Ron, Harry, Neville.

Hermione, Hannah, Lavender.

There are 5 Gryffindors and 1 Hufflepuff. It's a pity that Ravenclaw is not present, otherwise the alliance of the three houses will be reunited again.

When Harry was in their fifth year, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff took Herbology together, Luna and Ginny were a year below them, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw took Herbology together . They met in Herbology after their Fantastic Beasts class on Bowtruckles, where Ernie publicly announced his support for Harry.

Now that Luna and Neville have broken up, no one will mention her at this time.

They didn't speak when Harry killed the Slytherin Basilisk, it was only taking orders from the spirit in Tom Riddle's diary.

Now that he's spoken to Mossag, it won't be so easy to kill her.

Men use knives to kill, women use poison to kill, but what they are dealing with is a spider. What is wrong with using insecticides against spiders? It looks so disgusting.

"Ouch." Hannah looked at the giant spider Mossag with a disgusted expression.

"We can't kill her." Behind her, Neville looked at the crowd and said, "During the negotiation, I said I would keep her alive."

"Don't kill her?" Ron said with disgust on his face, "That spider almost killed me just now, not to mention letting her go and she will nest in other places, and other places will become like the Forbidden Forest. "

"She's very old, she won't be able to have children." Neville looked at Ron. "We can't break our word."

"Neville is right!" Lavender immediately cheered and looked at Ron provocatively.

"What if we don't kill her?" Hermione asked Lavender.

"You can give it to Hagrid. I remember you attended Aragog's funeral, didn't you? Harry." Neville said, looking at Harry.

"It's been a very long day." Harry said, looking at Neville. "Everyone wants to rest, and I tried to make peace with her before, and she refused, and she attacked Ron."

"The hope of peace has not been cut off, I want to talk to her again." Neville insisted and said, "She just doesn't want to be eaten like Aragog."

"What do you think, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Why are you wearing the Sorting Hat, Neville?" Hermione asked, looking at the hat in Neville's hand.

"Headmaster McGonagall thought we might need it," said Neville.

Everyone was silent.

No freshmen need sorting here, but everyone knows that the sword of Gryffindor always comes out of old hats, and only those with true Gryffindor spirit get it.

So what is the true spirit of Gryffindor?

"In a period of Hogwarts school history, Godric Gryffindor was the first person to compile textbooks, and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were the ones who assisted him in writing manuscripts." Hermione said, "Do you think How would he deal with this situation?"

"Find a Slytherin and ask him what he would do?" Harry said deliberately. "They didn't have any agreement with Mossag."

Neville glanced at the Sorting Hat, of course there was no Gryffindor sword emerging from it.

"No poison, no Fiendfire, I don't know what you guys want to do." Ron said angrily, "Hasn't my dad replied yet?"

After Hermione contacted Arthur with a fake Gold Gallon, there was no response, and she didn't know if he was busy with other things or in trouble. Ron was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"You want to leave again? Ron." Harry said deadpan.

"Yeah, do I need to ask for leave?" Ron asked provocatively.

"Don't forget what we're here for." Harry met his eyes uncompromisingly. "Have you overcome your fear?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"We don't have time to quarrel now." Neville shouted, "I want to negotiate with Mossag."

After speaking, he ignored Ron and Harry, and came to Mossag with Lavender and Hermione.

"Be careful." Hermione reminded Neville, "It spits out digestive juices and spider silk."

Neville held the wand in his hand, and he frowned, stepped on the reed, walked to Mossag's side, and stopped at a distance.

"Can we talk?" Neville called to the spider.

"It's you?" Mossag recognized Neville.

"Why don't you surrender? We can let you live."

"Humans can't be trusted," Mosag said wearily.

"Then why did you agree to my previous request?"

"That's because we had a common goal at the time. Now, there is no more. You want to kill me, right? Come on, but I will make you pay the price before then."

Mosag put on a deadpan look, apparently planning to resist to the end.

Neville stroked the blue reeds, which were rustling.

The reeds would not be this color in this season, and he wondered why it was such a coincidence that Mosag fell into the swamp.

The final Battle of Hogwarts, where Neville and Hufflepuff act together for longer, attacking the Death Eaters with screaming mandrakes.

This plant can cure petrification, and the spider's natural enemy is the basilisk, and they are too afraid to say the name of the basilisk, just like wizards dare not mention the name of the mysterious man.

