The classical theory of Roman law believes that "children cannot premeditate crimes", "children under the age of seven cannot have the intention to commit crimes", and children over the age of 7 and under the age of 14 are considered "not guilty", even if they commit a crime, they do not need to bear the responsibility Liability, because classical law holds that there can be no inherently bad children, and no irredeemable children.

Pomona doesn't think so at all. There is a kind of "terminal disease" in this world called playfulness and laziness. She can make plants that can sing in the rest room to inspire children's curiosity and interest in plants, so that they don't feel tired. Consciously and naturally learn, but it is impossible for them to learn "consciously" and "voluntarily".

Appropriate whipping helps to move forward, but unfortunately corporal punishment is no longer allowed, especially in a completely closed environment like a boarding school.

The classical theory of Roman law has become the basic theory of legislation on the protection of minors in various countries in the world. In British common law, children are the private property of parents, and parents have absolute power over children, and can even abuse and abandon them.

However, with the development of the cause of human rights, this phenomenon is constantly being intolerable, so the equity law of "the state is the supreme guardian of minors" has emerged. The purpose of this equity law is not only to deal with the Parents are also highlighting "guardianship thinking". Parents can't dispose of children at will, let alone teachers. However, during Umbridge's tenure in the school, he managed to get the Ministry of Magic to agree that students can be whipped. The Supreme Guardian agrees that children can be beaten, so parents can naturally.

At this time, some people said that children should not be beaten. There is an oriental saying that loving mothers often lose children. The mother of little Buddy Crouch is a typical example. She can die instead of her son and go to Azkaban to be kissed by a dementor, but little Buddy Crouch didn't repent in the end, and Winky poured his mother's love on him. In the end, he pretended to be Moody, mixed with Death Eaters, and was finally arrested and executed in Azkaban.

The whole family is dead, and now someone is really satisfied. A closed boarding school is similar to a prison. They are isolated from the outside world. Riots often occur in prisons, and accidents are prone to occur in schools. People's negative emotions will continue to accumulate. , To a certain extent, you need to release. Quidditch is a very suitable sport for venting. However, this is nothing compared to the real violence. Before Harry entered school, Gryffindor had been beaten by Slytherin. The Quidditch Cup champion had always been Slytherin. It's reversed, and being partial to Albus isn't the same as partiality.

Every teacher has his or her own unique style, and Slughorn's way of lying to his pupils about how much he admired him was Slughorn's method, which was not cunning in the "terrible" Snape.

There was no punishment, only lectures, and these little trolls were even more lawless, and all the professors could do was put in detention, and Severus finally took the opportunity to get someone to work for him. In the past, he could ask Pomona to borrow house-elves. After he became "independent" in Slytherin, he had to solve it by himself. Therefore, he worked harder than anyone else in catching students who violated discipline, because in his eyes, those students were "labor forces." "ah!

The psychology of Muggles is also applicable to wizards. The framing effect refers to the fact that two logically similar statements about a problem lead to different decision-making judgments.

How can a criminal in prison compare to an innocent child in school? They are all criminals!

There are school rules in the school, there are laws outside the school, there are prison rules in the prison, people live in the rules and constraints all the time, the feeling of being controlled by others and not being able to do whatever they want is of course painful. The premise of the juvenile protection law is that human nature is inherently good. Only people who are inherently good will have "no criminal intent", but the three Muggle children who held Arianna in the water may not have "no criminal intent". Pomona is a theory of human nature, and school violence is another This form of proof, in the absence of supervision, without proper guidance and without fear of being punished, Martina’s human nature experiment happened again, and bullying also requires imagination, resulting in many adults seeming to be very irrational, Absurd incident of bullying.

The only solution for the victim in this situation is to call back by himself and tell the teacher that he can only save himself for a while. The teacher and the police are not always on call.

People's negative emotions need to be vented. To a certain extent, Lockhart has assumed the role of being "entertained" for Harry. Public execution can bring entertainment effects, not just for those who bullied Severus back then , all bullying incidents bring smiles to their faces, which is the result of Pomona's long-term observation.

