Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3326 White and Lucky Star (12)

In fact, even if the King of Savoy left, the Piedmontese were not without resistance.

In the final battle between the French army and the Piedmontese led by General Colli at Mondovi, Murat regrouped the shattered cavalry brigade and led them to charge again. The scene was magnificent.

Prior to this, he led the French legions in ragged clothes and almost no shoes to gather in the Côte d'Azur area, while the Austrians and Sardinians occupied the mountain passes leading to the northern Apennines. After two weeks of incredible marches, Murat opened the mountain pass, separated Sardinia from his allies, and forced the Sardinian king to withdraw from the coalition camp.

On the map of Italy in the 20th century, you will see a straight road diagonally crossing northern Italy. This road was built along the Apennine Mountains and almost followed the route of the ancient Roman road.

After driving the men led by General Colly across the river and wading to the other side, Colly requested an armistice. Murat went to the enemy's staff as the deliverer of Bonaparte's terms. After the armistice agreement was signed, he took Headed to Paris following Bonaparte's announcement of war.

In fact, General Colley was able to capture Murrah as the cavalry commander. If the cavalry brigade is like a sword, Murrah is the tip of the sword. Without the tip of the sword, what combat effectiveness does the sword have? Maybe General Colley will be defeated. To win.

From a certain perspective, although Odysseus came up with the Trojan horse trick, he was also helped by Athena. Hector and Achilles face off, albeit with Apollo in the middle.

Knights are all aboveboard, or as Rumula puts it, they "walk the straight path."

But Mullah is not the kind of knight who abides by the knight's creed. He once changed his name to Marat and signed a letter of accusation. The letter was signed by the names of all his colleagues. They jointly accused a commander to the Ministry of War. It was said that he always stayed away from the center of the war and only looked after his own interests, which eventually took away his command power.

In addition to being the commander of the garrison in Milan, Murat is actually responsible for the supervision of the Freemasons in Northern Italy. Anti-French brotherhoods have appeared in the occupied areas since 1790, and such secret societies have become even more popular after the establishment of the Alpine Republic. Sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Unlike the French Grand Oriental Freemasons, the Northern Italian Brotherhood was deeply influenced by the Bavarian Illuminati. Over-investment in the occult sometimes leads them into certain misunderstandings. These people become dissatisfied after being interfered with. Some people will gather in secret clubs to express their sadness that their land has been occupied by foreigners, while others Something worth noting.

French Freemasonry has female members, including Josephine, who is a Freemason. They mainly accepted educated women, and these women were often from aristocratic backgrounds. They were severely persecuted during the Revolution. Greta de Lorre successfully escaped to Italy and relied on her charm to maintain her former dignity after the subsidies given to escapees were cut off.

At the same time, it is said that she was also protected by Murat. When Caroline did not come to Milan, she always accompanied him as a close friend of Murat.

Some people think she is Mullah's spy, while others think she is clever. In short, Greta was not affected by anything she got involved in. Chiconyara wanted to invite Georgiana to Greta's salon, but she declined.

She took two bottles of good wine from Chiconyara and brought them back to Mura's house. As a "gift", it was indeed a bit shabby.

That is, after canceling the conscription plan in 1803, Napoleon reduced the army by 60,000. If the legions stationed in Italy were to withdraw, where would they go?

Of course, Mu La doesn't have to worry, but someone will always be laid off. War requires large-scale military expansion, and there are more opportunities to become a general commanding thousands of troops.

Georgiana would have thought of using the Hittite system of extradition treaties also because of Article 20 of the Treaty of Amiens: The Contracting Parties shall, at the request of each other or of their ministers and duly authorized officials, bring persons accused of murder, forgery, etc., who have committed crimes within the jurisdiction of the requesting Party or fraudulent bankruptcy, provided that this can only be done if the evidence of the crime is sufficiently proven so that the law of the place where the defendant is found authorizes his detention and, at the time of the commission of the crime, his bringing to justice, The costs of receivership and prosecution shall be borne by the person making the request, provided, of course, that this article in no way relates to murder, forgery or fraudulent bankruptcy committed before the conclusion of this final treaty.

