Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 477: The World on the Other Side

The body is the container of the soul. Even if the bodies look almost the same and grow in the same environment, they will have different lives because of different souls.

The Weasley twins were both sorted into Gryffindor, and the Patil sisters were sorted into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

When all the boys in the school were crazy about asking Fleur, the school beauty of Hogwarts was ignored.

Fleur will leave sooner or later, but the boys can't see it clearly. Some practical and smart people want to take the opportunity to invite them both, but of course they are rejected by the proud beauties.

Is there anything better than going to the Christmas ball with the savior Potter to show off and save face, and it happened that Harry was so clumsy that he couldn't find a partner on the last day of the ball. The perseverance and waiting of the Patil sisters finally paid off, haha Leigh invited them both to the dance.

They weren't inseparable like the Weasley twins, but they were always together during that time.

Harry is Ron's best friend. He will not leave Ron alone. This is the advantage of the twins. As for who dances with Harry and who dances with Ron, it is up to the sisters to decide internally. In short, they get the chance first. Besides.

They are very lucky, and their hard work will pay off when they come back, but there are many things in this world where hard work is wasted, just like a person, you have liked her (him) for a long time, but when you have paid a lot and done a lot, In the end she (he) still won't choose to be with you.

Smart people will choose to let go, but some people can't let go, because he has paid too much and there is no way to turn back.

In the Egyptian Pavilion, there are many children watching the mummy. They don't know that when they are looking at the scenery, they become the scenery themselves.

Fresh life and millennial zombies.

life and death.

Resurrection and rebirth.

The Egyptians made mummies for resurrection. Those zombies should not move anymore in theory, but magic can do it. Infernal corpses are close relatives of zombies. They have many things in common, but they are actually two different creatures. The best way to deal with them The best way is to burn with flames, as long as their rotting corpses are reduced to ashes, the curse will be broken.

It was a sad thing to imagine such a handsome Sirius buried in a tomb and become as horrible as the zombie priest Yin Merton, and she suddenly felt that it was not a good idea to continue visiting the Egyptian Pavilion.

In order to increase the horror effect, the popcorn movie distorts a lot of things. The scarab will not eat people at all, nor will it get into the human body like in the movie. The Egyptians believe that the scarab has the spirit of persistence, fearlessness, bravery and hard work. It is they who bring light and hope to the world.

This is the same reason that some people think that the inverted five-pointed star represents Satan.

Lucifer was an angel before his fall, and the real devil looks exactly like an angel.

When Voldemort rose for the first time, he was very handsome, not like a snake-faced monster in his second rise.

Voldemort may have achieved the resurrection, but he did not achieve the resurrection from the dead. He asked Nagini to kill Severus, and Harry watched his eyes lose their luster.

It was still those green eyes that he looked at in the end.

It's a misfortune to fall in love with such a persistent man, God gave her a chance, if she came forward to defend Sirius during their duel that day.

But he said that if she and Sirius had a wedding, he would drag everyone to hell with him.

An ugly and poor pauper, through his own efforts, has achieved social status and achievements, but this is not as good as what the prince was born with. Lily is so paranoid that she hates the poor and loves the rich. Her words are probably classified as The kind of woman who loves vanity and loves flashy appearance and fame.

"I want to go." After strolling around the exhibition hall for a while, Pomona didn't want to continue shopping.

"Why?" He looked at her with unfathomable black eyes.

She hoped that he would let her go, let her go, and stop intersecting in each other's lives.

"I don't like this place," she said listlessly. "What about the intelligence you just said?"

Severus didn't answer her question.

"They are going to attack the nuclear power plant." After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "Britain is not like the Soviet Union. It has such a vast territory for people to evacuate."

Pomona gasped and looked around, afraid that someone might overhear their conversation.

Britain does not have a big river like the Nile, nor does it have the conditions to build a dam like the Aswan Dam. More importantly, the construction of the dam will have an impact on the ecology. After the completion of the Aswan Dam, the soil quality of the arable land along the river basin has continued to decline. , water quality has also changed, algae covered the riverbed.

During the Ten Plagues of Egypt, Aaron raised his stick and struck the river water, and the river water turned red, the fish in the river died, and the river water became foul-smelling, so that the Egyptians could not drink the water in the river. This plague was called the plague of blood. .

Red tides often occur in the ocean, and the massive proliferation of algae and plankton may cause fish and other aquatic animals and plants to be wiped out. The plankton will block the gills of the fish. After their death, their corpses will decompose in the water, and the river will become smelly. , no longer available for human consumption.

