Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 447 Blue Agave

The development project of Roseville Real Estate Company in Chinatown has caused obstruction by local vendors. They want to tear down the previous shops selling Chinese medicine, Chinese food, and acupuncture, and build a new department store with modern characteristics.

Chinese culture cannot be simply summed up in one broad and profound sentence. Confucius said: Gentlemen are in harmony but different, and villains are in harmony but not in harmony.

The East is a multiculturalism, and the Roseville development has turned the multiculturalism into a monoculture—commodity culture. In fact, shopping malls all over the world are similar. Shopping is spending money, but the culture shows different characteristics because of different regions.

There is the Academy of Athens in Europe, and the Jixia Academy in China. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Euclid came out of the Academy of Athens.

In Jixia Academy, there are Mencius, Zou Yan, that is, an oriental wizard in the chocolate frog picture, Shen Buhai, Xunzi and so on. These scholars debated, questioned, and absorbed each other, and became the "Contentation of a Hundred Schools of Thought" that truly embodies the Warring States Thought.

Explaining to a rigid mind what harmony is but difference is asking for guilt, and she might as well have written a dissertation on War of the Giants.

In the permanent residence of XZ, Wang Wei once told her: To the extreme of emptiness, keep quiet; all things are created together, and I can see and recover.

This is an excerpt from the Tao Te Ching. Both emptiness and tranquility describe a person’s state of mind being empty and tranquil. His stance is similar to meditation and meditation in yoga. When the mind cannot keep calm, meditation can help people concentrate and gradually Eliminate external interference, slowly turn to the inner world, and experience peace and serenity.

There are many people practicing yoga now, and Pomona practices yoga in the small living room and living room.

Yoga practice is perception, and many of those postures and actions are quasi-objects, such as trees, snakes, cows, etc. The heaven and the earth are born side by side with me, and all things are one with me. This is the same as the one in alchemy. One is common but different. It is very interesting to realize this while doing yoga. When you think about it clearly, the world will become another way.

People who live between heaven and earth need to adjust their position and mentality, instead of letting heaven and earth adjust themselves. Living too self-centered will be very annoying.

She couldn't see the fancy gifts from Lucius Malfoy. If you just sit quietly during menstruation, it won't consume energy. She really enjoys this feeling of emptiness.

Justin has the resources in hand, he doesn't need to be a fool, he can start by mediating the Chinatown issue, as long as there is no chaos there, the Aurors can use their energies elsewhere, so he will be credited.

Dumbledore asked Pomona to be fair and just, but the old dean would still favor the students of his own college. It is better to have a well-prepared interview than to be unprepared. Justin is also a student of Cambridge. This question should not be difficult. he.

Women usually seek out the people around them, because such knowledge is trustworthy, Severus did not notice that he was appreciated by Narcissa at all, she asked him for help in the most difficult time, a hero does not necessarily need to defeat a villain to save a beauty , as long as it can save her from danger.

Helping Lucius Malfoy save his marriage would reduce a potential threat, and the idiot didn't realize until now that his wedding vows were not as binding as the unbreakable vows he made with Naxisha.

Straight men will never disappoint. Where there are straight men, there is a risk of myocardial infarction. Pomona opened her eyes from the state of meditation, and a straight man dressed in black all year round appeared before her On the sofa next to him, he was concentrating on reading documents.

The guy who did her hair and nails yesterday was a gay man who had no interest in Severus and had been talking to Pomona instead.

He is very good at complimenting people, and his mouth is full of beautiful, joyful and beautiful words, discussing which color of lipstick and eye shadow to use to better support her eyes and hair color.

Most gays have higher taste than straight men. In the fashion industry, nine out of ten men are gay, and out of ten gays, nine are women. It seems that it is difficult for a man to gain a foothold if he does not have a bit of femininity.

