Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 436 Special Channel

There was a child who kept crying in the dark.

Pomona didn't know who he was, but she knew he needed help.

She wanted to hold his hand and walk out of the darkness. The dark forest was too scary, and the human world was safer.

There was an orange light in the forest guard's hut, which made people feel warm and cozy, definitely better than the place he used to live in.

The right environment for a child to grow up in is not an orphanage, a rowdy slum house, or a bedroom the size of a closet. It's a house like the Burrow of the Weasley family, which is not luxurious but full of warmth.

Raising seven children by one woman was a feat, and Albus hoped she would learn more from Molly and be someone who gave and dedicated to her family and her children. But Albus was still a man despite his homosexuality, and he didn't understand what a woman needed to be like Molly.

Without Arthur's love and loyalty, no woman can bear the lack of material enjoyment, and care and love everyone around her like the Virgin Mary.

The kind of love that only pays without asking for anything in return does not exist, especially women, need a pillar to rely on. Every family is the core of father and mother, and then grandparents, sons and daughters. A family without a father or mother is incomplete of.

Arthur is already old and calls Molly Little Trembling. Although she feels sick, Pomona still envies Molly. It would be great if there is someone who can care and take care of her like Arthur. Unfortunately, the marriageable man around her Just one young man, Slytherin's snotty old bat.

She didn't know if it was because of her own weakness that he had given him a chance, or if she had been suppressed for too long and wanted to be the Knox who was wandering the castle at night with the raiders.

She can run freely in the dark night, laugh wantonly at those who chase her, and being able to be herself makes her feel very happy.

Female spies using their beauty to obtain information may not be as pathetic as outsiders think, and Vata Hari enjoys that feeling very much.

She is actually not very smart, mainly because she is a little more rational than the man controlled by her.

Severus wanted to control her mind, she didn't want him to, and like a creature lurking in the dark awakened, she began to explore his body.

The middle-aged Severus was no longer as thin and pale as he was when he was a teenager, no matter how much he ate, he was as thin as a plant in the dark. There are powerful muscles hidden under the black clothes. Last time she took a bite, it was very chewy, even better than a good steak.

Lions eat their prey after killing them, while wolves dismember them while they are still alive. Lions usually bite off the throats of their prey. She looked at his undulating Adam's apple and hesitated whether to bite or not.

"Godfather!" Draco's sobbing voice made the darkness in her mind disappear, and she woke up, she had unbuttoned his coat at some point, and at this moment Severus was panting violently, It's like running a long way.

"What's the matter?" He took out the crystal bottle from his coat pocket and asked angrily.

"There are dementors everywhere, save me!" Draco trembled uselessly.

"Didn't you run into the carriage of the Weasleys' house when you were in the third grade? Find the people from the Anti-Dark Arts League around you, and go to them!" The double agent obsessed with black magic shamelessly instigated his godson.

Because Sirius escaped, the dementors searched the Hogwarts Express, and Harry passed out. Draco kept teasing him about it. Later, the Weasley brothers gave Harry a head start. I don’t know if it’s true or not. The school There were rumors in the book that Master Malfoy ran into the Gryffindor carriage because he was too scared.

"It's better to let him come here." Pomona said while arranging her clothes, "Harry's Patronus is quite powerful."

Snape's death gaze swept over.

"You think his Patronus is very powerful?" He smirked and said slowly.

"Hahaha." She smiled dryly, trying to get away with it.

"Unless someone controls them, if the dementors act on their own, they won't keep attacking like this. Find the person who controls them." He stiffened his face, turning the developing crystal into a normal crystal, "Save Draco with your patron saint. "

She did it without hesitation, and now she was in a good mood, using the spell with ease, and a swan patron saint flew like a cross into the thick fog.

"Aren't you asking me why I did this?"

"Oh, why did you let me summon the Patronus instead of summoning it yourself?" Pomona asked honestly.

"Harry Potter predicted a cross for Ron Weasley, representing the pain of judgment, and he will be happy after being tortured." He looked at the swan and said, "Did you think she was talking about today?"

"How do you know this?" she asked suspiciously.

"Just like you used to make me do, I have my own little spy." He curled his mouth and stroked her waist with his hands. "Every time Draco would tell me what happened in class."

Trelawney's prediction is actually very accurate, but her prediction will not be fulfilled immediately, and it will take many years to be verified. Pomona looked at the "sun" in the distance, which illuminated the night.

"I couldn't get in touch with you just now." She fell into his arms and complained, "Draco can contact you whenever he wants."

"I said you can use the summoning ring, no matter what I am doing, I will come, you can be more willful."

At this moment, she was very interested in his Adam's apple, and she tapped it with her fingertips, wanting to feel how such a nice sound came out.

"Drink this." Severus took out a bottle of light golden liquid from the deformed lizard skin pocket, "Drink the warm-up potion, the less you consume, the faster you will recover, don't forget the curse on yourself. "

She quickly took it and drank it, and it had a faint smell of blood. After drinking it, Pomona felt that the feeling of being drained all over her body disappeared, and she was full of vitality again.

"That student of yours, is there a way to call her over alone?"

"You mean Hannah? What are you calling her for?"

"First, to save everyone's time and lives. Second, do you still want to match her and Longbottom?" He said with disgust on his face, "It's like a group of flies flying around dragon dung."

Pomona looked in the direction of the swamp. Harry and Ron were using a spell on Mossag, but it had little effect, and Mossag was still alive and kicking.

"What good idea do you have?"

"I think Longbottom made the potion badly on purpose. He can make the shrinking potion well, and pour the powerful shrinking potion on the spider. After it shrinks, it can cast spells on it at will. "

"Oh, I remember, you turned his toad into a tadpole," said Pomona suddenly.

"Is there anything else?" He reminded with a smile.

"No!" Pomona denied it.

Yes, it looks fun to have Snape in women's clothing, but poor Neville paid dearly for it, but a lot of internment isn't without its benefits, his potion-cutting skills have improved, and he's dealing with herbs Talented in ointments and poultices.

"Except for that silence, there's nothing worth staying for me now," Severus said. "I want to go home, put on my pajamas, and lie in bed and get a good night's sleep."

Pomona inexplicably heard the meaning of probation.

Too many things happened this day, so let's end it like this.

Pomona took DA's fake gold galleon from her pocket.

In fact, the idea of ​​using Hannah as an insider is quite good. It seems that Pomona will use a special method to contact her in the future.

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