Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 480: Sun God and Dionysus

Almost every time there is turmoil in the Muggle world, there will also be problems in the wizarding world. The current dark tide in London reminds Pomona of the 1970s. There are demonstrations everywhere, and the Squib parade is held in front of the Ministry of Magic headquarters.

At that time, it caused a traffic stop near Whitehall, and demonstrators held signs around Trafal Square to protest. At that time, there were demonstrations by various organizations every three days, and the Muggles didn't even know that the Squibs were not demonstrating against the Muggle government, but against the Ministry of Magic underground in Whitehall.

The Pure Blood Riot was staged in Trafalgar Square, and it was extremely difficult to "clean up", and what's more, it was necessary to erase the memory of Muggles afterwards.

If werewolves make such a scene every month, then everyone will have no peace.

The trial that voted to kill Socrates is also called the tyranny of the majority. Democracy is not always correct. Anesthetics are used for medical treatment and should not be used for pleasure. people hate.

It is much more popular to be a MP who "follows the people's will" than a nosy MP.

The sorting hat was originally going to be assigned to Slytherin. If Harry had chosen Slytherin, then Severus would have taught him what rules and laws are. The director of the department will be much more relaxed.

It's a pity that he chose Gryffindor, because he listened to Hagrid's prejudice, and the position of judge should be the least prejudiced. Prejudice will make people have cognitive errors and affect justice. Fortunately, Severus' death Let him eliminate misunderstandings and prejudices.

However, after the war, Slytherins, especially families with Death Eater backgrounds, were liquidated. Even the portrait of Severus Snape was not allowed to hang on the wall of Hogwarts, and even Merlin, who he bought with his life, was not allowed to hang on the wall of Hogwarts. Medals will be withdrawn.

If social prejudice against werewolves is formed, the medals of Remus and Tonks will also be taken away, and Teddy will be discriminated against, which is the last thing Pomona wants to see.

She looked in the mirror in front of the sink, and seemed to see Lupine the werewolf's melancholy smile in it.

According to Nietzsche, man is a double-faced animal. First, human beings have rationality and morality, and human beings live in groups, and human society needs order and authority; second, human nature is creativity and will to power, and individuals should pursue their own personal values. The former is called the Apollonian spirit, and the latter is called the Dionysian spirit.

The people Nietzsche most admired were not philosophers or scientists, nor gods or saints like Jesus, but ignorant and fearless children who dared to create. In Nietzsche's view, only children's hearts are not polluted by culture, so children's thoughts are the most creative, and they can best represent the true colors of human nature.

Nietzsche was not right about everything, he advocated war, but he believed that the Dionysian spirit represented the true face of human beings, such as desire, passion, possessiveness, and destructive desire.

The students of Hogwarts have come into contact with Professor Lupine, he is far less scary than Professor Snape, ignorant children are different from adults, children do not have any "prejudice" or rules in their hearts, and they do not have all kinds of prejudices. Discipline, in the eyes of children, anything is possible.

The lack of knowledge of the wizarding world made Harry fearless of Voldemort. Like the fool in the tarot, he walked forward happily without feeling the cliff in front of him. His actions were reckless and negligent, full of Gryffindor reckless.

Remus was very sunny when he was rational. He got along very well with Harry. Remus was the most popular teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Although he himself It is the dark creature that needs to be defended in the book-the werewolf.

Werewolves aren't in Remus' nature, he's not one to destroy. In the history of ancient Chinese civilization, human nature is inherently good and human nature is inherently evil. Confucius, a representative of Confucianism, advocated that human nature is inherently good, and Xunzi advocated that human nature is inherently evil. first need for survival.

Han Feizi believes that there is a relationship of interest between people. When a carmaker makes a good car, he hopes that others will be able to afford his car. When a carpenter makes a good car, he hopes that others will die. "Evil" is included in the discussion of human nature, just like carpenters and wheelwrights do not really hope for death or wealth, they only have such expectations for others because they are profitable.

This man Qin Shihuang admired him very much, but his prime minister Li Si killed his classmate because of jealousy. The love of the same class did not overcome the desire for power, or it was because Han Fei valued interests too much and ignored the importance of "love".

In his book, he also talked about the relationship between husband and wife. If the relationship between husband and wife is close, they are loving. If they are not close, they are not loving. The relationship between him and Li Si is not close. Two couples who are not loving together are a disaster. Why doesn’t he get close? What about your seniors?

"Bookworm" is like this, she handles interpersonal relationships very badly, she is very glad that she is a Hufflepuff, otherwise other colleges would not be able to accept a nerd like her.

Severus is more of a werewolf than Lupine, and he teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts all about destruction, and of course a shadowy guy like him doesn't get along well with sunny children, and what's worse is his power Strong-willed, never forgetting to declare his authority.

"You are a bad person, Severus, no wonder so many people want to teach you a lesson." Pomona murmured, sometimes people have to do things that are meaningless to others, but they find it very interesting Well, it was her hobby to mess with the dreaded Potions Master, and she'd put a potion of nonsense in the pumpkin juice he drank, and now she wanted to mess with him again.

