Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 448 Auspicious New Year

There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, said by Cupid from Ireland, a former British prime minister who was unpopular at home and abroad, Henry John Temple Palmers pause.

It was this person who pursued a policy of conservatism at home and expansion abroad, launched the Opium War of aggression against China twice, suppressed the Taiping Rebellion Movement, provoked the Crimean War, competed with the Russians for territory, suppressed the Indian uprising, and supported the South during the American Civil War. Slave owners group.

He was a handsome lad, fond of fair ladies, and at the same time lovers of three of the seven famous hostesses of the Almack Club, and himself a meager Irish nobleman, when he announced his marriage to Melbourne When the Viscount's sister married, the Times called him His Excellency Cupid, which was a surprise that he did not marry the charming wife of the Russian ambassador.

Actively involved in social life, including horse racing and flirting, but rarely involved in political activities, he tried investing, the most successful one earning £17,000, but the money was swept away by his partners.

An Irish nobleman, he did not enter the House of Lords, but entered the House of Commons as MP for Newport, Isle of Wight, on the condition that Palmerston should never enter the city.

In 1811 he changed his constituency from Newport to the more prestigious University of Cambridge, which unfortunately taught him nothing. At that time, Emperor Napoleon of England and France was at war, and the huge military debt was passed on to the working people. The people lived in extreme hardship, and many people had to be thieves and pickpockets, and he maintained the death penalty of being hanged for petty crimes such as theft. system.

Even the "cruel and barbaric" Arabs just cut off the thief's hand. The British actually hanged the thief, which is really a "civilized country." In 1820, in defiance of the people's calls for a reprieve, he brutally hanged a young sheep thief. By doing so, he showed himself to be a loyal defender of the interests of the Tory aristocratic group. frequent political activities.

He participated in the Peterloo massacre, sent troops to suppress the mass meeting held in Manchester, many of these troops participated in the Battle of Waterloo, these "heroes" and "elites" who ended Napoleon's rule raised their butcher knives on women and old people, The British government promulgated six bills in 1819, prohibiting assembly, procession, and restricting the freedom of the press. Irish Cupid.

There is a big difference between the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system. The continental law system generally adopts a code system, while the Anglo-American law system tends to have separate laws and regulations.

The continental law system is also called the statute law system. Judges in the civil law system first consider the provisions of the enacted laws when hearing a case, and then make a precedent based on the relevant provisions and the facts of the case.

The Anglo-American law system first considers previous similar cases, compares the facts of this case with previous cases, summarizes the legal rules applicable to this case, and uses induction to enumerate a large number of facts and legal basis as the basis for judgment.

The International Law of Secrecy is the continental law system. The Ministry of Magic judges the case first in accordance with the legal terms, and then demonstrates it based on a large number of facts based on the Anglo-American law series. Taking Harry Potter’s use of the God-Calling Guard in Little Whinging District as an example, he first Violated the International Statute of Secrecy, used magic in front of a Muggle, and violated the detailed rules of the third paragraph of the "Reasonable Restraint Law for Underage Wizards" enacted by the British mainland: intentionally and knowingly committing a crime is not allowed to live in a Muggle It is a crime for the district to use magic in the presence of Muggles.

Behavior classified as "criminal" would be severely charged. Not only would he be expelled from Hogwarts, but he might also have to pay a fine, or even leave a criminal record and go to Azkaban for a while. Albus Dumbledore defended Harry from the Restraint of Minors Act, which states that magic can be used in front of Muggles under special circumstances, and those special circumstances include being a wizard himself or being present at the same time. When the lives of other wizards and Muggles are threatened, international law plays a relatively low role in restricting local laws.

The case of Parvasil Dumbledore was tried according to the written law of the civil law system. Parvasil used a poisonous curse on Muggles. Whether he avenged his daughter or not, this is not legal. Allowed, he was sentenced to life in Azkaban, where he eventually died.

The relationship between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government is up and down. Priscilla Dupont hates Irish Cupid very much. She is a woman, and no woman would like this kind of "scumbag" who associates with multiple women at the same time. Bomer Na had been tempted to give him an Avada Kedavra while reading that history, but Priscilla had just turned the coins in his coat pocket into frog eggs.

Even the Muggle Prime Minister was a Muggle, and Priscilla's irrational behavior forced her to step down on February 17, 1858. Ironically, Irish Cupid was also forced to step down two days later on February 19, This idea is still alive in the Middle Ages. The prime minister likes to be opportunistic and likes to intimidate and deceive, whether it is career or emotional. Generally speaking, these methods were successful at the time, but during his tenure as foreign minister, whether it The interests of Britain, Turkey, and the Middle East were all lost in the end, and these countries became very hostile to Britain, and had no favor with the Second British Empire.

On the emotional front, he divorced his original wife in 1839 and married his mistress, the 52-year-old widow of the Earl of Cowper. These two people, one coquettish and the other lustful, lived happily for a period of time, but Palmerston's bad habits still did not get rid of. In the same year of their wedding, he destroyed the virginity of a Queen's maid in Windsor, Victoria. The queen was shocked, and even more shocked was Prince Albert, who could have imagined that? The prime minister actually raped a maid in the queen's bedroom, of course the maid was coerced into saying it was her "voluntary".

