Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 476 Tomb Raiders Lost City

Hogwarts students like to make a bird with paper, and then let it fly in the air, passing small notes in class, both wizards and Muggles can do it, but the way is different.

Tigers made of paper are easily torn apart. The term "paper tiger" was first used by a Chinese leader to refer to Westerners, and now Western media are using the same term to refer to the East.

When catastrophe strikes, the Americans will only know if they are real tigers or paper tigers by trying, but at least they still have Australia to go to. It’s just that the weather in the southern hemisphere is opposite to that in the northern hemisphere. When other countries spend winter, they have to spend summer anyway. It's not once or twice that they confront the whole world.

In the movie the day after tomorrow, many people escaped the flood in the library, but most of them followed the police, no matter how much Sam tried to persuade them, it was useless.

There is no food in the library, and people will starve to death. Those who left also thought rationally when they made a decision. If most people stayed, Sam would still have to find a way to solve the problem of food for so many people. Hunger And panic will make people make extremely irrational choices, maybe they will kill the young man who saved them.

It is not the first time that humans have dug their own graves and killed hopes, even wizards.

In order to maintain superficial stability, Fudge declared in the newspaper that everything was fine, and even said that Harry was a liar and Dumbledore was an idiot. Fudge even wanted to use Harry's illegal use of magic to expel him from the wizarding world. Lido doesn't use dirty tricks, doesn't continue to be the first wizard of the Wizengamot, and the Ministry of Magic will continue to make more stupid decisions.

Severus was the direct victim of that power struggle. Everyone knew that he was the reformer of Wolfsbane Potion, but it was Damocles Belby who received the Medal of Merlin.

Slughorn is a master of potions. He is well-informed and has a keen sense of smell, and he has already smelled the stench.

Internal strife will destroy an organization. The Beiyang Navy of the Qing Dynasty had constant internal strife before the Sino-Japanese War, which eventually led to the annihilation of the strongest fleet in East Asia.

The melee between modern warlords also gave the Japanese an opportunity. In the end, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng launched the Xi'an Incident to allow the two parties to cooperate and unanimously speak out. And there are more internal strife in divided Europe. The rise of Germany during World War II was related to the appeasement policy. After the defeat of Germany, it was split into two Germanys, the East and the West. Opportunities for the country to create internal strife.

A unified country is stronger than a divided country, the United States of America is not monolithic, it is a federal government, each state has its own laws, Texans are more aggressive, New Yorkers like to make deals, can exchange cultural relics for Why did the "Ark Ticket" use force?

Yellowstone Park is located in the heart of the United States, in the middle of the inland, and the coastal areas may not be affected by volcanic ash. Everyone will make different judgments according to different situations. The chaotic situation cannot be controlled by humans.

Some people want to ask for a dead end, and others can't stop them. Only when the shadow of death really falls on their heads will they regret not listening to other people's warnings.

The end of the world not only has destruction and death, panic and helplessness, but also confession, which happens to be what Christianity is good at, and it is also a time when all kinds of tricks and tricks are played by their signature magic sticks.

So many people on the Titanic listened to the pastor's sermon at the bow, wanting to escape the fear of death and find the peace before death, but no one thought of removing the wood in the cabin to make a simple log, and Rose was floating on it. A plank of wood carved with reliefs survived.

Even if there is a way out, if everyone wants to survive, they must unite and work hard, but that requires an excellent and wise leader. In Severus's small organization, there are not many people who can be trusted. If there is more infighting, the destruction will be accelerated. Today he has a meeting to deal with this problem.

Slytherin Code of Conduct:

Scrutinize the situation, revise the plan in time, and reject chaos and deviation.

Nip the danger in the bud, and act in advance before things become irreversible.

Having been the dean for more than ten years, Severus has long been familiar with handling this kind of children's internal strife and disputes. Slytherin is not only evil and ambitious, but also scheming. Details determine success or failure. If someone else finds out Someone would be complacent about fighting for favor in front of him, but what Severus saw was the crisis of infighting.

He used to be a responsible teacher and wanted to teach the students something practical, 2 rolls of parchment homework on how to identify werewolves, only Hermione handed in, the others were busy with Quidditch and gossip, secretly Still scolding him.

So he didn't care about it from the fourth grade. He spent his spare time researching skipping candy with the twins of the Weasley family. A secret room, just behind the portrait of Hesper Staki, the password to enter the room is "Lunartickle".

