Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 591 The Crucible and the Rabbit

In magic shows, a magician often cuts a female assistant lying in a box into two pieces, but even if she is a witch, if she is cut into two pieces, she will still die.

Albus thought that the washerwoman in the story of Babbitty the Rabbit should be an Animagus who hid in a stump in the form of a rabbit and escaped the axe.

Generally speaking, the female assistants of magicians are very slender, so that they can be hidden in the magician's blindfold. There are actually two people in the performance box, one showing the head and the other showing the feet. The female assistant was cut in half, a trick that was not very interesting on the face of it, but it was a very popular trick until it was debunked.

People have both a sense of fear and curiosity about unknown things. Fear is because they are afraid that they will not be able to cope with it. Curiosity is because it is one of the intrinsic motivations for personal learning and the driving force for seeking knowledge.

In Albus's notes, it remains to be proven whether there is such a washerwoman who can turn into a rabbit. But some historians of magic have suggested that Beedle based Babbitti on the image of the famous French sorceress Lisette de Lapin. Lisette was sentenced for witchcraft in Paris in 1422. To the surprise of the Muggle guards, Lisette disappeared from her cell the night before she was to be executed, and the Muggle guards were all tried for helping the witch escape from prison. Although there is no evidence that Lisette was an Animagus who squeezed through the bars of the cell window, a white rabbit was then seen crossing the English Channel on a cauldron with its sails raised. The rabbit later became a confidant at the court of King Henry VI.

A rabbit standing on the crucible and sailing long distances is the signboard of the Astoria Candy Store. The rabbit looks ambitious, standing on the bow of the "Crucible Huge Ship" seems to want to conquer the whole world, but It is just a rabbit whose ambition is doomed to be unfulfilled.

Quack Stump's was doing as well as Honeydukes in Hogsmeade, with gluttonous kids running around like rats.

Human beings are so cute when they are young, but when they grow up, they have their own "determined opinions". Children in the rebellious stage can piss off their elders, and sometimes make their parents and teachers suspicious. Why are these brats so disobedient!

The "angry" Potions professor hates Harry Potter, who loves to challenge his authority. If the law allows whipping a student, Harry will definitely be whipped.

Wanting to fight but not being able to fight is like a steam boiler that is constantly pressurized. Ever since Harry entered the school, Severus' temper has become more and more irritable, and the pressure has made him even weirder than before.

Every time Harry and Severus meet, it will be like water in a frying pan, and the scene will become extremely hot. In contrast, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are much better in class.

It’s just that those little girls can also drive their old dean crazy. After Hermione was scribbled by Rita Kiester during the Triwizard Tournament, many people believed it was true, even Molly, who gave Hermione that year The Easter eggs are pitifully small.

Snape was always annoying, he didn't care if people liked him or not. Girls are always in groups, even Lily and Hermione will go out with girls, and there are still a few cases where Luna walks alone like Luna, her things are always hidden.

The world of boys is completely different from that of girls. Straight men don't understand the inexplicable friendship between girls.

On the surface, they look like sweet cotton candy, gentle and soft, pure and elegant, with warm sunshine, and their laughter is as melodious as silver bells.

Stop imagining that women will become close friends because they hate someone together, and they will turn against each other because they like someone. There is no principle, no reason, it can collapse at any time, and when it is good, it seems that it can last forever. A woman can turn her face faster than a book, and can care about a little thing. For a man who has lost his upbringing, he will grab his hair and roll all over the floor and fight. The scene is really ugly, but this kind of emotion is hard to control. Even Pomona and Lily couldn't be friends anymore, and it was all Severus' fault, though he didn't realize it at all.

A little thing can become a fuse, even without a fuse, just another person living a happier and smoother life than oneself can arouse a woman's inner jealousy.

When the reason is still there, you can say why women make things difficult for women. It is really your turn, and reason has long been thrown to the end of the world. Every year Pomona has to deal with many disputes between girls, most of which are caused by boys.

Veela, as long as it is a woman, there are not many who don't hate it. In a piece of Hogwarts school history, Slytherin not only opposed Muggles to study at Hogwarts, but also opposed werewolves and Veela And the giant, he's all guilty when it comes to Albus.

