At the beginning, Ah Chen was not like this. When his wife Mary was still alive, he was still somewhat human, but after Mary died, the humanity in his heart was gone, and he made secret deals with the police to eradicate dissidents, To take revenge on Huang Zhicheng blatantly, he and Huang Zhicheng used to have a little friendship.

Before the first part died, everyone in Han Chen's eyes was a pawn, a stepping stone for meritorious deeds and the future. He still holds the banner of morality, but his heart is full of conspiracy and suspicion.

His heart is cold, like a ghost, a person is thrown out of his heaven, he will create an ideal hell again, drugs will harm many people, but so what?

The only bit of humanity left in him is the fear of "being caught". He is not afraid of being caught even after death. A thief is afraid of being an "official" all his life.

Han Chen is a man who is bold at times, timid at times, believes in everything and doesn't believe in anything at times. He is not so much crazy as he is possessed.

Amin is really crazy. He has personality cognitive impairment. The general clinical manifestations of people are poor self-control and emotional instability, but he is the opposite. He hides all negative emotions, which looks normal on the surface. But he called Han Chen Papa, how could a policeman call the leader of a criminal organization Papa.

When he was on the phone, Huang Zhicheng came over, and Pomona could feel his beating heartbeat through the screen.

He was scared to death, and Aren's performance was much better than Amin's. The undercover agent must have died a miserable death if he was caught by the gangsters, but Aren was still able to calm down and talk to Han Chen, but Han Chen turned his face and turned his back on him. The plaster was broken.

A ghost doesn't necessarily look scary. Han Chen even looks like a Maitreya Buddha when he smiles, but he is a ghost.

It is called antisocial personality in psychology, and it is characterized by emotional outbursts and impulsive behavior. His killing of Huang Zhicheng is a typical impulsive behavior. Follow him for a while, but it will eventually lead to destruction.

Ah Chen's impulsiveness forced Ah Ming, who was not quite normal in the first place, to kill for his own safety, and talking logic with a lunatic would only drive him crazy.

Philosophers like books and thinking, desperadoes like danger and games, ordinary people don’t have the guts to play in the world of gangsters, organized crime not only has a complicated network of relationships, but also because of its strict organizational structure, Hongmen is in the underground world of Chinese It has always existed. Hong Kong cannot stay in another country. Where there are locust trees, there are Chinese.

In the movie "The Godfather", even if they are both Caucasian and Christian, Italians will suffer from judicial injustice in the United States and the United Kingdom.

Italy is a Catholic country, Britain and the United States are Protestants, and his daughter was almost insulted. After legal means failed, the cake shop owner had to ask the "Godfather" for help. At that time, the cake shop owner didn't want to integrate into the local area.

A gentleman is harmonious but different, and a villain is the same but not harmonious. Han Chen is a villain. His organization and heart are at odds. Except for the stupid, everyone is with him because of interests. No one thought of avenging him.

The Mr. Wen that Ma Youxuan was following was very similar to him, both of them had hidden swords in their smiles, and he opened the Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse where Pomona and the others ate.

On the surface, he is a serious businessman, but in fact he is Xiang Chang from the Tiandihui, and Ma Youxuan is his guest secretary, a person who says he has power but has no power.

Every organization has an inner ghost, Legilimency is the most suitable for extorting a confession by torture, plus three drops of Veritaserum, it is guaranteed that no secret can be hidden.

Organized crime not only has a complex network of relationships and interests, but also a strict organization. There is a torture hall in Hongmen, and sometimes Ma Youzai will appear.

Mr. Wen thinks highly of him, but he has no intention of giving him the management of the entire Chinatown site. Ma Youxuan's job is more like a flower crown, that is, he specializes in catching traitors. No one likes such a person.

During the period from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of New China, China has been in chaos, and many cultural relics have been resold abroad.

Zhang Jingjiang was a cultural relic dealer living in Paris, but he donated all his income to Sun Wen to support the Revolution of 1911. After the Revolution of 1911, Zhang Jingjiang returned to China to assist Sun Yat-sen, and the Tongyuan Company in Paris ended. Lu Qinzhai opened his own antique shop and established Lu Wu Antique Company.

Selling cultural relics is definitely a serious crime now, but it must be done in that special period of history. The Manchus lost the war and had to pay compensation.

When the breath subsides, the Zhang family is taking back all the cultural relics that can be recycled, but the Yuanmingyuan animal heads, especially the dragon heads, may never be taken back.

Loot can evoke a certain memory. Serial killers often do this. Rasputin also collects women's hair. Looking at the dragon head may allow the collector to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of being a "conqueror". It is basically impossible to return it to the Chinese.

Similarly, it is difficult to get back the reliefs of the Six Horses of Zhaoling. Lu Qinzhai is different from Zhang Jingjiang. Before him, European and American collectors only collected porcelain, but he enlightened European and American collectors from Chinese decorative porcelain. Chinese tomb art and Buddhist art with profound cultural accumulation.

Lu Qinzhai built the famous "Paris Red House" in Paris. He once donated money to support the Revolution of 1911. For a period of time, he sponsored Chinese students a free lunch in the Red House every day. In his later years, Lu Qinzhai concluded that his life was full of contradictions. He admitted that he had lost many national treasures overseas, and felt lucky that these national treasures were protected from wars.

After the First World War, Lu Qinzhai realized that the United States had become the center of the antique market. He decided to open the largest antique store in the United States at the corner of Madison and 57th Street in New York with Wu Qizhou, a native of Shanghai. His fame and contacts soon made him a supplier and consultant to many private museums, and it was from him that the Six Horses of Zhaoling went abroad.

Lu Qinzhai smashed all the stone carvings of the six steeds in Zhaoling to be smuggled out of the country. Among them, the four steeds were seized by the Beiyang government, and Sa Luzi and Quan Mao were lost overseas.

Many Westerners like to watch Dream of the Red Chamber, but Pomona doesn't like it. She likes Outlaws of the Marsh, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, especially the part where Wu Song beats a tiger after drunk, which is really enjoyable.

She doesn't like the beautiful and delicate garden, like a beautiful cage, and she doesn't like the attitude of the people in the Grand View Garden towards Grandma Liu, what's so ridiculous?

Especially that Miaoyu, she threw away the teacup that Grandma Liu drank, what kind of attitude was she.

"Now you know the reason why Zhang didn't come to Chinatown?" Severus drank tea after talking about their identities. This kind of tea is made in Chinese style, and many Westerners are not used to drinking it. They would rather drink lemonade .

"Are Chozhang and Thaozhang related?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know. Zhang is a common surname in China, and her parents seem to be ordinary people."

"Are they all Muggles?"

"No, they are all ordinary people." Severus said in a low voice, "There are not so many stories about them, and China doesn't care about wizards marrying Muggles, so there is no need to study their bloodlines."

"I heard that many Chinese wizards don't marry."

"Some are, but there are others who are getting married."

"They don't value blood, so what do they value?"

"I stayed with you in XZ field for one night, and Wang Wei thought I should marry you." Severus said without hesitation, "Are their thoughts still stuck in the 18th century?"

Pomona looked coldly at the wizard who gave her the high-waisted skirt of the empire, and his mind was not open.

At this moment, the dishes they asked for came, much more than what they ordered, enough for five or six people.

"I didn't order this," Severus said to the waitress, who was wearing a gorgeous cheongsam.

"It was Mr. Wen's explanation. The visitor is a guest, please take it easy." The waitress said in English with an accent, and then walked away with a swaying posture.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Pomona felt extremely complicated.

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