Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 479 Sober and Intoxicated

When the International Statute of Secrecy was first implemented, the first Minister of Magic, Ulik Gamp, faced a manic, frightened and disaffected magical society. For this reason, he specially established the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic and chartered the Leaky Cauldron to continue business.

Alcoholism is a bad habit, but people want to vent their emotions in difficult times. Before the Prohibition era in the United States, gangsters mainly engaged in violent crimes such as robbery, fraud, theft, kidnapping, and extortion. They were not only dangerous but also unstable in income. The only slightly safer It's gambling, but it doesn't benefit much, because gambling is a bad habit as we all know.

Selling bootleg alcohol is not only profitable but also loved by the people. The key is that many politicians also like it, so during the 14-year prohibition period, the American Mafia was born.

The original intention of the prohibition law is to reduce crime. Men spend money and waste time drinking alcohol, and cause many domestic violence problems when they get drunk. Of course, alcohol is the root of all evil in the eyes of housewives. In addition, due to the background of the Puritans, the United States has become one of the countries with the strongest alcohol prohibition sentiment in the West. Nordic countries that also belong to the alpine region also prohibit alcohol, unlike Russia, which drinks vodka as water.

However, during the actual implementation process, the crime rate soared rapidly, and the prohibition of alcohol could not eliminate people's desire to drink at all. While the formal market was banned, underground bars were rapidly popularized. At this time, the mainstream culture of society is to popularize coffee that makes people sober museum.

Often when people drink coffee leisurely, the "Chicago Typewriter" will sound "da da da da" in the coffee shop, and the gang members will hide their submachine guns in the violin case. The police were hard to tell.

Alcohol, which is a "source of joy" to the underground bar guests, is a "source of pain" to the cafe guests on the ground. In the past, gang fires did not involve a large group of people fighting on both sides, but the Thompson submachine gun Rapid-fire weapons are specially designed to deal with cluster targets. After a shuttle of bullets sweeps past, blood will flow into rivers, which is very deterrent.

It is also useful for assassination. Prohibition made many gangsters rich. Killing the leader of the other side will make the other party confused for a while. There are similar plots in many gangster movies. The killer is carrying a "violin" like a musician. Walk into cafes and restaurants just as swaggeringly, and then shoot in full view.

Prohibition, with noble motives, turned into a crisis that spread across the United States. Prohibition promoted smuggling and smuggling. Women who once advocated prohibition also brewed alcohol privately to entertain "guests" in order to supplement their households. What's more, industrial alcohol was mixed into it. Many people were blinded by poisoning.

For those desperadoes, they don't know how to save money at all. They don't necessarily have tomorrow after today, and they will enjoy themselves when they have money. After the Civil War, blacks and whites in the United States lived, lived, and worked very differently, but the owners of underground bars didn’t care about blacks or whites. They only knew one kind of people—customers, so blacks and whites could only drink together in underground bars. .

If you drink too much, you will become more friends. If you drink too much, it doesn't matter if you are surrounded by black or white people, you will become friends. Jazz belongs to black music. At that time, many white people disdain to listen to it. Mozart and Chopin were often played on violins and pianos in cafes, and jazz was popular in underground bars.

Unsafe streets and an economic downturn led to more people drinking. Gang crime and official corruption bred violent crime. Those who originally advocated prohibition began to think about lifting prohibition. Whether to lift the "prohibition" became the focus. Roosevelt supported the lifting of the prohibition. He was more in line with public opinion, and he was finally elected.

Some legal provisions are dead letters if they are enforced as if they do not exist. Those legal provisions during the Prohibition era were.

Smoking marijuana is not a new thing in the Western world, high school students can get it, and the prohibition of marijuana in the law is just a piece of paper, so politicians simply call for the prohibition of marijuana and alcohol prohibition in order to please voters. The order is also repealed.

The same is true for the International Statute of Secrecy. Wizards are prohibited from marrying Muggles, but many people objected to it during the implementation process, so the ban began to be lifted.

There is no law that wizards cannot intervene in Muggle wars, and it is legal for Henry Potter to call on wizards to participate in the First World War.

Wizards didn't say they couldn't get involved in gang fights. Gangs are illegal, but Muggle laws don't protect wizards either. Ma Youxuan, a wizard on the edge of the law, has no legitimate rights and interests no matter what he does legally or illegally. Unprotected, he sells politicians calling for legal marijuana to be in line with public opinion, and the neighbors love him.

The Western world not only has "freedom" and "democracy", but also various subcultures. Many Chinese students and their parents spend a lot of money to send them to study abroad, but they didn't learn anything. Instead, they returned with a drug addiction. Often out of curiosity, or eager to integrate into the local community, they gradually entered the marijuana circle. Instead, these groups of international students are spreading the "marijuana culture" to China.

Smoking is to make friends or improve interpersonal relationships, but the social culture of young people in the western world is to turn cigarettes into marijuana. Less than 30% of people.

Chinese international students often have problems with drug problems than local young people, mainly because their families are not around, and the unfamiliar environment and culture make them feel lonely, and their economic conditions are better than local children of the same age, and their self-control is not enough. Just embark on that "road of no return", which will affect your studies.

