Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 482 Darkness and Predicament

"Voldemort came from a fragmented family. Although Harry Potter's family was also fragmented by him, but he lives in Petunia's house and knows what a complete family is like, so he especially hopes to have a complete family." Jump After the dance, Severus invited her to drink cocktails, and he was very unprofessional as he chatted while mixing drinks, but who cares?" He saw his parents in the mirror, and Ron saw himself in the mirror. Captain and Quidditch captain, like your unicorn, Cedric Diggory, do you think Ron could be like Cedric if he came to your house?"

"Ron? Cedric? No." Pomona smiled and shook her head.

"Why not? Because he's not handsome enough? Or is he not just, nice, brave enough?"

"Cedric is the Seeker, Ron is the Keeper, and he lacks self-confidence, he's not sure what glory he really wants." Pomona looked at the reflection on the table and said, "Ron just thinks it's Prefect and Quidditch captain are great, but Cedric knows the sacrifices that come with both roles, and he has little time for himself, juggling training, house business, and maintaining good grades."

"It sounds like he is the same person as the white wizard, do you think he is gay?"

Pomona felt stiff all over.

Cedric was fair to all girls, but Pomona never thought about his relationship with boys.

"You never really got to know him, did you?" Severus shook his head. "Like Barty Crouch Jr., he became a Death Eater right under your nose."

"You think Cedric might become a Death Eater?" Pomona asked incredulously.

"He takes honor very seriously, it's a good habit and it's a bad habit, I think he must feel that he has a responsibility to revive Hufflepuff's centuries-old honor, so he will never allow himself to make mistakes, if he feels that he has been humiliated , it will go to the other extreme." He waved his wand and let the shaker shake by itself "Aren't you wondering why I understand him so well?"

"Because... he was coerced by me just like you?"

"Sometimes you are like the old women of the Blacks and the Longbottoms, forcing us to go the way you want us to go, and if going to the battlefield will make us look honorable, you will push us, don't care if we will Die because of this." He looked at her with condemning eyes, "Lily will defend me, she looks stronger than you on the outside, but in fact you are much stronger than her, sometimes I really doubt whether you have feminine characteristics in your heart. "

"I don't want to be weak."

"You're a woman, of course you can be weak!" Severus said incredulously, "What are you thinking?"

"You must think I'm a fool."

"Tell me what you're thinking?" He frowned, looking as though he'd had a large glass of absinthe.

"I'm afraid you'll abandon me." She said weakly, "When I heard what happened to Merope, my God, it was terrible."

"Why should I abandon you?" He asked inexplicably.

"You're tired of me, or you have other young women attracting you." Pomona looked at his ugly face and greasy hair "I can't believe that you have as many female admirers as Sirius. "

"What kind of person do you think... I am?" He suppressed his anger and asked every word.

"Ordinary man." She said dejectedly, "You're behind Lily and me..."

"Quiet!" he snarled, interrupting her "I know you're not the kind of slob I'm used to seeing, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid, you think I need a beautiful young wife to show how successful I am ?"

"Isn't it? You said that you want to live in a luxurious house like Lucius, and everyone can eat well."

"I just want you to live in a house like that, and I'm not an old fool to make you live in the mud." He took the shaker in his hand and poured out the wine, the blue Margaret It looks like the venom of a curly-winged bat, with a faint blue light "He is hiding you with mud, I understand his feelings, but he makes you lose your original brilliance, look at Furong, how many people she made for her go Ape."

"I don't need so many people to be crazy about me." She grabbed his hand and said, "I just want you to look at me."

"There are a lot of women who are jealous of Veela, and I've heard they gloated when they heard that Fleur was marrying Bill when she could have chosen someone who was much richer than him." Severus shook her hand back." This is where your charm lies, you don't value a person's external conditions, including material and appearance."

Pomona couldn't help thinking of Mary, if Lily hadn't listened to what she was telling her, let her be realistic and find a rich man to marry, would Severus and Lily have a different story.

"You accompanied me through many difficult days." He whispered, "You helped me rebuild my broken life. I don't want you to spend your energy and time on other men."

Voldemort had said that Severus was selfish, and now Pomona believed him.