She doesn't reject men who look masculine, and Eli is also very professional. Although women cook daily, professional chefs are often men. Eli's professionalism is undoubtedly worthy of recognition, but she just thinks it shouldn't be Too much energy is spent on dressing up.

Albus hides so deep, he looks straight, his bad attire and energetic demeanor makes it impossible to connect with the "sister" she saw yesterday, abbe Si actually likes Grindelwald, Merlin's beard, she was scared to death.

"What are you thinking?" He asked without looking up at the document in his hand.

"I'm thinking about what to have for lunch." She said listlessly, "I want to eat Chinese food."

As if she announced some great news, both Severus and Kreacher who were standing at the door looked at her.

"It's rare that I dress up so beautifully. I don't want to stay at home. Do you two want to go out with me?" Pomona said, curling her sleek and styled hair.

Even if Eli is gay, he knows that women like to listen to sweet talk like all stinky men. He sold a lot of cosmetics to Pomona, anyway, no matter whether she likes it or not, someone will pay the bill.

She didn't like the feeling of being underestimated, but Eli did make her beautiful. It's a woman's nature to love beauty, and occasionally she wants to dress up a little bit, at least Severus won't feel ashamed to take her out .

"Kreacher is going out together too?" the old house-elf said in surprise.

"Of course, but you have to be invisible. If you are seen by Muggles, you will scare them. You are a free house-elf, Kreacher. If you don't want to go out, you can stay at home."

Kreacher looked extremely bewildered, like a dark plant afraid of light, but he yearned for the sun, and fell into a dilemma for a moment.

"Come on down, Kreacher, what else is missing in the house?" Severus said, and the bewildered house-elf gave Pomona a look and walked away hunched over, looking like a question mark.

"Come here." He patted the sofa and motioned her to sit down.

"What do you think I am? Your pet?" Pomona turned her head proudly, stood up and planned to change clothes and go out.

"I just want to kiss a pretty girl," he said sweetly. "Did I tell you you're beautiful?"

Which woman does not like to be praised?

So Pomona turned around again, sat down on the sofa, and looked at him expectantly.

From the perspective of oriental physiognomy, people with thin lips are harsh in speech, eloquent, and sometimes blurt out words without thinking because they are greedy for a moment, which will not only cause unnecessary trouble, but also lose their temper. Hurt those who love him, so men with thin lips are mostly lucky.

So just don't care what he says and enjoy flirting with him.

Men with thin lips are very flirtatious. Many men actually don't like kissing, especially after marriage, but women like kissing the most. Arthur often kisses Molly, and the seven children think they are disgusting.

It is inevitable to bump into each other every day, and the mouth can also be used for kissing besides quarreling.

Self-cultivation, governing the family, governing the country and the world, the movie godfather Rivero Corleone said that a man who can’t take care of his family is not a man at all. Old Buddy Crouch devoted himself to his career, and as a result his career and family were broken, all because He neglected his son's education.

Instead of throwing the child to school, if he returns home with a good report card every year, the child will become a talent. Those who don't understand will never understand.

Severus used the back of his hand to push the hair from her ear to the back, which was left on purpose by Eli. Pomona didn't know why he did it at first, but now she understood that men really know men's minds best .

With this action, he held her cheeks and started that sweet and romantic kiss.

There is a professional-level bar in Malfoy's business-handling, bachelor's apartment. It can be used for bartending. The margaritas are perfect for the ladies, and Bella walks around in cocktail dresses, so she might have visited the apartment.

A Hufflepuff mingled with a group of Slytherin Death Eaters, and she simply thought she was dying.

While she was enjoying the fierce taste of the tequila, the bad guy put her hand down his pants.

He seemed to prefer her to take the initiative rather than to accept it passively.

Seeing that he flatters her so much, she intends to give him back a little bit of sweetness. After all, it is not rude to come and go, and a win-win situation is a harmonious and natural way of coexistence.

They share a kiss that heats up and it's like distilling wine, which becomes more intense and spicy, almost like alcohol on fire.

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