bois, Captain of the Carabinieri of Piedmont, reporting to you now."

She almost forgot that Novana belongs to the Piedmont region.

"Nice to meet you, Brigadier," said Georgiana.

Du Bois then invited Georgiana into the house, hoping that he had not lost his leg to the British.

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