Just when she was thinking about how to mess with him, she suddenly heard that hoarse hissing sound again. She looked around but saw nothing. There was one more person, the handsome Voldemort in his heyday, with black jade hair, a seductive smile, and a green Slytherin school robe.

"You're funny, you're actually thinking about a relationship of interest." He said in a hoarse voice that didn't match his age.

She was so frightened that her teeth chattered and she made a "clacking" sound.

"I cooperated with werewolves and let them bite the children of wizards who didn't obey me. I knew their numbers would increase, so what's the use? My power cannot be subverted by numbers. The weak should obey the strong Or, they are wolves, and they understand this truth very well, but some people are unwilling to surrender, how to explain it from Nietzsche's point of view?"

"No one wants to be a slave." Pomona trembled. "Everyone should be equal and independent."

"If you really think that, why do you like Nietzsche?" Voldemort approached her slowly. "You get along well with house-elves because you are as servile as they are, right?"


"You know I have Legilimency, it's no use lying to me."

She looked at Voldemort's fingers, which were not long and straight like Severus's, but had big knuckles and looked like the Elder Wand.

"He believed that morality should be divided into the noble morality of independence and bravery, and the slave morality of modesty and obedience."

"You like to listen to other people's orders very much. It's a relaxed way of life. Don't you think it's tiring to think independently?" Voldemort whispered in her ear temptingly, "I can help you, you can rest, I know You are very tired."

"I can bear it." Pomona said forcefully, "And Tom, only women want to be men in this world, no man wants to be a woman, and you won't feel happy staying in my body."

"Speaking of women, do you remember my mother?" He said casually "She traded Slytherin's locket for 10 Galleons, the world was cruel to her, but I think I still have to blame her for being too stupid for not knowing the value of that treasure."

"Maybe it's a treasure for you, but maybe not for someone else." Pomona laughed. "That locket is not as beautiful as the one in the souvenir shop of the British Museum. Any Muggle woman would not Buy it with real money."

"You think Bojinbok is ignorant?"

"He's a businessman."

"You despise merchants, right? Just like those nobles in the Middle Ages, you think you are a spiritual nobleman." He said softly, "But you know it's easier to obey orders, don't you feel tired of fighting against Severus all the time? Why do you Are you willing to obey the orders of the white wizard? You should be a humble person, pride is not suitable for you, I remember that pride seems to be one of the seven deadly sins, you have already committed ****, don't continue to make mistakes."

"I don't."

"Only making mistakes makes people feel happy, because it is human nature to make mistakes. You already feel the painful feeling. You have made a saint unholy. Severus has always loved Lily, that is why he was saved by the savior." There is also the reason why the world forgives, do you think the savior knows that Severus has not always loved his mother, would he still trust Severus so much? Believe it to the point where he is willing to die calmly?" He raised Bo Mona's chin, let her eyes look into her own eyes "I just don't want to die, how big a crime have I committed? I'm still human compared to those who think they are gods, I'm much more humble than them gone."

"So you're a slave now?" Pomona looked into his dark eyes, deep in which she could still see a red light.

"Now I know why that old fool regarded you as a treasure." Voldemort looked at her as if admiring the Hufflepuff gold cup he made into a Horcrux. "In this era, there are women who think like you It’s really rare.”

"what idea?"

Voldemort smiled and let go.

"You like nobles, don't you? You like independent and brave people."

"But you're not." Pomona said forcefully, "You don't even have the courage to test whether Harry is dead!"

"I've tried to kill him several times. It's easy to muster up the courage once. It's hard to muster up the courage again and again. I know you like Severus because of his courage, but you think he still has the courage to fight with him now." Did you face the werewolf like you did when you fell in love with him? You made him have scruples, he didn’t dare to take the same risks as before, you made him weak.”

It was as if a knife had been pierced into her heart.

"It's so sad, this is what is called love." Voldemort said pitifully, "I once said that there is no absolute good or evil in this world, the difference is only between the strong and the weak who can't tell the truth, you still think I said Is it wrong?"

Pomona didn't know how to answer.

"Either you kill others or you die yourself. This is the way to deal with werewolves." He sighed melancholy. Can't love?"

"Don't pity the dead, pity those who are alive but don't know what love is." Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded, "Go back, Severus needs you."

"One must face the reality and not live in fantasy." Voldemort said.

"As I said, Tom, your greatest failure is not understanding that there are worse things than death," said Dumbledore.

Pomona didn't want to continue listening to their argument, and left the white bathroom.

"A wise man says, only a fool falls in love so early..."

When she pushed the door back open, the song played again.

"Want to dance with me?" Severus, who was standing by the gramophone, held out his hand to her.

This time she gave him her hand without hesitation, just like the song said.

When she was in his arms, she finally didn't have to think about "money".

She can enjoy the feeling of being "alive" and loving instead of worrying about the problem of survival all the time.

Fool Karl, even if he gave the heart of the ocean, he would not get true love.

She sighed comfortably and comfortably, hugging that warm body tightly.

In Cedric's memorial speech, Dumbledore once said, never forget, if one day when judging between the right choice and the easy choice, don't forget the upright, kind and brave boy , because he was not lost in Voldemort's way.

It seemed like it was time for her to give up on Nietzsche.

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