These children who inflict harm need to be noticed, and being noticed can produce a pleasant feeling. Even if their parents know what they have done and are furious, they will not repent, but feel very happy, so that they will intensify.

Ignoring them is not enough, because they have not received the attention they deserve, so they will do other things. At this time, parents, the direct guardians, are needed to teach. There are thousands of students in Hogwarts, and there are only more than 20 faculty members in total. The average person has to manage 50 people, and there is really no energy to pay attention to everyone.

How easy it is, leave the child to the teacher, and the teacher will take full responsibility. Parents must be taught talents who can become "great men". If they fail to do so, there is something wrong with the teacher.

Teachers' salaries are not high, and there are very few male teachers who are willing to "dedicate" now. Felix doesn't care about anything. Ravenclaw students can ask any questions, but he will never take the initiative to teach, so that students can relax easily. He is also relaxed, and Minerva will assign a lot of homework, and she will carefully correct it.

Severus read his handwriting first when he corrected his homework. He would type D or T directly on his scribbled or deliberately large papers to make up for the number. He would read Hermione's papers carefully, and other people's homework depends on his mood.

Pomona doesn't assign homework, and who doesn't like a teacher who doesn't assign homework? Most of Hufflepuff's people will settle down, and only a few will stand out. She can only lead so many students. Each student leads others and acts as a "leader" to take the lead and make the whole group develop in a better direction.

There are also guards in prisons. Their attitude towards prisoners determines whether the behavior of prisoners really changes after being in prison. In interpersonal communication, the key lies in how we say it determines the positive frame and the negative frame. An investment, the customer follows I don’t know what the product manager is talking about like listening to the scriptures. At this time, saying “you will lose opportunities if you are disobedient” and “you will regret if you are disobedient” are two different feelings.

People have different attitudes towards risk at different reference points. When faced with gains, people will carefully choose risk aversion; when faced with losses, people are willing to take risks and tend to prefer risk.

It is very regrettable to lose an opportunity, but if you directly say "you will regret it", people will have a rebellious psychology. If he just doesn't listen, he will admit it even if he regrets it in the future. But missing opportunities is a different feeling, especially for speculators.

How many speculators are not gamblers? The mentality of a gambler is different from that of most normal people. He also gambles when there is a stable income, in order to obtain greater profits. The Weasley twins are gamblers. They started their business very early. They started by gambling. Unfortunately, they lost money, but they didn't give up. They started selling quick-acting skipping candies in the fifth grade.

What they were doing was absolutely forbidden by school rules, but who would have a more annoying Umbridge? She has fulfilled the guardianship duties of the country's supreme guardian, but she did it for power and politics, not for "justice, conscience and justice".

If the Changping warehouse in the East balances the price of grain and ensures the stability of grain supply, then the law of equity satisfies people’s spiritual needs for legal justice. Embodying natural justice is the main task.

The reason for it is that "the stricter the law, the greater the harm to the innocent", it usually means that the common law is too strict, and restricting one person will harm others. If there is no equity to regulate, it is unreasonable, so equity represents fair .

This is not found in the civil law system, but this does not mean that the civil law system is backward. The modern civil law system borrows a lot of principles of equity through codes. For example, if parents in the East know that their children do not study hard, they will punish them physically. In terms of children's private rights, the East is higher than the West. How Eastern parents teach their children is their own business. If Western parents "abuse" their children, social workers and police will intervene, because the state is the supreme guardian of the child.

The system of the centaur is similar to that of Sparta. The foals are public when they are born, and all adults can discipline the foals. Similarly, the centaurs will not kill people on the foals and minors. Their "citizen" consciousness Is very strong, although they do not wear clothes, there is no constitution and laws and regulations to limit their behavior.

What the Weasley twins did was illegal, but everyone was happy to see Umbridge in trouble, and everyone cheered and cheered goodbye to the two troublemakers.

