Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 483 Bloody Codex

The swan geese are flying, and their feathers are respected. The son Yu Zheng worked hard in the wild. Yuan and Jin people, mourning from widows and widows.

Swan geese are flying and gather in Zhongze. The son of Yu Yuan, he made all kinds of blocks. Although it is hard work, how about a house?

Swan geese are flying, whining and crying. Only this philosopher calls me toil. Weibi fool, call me arrogant.

The Confucius Institute does not teach this poem, but it does not prevent Pomona from going to the bookstore to buy the Analects. Chinese wizards worship cows, dogs, wild geese and mullets. These four animals represent hard work, loyalty, single-mindedness and filial piety. .

Even though it is not as good-looking as peacocks and phoenixes, Pomona still likes it, so she recited this poem especially for it.

She recited it in a "Mandarin" accent. This poem was written in the Zhou Dynasty. The official language at that time was Heluo, which is now mainly spread in southern Fujian.

The Heluo culture originated in Henan, but the one that has been preserved is in the southeast. It is said that it is related to Xuanyuan Huangdi. She can't speak Mandarin well, let alone Hokkien.

He Chu Tu, Luo Chu Shu, He Tu Luo Shu is the source of Chinese civilization, Fuxi studied the gossip based on the He Tu carried by the tortoise from Luoshui.

Western wizards use Latin for incantations, which is actually not ancient enough. In theory, Chinese incantations should also be recited in Heluo, but she has never seen them do it.

The current pronunciation of Chinese is very different from that of ancient times. If someone uses a time converter to go back to ancient times, the first thing they will face is a language barrier. It feels like a northerner who went to Fujian. He can hear every word that the locals say. I don't understand, they are of the same species but they seem to be in a foreign country.

When they go abroad, no matter what ethnicity they are in, they like to get together. People of the same ethnicity have similar customs and languages. Many international students would rather travel halfway across London to buy seasonings in supermarkets in Chinatown.

Werewolves want to eat human flesh, and the tourists who come to Chinatown carry cash. There is really no better target than them.

A place with a lot of people is likely to cause chaos. In the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eaters rioted and released the Dark Mark. Muggles also saw it. It was a serious violation of the International Statute of Secrecy. An emergency meeting was held, only the Chinese wizards did not attend.

They still remember what happened in the Qing Dynasty. Western wizards watched Muggles struggling in despair caused by the Black Death, war, natural disasters, and famine with cold eyes, while Eastern wizards couldn’t do anything if they wanted to.

Wizards cannot intervene in the war between Muggles. Chinese wizards have not been in contact with other countries since a long time ago. They have always been independent, and no one cares about it.

Unlike the Muggle government that is active on the international stage, Chinese wizards are very low-key and almost hard to find. The "Xunxian" written in ancient poems refers to them.

Britain stopped the death penalty in 1965. The deterrence of the death penalty deterred many lawbreakers, but the death penalty did not deter the crazy people. From the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century, Britain used very harsh criminal laws to punish prisoners. , such as pickpocketing, felling trees and shoplifting are all punishable by hanging.

Despite the rapid increase in crime, famous writers such as Charles Dickens believed that public hangings were no longer intended to encourage seriousness in the law, but an entertainment performance that aroused enthusiasm and people cheered for death.

Last time Kingsley approved the execution of the werewolves were all hanged, but not publicly executed, and now the werewolves are also having a carnival, and the little wizard who was bitten by them 6 years ago has grown up, the killing and the death penalty are to help these poor people escape the only way.

When it's time to kill, it's still time for a man to do it. Most of the bloody scenes are unacceptable to women and children. The morality of humility and obedience taught by Confucius is the morality of slavery. Confucianism has its merits, but it also has fatal weaknesses, especially when it is combined with Taoism and Buddhism, which are "indifferent to the world", resulting in impact is even greater.

Wuhuluanhua is the darkest period in Chinese history. At that time, it was in the period of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Facing the iron hooves of foreigners, the nobles of the Central Plains crossed south and gave up large areas of land to foreigners. The Han people who stayed in their homeland were ravaged and eventually Killed to almost extinction.

The volcanic eruption in 536 also had an impact on China. The temperature dropped sharply, causing drought and poor harvests. The Jie people caught the Han people when there was no food to eat, and they were eaten as "two-legged sheep". Without Ran Min's order to kill Hu, the northern Han people might have become extinct.

The majesty and passion of a man are stimulated, but the young master Draco does not have it, and the boys of Hufflepuff are even less.

