The Manchu Qing government did not regard Huaxia as its own home at all, and Cixi's self-improvement movement was also to maintain her own rule, so as not to be always bullied by "great powers".

In contrast, she was a bit more wary of the Han people. The Han people were slaves in the eyes of the Manchu Qing autocratic regime. That's why the Yehenala family came out with the phrase "I would rather be with friends than slaves."

Compared with the Treaty of Nanjing and the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Xin Chou Treaty signed in 1901 can be said to be the most humiliating and humiliating to the country. The map of the Qing Dynasty is like a piece of cake, which was sent to "friends" to divide it up. At the same time, the Qing army desperately suppressed it. rebel army.

During the period of the Republic of China, in order to deceive Yuan Shikai's surveillance, General Cai E used beauty tricks for himself. When Yuan Shikai gave up monitoring Cai E, Cai E left BJ, returned to Yunnan, and raised troops against Yuan Shikai's proclaiming emperor.

Before Cai E leaves Beijing and returns to Yunnan, he bids farewell to Xiao Fengxian: "However, the seven-foot body has already promised the country, so it is difficult to Xu Qing."

This love of "country" is confusing, why?

What is also puzzling is why the Han did not exterminate the Manchus. Is it because they were really "benevolent", or did they not realize it?

The Han people wiped out the Jie tribe during the Wuhu chaos, and what is even more puzzling is why some people still want to rebuild the Old Summer Palace?

Hugo Praise once praised it as a "model of ideals and art", but at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the British and French allied forces burned it down. It is really sad to see the ruins today, but seeing this "lesson" should think of The most important thing is "why lose it".

Many people like to pursue perfection, perfect morality, perfect makeup, and perfect body shape. They can't bear the shortcomings, and want to make up for the shortcomings. Is it the same? It's just that what she built was the Summer Palace, not the Old Summer Palace.

Money and energy should be used on the right path, just like the British and American Muggle governments can spend a little more military expenditure on education, and there will be less rush to launch so many missiles in the world.

Ma Qingchen has a notepad with a lot of Chinese newspaper clippings in it. There are also Chinese newspapers in London. The content on it is about the Old Summer Palace. Many porcelains in the British Museum were looted when the Old Summer Palace was burned. Exhibition Hall 33 is in It's next to the Anthropology Center, but this time the theft was in Hall 95, just upstairs, and Severus suspected that she was involved in the theft of cultural relics. This...she may indeed have a motive.

Zhang Jingjiang had no choice but to resell cultural relics to support Sun Yat-sen in the 1911 Revolution. Overseas Chinese were deceived by Kang Youwei.

Over the years, Chinese merchants have been committed to recovering the antiques that have been lost overseas, but the "collection" of the British Museum will not be given easily. So many countries, including Greece and Tajikistan, are asking for it. After all, those "collections" represent the glory of the British Empire. , is a symbol of "civilization", even if the government's funding is getting less and less, security personnel are getting scarcer, and it is impossible to maintain the museum, it still does not let go.

Zhang Tao sees this very openly. If domestic museums know how to steal it, or if they don’t know how to ruin it, it’s better to keep it in the British Museum for the public to visit. What he wants is only the stone carvings of the Six Horses of Zhaoling Mausoleum. I don't want to get it back.

Ma Qingchen may not know this, and Zhang Tao may be very happy to get the national treasure back, even if it was stolen.

People have been taught from childhood not to be thieves, not to rummage other people's things at will, and to respect other people's privacy.

But do these "morals" still need to be followed when more serious things happen?

Spies are supposed to spy on intelligence, and it is common to steal other people's letters and personal diaries.

The ones in the British Museum were originally stolen goods. The Chinese stole them if they asked the British not to give them. Is this behavior moral or immoral?

In Infernal Affairs, Han Chen used the money from murder, arson, and drug trafficking to donate to the temple to ask the monks to do good deeds. Buddhism can't help but donate. Is it really safe for the monks to receive this money?

Chinese academic circles in the United States are studying Taoism, such as "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuangzi", "Huainanzi", etc. They found that "chaos" is one of the motifs of Taoism.

The study of this original form and law requires an interdisciplinary and multi-angle perspective. It is meaningless to continue to "close the country". Chinese wizards have also begun to cooperate with the International Federation of Wizards.

Albus Dumbledore absorbed the Chinese wizard's practice of "hiding in the city". Living together with wizards and Muggles will cause a lot of inconvenience, but everyone can gradually get along with each other with tolerance and understanding.

Black's old house is in Muggle London, and he is still neighbors with Muggles. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​this style, equality and tolerance, and werewolves can also become members.

The times are progressing, although the speed of progress is very slow.

If Severus knew that Ma Qingchen was involved in the theft, Pomona didn't know what he would do. Anyway, Ma Qingchen was imprisoned for "stealing", and Zhang Tao would definitely be unhappy. He is one of the few Chinese who is willing to associate with foreign wizards One of the wizards, the Sino-British cultural exchange relationship that has finally improved may be interrupted.

But if this matter is concealed, Ma Qingchen may continue to be used by others. The stolen goods will not enter the mainland museums for exhibition, only the treasures retrieved from formal channels will be allowed, and they will eventually be bought by private collectors. That girl will be used as a scapegoat to ruin her own life.

Even if she didn't do it herself, she would be held accountable if she just provided information.

Women, if you are too simple, you will easily become like this. Mrs. Zabini played with men in applause. Seven men, one after another, had to hand over their property and life to her. At this time, it was their turn again. Men think women are bad.

It's not the first day for everyone to be a woman. Even if they know that they need to help each other to overcome difficulties, women will still betray their friends at critical moments.

A girl's face is more important than anything else, and Marietta Ackmore's face was covered with spots after the leak, it was Hermione's masterpiece, and women really know women best.

Dumbledore's Army is an underground resistance force, and the Quibbler is a propaganda magazine for the resistance forces. Qiu Zhang may not have figured out the situation, thinking that she just went to a cram school, and she didn't think it was necessary to put a girl's face ruined.

She is really an ordinary person, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are "feuds", everyone recognizes that Ravenclaw is the smartest, Hufflepuff is mediocre and stupid, and is a college that collects waste.

Cedric had broken tradition by inviting her to the ball, and she might have thought that Cedric was interested in her.

With them leading the way, other hidden Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw couples began to get together publicly, which is as incredible as Slytherin and Gryffindor couples.

If Harry was sorted into Slytherin, would he still be with Ginny?

They met because of Tom Riddle's diary. Harry saved her in the Chamber of Secrets, but just saving her life didn't seem to be enough to keep Ginny waiting for Harry. She also dated other boys.

What constitutes love and makes us so irresistible?

Some people use love to become very rich like Mrs. Zabini, and some people make sacrifices for love, like Molly Weasley.

What kind of person we want to be is not a matter of ability, but of our own choice.

Looking at the notebook in her hand, Pomona sighed, Chinese wizards and Muggles are involved too much, and unlike Malfoy who uses them like ants to live so hard, it is much easier to isolate them, so that You only need to pay attention to the things in your own world. Whoever has such a big heart can pretend to be a "world".

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