Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 503: Lord Variety Star

The Chinese are hospitable, and after eating a table full of Mr. Wen's food, it would be impolite to leave just like that, so Pomona and Severus took the elevator up to the third floor under the guidance of the waitress.

Different from the bustling downstairs where people push cups and change cups, the third floor is very quiet, and the interior decoration is very Chinese style. The vermilion wooden pillars are painted with colorful paints such as cranes, the floor is covered with thick carpets, and the narrow and long corridors There are many vases on the table, some are as tall as a person, and some are placed on the wooden table with big peonies in them.

This is a completely different style from the minimalist pastoral of Zhang Tao’s house, showing vulgar nobility everywhere, but there is a lot of darkness here, listening to her footsteps in the light and shadow transition, her mood becomes restless.

The Grand View Garden described by Cao Xueqin is a place where girls fight each other, and they talk like a group of chirping swallows.

And this place was a cage for ferocious beasts, she grabbed Severus' arm subconsciously, because only then did she feel free from fear.

The Chinese are hospitable, and there is a saying that there is no good banquet. In the late Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang was invited by Xiang Yu to have a Hongmen banquet.

If the food had been poisoned, neither of them would be able to get out alive. There are many Asian herbs, and not all of them are as harmless as Potentilla tincture.

But if you don’t eat it because you are afraid of being poisoned, it is a “waste”. Cao Xueqin is from the north. He wrote in Chapter 60: The third-class slaves in our family are more noble than you. .

The meaning of watching people order dishes is a metaphor that people should not be treated equally, treat people differently, and give different treatment to different people.

Chinese people like to guess riddles. To understand the meaning of other people's actions, it is like a Luban lock, which can only be opened by a smart person.

That table of food had to be eaten, and he couldn't eat it like the fat guy in the Infernal Affairs movie. Severus probably didn't come here to eat when he came to other people's lair to eat.

Those who are kind do not come, those who come are not. At the end of the corridor, there is a double wooden door with animal face patterns embossed on it, which can be seen everywhere on the RMB.

There are also reliefs on both sides of the door. According to the painting style, it should be "Wu Dai Dangfeng". Those figures look like immortals in the sky. Those few looked back, or covered their faces with their big sleeves and talked in low voices. Pomona seemed to hear their whispers coming from the darkness.

She just wanted to focus on a relationship, why did she come to such a terrible place?

There was a table at the door, and a gang member in formal attire was sitting on a chair and reading a newspaper. It was not surprising to see the two coming, but nodded and smiled politely.

"Boss, the guests are here." He said through the intercom in Mandarin with a strong Cantonese flavor.

"Let them in," said the man on the other end of the intercom.

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man hidden behind the wooden pillar entered a few buttons on the keyboard, and the animal-faced door slowly opened by itself. The thickness of the gate is estimated to be able to prevent shells. The armor should be the same. Behind the door is a more impressive large office. A large floor-to-ceiling glass window faces Chinatown. From this position, you can just see the archway. There is a large desk in front of the glass window. A man in his forties, slightly fat The middle-aged man walked towards them with a smile on his face.

"Oh, welcome to come, both of you."

This man has the air of a philistine, with a big gold ring on his hand and a Rolex on his wrist, he seems to be an ordinary successful businessman.

Severus ignored Mr. Wen's outstretched hand, and instead turned to look at the decoration of his office. The smile on Mr. Wen's face froze.

Pomona immediately reached out and held him.

"The food was very delicious just now." She said foolishly, "I like it very much."

"Customer satisfaction is my greatest wish. I will come back next time if it tastes good." Mr. Wen still said warmly and thoughtfully. Pomona felt that this ordinary-looking Chinese looked more and more like Han Chen.

It was the same way when he was entertaining Thai people, he kept saying compliments, but these words were not at all mean, they were all occasional words.

"I don't know what you two want from me?"

Pomona looked at Severus, who was looking at a Chinese painting hanging on the wall.

The mounting method of eastern calligraphy and paintings is different from that of western ones. The painting on the scroll shows a cow hiding in the water. It has no horns and is looking at the moon in the sky. It doesn’t look strange.

It is written in the Great Wilderness of the Mountains and Seas that there is a kind of animal that has no horns and only one hoof. When it enters and exits the water, there must be wind and rain. Its sound is like thunder, and its name is Kui Niu.