Pomona encouraged them to compete with Ravenclaw. If they win, they will get ice cream, and if they lose, they will be imprisoned. As long as they can win, they can use any means. Nietzsche's philosophy helped her cultivate a group of little badgers who love competition. Gentle and cuddly rodents dare to show their teeth, the only way to become friends with the Gryffindor lions.

Ernie McMillan publicly supports Harry Potter. Although his Patronus is a boar, he has become the most dangerous wild boar in the forest because of his wild nature.

Confucianism restrains the wildness in the human body, making people humble and obedient. Christian morality also makes people obedient. Nietzsche believes that this is the morality of cultivating the weak. In the face of the whip of God and the sword of Allah Sometimes Christians simply cannot form effective resistance.

The same is true of Mongolia for the Song Dynasty. At that time, the Song Dynasty also used Confucianism. The emperors of the Southern Song Dynasty were all arrested and left. The Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also used Confucianism, and it was "abandoning all schools of thought to respect Confucianism", but this Confucianism does not refer to the teaching The Confucian moral thought of human courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame makes people obey, but the Gongyang School of belief in great revenge and great unification. This radical and passionate thought ignited the hearts of men in the Han Dynasty to be loyal and dedicated to the country.

The British demanded that opium be legalized in the Nanjing Treaty, and Ma Youxuan sold marijuana to Muggle teenagers to destroy the next generation of Britain. He is a representative of the revenge faction.

Wei Qinghuo Qubing took away the cattle and sheep of the Huns as trophies, and the Huns were starved to death. What they did can be praised, but what Ma Youza did should be condemned? I didn't see the conscience of the British selling opium to the Chinese.

Those who steal the hook will be punished, the princes who steal the country, Hongmen now controls Chinatown, and he is an admired figure in the gang. He is different from Zhang Tao and difficult to deal with.

Since the development of Western civilization, its driving force has almost dried up, and learned people have turned to Eastern philosophy for a new source. As a result, all kinds of ghosts and demons have exposed their minions.

Facing challenges and escaping cannot solve the problem. In the confrontation, body collisions are inevitable. A puffy body cannot win an endurance race.

The plum blossom represents a gentleman, and only a profit-seeking businessman would equate the "plum" of the plum blossom with the unlucky "unlucky".

Pomona does not despise businessmen, she really hopes that the East can rise, the Renaissance is promoted by the merchant class, money and energy can promote the progress of human civilization, it is just the kind of behavior that spends a lot of money to buy luxury goods to satisfy her vanity. Really disagree.

"Iris wants to destroy Blaise Zabini." During lunch, Pomona suddenly said that this time they ate Chinese food. Although Chinatown in London is raising signs to protest, "business" still has to go ahead. Yes, the delivery rider still has a smile on his face.

"What does he want to do?" Severus lowered his head and concentrated on eating Kung Pao Chicken with his fork.

"Send him to Moldova and let him do nothing for the rest of his life."

"Is this his way of revenge?"

"You feel bad?"

"No." Severus smiled. "He made you tell me that?"

"Do you still remember the stupid thing you did when you asked me to dance? You can tell me directly, you don't need to make any excuses." She took his hand with a happy face and said, "Just like you did just now."

What people ultimately love is their own desires, not what they want.

Wanting to be seen is not determined by how many luxury items you have on your body.

Mrs. Zabini thought she was smart, but she ruined her son. Pomona also wanted to find a way to expel Pansy Parkinson from the British wizarding society. Oh, maybe getting them married was a "kill two birds with one stone" idea.

"Not all werewolves captured last time were executed, what about those who were alive?"

"They don't want to die, but we won't send them to Azkaban either. I found a place to build a 'sanatorium' and let them out after they learn how to 'be human'."

"Whose land did you use?"

"I let Belby and Osbert decide for themselves." He sneered. "I don't want them to fight among themselves, and I don't intend to let them love each other. It would be terrible if they joined forces to deal with me."


"Prestige, I am a dead person, but they are alive, and their fame and wealth have been taken away by them. When they have more followers than me, they will dump me. Have you forgotten what I told you about the essence of power? "

"Then what are the benefits?" asked Pomona, who had been the subject of Voldemort's teasing of her earlier.

"When we have equal power, we are exchanging. When our power is not equal, there must be plundering, just like the old coins given to the Mongols in the Song Dynasty. What a fool." He said with a stiff face, "The Orientals have raised Mongolia, they rode horses to the west to plunder, and brought the Black Death over."

"Do you think the Black Death is related to the Justinian Plague?"

"The Chinese say the Black Death is not the plague, and I intend to believe them."

Pomona shrugged and continued eating her mapo tofu.

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