Evil is formed without thinking. Socrates said that there are two kinds of people in this world, one is happy pigs, and the other is painful people. Pigs will be slaughtered sooner or later. Dumbledore asked him to live in Hogg. Woz had a very pleasant campus life, but he really learned very little, especially about the law. He was raised happily like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, but he didn't have Hogwarts. He died in the battle, and a person who didn't know wizard law at all suddenly became the director of the Law Enforcement Department. It was inevitable that he would be excluded.

Werewolves are on the fringes of wizarding society. Lupine has been trying to fit in, but he has always been excluded. He has excellent grades but can't find a job. As for the other werewolves, the situation is even worse.

Fenrir Greyback promised a bright future to those who had nothing. They want to bite as much as possible, infect as many people as possible, create more werewolves to conquer wizards, change from a minority to a majority, and specifically bite wizard children so that they grow up far away from their parents. Growing up with a hatred of normal wizards.

Blood is what a werewolf deserves, and a werewolf should take revenge on normal people.

The Ministry of Magic also has Aurors who were bitten by werewolves and turned into werewolves. These agents sent information that Chinatown is a high-risk area for this werewolf attack. Scotland Yard warned the residents of Chinatown not to organize any activities during the Lantern Festival and to stay at home. However, due to the renovation plan of the Roseville Real Estate Company, the merchants believed that it was a collusion between the government and the merchants and refused to cooperate.

New Year's Eve is the first day of the first lunar month. The moon phase on that day is the new moon, and the moon cannot be seen. The Lantern Festival happens to be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. When you go shopping in Chinatown, you often carry a lot of cash. Werewolves can snatch people and wallets.

I don't know when the phrase "customer is God" became popular, and many people believe it.

There used to be such a legend in Chinatown that outside Chinatown, a customer was picky about the service attitude of the waiter. The waiter ignored him at all, and that person complained to the store manager.

The store manager kicked him out directly, and gave the guest a word before leaving.

"If your mother is dead, can you bring her back from the dead? If not, you are not God, and you are not welcome here."

If you push people into a hurry, they will do crazy things, because World War I required too much compensation. The victorious countries at the Lausanne Conference collectively asked the Germans to pay back the money to solve their own domestic economic crisis. , robbing Jews for military use by the Third Reich.

The victorious countries of World War II learned their lessons, and the indemnity of World War II was not so much. After the founding of New China, all the war indemnity owed by the Manchu Qing Dynasty was not recognized, and the Chinese even researched the atomic bomb when there was a famine in the country. Oh, sometimes the orientals are so ruthless, if you force them to "repay the money", God knows what they can do.

Germans are still in the Western cultural circle. If they want to continue to mix in the West, they must abide by the rules of the game. Germany has been losing money until now.

Perhaps it is because they have not experienced the pain of "paying back the money". Some Orientals are not as pragmatic and reflective as the Germans. After World War II, Germany rose again and became a world-class country. "Prohibition, the country began to grow marijuana, but their image to the world is still rigorous and serious.

There is a huge difference between the Western world and the East. It is neither heaven nor hell, it is just a place where a group of people live.

There is also a kind of carnival. When Germany knew that it was doomed to lose the war, people began to drink and dance. When the Black Death broke out, some people prayed to the Lord, and some continued to indulge in sex, drinking and carnival. Everyone has a different way of dealing with the end of the world. , there are passengers on the Titanic desperate to survive, running meaninglessly like frightened mice, and there are also old gentlemen in gorgeous evening dresses who look like they are attending a party.

The seawater pouring into the cabin will not be bought by banknotes and gold bricks. In fact, it is easy to deal with the superstitious "customer is God" person: dare to ask this gentleman (madam), can you prevent tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? ? If you can't, you're human, please be humble to the world.

If he says he can do it, he will be entrusted with the heavy responsibility of preventing the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano in the United States. If he can do it, he will be enshrined as Buddha and Jesus for generations, and people all over the world will have no objections.

Nietzsche once said that the need to fill the stomach is the reason why people cannot easily regard themselves as God.

Pomona finished reading the report on the desk, and looked at Severus who was smoking by the window with infinite sympathy. He wasn't really crazy, it was just that he was under too much pressure and met a group of people who couldn't communicate. Suppressing the anger, I only said crazy things like destroying the world last night after I was drunk.

The management department of Chinatown replied that Chinatown refused to allow white police officers to enter, and it was the responsibility of the local people to protect the safety of the people in the city.

"Otherwise, why don't you go to the Chinese embassy to try?"

"Don't talk to me," Severus said sullenly.

"Are you still hungover? Would you like a cup of hangover tea?"

He still ignored her.

"They didn't say they rejected the white police officers, or you could find a Chinese police officer to communicate with them."

"Oh, that's a clever idea," Severus smirked.

"Is this a bad idea?"

"What do you think?" He said softly and slickly.

"I hate werewolves," she said bitterly.

"There are a lot of people like you." Severus looked out of the window at Kensington Palace. "I wouldn't poison a cure, Lupine despises me so much."

"He just suffered too much harm and discrimination, so he is so wary."

"Leave me alone for a while." He said in a deep voice, "My head hurts and I don't want to listen to people."

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