He only supports talented and hard-working children. Now the Weasleys' trick shop is about to squeeze Zoko to death. He is very pragmatic and reliable. He also knows how to do what he can. The old fool wants to save more people. Severus wouldn't do something as stupid as Albus at the cost of sacrificing himself.

For Slytherin, family is the most important thing, and he made an unbreakable vow with Narcissa Malfoy, which is much more binding than the unsubstantiated vow he made with Dumbledore.

Harry Potter is already an adult, he has a wife and his own children, and he takes care of them instead of being taken care of by others like he was a child.

As for Draco, who really needs care, he is still a boy, and as weak as a girl, he chooses to be a doctor, Severus will take care of him, this kind of care is for life, because it is stipulated in the oath of.

There are many things in this world scarier than death, and the movie theater that Pomona often goes to often plays some old movies. In 1999, Hollywood made a movie about Egypt. In the city of Thebes in ancient Egypt BC, the love affair between the evil wizard Yin Merton and the pharaoh’s wife AKS Na was exposed, and the two worked together to kill the Pharaoh, and then the guards rushed in, AKS Na committed suicide before she committed suicide She said to Yin Merton, "Remember to resurrect me", so the high priest endured amazing hardships with this idea in mind, and returned to the world after 3000 years.

In other movies, most people like the male and female protagonists, but Pomona likes the evil villain, the bald high priest Yin Merton very much.

He loves Anna Sui so much, he betrayed his faith for her, endured so many years of suffering, and turned from a zombie back into a human.

However, at the moment of life and death, Anna Sui left him. He had no reason to stay in the world, so he let go of his hand and fell into the burning hell. It was he who made the popcorn full of loopholes The movie becomes emotional.

The high priest is the only person who can enter the Holy of Holies. This place is mentioned in the Bible. The Bible was written by Jews. They were slaves in ancient Egypt. That place is considered to be the residence of Jehovah. The Jews have not yet entered Canaan after leaving Egypt , when he was still wandering in the wilderness, he first built a tent to store the ark of the covenant, and the cloud of the LORD covered the tent, and no one other than the priests was allowed to enter the veil.

For the Egyptians, the Jewish slaves were their property, and they would not let them go so easily. So Moses borrowed divine power from the Lord, and sent ten plagues to give the Israelites their freedom.

After leaving Egypt, the Israelites were finally free, but they wanted to settle down in the land, and other nations did not allow them to stay in their land, so they had to be forced to wander. At this time, they felt that freedom was painful.

In Egypt, the Nile River was the object of people's worship, and the high priest was responsible for presiding over the sacrificial ceremony of the Nile River. Whenever the Nile River floods and leaves a large piece of fertile soil on the bank, in the Egyptian calendar, the first day of the New Year in England is when the Nile River floods and Sirius rises at the same time, but the length of the anniversary stipulated in this way is not consistent with the actual situation. There is still a 1/4 error, which means that in the fifth year of the promulgation of the new calendar, the first day of the new year can no longer coincide with the day when the Nile River floods and the sun rises at the same time.

The ancient Egyptians knew this and accepted this reality. They carefully observed the cycle of Sirius’s heliorising and defined the Nile’s flooding and heliosunning as a Sirian year. From this they created a Sirius cycle, every 1461 years. There will be a three-in-one new year coming in the next year.

The Egyptians attached great importance to Sirius, and architects kept Sirius' position in mind, so that many temples were oriented towards this star instead of the sun.

"You don't know who I am, but I know who you are." Severus said suddenly when he entered the Egyptian exhibition hall.

"What?" Pomona asked inexplicably.

"We meet acquaintances again." Severus sneered. "It's a small world."

Following his gaze, Pomona turned out to be one of Patil's twin sisters. They were the most beautiful girls in the school, but it was strange that no one had invited them to the Triwizard Tournament that year. In the end, Harry and Ron had no choice but to invite them to be their dance partners.

"I remember their boggarts as mummies and snakes," murmured Pomona, as the Egyptian gallery was filled with their worst fears.

"They've overcome their fear." Severus sneered. "They've been Aurors too, and I think they already know that living people are far more terrifying than zombies and snakes."

Today is the 15th anniversary of the Indonesian tsunami, and it is also the birthday of Mao Zedong. It is really an intriguing day

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