Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 541 The Harlequin

In 1896, a British female photographer named Isabella went to Sichuan, China to photograph the local customs.

That place is far away from the capital, BJ, and has the reputation of the land of abundance, but the living conditions of the people are not good.

The first is the large gap between the rich and the poor. The wealthy people have beautiful and spacious courtyards, and even their wives and concubines are all beautiful, while the poor will starve to death on the street, and no one cares about them.

The second is backwardness. At that time, paddle steamers driven by steam engines were used to sail on inland rivers in Europe, but human labor was still used to pull fibers on the Yangtze River. People engaged in this profession were called "trackers", and they were very good at singing. Now Chuanjiang chant As a kind of intangible cultural heritage, it has been preserved. After all, people now don't need to rely on manpower to pull fibers.

In fact, the paddle-wheeled steam engine ship also needs manpower to add coal. In the movie Titanic, many workers added coal to the world's most advanced huge steam turbine at that time, but they were at the bottom and passengers could not usually see them. Their labor intensity is also great, and they have to endure high temperature, which is no easier than trackers.

The world that people can perceive and understand is limited. It is impossible to understand and control all the things that happen in the world all the time. Different people have different social circles, and the social circles have different cultures.

Hermione wanted to liberate the house-elves before she became a housewife, and now she only fights for the rights of the elves not to be abused and dismissed without reason.

Housework is tiring and cumbersome. Not to mention men, many women don't like to do it, but if you don't do housework, the house will be messy. The Gryffindor lounge, which has always advocated equality, has been dirty and messy because of Hermione. For a while, only Dobby was willing to clean up. What Hermione did disturbed the life of the house elves, just like the French peasants who settled their land property rights after the French Revolution no longer wanted to continue the revolution with the bourgeoisie. I am used to farming life and don't want to industrialize. There is a big difference between the French countryside and the big cities. It can be said that except for Paris, all are rural areas. There are many city people who go to the countryside for vacation, but country people do not yearn for life in the city. The ordinary rural life may make most young people feel boring, but they generally go home after going to Paris. It is a European country, France has a slow pace and a leisurely life, so you don't have to be busy all day long like the Muggles in Britain, America, Japan and China.

After returning to Hogwarts, Pomona felt the pressure from her Muggle neighbors, and she was almost out of breath living in that luxurious apartment.

And at Hogwarts, she could take a picnic basket and run to the tallest tower with the Potions professor, and eat while watching the scenery. Originally, the Astronomy Tower was a good place, but there was a bad memory there, no wonder Xin Nista would resign.

Albus Dumbledore's grave can be seen from this place.

In the wizarding world, there will be no color and race discrimination, but discrimination against Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. This is mainly due to historical reasons. Most Muggles have forgotten the history of the Middle Ages and think that it is unfair for them to be discriminated against.

As for Severus' prejudice against Muggles, it may be his experience in Muggle schools and his father. He likes to wear wizard cloaks very much. In the Muggle community, he has to dress like Muggles, which makes him very uncomfortable. Comfortable, now that he is himself again, he doesn't have to force himself to pretend.

Harry had rode a hippogriff across the Black Lake in his third year, and it must have been fun.

The Death Eaters don't even need to borrow magical animals, they can fly directly in the sky, and I don't know which one is happier.

"I like the wizarding world," Pomona said, over a smoked fish sandwich. "Can we not live in that apartment?"

"Where do you want to live?" He agreed easily this time.

Now she finally knows why Godric's Hollow is the best retreat in England, but too many stories happened there, she wants to find a simpler place to live.

The winter in Scotland was still cold, Severus covered her with a cloak, and the body temperature of the two of them was wrapped in the cloak, even if the wind was cold, they didn't feel cold.

"I like that northern farmer's house." She said, leaning on his shoulder, chewing food. "Sometimes we can go for a walk in the forest, and there is a lake. I like living in a place like that."

She likes a leisurely and slow-paced life. It feels so good to think about nothing and feel empty in her mind.

"If I hadn't left that day..."

"There are not so many ifs. It has already happened. It's useless to regret." She interrupted him. "How do you approach Harry so that he can calm down and study law?"

"I think he has bigger problems to solve." He sneered. "Calvin is not an obedient dog."

"I know, he intends to bite Kingsley." Pomona shrugged. "He wants to be like Stringer, from the head of the Auror Office to the Minister of Magic."

"Not only that." He lowered his voice. "He wants to be 'King,' and the Aurors will be his soldiers."

"What?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"The king seems to have a strange charm. Do you remember Lord Charlton, Prime Minister of George III?"

Lord Charlton was the first civilian Prime Minister in British history. He was a real civilian. He was born on a farm in Dumfries, Scotland. In 1800, at the age of 16, he qualified for admission to the University of Edinburgh's Medical School, where he studied anatomy, clinical and obstetrics.

He used to be a surgeon and worked on a ship engaged in the opium trade in China in his early years. Later, he founded Jardine Matheson, became a powerful businessman, and played a key role in promoting the Opium War.

It had been expected that the commoner-born tribune would show the same arrogance before the king as he did to everyone else, but instead he bowed so deeply before the king that one could see it between his legs. to his hooked nose.

"What are you mentioning him for?"

"Calvin likes people with that attitude, and I don't want to live under someone like him," Severus said lazily. "It's disgusting."

"Why don't you try to curry favor with Dumbledore?" This was the most puzzling thing for Pomona, even Fei Liwei compromised.

"I don't like it." He said arrogantly and indifferently.

This is the biggest feature of Slytherin, arrogance. In theory, people wearing green clothes will be more content with the status quo, introverted, and lack of adventurous spirit, but the ambitious Slytherin will not be content with the status quo.

There is no recklessness, no fools, no muddling, and no cowardice and withdrawal. Slytherin allows forbearance but does not accept weakness, allows setbacks but does not accept giving up.

Patience is for revenge, and there are few things in this world that are more delicious than the taste of revenge.

The civilians may hope that the civilian prime minister they elect can really serve the people wholeheartedly, but that is impossible.

Common people must learn to obey, only nobles will learn to be brave and independent.

Hadn't Lord Charton bowed to power? He will only show arrogance and decisiveness to those who are weaker than himself.

Bullying the weak and fearing the hard is common all over the world. It is not unique to the Chinese, but the class of "scholars" is especially numerous.

Sometimes, winning your boss's respect is defying him.

At least Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus, but he didn't see Albus looking down on Lockhart.

Thanks to him, we had a lot of fun in the second grade, otherwise, after going through that terrible year, we don't know what it would be like to be scared.

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