A good environment needs to be protected. With the example of Aswan, coupled with the lack of water resources in the UK, which are mainly concentrated in northern Scotland, wind power and solar power are gradually replacing thermal power stations.

However, there is no way to dismantle the nuclear power plants that have been built. Without these nuclear power plants, we would have to rely on thermal power plants. British thermal power plants mainly rely on natural gas to generate electricity. This is what Pomona just listened to in the theme pavilion. With the fluctuation of natural gas prices , The price of electricity will also fluctuate. Without electricity, there will be no modern civilization. However, the expansion of nuclear power plants means another threat. They will become the target of attacks by terrorists.

"Why are you suddenly willing to tell me again?"

He said blankly, "What kind of person do you think I am? Holding your handle and threatening you to do something you don't like?"

"I thought you……"

"Only interested in your body? Are you too confident in your body?" He sneered sarcastically, "The brain is one of the few attractive organs in your body. What can I be obsessed with about your lackluster body? .”

It took all of Pomona's strength to keep her wand out.

"I don't want you to sell yourself for profit. I made that condition to you in the hope that you will not hide yourself. You should enjoy yourself when you should enjoy it. I don't want to have any regrets." He said softly, "I never regret What I did in the Triwizard Tournament, even if I almost lost my life, do you understand why Jack told Rose that the luckiest thing in his life was to win the boat ticket? The biggest regret in his life was filled Now, do you like Jack because of his handsome looks?"

"No!" she said flatly.

"Then why do you like him?" He stared at her and asked firmly.

Because even if Rose rode with her legs apart, Jack would not criticize her, and he even taught her to spit, although in this way Rose changed from a noble lady to a rough girl.

The red-haired girl hides a running, uninhibited soul under her elegant appearance.

"Even if she's a slut, Jack still likes her." Pomona said with a smile. "Would you still like me if I became like her?"

"I don't like nocturnal idiots, don't take breaking the rules as fun." He nodded her nose "But I like the process of chasing, and every time I catch you, I can't help but imagine the punishment You are fine."

Pomona looked at the black stone sculpture behind him. It was the sculpture of Anubis, the god of the underworld. In Egyptian mythology, Anubis weighed everyone's heart with a scale after death. A good person's heart is as light as a feather. , this kind of lightness is not material lightness, but what she feels at this moment.

She is not Anna Sui, and he is not Yin Merton. If the ground is cracked like in the movie and he is about to fall, she will definitely try her best to save him, even if the two of them fall into hell together.

Anna Sui had the courage to commit suicide, why did she lose the courage after being reborn?

Is it because she is an unlovable, cowardly woman at heart, or is it because she has been in the underworld for too long and is afraid of going back?

3000 years is also a long time for the undead in the underworld. The love between Anna Sui and Yin Merton may have been exhausted in pain.

"I can't help but think of Lily and how much you love her."

"Do you think it's easy for me? You also have Sirius Black in your heart."

"We're haunted by the undead, aren't we?" she said dejectedly. "Is there really a book of the dead in the museum?"

"I'd rather go to the Department of Mysteries and look for it. The veil in the Hall of Death existed before the Ministry of Magic was established." He made no secret of his disgust, looking at the black dog statue viciously.

It was Sirius Black who was killed by Latrix. There is no evidence to prove that his death was related to Severus. Asking about it will have no effect, but will affect their harmonious relationship.

It's time to shut up.

There are many cats in the museum, and there is a white cat swaggering around in the exhibition hall, enjoying the petting of tourists. Pomona didn't know if it was an Animagus like Minerva, and there are many Aurors in the museum now.

"When Lupin was going to transform that day, Black said to Lupin, you know who you really are, but I don't think he remembered at that time." Severus stared at the fat cat and said, "He's totally Out of control, who was in the Screaming Shack with Stupid Dog and James Potter every month before he learned the Animagus?"

"Albus didn't tell you?"

"No." He turned his gaze to her, "He said he should ask you this question."

"Hermione drank Polyjuice Potion mixed with cat hair in her second year and turned into an owl, looking like an Egyptian goddess of war," she said with feigned ease.

Afraid of dealing with the monster alone, she took advantage of the boys in the dormitory with Remus and taught them the dangerous Animagus. Neither Sirius nor James doubted her intentions, they just wanted to The "buddy" who helped a dormitory didn't consider that if he couldn't change back, he would be like those patients in St. Mungo's, living as an animal for the rest of his life.

That was the moment in her life that she least wanted to recall. Minerva's cat, Animagus, was useless. To deal with monsters like werewolves, large animals were still needed.

"Do you still want to go shopping now?"

"Let's go." She took his arm and leaned on his shoulder. "No matter where you go, I will follow you."

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