The Siberian Alpine Republic was not established when the Treaty of Amiens was signed, and of course no representatives were present. However, if they join through the extradition treaty, they can also enjoy international rights, and they will also have to bear corresponding obligations.

The accusation must be in the jurisdiction of the requesting party only if it is fully proved. Ceroni is current, Magenta and Chiconyala are not counted. If Georgiana is suspected of having meddle with the military command of Murla, then it is false. La is also suspected of interfering with judicial power. Regardless of the separation of powers, this is also the difference between a military government and a regular government.

He happened to be away when he returned to Mullah's house, and it was Georgiana who was received by Caroline. Perhaps because of her pregnancy, Caroline no longer had the intimidation of taking off her clothes in front of the male tailor like she did when they first met. Even wearing an Ionian dress could not hide her bloated figure.

If children could chain men, there would be no Voldemort in the world, but a pampered Master Riddle.

Georgiana gave the wine to Polina and then went back to her room to write a reply.

Her effective tactics against Bonaparte may not work for everyone, and Chiconyala did not immediately agree to her request.

And Mullah... He was tall and handsome, and he had no shortage of women before he became a general.

"Do you want me to teach you how to write?"

Just as Georgiana was sitting in front of the dressing table, undecided with her pen, a woman's voice came from behind her.

She subconsciously raised her head and saw Hathor in the form of Nefertari in the mirror, drinking red wine.

"Why are you here?" Georgiana said to the Egyptian goddess of love.

"How do you prove it?" Hathor said with a provocative smile, with red wine on his lips, which looked moist and shiny.

Georgiana sighed.

The last time Augereau mocked Bonaparte for being short, he immediately retaliated, and by the time he had chopped off Augereau's head, they were as tall as they were.

They will not compromise on this aspect.

"Do you want me to teach you how to write?" Hathor said enthusiastically, as if he wished he could take his place.

She began to sympathize with Bonaparte. Human women looked down upon him, but they were the prey the goddess wanted.

"What do you want with his soul?" asked Georgiana.

"Just like you are doing now," Hathor said with a smile.

She looked down at the blank paper in front of her. Hathor wanted Bonaparte's soul just to be a pen pal with him?

Hathor in the mirror slowly walked towards her, red wine crawled up the table, leaving hieroglyphics on the paper.

"I can teach you how to read these words," Hathor crooned. "All you have to do is copy them down."

In fact, Georgiana was a little curious about what Hathor would write, because Hathor is not only beautiful, she is also the god of music and poetry.

But curiosity will kill the cat, and cats have nine lives.

Georgiana took out her wand and used defensive magic on herself. Hathor screamed and disappeared.

"Don't forget that you are also the patron saint of mothers and children." Georgiana reminded, "There is a pregnant woman next door who needs your care."

There was a cold snort in the void, and then Georgiana felt the invisible pressure disappear.

She looked again at the pen and paper placed on the pearl-encrusted table.

In fact, she should have thought of it when she heard that Severus was provoked by Bella and made an unbreakable vow, and not think about the actual effects caused by the content of those vows.

He doesn't need to do reckless things to prove that he's not a coward.

On the other hand, does she need him to prove that he loves her? Even if the whole world says he loves Lily.

She once felt that Mrs. Starr said that she did not want a marriage without love.

Love is not a necessity in life. It can be eaten just like a meal without spices. Don't regard luxuries as necessities.

The sour taste cannot really neutralize the overly sweet taste. That day in the carriage, when Bonaparte kissed her for the first time, she felt "neutralized".

That's not true neutralization, but she "accepts" it, just like eating durian for the first time. Some people can't accept its smell, while others find it very sweet.

"You have such unique tastes," Georgiana said mockingly, and then wrote a reply.

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