"You rejected me again and again. The only reason I can understand is that you think I'm ugly. I'm not as handsome as Sirius and Cedric, right?"

"You know I don't just look at a person's appearance. I hate people like Lockhart."

"Yeah, I know." He said with a wry smile, "but I didn't know why you rejected me at that time. I made Cedric a lot of embarrassment. When he was humiliated in public, he looked at me. Swear to God, that's not what a gentle and honest person should be. Even if Ron makes a fool of himself in public like at the Christmas ball, he will soon forget it, but Cedric has to be perfect in everything, in line with the status of a knight and a nobleman. , because only in this way can your request be met.”

"You swear to God?" said Pomona incredulously.

"Is that what you heard? The perfect Cedric in your eyes and Dumbledore's is not perfect, he has flaws just as much, he is too honorable." Severus hissed like a snake." There's nothing shameful about being number two, why didn't you teach him that?"

"Do you want to say that defeat is glorious?"

"A gentle mother should be like this, he wants the first place, even though he knows that the championship belongs to Harry Potter, so he picks up that trophy, when did Hufflepuff become so competitive ?”

Pomona thought of Nietzsche.

Human creativity is related to desire. War requires advanced weapons. In order to manufacture such advanced weapons, creativity is needed. Chinese gunpowder is used as fireworks, and Westerners get gunpowder to make running bombs. This desire to destroy and conquer fuels creativity.

She would not persuade Cedric to be really humble. This is a kind of servile morality. Socrates always said that he was ignorant, argued with people everywhere and offended others, and finally became the public enemy of Athens. She taught Cedric to use She smirked to cover up her real intentions, but she didn't expect him to use this trick to deal with her.

"You're really going to give up on Nietzsche." Severus scolded sharply. "Do you think Hufflepuff's boys are not very majestic, so use his philosophy to inject some blood into them?"

"Oh, so Hufflepuff is always going to listen to you Slytherins or Gryffindors?" said Pomona sharply. Masculinity?"

"Hell, Pomona, they were assigned to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw because they didn't have that masculinity in them, but you insisted on motivating them. You are doing it wrong." Severer Si said wearily, "Don't care too much about other people's eyes and opinions, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and there will be no other women in our lives."

Pomona originally wanted to say Narcissa Malfoy, but thinking of her aging face, she swallowed that sentence by herself.

Many people will face such a problem. When a man reaches middle age, he is like a ripe fruit, attracting the attention of young girls, while his wife is old and pale and no longer attractive. Some men feel that such a woman is no longer suitable for their successful career, so they abandon the woman who accompanied them through hardships, and then take a young and beautiful woman to show their faces outside.

Victorian men took their mistresses to social occasions and left their wives at home to take care of their children. Once a woman divorced, she had no income, and her survival was a problem. So the women became realistic, why start from scratch with a person who has nothing, wouldn't it be better to find a rich man to marry from the beginning?

Josephine was older than Napoleon, but she accompanied him through the difficult years. Even though she did not give birth to him, Napoleon became emperor and he still never left him.

Napoleon may be a dictator, but he has qualities that many French men at that time did not have. His feelings are like a blazing flame, suffocating. Such a man can easily capture a woman's heart, so that vanity is still in the marriage. Josephine, who cheated on her, betrayed him and became a bitch that everyone condemned.

Josephine is very passionate about roses. She not only opened up a rose garden, she even specially issued a special passport for a London horticulturist during the Anglo-French War, allowing him to travel freely. In respect of the queen, the naval battle between the two armies is stopped, and the ship carrying roses is allowed to pass.

A man's demeanor does not lie in what kind of clothes he wears, whether he looks handsome, or how many luxury goods he owns. Stopping wars for roses is so romantic.

If Pomona had a way to have Napoleon's love, she would never betray the man who loved her so deeply, so in the end Josephine was "divorced" by Napoleon on the grounds that she had no children, and she did not sympathize.

She saw it in the department store that day, a bald Asian middle-aged man took a young and beautiful woman to buy things in a luxury store, she was sure that the young woman had no love for the middle-aged man, the young girl My son just likes to play and dress up, and I guess he wants to follow him to "grow more in the market" and attend celebrity places.