At that time, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were only 20 years old. Queen Victoria was closely watched by her mother since she was a child. She inherited the characteristics of the Hanoverian dynasty: stubborn, intolerable, and very assertive. Prince Albert's parents divorced at the age of 7 because of his mother's adultery. He was educated at the University of Bonn and is a model of virtue, talent and self-discipline.

At first they were a political marriage. Queen Victoria was very resistant to this marriage, and Albert was irrelevant to it. Queen Victoria tried every means to escape, but finally met Albert.

The place where they met for the first time was Windsor, where the prime minister’s rape took place, where young men and women rowed boats, rode horses, drew pictures, played the piano, and the beautiful memories of girls relying on the boy’s broad chest were crushed by the dirty hands of the foreign secretary up.

In 1952 he was dismissed by the queen and his wife and sent to deal with the eastern problem, which is the "sell opium" formulated by this bitch bastard, and the only way to China is to "beat him first and explain later" Policy, he was the driving force behind the comprehensive promotion of the Opium War in 1840. Before the formal signing of the Treaty of Nanjing, the Manchu Qing also made a pact with Britain, which included the cession of Hong Kong, but Palmerston detested that the treaty had too little benefit. Ask the Chinese government to put the opium trade in a normal and legal position.

He was the one who captured Tianjin, BJ, and burned the Old Summer Palace.

He was the one who prevented the French from digging the Suez Canal.

Russia invaded Constantinople in 1848. The city of Constantinople is an Orthodox church with very important historical significance. Although it is not as good as the holy city of Jerusalem, it is a symbol of "the city where the Roman emperor lived". At that time, the society was anti-Russian. Emotions were intense. Palmerston, who was the cabinet minister at the time, put pressure on the Earl of Aberdeen, who had never wanted to intensify the conflict with Russia, and forced the Earl of Aberdeen to reshuffle the cabinet. His best friend was the ambassador in Constantinople. When he translated the telegram sent from Russia to the UK, he changed the word "report" to "issue an order", which caused an uproar in the cabinet, and the Crimean War broke out.

During the war, Russia defeated the Turkish fleet, and Palmerston suddenly announced his resignation, which provoked a wave of social opposition to the cabinet. The masses believed that the cabinet had squeezed out "true patriots", and the Earl of Aberdeen was forced to ask him to return. The cabinet, when he came back again, Palmerston took control of the entire cabinet, and Britain and France also formed an allied force to participate in the Crimean War.

At the age of 70, Palmerston became prime minister. He said triumphantly in the newspaper, "If someone asked me in the past what was the most unlikely thing to happen, I would say that I was prime minister, Aberdeen was still there, and Derby was another. The leader of the big party, John Russell was the leader of another big party, but after only 10 days, they were blown like straws, so I can now write in Downing Street."

The most embarrassing moment in his life was not his act of smearing the royal family at Windsor Palace like a male dog. Britain has a two-party system. Before the 1830s, it was the Tory cabinet leadership period, and the opposition party was the Whig Party. He himself thought he was a Tory, but no one in the Tories regarded him as his own, even though he killed a sheep thief in 1820 to show his political stance.

When Wellington became Prime Minister in 1828, he became a Whig, and at this time he became Foreign Secretary, flattering to those with power, a strict and disciplined man to those without power, His official job is foreign secretary, but he is very rough with diplomatic envoys, and his heart is always on the British navy.

As early as the early 19th century, some laborers and sailors from South China lived in London and settled in the shipyard area. More and more people gathered there to serve the Chinese sailors in the adjacent shipyard area. Later, they gradually became legal opium dens and Slums are famous.

After World War II, with the influx of a large number of Hong Kong immigrants, many Chinese restaurants appeared along Jue Luk Street. Some owners who moved from the shipyard area continued to give up their shops to other local ethnic groups. Later, the Chinese forces gradually occupied Jue Luk Street and became a "China Town". .

The era of Chinese working as laborers is long gone, and the "title" and "salary" are in line with the Chinese people's preferences.

According to Sima Qian's records in Shiji, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. There are many Chinese restaurants and Chinese supermarkets in Chinatown today.

Maocai from Sichuan and Sichuan, old BJ's mutton hot pot, Northeast roasted noodles, Cantonese morning tea, you will never have the same taste after a day of shopping, and there will be celebrations such as dragon and lion dances here from time to time.

At the same time, there are mobile phone unlocking and unlocking, pawn shops, traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, and massage, which are considered by some people to be "witchcraft" business places.

Credit cards are popular in other places in London, but cash is more preferred in Chinatown, after all, there are many illegal immigrants here.

"Congratulations on the new year, dragon and horse spirit."

Pomona held Severus's hand, and looked up at the Chinese stickers on the New Year's Archway. The merchants here are protesting against the big real estate developers, so they covered up the words "London Chinatown", and the British New Year has passed. Yes, the Chinese New Year in 2005 is on February 8th, and the residents of Chinatown are now preparing for the new year.

"What does Ryoma spirit mean?" Severus asked.

"How do I know." Pomona shrugged, staring at the row of Chinese restaurants, she couldn't help saying in pain, "Oh, my God, what should we have for lunch? There are so many choices!"

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