But because of not learning enough knowledge and doing new activities alone, the "Lone Ranger" died. Hufflepuff worked as a team. Even if his personal ability was not good, he learned from each other's strengths and made up for each other's weaknesses, and finally survived the war.

Albus runs Hogwarts as his home. The castle law stipulates that "my home is my castle", but the owner of this castle is Salazar Slytherin. As a descendant of Slytherin, Tom Riddle has the right to use it, and he can drive everyone out of the castle, but for the students of Hogwarts, "this castle is my home", Tonks and Lupine even paid for protecting it. life.

Pomona glanced back at Severus, who was striding vigorously around the castle, and now he looked in a good mood, without the gloomy "I'm a prisoner" demeanor of the past.

The feeling of being the "Kid King" is very pleasant. Severus, who is feared by everyone in school, is just a prisoner who escaped trial because of the protection of the white wizard in society, and many people remember the time when he was bullied in school. Experience, but only a few people in the school know it, Filch will not tell it, and neither will the good Harry, so no one will know this secret.

Do you know what true bravery is? That is, no matter what happens, you can control your mouth, and no matter what happens, you will not mess up your position.

The boastful Lockhart was not a brave man, but fortunately he didn't say anything scary, making others more afraid than himself. Karkaroff hoped that Severus would panic when he saw the Dark Mark darken, That way he can feel better.

There are many such people, especially when "the end of the world is approaching", when other people are more afraid than him, he will have a sense of satisfaction, as if something is under his control.

Sometimes parents beat their children not for discipline, but to vent their negative emotions. This is domestic violence. Neighbors can call the police. At this time, the country can implement the guardianship of the supreme guardian.

When children grow up, they want to become "talented" and "citizens", and parents have no private rights.

In the process of growing up, some children will be very rebellious and know how to resist their parents. In fact, this kind of children are more likely to become talents and go astray than the "good babies" who are submissive.

He is a born "nobility", regardless of whether his parents are rich or poor, Harry is an orphan and is treated like a servant by the Dusley family, but he is still the savior.

He was full of compassion for Dobby, but he dared to fight against Severus and Voldemort. Facing Umbridge's boring Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he chose to set up a DA to teach his classmates and even older people the Dark Arts. In the defense class, he is a commoner and a "noble".

Some people are not rich and have status, but they can become aristocrats with a diploma in a prestigious school. For example, the British Prime Minister Lord Charlton, who bowed and knelt in the face of power, is not as good as the black slaves and Chinese who fought against the Supreme Court of the United States "Piggy".

That appearance is really pathetic, the people's eyes are not necessarily discerning, otherwise how could they choose such a "civilian officer" to protect their own rights and interests.

Officials in the Qing Dynasty had such a "slave look". In the liberated Django, the black foreman was more annoying than the slave owner. Who would obey this kind of "leader".

So managing a prison is much more difficult than teaching. It’s not like throwing people into Azkaban and it’s over. Those “scumbags” will come out sooner or later, and there is no death penalty in Britain. Who said this is a country that emphasizes “human rights”? In the prison, if someone leads a disturbance or escapes from the prison, something will happen, but Sirius escaped from the prison.

Before Voldemort came back, little wizards were not allowed to use wands outside of school, which indirectly put children from aristocratic families and Muggle families at the same starting point, forming an education equality similar to that in China. After Voldemort came back, Draco and Crabbe They were "make up lessons", Della learned Occlumency, Crabbe learned Fiercefire, Harry was also "make up lessons", and DA members were also given make up lessons. As a result, there was a gap between them and ordinary people.

The DA who made up the class defeated the pure blood who didn't make up the class, and the class changed, so the pure blood wizard hated the International Law of Secrecy very much.

Not only can it not protect the rights and interests of wizards, but it also has to hide itself. Even children are not allowed to use magic outside of school to protect their own interests and status.

But is there any way, the number of Muggles has an absolute advantage, and there are so many "pure blood traitors" helping Muggles to protect their rights.

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