If that man has no money, she will change without hesitation, just like Mrs. Zabini, who has changed seven husbands. His wife and children ignored him, and even like Iris, he only left a country villa and a small amount of wealth, and gave the woman the rest of the money.

People outside of China may not know Wang Wei, but they must know Li Bai. He once wrote such a poem:

The emperor of the Han Dynasty valued Gillian and stored it in a golden house. Cough and saliva fall for nine days, pearls and jade grow with the wind. Love is still resting, jealousy is affectionate but sparse. Nagato took one step at a time, refusing to return to the car temporarily. If the rain does not fall to the sky, it is difficult to catch the water. Junqing and concubine's intentions have now become weeds. How long will it be good for Israel to serve others?

Li Bai experienced the process of the Tang Dynasty from prosperity to decline. He was a famous poet during Tang Minghuang's period. He also wrote poems for Yang Yuhuan, but Pomona was interested in Tang Minghuang's original wife, Queen Wang. She also experienced The process of "abolishing the king and establishing the military" is the same as the king and queen of Gaozong Lizhi, except that the "wu" established this time is not Wu Zetian, but the queen's grandniece Wu Huifei.

At that time, there were also ministers who opposed Tang Minghuang, but he was not crying like Changsun Wuji and others, kowtowing his head until his forehead was bloody, but a man named Pan Haoli wrote a letter to dissuade him: Parents' enmity is irreconcilable, as a man and a child Not to avenge his parents, but to be a son of man... The general meaning is that Li Longji is an unfaithful, filial, unkind, and unrighteous dog emperor, and Li Wu's queen is what he has to see the world.

In ancient China, there was a legal system of seven times and three times, which meant that wives who accompanied a man from poverty to wealth were not allowed to divorce and "divorce". However, in Li Bai's era, this rule became useless. In that era, there were many poems about abandoned women and palace complaints. Women in that era were not happy at all.

Of course it is embarrassing to publicize family scandals, but with the spread of Han culture, these shady family scandals have also become known to the world.

People pay more attention to gossip than personal feelings. Scandals always spread faster than good news. Both Muggles and wizards like this kind of "huge news" the most.

She can only be his "mistress" for the rest of his life, because he has loved Lily for the rest of his life in the eyes of everyone, otherwise she will become a "crazy material" written by a reporter like Lita.

Fu Rong could find a rich man, but she chose Bill, who has no money, and lived in a shell house far away from the bustling. If Bill lied to her, how could she guarantee her youth and sincerity?

The current law only divides property, and what is divided is the relationship of interest. It seems that there is only a relationship of interest between husband and wife, as Han Fei said, and it is not the art of upholding kindness, fairness and justice.

This incomplete and cold marriage law will tear families apart, drive women to a dead end, and men themselves will also go to a dead end. The country is the sum of the family, and there is no family, the smallest hematopoietic stem cell, because of the lack of fresh blood - newborns. Muggles who can give birth are now facing the same fertility problems as wizards, but it's not that women can't give birth to children, but that they don't want to get married.

While she was in a daze, Severus suddenly came out from behind the bar and knelt down on one knee when she was not prepared.

"What are you doing!" she said incoherently.

"I know we had a wedding, and I also proposed once." He raised his head, his face full of joy and disbelief, "but I want to propose once like ordinary people."

As if she had been hit by a stick, her mind went blank.

"Sister, will you marry me?"

Oh, she was expecting him to say something sweet, or read a poem, and it was so dry to propose with an imperative sentence.

"There is nothing more important than you, I hope you can summon me anytime." He lowered his head and kissed the summoning ring on her hand, "I am very happy, I am a magician."

Dreamy love is often very plain, and companionship is the longest confession of love. Even Albus Dumbledore didn’t spare time to accompany his family, but he said that there will be only the two of them for the rest of his life, and he can always see him whenever he wants Summon, she's almost as "great" as the Dark Lord.

"I will marry you, Half-Blood Prince," she whispered. "You can stand up and kiss your bride."

So he stood up and kissed her passionately.

There is no guarantee, and she will not force him to make an unbreakable vow, not even a legal marriage relationship, she just got married in such a muddle.

Who else in this world is a more stupid fool than her.

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