Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 584: Old Collections and New Perspectives

With no government support, the British Museum began to look for private support. Since 150 years ago, the Wellcome Foundation, a biomedical charity, has been supporting the British Museum and found a fund in Ma Qingchen’s Pomona The badge of the club, and she is obviously a member.

If Ma Qingchen was really involved in theft, that girl put herself in a very troublesome situation.

It is often the girls who are easily fooled that men can't bear to explain.

Jack asked Rose to leave in a lifeboat, but she insisted on jumping from the boat back to the Titanic. In fact, if she was not stupid, Jack could escape by himself, and they could meet again after being rescued.

But Rose is stupid, Jack asked her, why are you so stupid?

Ross told him, if you dance, I will dance too.

It's really not a pity to die to be so stupid, but Jack is willing to die in her place, and that extremely smart person has become a fool.

It is a very good thing for a woman to be smart, but in a relationship, it is not a good thing for a woman to be too smart.

Ron and Hermione are college couples, and they have experienced some ups and downs together. It is obvious that Hermione is much smarter than Ron, but this is the trouble.

When I was young, girls got better grades than boys, and those bastards bullied her; when I grew up, women were better than men, and men pushed her out.

This will never change, the vast majority of men still prefer "traditional" women.

Some people say that when you go through all the suffering alone, you don't want to be with anyone so much.

Albus had a brief blissful time with Grindelwald as teenagers, survived Arianna's death alone, and remained single until his death, at least on the surface.

No one knew that he was married, that he was married to a man, and that he was also the Dark Lord Grindelwald.

The old lunatic actually wanted to use an owl to remarry. He really went crazy. Was he delirious after being locked up alone for a long time?

Just when she was thinking about her own thoughts, there was a commotion from afar. Those young people who were rehearsing together opened the door and left the theater. Ma Qingchen was among them. After they broke up, they went their separate ways. Mona followed her far behind.

She inexplicably felt that she was extremely like a spy in a spy drama.

The night is low, there are only street lights on the street, and there are few pedestrians. She doesn't like to wear high heels. Those shoes will make women look beautiful, but they are harmful to the body. There are many acupuncture points on the soles of the feet. If you are oppressed for a long time, you will have Damage to health, although she is short, she still wears flat shoes.

Ma Qingchen didn't wear high heels either. Ballet dancers love their feet very much. Wearing those dancing shoes is already painful, but it will be even more painful if they take off their dancing shoes and wear high heels.

The two of them walked through a street without a word, and at a corner by a street lamp, Ma Qingchen suddenly turned around and faced Pomona.

"Why are you following me?"

"I have to ask you, what do you think you have done that deserves my attention?" Pomona said in her unproficient Chinese.

"Where's your companion?"

"He's back, we should talk, girl to girl."

Ma Qingchen sneered, "I have nothing to talk to you about."

"Is the vase stolen in Hall 95 related to you?" Pomona asked bluntly.

"The things in that exhibition hall are originally from China, so they are not considered stolen." Ma Qingchen said expressionlessly.

"Did you know? Sneaking into the British Museum while the power is out in London and 'taking' the collection is impossible to put in your national museum."

"Ma'am, have you heard of Soissons' vases?" Ma Qingchen immediately countered, "Clovis, the founder of the Frankish Kingdom, hoped to get the loot distributed in Soissons after a victory in a battle. It was a beautiful vase, but a warrior objected that it violated the custom of distributing loot. Clovis didn't say anything at the time, but later he pulled out his ax on the pretext that the warrior's weapons were not well organized during a review. Slit his head, do you think I'm so stupid to take such a big risk for a vase?"

"Oh, come on..."

"It's the 21st century now, do you still want to torture to extract a confession, can't you make it through torture?" Ma Qingchen interrupted Pomona sharply.

She's brave, but too immature, at least she doesn't hide her nervousness and panic.

She must have known something about the theft.

"This is our first formal conversation, can you relax?" Pomona said with a smile. "Do you know the sword of Gryffindor?"

Ma Qingchen sank for a while and said, "I've heard of it."

"The goblins think that all the magic items they make are magical contracts made by them. Humans only have the right to rent. Humans think that they belong to humans after paying the money. We have caused enough trouble for ownership issues. I don't want to Losing a friend for a vase, I just hope you don't get yourself involved and cause more trouble."

"Are you finished?"

She obviously didn't listen.

Pomona couldn't help but sigh.

"Men lie a lot, dear, they say one thing and do another, don't think they're telling the truth, no matter how nice they say it."

"Is the man who came to drink coffee with you an honest man?"

"No." Pomona sighed again. "He's a cunning liar."

"Then why do you love him?" Ma Qingchen asked, "I saw your expression when you talked to him."

"How do I look?" Pomona asked hopelessly.

"It's dreamy, like sleepwalking."

"I think I'm the middle one." Pomona shrugged. "He's the one on the left."


"Have you ever heard of the rune snake?"

Ma Qingchen was even more confused.

There were times, even Hufflepuff himself had to admit, that the house had enough eccentrics.

"If the horse is so strong that you can't hold it no matter how hard you pull on the rein, let it run free, and you will go wherever it takes you, and if you rein it too hard, it will throw you off the horse , I let him be responsible for guiding, I am responsible for following, and I hope you can also find someone who will set you free."

"I am free now."

Pomona smiled and shook her head.

"It's you who feel free, dear, how many people do you think can understand the dance you dance?"

"Can you?" she asked expectantly.

"I saw two fish, one black and one white. They swim freely in the water, but they can't fly to the sky. After all, they are just fish." Pomona said with emotion, "I'm sorry, your dancing The vast majority of people can’t understand it, the artistic conception is beautiful, but there is no storyline, and the audience doesn’t know what you are expressing. Now you have no worries about food and clothing, and you don’t have to worry about life problems after losing your job, so you can dance this kind of you at will. The dance you like, but you still lost your job and Mr. Zhang’s support because of that case, you have to do the dance you don’t like just like other actors, catering to the interest of the audience.”

"What are you talking about?" she said warily.

"I don't know." Pomona said, looking at her waistband, "I can run freely, but I can't dance freely like you. You can dance freely, but you can't run freely. I I hope you can also find someone who really understands you and can protect you, so that you will not be used by bad people."

"You don't mind my business." Ma Qingchen turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Pomona quickly stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

She looked up at the moon in the sky, which was almost full.

"These days, don't go to Chinatown." Pomona said, "That place is too dangerous for a witch like you."

Weak and slender, just like Yaoji becoming Yaocao and Ganoderma lucidum, too fragile and fragile.

"And you? Do you think it's safe for you there?"

"Me too," Pomona whispered. "War is not for women, but there are not enough men, and even women have to help."

She stood still and didn't speak.

After a minute or two she went away in silence.

When her back disappeared around the corner, Pomona also Apparated.

What should be said, she has already said what can be said, as for how much Ma Qingchen can listen to, that is her own problem.

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