Fear can bend a man, but it can also drive him mad, and Mossag was clearly insane. It was impossible to communicate with irrational people or other creatures. Neville gave up trying to persuade Mossag to surrender, and he retreated to the shore.

"How?" said Hermione without hope.

"What's with the wound on her leg?" said Neville. "We can use the Limp Legs Charm on it. There's no need to chop off her leg."

"That was Harry's idea," said Hermione anxiously. "He's been with the Aurors longer than you, and his methods have changed, you know."

Neville nodded blankly. "I understand. He's become more violent than before."

"You think the Limp Legs Charm will work for her?" Hermione asked.

"I tried it during the day, and there is no problem." Lavender looked at the elephant-like Mossag, "but it may not be so easy for her."

"We can use it on her together," said Neville. "We're a team."

"Hufflepuff is always a team, right?" Hermione said with a smile. .”

"Harry was almost sorted into Slytherin too." Neville shrugged. "It's no accident that this swamp appeared here."

Hermione smiled and shook her head, her eyes turned to the phoenix flying around the spider.

"Where do you think they are now?"

"Look at us, if we're really in danger, they'll show up." Neville also looked at the phoenix. "At Hogwarts, you always get help if you need it. I asked them for that explosion before." , it was Professor Snape who brought me close to Mossag, and took me away with Apparition."

Then Neville looked down at the old hat and whispered to it as he usually does to a potted plant, "Can you help us, Gryffindor?"

The old hat still didn't conjure up a long sword.

"You think killing is a favor?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

"Do you think Professor Snape killed Dumbledore as a sin or did he help him off?" Neville asked back. "Mossag only said that she didn't want to be eaten, but she didn't say that she didn't want to die."

Hermione looked like she was about to cry, and Lavender looked upset too.

Neville stopped talking to them and went back to Harry and Ron.

"There's no need to find Slytherin, we'll do it ourselves." Neville looked at Harry and Ron and said, "Let's cast the Soft Legs on her first, and if she still tries to resist us, we'll kill her."

"You're so fickle." Ron sarcastically.

"It was she who cut off the hope of peace first, not us, and we can't use the Fiercefire Curse, it will set the whole forest on fire." Neville lowered his head, "The Alexandria Library was also set on fire."

"What?" Harry asked blankly.

"Do you know Cleopatra? In order to fight for the throne, she and her brother fought a civil war. Later, she lost. Caesar went to Egypt to find Pompey, but her brother killed Pompey in order to please Caesar. She asked Caesar for help. There was a war between Caesar and her brother, and the library of Alexandria was burned down." Neville sighed, "It is the largest library in the world, and there are many precious documents in it. Fortunately, the Hogwarts The war library is fine."

"How did you come up here?" said Ron incredulously.

"When Triopatra and Caesar met, both Egypt and Rome were in civil war. Both war and love made people irrational, so the library representing reason was burned. After using the soft leg curse, we can still Persuading Mosag to surrender once, she refused to surrender and we did it again. In total, we gave her three chances to choose. A crazy and uncontrolled behemoth will bring danger to other creatures. We are maintaining the order and harmony of the forest. balance."

"I still don't know why you thought of this?" Ron frowned in confusion.

"Papyrus and reeds are close relatives. They both grow on the banks of the river." Neville looked at Ron and said, "There are also a lot of reeds near the Burrow. I heard that the Death Eaters set fire near your house that day. Fortunately, the fire was not big." , or your house would have burned down long ago, just now the reed child, I don’t want to see the fire anymore in the forest, they are already very angry.”

Ron was silent.

"Just do as you say, Neville." Harry breathed a sigh of relief "Thank you for coming."

"Needless to say thank you, we are all members of da. The reason why we created this organization is to do some serious business, not treat it as a game." Neville said calmly, and handed the hat to Harry "You'd better take it with you, Seeker."

Harry didn't refuse, and took the sorting hat directly.

"You know, Dumbledore chose me as the guardian of the Philosopher's Stone because I don't need it." Harry stared at the sorting hat and said, "I hope we don't need the Sword of Gryffindor this time."

"Good luck." Neville held out his hand to Harry.

"You too." Harry took Neville's hand, Ron didn't cover it, but Lavender put his hand on the two intertwined hands.

"Come on, Gryffindor!" Lavender yelled foolishly, making Hermione laugh.

"Are you going to ride Buckbeak or a broom?" Ron asked in a deadpan whisper as Harry walked up to him.

"That's your wife's broom." Harry said sarcastically, his green eyes wide open, "I don't think it's up to me whether you want to lend it to me or not."

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