Albus doesn't like women, and Veela's spiritual magic on male humans is ineffective for him, which means that Veela's magic power is aimed at male humans who like women.

Salazar Slytherin is a smart and strong-willed person, Veela is like some kind of bug in front of him, and will not shake his heart.

Severus' love for the Dark Arts was pure, even to the point where Lily was unwilling to accept it, but even he couldn't hold back the madness.

In the East there is a magical animal named "Vixie". Like Veela, she is also a public enemy of women.

Nowadays, people don’t know much about Veela, and it’s not mentioned in textbooks. Coupled with their cute and charming appearance, no one thinks they are harmful.

Pomona looked at the beautiful woman who was full of femininity. No one would associate her with Hufflepuff, a woman covered in mud and always working in the vegetable garden.


This title was the fuse that caused Lily and Severus to part ways, but what really made them go further and further apart was the black magic, and the "friends" who studied black magic with Severus.

Black magic can make him fast and powerful, and there is no so-called white magic at all. Those curses that are used for jokes can have terrible effects if used improperly, such as the Tarantella Terra dance spell, he can make people dance continuously , can also make volcanoes dance, and the last person who abused this spell caused Vesuvius to erupt, eventually resulting in the destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, killing at least 1,500 people. To commemorate that terrible lesson, the first-year Charms exam was to make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. It looked like fun, but who would care if someone used the spell to make Yellowstone explode? Interesting?

Lily has a prejudice against black magic. In fact, as long as it is used correctly, it can also be used to protect people.

But for heaven's sake, she was only 16 at the time, how sane could she be?

Years have made the pair of friends who grew up together go further and further apart.

Sometimes we always hurt the people we love unconsciously, thinking that no matter what we do, we will be forgiven.

However, blurting out words can vent the negative emotions in my heart. I tried to be happy for a while, but when I calmed down, I found that no matter how much I apologized, it didn’t work. The person who once loved you no longer loves you.

It's useless to regret at that time.

She moved her gaze away from that small shop, and not far away was Ollivander's wand shop, which was still closed.

Birch always likes wizards with clear moral values, who are trustworthy and have strong and stable magic power, and are consistent, clean and upright.

Ollivander hadn't used it for a wand, English birch was more used for broomsticks, and Harry liked it as much as most boys did, but he restrained his urge.

Although he has only been with Lily James for a year, he has learned something. Even though he can't remember the scene where his mother was murdered in front of him by bad guys, he was still affected. Lily chose James It's not because he's rich, Mary has taught her a lot, and James' greatest strength is that he won't watch Severus being torn to pieces by a crazed Lupine out of jealousy.

When rational, Severus was a smart guy, but when his brain was bloodshot, I didn't know what he would do.

Her memory flashed of Voldemort's Elder Wand smashing the defenses of Hogwarts, and she didn't want that birch-barked, snake-headed wand to unleash world-destroying magic.

It's easy to get hurt near that kind of fierce person, but just like Harry's natural kindness, he also has a good side, but it's hard for someone like her who is good at finding the good in others to figure him out.

He hoped that she would think about him all the time, maybe, he really did.

Witches can drive Muggles crazy, but Muggle Tonia can drive Irene insane, and this blood goes to Severus, and he absorbs all her energy, and everything else is in a mess, even Cedric and her Neither was well protected.

Of those late-night trysts, which one did Cedric see?

After the competition in Black Lake that day, Madam Pomfrey gave each contestant a refreshing drink, and she also went to the medical wing to ask for some. After all, it is easy to catch a cold outdoors in such a cold day without clothes, but her hands are constantly trembling.

Severus Snape was not a fierce horse, but an extremely unstable explosive liquid. Under the surface of stability was an unstable heart, and if he was not careful, he would blow himself and others to pieces.

"Look at what you have done." She murmured, pulled out the invisibility cloak from the flannel pocket, covered herself, covered her head and face with the hood, joined the bustling crowd, and turned to Wei Wei. Sly's trick shop.

She asked Hermione to meet there today, and George was there too. It seemed that they felt that it was not suitable for Hermione to meet her alone after the incident of Arthur's assassination.

Because after the wedding she was put on a label and now she is Mrs. Prince.

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