Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3325 White and Lucky Star (11)

There are many collections in Chiconyara that are rare even in the Louvre. Among them is a painter named Dürer, who is good at woodcuts. His most famous work should be the Apocalypse, but Chiconyala has collected a painting called "The Virgin with Many Animals". It is in color, and the picture is not as impactful as the Apocalypse. It is just a In front of the mountain, there was a lady sitting with a child, surrounded by many small animals.

"Come and have a drink," Chiconyara said to Georgiana and Denon.

She turned back and took one of the glasses.

"This is Artis' sparkling wine. How does it compare with Champagne?" Ciconiala said.

Georgiana took a sip.

To be honest, the taste of this wine is too strong, both sour and sweet, as if the brewer wanted to offset the sweetness with sourness.

"It's too strong," Denon said.

"Do you like it?" Chiconyara asked.

"The ones in France are brewed in monasteries, and this is the taste of Rome." Georgiana said with a smile, "I like it now."

Chiconyara laughed, and they walked to the next sculpture, glasses in hand.

"What subject is this?" Georgiana asked, looking at the sculpture. It looked like a woman being chased, her expression panicked.

"Her name is Iredusa, one of the four Hesperides sisters who guard the golden apple orchard." Chiconyara explained.

"I heard they were three sisters," Denon said, looking at Chiconyara.

"There is a legend about her. She was attracted by a hunter named Alpheus, but Arethusa did not want to marry him, so she fled the orchard. Later, she became a spring, and Alpheus It became a river,” Chiconyara said.

"Sounds like Daphne and Apollo," Georgiana said.

"But Apollo did not turn into spring water. The Oracle of Delphi said that Alpheus and Arethusa were mixed together." Ciconiala said.

So, is this a good ending?

Georgiana looked at Arethusa in the sculpture, and it was clear she was unhappy.

"For this reason, the four sisters who guarded the Golden Apple Garden became three sisters?" Denon asked.

"That's why I collected her." Chiconyala pointed at Aredussa and said, "Although not many people know this mythical story."

She glanced sideways at Chiconyala.

"What?" he asked after noticing Georgiana's gaze.

She remembered a prophecy that one day a prince would appear in Europe and become the patron of justice, humanity and the arts.

If the House of Savoy had refused to surrender, most of these beautiful buildings would have been destroyed in the war.

"I was thinking about adding some decorations to the Pola Bridge." Georgiana said, "How about adding the four sisters who are the guardians of the Golden Apple Orchard?"

"Why this subject?" Denon asked.

Because of temptation.

Georgiana thought to herself.

It is also a warning that the forbidden fruit is not to be touched.

"Have you ever heard of Ramses II?" Georgiana asked.

Chiconyala, who was drinking sparkling wine, laughed, not to mention Denon, who had been to Egypt.

So she went on to say, "During the reign of Ramesses II, he was competing with the Hittite Empire for hegemony. First, Seti I took back Egypt's lost lands in Western Asia, which were occupied by the Hittite Empire. But after the Egyptians left, those who were originally The small countries that surrendered to Egypt reattached themselves to the Hittites. Seti I died in resentment. The task of restoring Egypt's homeland was left to Ramses II. In order to facilitate his march into Asia, he moved the capital to the northeast of Cairo and built the A new city, four years after Ramses II succeeded to the throne, Ramses II, who was fully prepared, went on an expedition to the Hittites. The Hittite king also led the expedition in person. Both sides were ready for a decisive battle. After a fierce battle, the two countries A treaty was delivered, and because it was written on silver tablets, it was called the Peace of Silver Tablets.”

"Where did you see it?" Denon asked.

“As a result of this war, both the Hittites and the Egyptians claimed to have won. Ramses II also built temples and obelisks to record this, while the Hittites claimed to have eliminated the Egyptian Ra Legion and The Legion of Ammon dealt a devastating blow to Egypt. Through this peace treaty, the two sides not only stopped fighting, but also had room to deal with their own domestic problems, as well as a newly rising power, Assyria. Compared with the Hittites, Egypt started from the Silver Plate Peace Treaty The benefits were even greater, because he did not have to face the threat of Assyria. Egypt once again entered a period of peaceful development. The turmoil in West Asian countries further consolidated Egypt's status as a powerful country. The long-lived Ramses II devoted his remaining energy to Used in unprecedented projects, the Nineteenth Dynasty reached its peak. Around the time of Ramesses III, a "force from the north" appeared. There are also records of "from the sea" in the Hittite records. Their The leader’s name was Atreus, who was Agamemnon’s father during the Trojan War.”

"And you thought of golden apples?" Chiconyala said with a smile.

"All the bachelors in Greece went, and they drew lots to decide who would be Helen's destination, instead of fighting or dueling. They also agreed with each other that if the winner of the lot got into trouble because of Helen, everyone present was obliged to send troops to help. But the King of Sparta did not get into trouble because of Helen, or in other words, Prince Paris was not present at the time, and he was not part of this common oath." Georgiana said with a smile, "The Trojan War was the first expedition of this community. "

"Do you want to start a world war with this smile?" Ciconiala asked Georgiana with a smile.

"The Dorians claimed to be the descendants of Heracles. They invaded the Peloponnese during the reign of King Atreus of Mycenae, but because the Dorian leader King Hermycenes failed in a duel, they promised descendants 50 No invasion of the Peloponnese was allowed during the year. After these 50 years, the descendants of Heracles did not break the contract, but the Mycenaeans were greatly reduced in strength due to the Trojan War. It happened that the Dorians' 50-year peace period had expired, so I'm wondering if the suitors Odysseus' wife met were Dorians." Georgiana said, "Homer's epic poem did not write the ending, but whether it was the Mycenaean civilization or the Cretan civilization, They were destroyed together, and later became famous for their military power. The Spartans who competed with Greece were not the ancient Spartans of Helen's period, but the Spartans of the Dorians. At this time, the Hittite Empire came to an end, and ancient Greece also Expanded the colony into Anatolia.”

"Why didn't you say Asia Minor?" Cikoñara asked.

"There is a palace in Paris called Vulcan. Others have asked me why it is called this. Do you know who Vulcan is?" Georgiana asked.

Chicoriara looked at her alertly.

"I like your decoration. How about following me back to Paris and seeing how Vulcan decorates it?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

Chiconyala was silent, when a servant came in, followed by a messenger.

Georgiana then remembered that Bonaparte did not forget to work even when he was away, and he directed everything by letter.

The messenger came over and handed a package to Georgiana.

She stepped aside and opened it, while Chiconyala and Denon continued to admire the collection.

There was a layout plan of the fortress in the package. It looked a bit like Gibraltar, but the fortress was built on Gibraltar, and this fortress included "Gibraltar".

She didn't understand what it meant, and then opened Bonaparte's letter:

I don't know why you want to go to Elba. I'm enclosing a plan of the island. I've already had the fortress demolished and it will be turned into a summer palace in the future. If you see what's missing on the island, you can add it.

Some people say that I look like a woman and don’t do what men should do. The Homeric hero's fight with his adversary is a majestic spectacle, and he offends me by irritating me, and if I do get angry, he takes pride in doing so.

The last time I got mad at you, it was because I wanted to shoot the first person who came near me to their brains.

If a person doesn't think about him, he can be treated as if he doesn't exist. I miss you very much now. Please write me back quickly.

After putting down the letter, Georgiana picked up the layout plan again.

"Sir, how about we go to another place before going to Paris?" said Georgiana.

"Where?" asked Chiconyara.

"Elba," she said quietly. "I want to buy some art for my summer house."

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