Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 453 Walk Together

The healer's uniform was a green robe with a cross of bones and a wand embroidered on it, which Draco was wearing now, and he was now an apprentice healer at St. Mungo's.

The outfit reminded Pomona of a Slytherin house uniform, and Draco, who had been colorless before, was starting to be colorful again.

This time Pomona fell into a coma not because Severus had broken his oath, but because her talisman of life had been stolen by a pickpocket, and the turquoise ivy bracelet was easily undone, and it happened to be in good condition at the moment. Stay on her wrist.

Now she only hopes that a certain former Mr. Death Eater will not torture Muggles in anger for a while. Pomona is luckier than Arianna. She will be fine when she wakes up. Arianna is an incurable disease, even the learned Albus Dumbledore Also helpless.

"Where's your godfather?"

"I hope you don't mind, he gave my parents a Valentine's Day for you." Draco smiled and said, "He didn't expect you to wake up today."

"Did the werewolves make trouble with the full moon last month?" Pomona asked.

"Not in London, I don't know about other places. That's a matter for the Auror office. The 23rd of this month is the Chinese Lantern Festival, and there will be many tourists in Chinatown."

"I understand." Pomona leaned against the head of the bed and let out a long sigh, "There is also the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, and China Town will be very lively."

"Need me to tell him you're awake?" Draco asked.

"Can you tell me what happened the day I fell into a coma?"

Draco was silent for a moment, seeming to weigh pros and cons, and finally spoke.

"The godfather said that you like Jack more than Carl. When Rose was frightened, Jack paid attention to Rose, instead of busying himself with Jack like Carl. brought you to St. Mungo's."

"How about the battlefield?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Carlo is in charge, and nothing happened in those few days, he didn't delay anything."

"Why should I be more worried?" Pomona said distraughtly.

"What do you want him to do? Emotion won't solve anything, Occlumency cuts off emotion, he's a master at it, you should trust him." Draco said deadpan, "Even the White Wizard does." He, maybe he's not as great as the White Wizard, but he's a man to trust."

She looked at Draco, who, although he had the same bragging troubles as Lucius, was soft-hearted and not as forceful as his father.

"It's Valentine's Day, what are your plans with Astonia?"

"Originally I planned to use your greenhouse, but I have a deadlock with my family, and we will go out on a date." Draco said indifferently.

"You're not allowed to go to a hotel with Astonia until you're married," Pomona said deadpan. "Everyone knows what Valentine's Day is about."

Draco glared at her.

"You yourself were before marriage..."

"Get married early, Draco!" Pomona interrupted him roughly. "If you dare to abandon your wife and children, I swear I will hunt you down until the end of the world."

"What!" Draco asked confused.

"Get out!" Pomona ordered him.

Draco left the room angrily.

"Women are so unreasonable." He said the moment he closed the door of the ward.

Men will never understand why women cry and get emotional at every turn. In fact, everyone wants to live a cool life, but falling in love with someone will make them worry about gain and loss, so women always desire to get all the attention of men, eager to be in Find the love for yourself in the eyes of the other party.

What I care about is whether you have the heart to continue walking with me, not whether it is realistic or not.

Mona Lisa's smile may not have any secrets at all, she just hoped to get attention from others, she succeeded, and now who in the world does not know Mona Lisa's smile.

Pomona let out a long sigh. She has been used to this way of getting along for 34 years. She doesn't think so much and figure everything out, just like she never cared about the hurtful things he said, and she just went to bed every day. Said she was stupid, if she was too stingy, she would have died of anger.

Hufflepuff is recognized as a trash college, and as the dean of this college, she is the leader of the trash, and she has to be thick-skinned to ignore those gossips.

Hufflepuff rule, never let someone tell you what not to do.

Keep it simple, but maturity is also indispensable. Remember when you are happy, forget when you are sad, accept setbacks, and you will be happy.

You have to stay positive, Pomona, come on!

She cheered herself up, then sat up and took off the summoning ring. There was a ripple of water in the ward, and the person she was planning to summon appeared.

He looked at her with empty eyes, the muscles on his face seemed to be stiff and expressionless.

"Don't let anger and hatred get you," she said in a husky voice. "You're a good man, Severus."

"Good people don't necessarily get good rewards. God takes away what he likes and keeps what he hates and doesn't want, and waits for the last judgment to destroy all these dross." He said coldly, "that Chinese called me Don't hate Muggles, but pity them. Sooner or later, his overflowing sympathy will make him suffer like the white wizard. He should be taught a lesson when dealing with wicked people who are as greedy as wolves. There are farmers and snakes in the west, and Mr. Dongguo in the east You and the wolf are both talking about people who repay kindness and revenge, that kind of person will not remember you if you are kind to him, and he will think you are stupid instead."

"So what are you going to do? Execute the thief?" Pomona was also upset. "Executing a person for a petty theft is not what a civilized person should do."

"You almost died," Severus trembled. "You don't have the will to live, do you?"

Pomona looked at him strangely, how did he know?

"I have seen many people, even when they are dying, they will find a way to move to let others know that they are still alive, but you are still asleep when you are asleep. If you are not breathing, I think you are dead." He said in a low voice. Nodding his head, he said with shortness of breath, "Even Albus, sometimes he can't bear the temptation. He knows that the Deathly Hallows is fake but he is still willing to try it, and I am the same. If there is no Philosopher's Stone, the Deathly Hallows is our last I am willing to believe even if it is a fairy tale.”

"If the devil told you he could bring me back to life, would you sell your soul to him?" Pomona said coldly, "Your soul is not that corrupted, Severus."

"I'm not innocent anymore." Severus said with a weird smile. "I fell when I promised Albus to kill him. I relented. I regretted it later. Guess he is How do you answer me? If I promise, I can’t go back on it. He forced me to become what I am now, and I don’t want to do it, but if you all force me like this, don’t blame me for doing nothing.”

"What are you going to do?" Pomona's heart was pounding.

"Anything I want to do." He said slowly, "When you have nothing to lose, there is nothing to be afraid of."

She looked at the man shrouded in darkness, as if the outlaw had returned.

"I found that silent clue." He pulled his robe and stood beside her hospital bed. "Since you like Sherlock Holmes, do you know that he has a detective team composed of street children?"

"Yes." Pomona said humbly, a terrible magic pressure exuded from his body, which made her breathless.

"The little pickpocket who stole your bracelet is a member of an Eastern European pickpocket gang. Do you have the guts to go to the DC area with me?"

There are always good and bad places in a city, such as the 1-2 districts in the city center and near tourist attractions. There are not only surveillance cameras but also a lot of police, and there are even mounted police. Passengers can visit with peace of mind.

However, the law and order in some parts of northeast and south London has not improved for a long time. Illegal immigrants are everywhere, and some criminal organizations have set up no-go zones to prohibit residents and tourists from passing. Even children should avoid confrontation.

Sirius and James had met those gun-wielding police officers on their flying motorcycles before. The police could really shoot, but the houses in these areas are cheap to rent, dilapidated and mixed with people, suitable for scum and garbage to live in. It is not like the shining jewels in the crown like Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London. Let alone going out at night, you may be robbed if you stay at home.

"Is that silently an illegal immigrant?"

"How would I know?" Severus sneered. "People who live in heaven don't know what hell looks like."

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