The British police release five foreign criminals to the streets of the UK every day instead of deporting them from the UK. The reason why this happens is because of the budget.

Taxes are needed to detain these prisoners. If they are allowed to work in the community with tracking devices, millions of taxes can be reduced, especially for foreign prisoners. These prisoners are not British. They have violated British laws and must be punished, but Taxpayers' money should not be used, and it will cost money to send them back to the country. The key is to send them back. Due to overcrowding and overcrowding in prisons, violence and crimes have increased, and even some complex criminal networks are built in prisons. Therefore, the British judiciary has a policy of "hoping" that criminals can return to their own countries to reduce their sentences. .

The sanitation of the slums in big cities is much better than the slums like Cokeworth's Spider's End Alley. After all, if the plague breaks out, no one in this city can escape. The streets of the East Side look very clean, not so messy. Grimmauld Square is in the northwest of London, and the law and order is much better than that in the Northeast. There are also graffiti on the walls, and the walls in the Northeast are full of "street art" , There are strangely dressed "punks" everywhere.

No one was surprised by men in black cloaks like Severus. In Feinon's words, these people were not "serious people". place, and he has a legitimate job, so he doesn't sit around on weekdays.

Illegal immigrants are not all smuggled, especially from Eastern European countries. After entering the UK, they can apply for asylum. Each immigrant not only has his own room, but also has three meals a day. He also has 35 pounds of pocket money every week. Illegal immigrants have hotels with swimming pools, and coming to the UK is like being reborn, so illegal immigrants do everything possible to enter the UK.

It's just that these immigrants have to leave London. If they want to stay in London, they have to find a job outside the "normal economy". The French rented expensive houses, and the Northeast and the south bank of the Thames River became their gathering places.

There are many supermarkets in Chinatown, but few can be found in Northeast City, most of them are grocery stores. The children were not as innocent as Hogwarts. They started smoking early, dressed in hip-hop, and did not talk or behave like minors at all. Compared with this neighborhood, the orphanage where Tom used to live is a good place.

"I don't want to celebrate Valentine's Day in this kind of place." Pomona said gloomily, but her "lover" ignored her at all, he strode down the desolate street, his long cloak fluttering in the cold wind , looks like going to a duel.

"Are you still angry?"

"No." Severus said awkwardly, obviously angry, without looking back.

"Where are we going?" She trotted to keep up with his speed, and he was really not considerate at all for a person recovering from a serious illness.

"Informant's residence." They came to a dilapidated, gloomy building. This house was a Victorian apartment like South Kensington, but the walls had peeled off, revealing mottled red bricks inside. It was also dirty, with cigarette butts everywhere.

Dilapidated apartment with poor soundproofing, children crying, narrow stairwell with discolored blue paint, very dark looking, and drunk people sitting on the stairs and sleeping against the wall Pomona felt that the man might have frozen to death, or might attack her at any time, so she hurriedly walked sideways by him.

They came to the third floor. The corridor was as dilapidated as the stairwell, and it was filled with a strange smell of urine and vomit. The residents living here closed their doors one by one. I couldn't help but use a fluorescent flash, but what I saw was rubbish and cockroaches all over the floor, it would be better not to see anything.

"Tom used to at least dress neatly in the orphanage," Pomona said sadly. The place was just as hell as Severus said, not suitable for children to grow up at all. "How did you find this place?"

"I'll take you to the hospital, Kreacher is following that Muggle kid." He sneered. "Someone always asks for it."

At this time they came to the door of the third room in the long corridor, a gleam of light came through the crack in the door, and a shadow could be seen passing by, obviously someone was in the room.

"Shall we knock?" she asked, and an Arahor spell would have opened the door at this point, but Severus didn't budge.

"What's wrong?"

"Come in, friend." A man's voice came from behind the thin door.

The speaker's tone was very enthusiastic, and he didn't fit in with this terrible environment. At the same time, the door was opened, and it was the child who stole Pomona's bracelet.

He didn't dare to look up at the two of them at all. He opened the door and avoided it. As the door slowly opened, a tiger squatting on the ground suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you." The man who spoke just now said, Pomona turned her eyes to him, it was a Chinese man, wearing a formal suit full of embroidery, looking gentle and polite, in the empty living room Make tea.

And the pickpocket boy and a girl older than him were hugging each other and standing in the corner. They didn't dare to look at the three of them, and tried their best to hide their sense of existence, just like a bystander.

"Who are you?" Severus asked.

"My surname is Ma, Ma Youjian, and everyone else calls me Mr. Ma, what do you call me?"

"The others call me 'sir,'" Severus said slowly.

Ma Youxuan's hands that were ordering tea paused, and the smile on his face deepened.

"You two, please come in and sit down. The wind is so strong that the tea is blown cold."

"What are you doing here?" Severus asked, still standing in the doorway.

"Valentina works in the hotel we opened. I heard that her younger brother has provoked someone he shouldn't and needs my help." Ma Youxuan said lightly, "Use the Cruciatus Curse on a child, and you can do it!" Is it too harsh?"

"It seems you know a lot." Severus put his hands behind his back and quietly pulled his wand out of his sleeve. "Are you a wizard from the East?"

"In my country, those who can be called 'witches' are all great people, I just know a little tricks." Ma Youxuan put down the teapot, "We have always been in harmony with you, but you always Break the rules when you show up, what do you want to do?"

"I need some information." Severus pursed his upper lip and said slickly. "Last Christmas, there was a silent attack on Diagon Alley. I want to know about it."

"In my country, if a child shows extraordinary talent, it is too late for the parents to be happy. It is difficult for me to understand you." Ma Youxuan turned his gaze to Pomona, "What should I call you, ma'am?"

"Watson," said Pomona at once, "but he is no Sherlock Holmes."

Ma Youxuan looked at the two of them calmly.

"Moriarty, you can call me that." Severus grinned, showing his yellow teeth, looking terribly evil.

"You two seem to be leading a secret life." The horse reined in and leaned back in his chair. "Who are you working for?"

"What about you, Mr. Ma, are you working for Hongmen?" Professor Moriarty asked.

"I am more inclined to be a freelancer. My name comes from an idiom 'Xin Ma You Rein', which means to let things follow their natural course in English." If you have any questions, you must be under my supervision. If Ivan doesn’t want to answer your questions, you can’t force him like before. He stole your things, and you taught him a lesson. It ends here, can you accept these two conditions?"

Severus stared at the tiger on the ground.

It has a beautiful fur, squatting like a pet at the feet of the gorgeously dressed horse, making this slum house suddenly gorgeous.

But this flamboyance is not the same as Malfoy's flamboyance.

It is more profound, introverted, beautiful and dangerous, exuding a fatal temptation, which is difficult to describe in words.

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