The Yellow Emperor once obtained this kind of beast, made drums out of its skin, and made drumsticks from the bones of the thunder beast, and used the sound of the drums to frighten the enemy soldiers.

Zhang Tao told her that if a craftsman puts a lot of effort into an object, then it will have a spirit. From that painting, Pomona felt a kind of fluctuation, which reminds her of the story of the magic brush Ma Liang. This vivid Kui ox will jump out of the painting at any time.

Ma Youxuan is a "painter", just like Wang Wei's "poet".

"Are you wizards?" Mr. Wen suddenly changed his attitude. The aura of a stock market swindler in him was gone, but he seemed to be wearing another disguise.

"Yes." Pomona said without hesitation.

"Are you Aurors?"

"No, we're freelancers."

"That painting, how do you summon what's inside?" Severus asked Mr. Wen.

"The pony told me that it would jump out to save me when I was in danger." Mr. Wen said with a smile on his face, "Do you want to do something dangerous, Mr. Wizard?"

"I thought wizards couldn't take part in a Muggle war."

"The world is peaceful now, and there is no war." Mr. Wen said sarcastically, "What's more, we civilians can't participate in decision-making on such a big matter."

Ancient Confucianism divided the people into four classes: scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen. Many scholars actually did not understand a concept. No matter how close the scholar-bureaucrat class is to the nobles, he is still a citizen and not a nobleman. However, the "scholar" class thinks that it is no longer " people".

His food, clothing, housing and transportation are as standard as those of the nobles. He studied hard for so many years in order to become a "scholar", and he can no longer engage in physical labor like ordinary civilians.

Only by treating the manual labor class correctly can they gain their support. Plants need to be cultivated to become food, and only when there is a stable source of food can we discuss governance and civilization. This is the reason why ancient farming civilization developed faster than nomadic civilization.

There is a saying in the West that there is no free lunch in the world. Breakfast and dinner in the Middle Ages were very simple, and only lunch was the main meal. This sentence is now believed as the truth, just like people in the Middle Ages believed that the earth was flat.

However, there is really a free lunch in this world, and Lu Qinzhai allows Chinese students studying in France to have a free lunch.

He is reselling cultural relics, but he has done good deeds with the money from reselling cultural relics, and also satisfied his selfish desire to become a high-ranking person. So is he a good person or a bad person?

If you don't know life, how can you know death.

"Things" are not that simple.

The Master said: Eat a little food and drink water, bend your arms and rest your head on it, and enjoy yourself in it. Unrighteousness and wealth and honor are like floating clouds to me.

When a "scholar-bureaucrat" who desires to break away from the common people and look different meets consumerism, it is like dry wood meeting fire, an adulterer meeting a prostitute, and the desire and passion for consumption expands infinitely, but there is no Enough money to support one's material desires, so various corruption incidents of corruption, bribery, and bending the law for personal gain appeared.

Scholars are also citizens, and if they forget their own nature, they will become divorced from the masses. This is the greatest danger of any political party in power.

How can a person who is full of food all day long know the suffering in the world.

Money can buy food in times of peace, but it cannot buy food under special circumstances.

In the battle between Qin and Zhao Changping, Zhao State asked Qi State to buy grain, but Qi State did not lend grain to Zhao State.

The king of Qi played his wishful thinking, the snipe and the clam competed for the fisherman's profit, and he was able to unify the world after Qin and Zhao were hurt, but unfortunately things backfired.

In 259 BC, a baby was born in HD, the capital of the State of Zhao. This person was named Zhao Zheng. Just one year before his birth, the Battle of Changping ended, and the people of Qin State killed 400,000 soldiers of Zhao State. Zhao Zheng's father, Yiren, was a proton detained by Qin State in Zhao State. With the "diplomatic relations" between the two countries at that time, it was not surprising that Yiren was killed by the angry King Zhao, but he escaped from HD with the help of Lu Buwei. Zhao Zheng and his mother Zhao Ji were left surrounded by powerful enemies.

Zhao Zheng grew up amidst blood, famine and prejudice, and his coming-of-age ceremony began with the sacrifice of his two brothers from the same mother.

Confucian scholars hated him and called him a tyrant in history books, but the Chinese called him Zulong, which was written in Sima Qian's Qinshihuang Benji.

The last emperor, the first emperor... It makes people feel infinitely sad.

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