Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 592 Thorn Rose

"The Dark Lord is a master of Legilimency. If you lie to him and he finds out, he will kill me, even if the White Wizard sacrificed his life to restore me to the Dark Lord's trust."

On the way before coming, Severus gave her a short training session, and he didn't seem very happy, and he didn't even have the confidence to control everything in class.

"My only option at the time was to tell the truth, and I had to have proof that what I was saying was the truth."

Severus was talking about the Battle of the Seven Potters. George lost an ear and was hit invisible by his kamikaze. George felt that Severus wanted to kill him, but he was sensible at the time I have nothing to say.

"It's the same for you this time. You reminded Arthur, George and the others still believe in you. A person who is really good at lying will not lie all of them, but only use them at critical moments. You have to feed them well." of……"

"Why do you sound like you're talking about piggies?" she said uneasily.

"Don't forget what Dumbledore did to Potter, how can you forgive him so easily." Severus sarcastically said, "Whatever he does is a 'necessary sacrifice', right?"

"So, I want to tell them the truth." Pomona didn't want to continue the discussion on this topic, so she forcibly changed the subject.

"What truth?" He smiled strangely.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, dear, your opponent is not the Dark Lord, but a few students, can't you even deal with them?"

He smiled mockingly, as if underestimating her.

Of course she won't fall for his aggressive tactics so easily, who does he think she is?

"Damn snake." Pomona complained and took off her hood.

By this time she had come to Weasley's trick shop, where so many children played on weekdays, Pomona really wanted to inform their parents.

Once the Weasley brothers were the most popular kids in the school, especially when they left Hogwarts and cleaned up Umbridge with fireworks, they became legends.

But many of the things they sell are prohibited, especially the powerful love potions of the Wonder Witch series.

Now she feels like a double agent. What Severus did at Malfoy Manor back then was similar to what she does now. Both Hermione and George are her students. How difficult can it be?

"You can do it, come on!" She clenched her fists to cheer herself up, but what she heard was her own beating heartbeat.

Of course George and Hermione wouldn't kill her like Voldemort did, but they wouldn't trust her after being exposed.

Many people think that Henry VI is an incompetent and fatuous king. His court corruption made Henry V's efforts in vain. In fact, his personal character is very noble. He founded Eton College and Cambridge University .

As an ordinary person, Henry can be said to be a saint, but as a king, he is very poor politically. Being a king cannot be just virtue.

People with moral character and ability are extremely rare in this world, not just Muggles, Severus's character is definitely not noble, what he did to her by the Black Lake is actually very bad, even a dark wizard won't do that.

He was sure that she was not indifferent to him, he was that kind of person, he would hurt the one who loved him because of impulsiveness or carelessness.

It takes skill to deal with people who are capable but sometimes have a weak sense of morality, or even people like Mundungus Fletcher who have no sense of morality at all. These people cannot become saints. If they want to prevent them from becoming Judas, they need enough interest to win over. Severus loves Lily very much, but he is more afraid of being put in prison and wasting twelve years of his life like Sirius.

As long as he can get out of prison, he will work hard for Albus Dumbledore. In extraordinary times, extraordinary means are needed to use extraordinary people. "King" is not an ordinary person. Ordinary people cannot control capable and ambitious subordinates. Phoenix The people in the club are too kind, and I'm afraid they can't accept that Albus may give some people as abandoned sons to Severus at any time, and let him sell them to Death Eaters in exchange for trust.

Being a double agent was a dirty job, and even Severus ended up being Albus' outcast.

The hearts of "chess players" are often cold and hard. Voldemort's nature is like this, but Albus wants to force himself to abandon his former students. Pomona can't do it. Who makes her a soft-hearted woman?

She followed the stairs to the drawing room on the second floor, and the door opened before it knocked, and it was Percy Weasley who opened the door.

Immediately afterwards, I saw George and Hermione, and a reasonable but unexpected person appeared.

The Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, looked a lot more haggard than he did when he was an Auror, and he wasn't smiling as much as in the Daily Prophet photo.

"Come in." Sitting on the sofa, Jin Silai said expressionlessly, "You are too attractive."

Pomona came in pulling her cloak, and Percy closed the door behind her.

"Mrs. Weasley told me you have important information?"

"You're too busy to say hello now? Kingsley." Pomona said coldly, "I'm not your subordinate."

"You didn't invite me to your wedding either, Pomona. It was you who first thought that our friendship wasn't deep enough to reminisce."

Pomona took out the pocket watch, and put the flame pointer on the head of the little giant.

"We are now a cooperative relationship. After all, I am not a full-fledged member of the Order of the Phoenix. I need benefits in exchange."

"what do you want?"

"Stop discriminating against people with the Dark Mark, and don't bother the Malfoy family anymore."

George sneered.

"Sounds like a Slytherin woman."

"When people are cornered, they will find another way. The wealth of a pure-blood family is very attractive, but poisonous snakes also have ways to force them. Be careful not to be bitten."

"You told us not to discriminate against people with the Dark Mark, so why didn't they see you speak when they discriminated against Muggleborns and half-blood wizards?" George immediately countered rudely.

As said in Infernal Affairs, sooner or later they have to pay back when they come out to play. How Death Eaters used to discriminate against "Mudbloods" and now they lose, they are discriminated against by the wizarding world. Their situation is worse than that of ordinary Slytherins.

"If you don't agree, then I have nothing to say." Pomona turned around and planned to leave.

"What news do you want to give us?" Kingsley stopped her.

"At least one Horcrux has yet to be found, and, I believe, a seventh Horcrux is now in the possession of Wormtail, Pete Pedilu."

No one spoke.

"I remember you said that Pete Pediru is dead, Hermione." Kingsley turned his gaze to Hermione, her face was pale.

"Yes." Hermione kept rubbing her arms as if she was cold, "He strangled himself..."

"How is that possible." Percy interrupted her in disbelief.

If a person commits suicide, he will never pinch himself, not even a lunatic, because the body will obey the orders of the brain.

When the brain lacks oxygen, its first reaction is to "let go", which is why people who commit suicide need to borrow ropes and external forces.

Unless that hand belongs to someone else, only someone else can use the hand to strangle another person.

"Don't you think the intelligence you mentioned is groundless?" Kingsley said.

"Wormtail sacrificed his left hand when he resurrected the Dark Lord in the Riddle's graveyard. They killed a man, Cedric Diggory. After that, the Dark Lord made a fake hand for Pete. I think you should We all know, the Dark Lord is superstitious about the number '7', now you and I both know that Harry is the last Horcrux, but the Dark Lord doesn't know..."

"The Dark Lord? You call him the Dark Lord?" George smiled strangely. "I almost don't recognize you, Professor."

"Whether it's the Dark Lord, You-Know-Who or Voldemort, it's all a title. Remember what Dumbledore said? He said that people's fear starts with not being able to describe something correctly. I don't want to call him You-Know-Who , and don't want to call him Voldemort, that name is under a spell, as you all know, I don't want to argue with you over a trivial matter, George." Pomona turned her gaze to Kingsley, "We know that Harry is a Horcrux, the Dark Lord I don't know, because it was an 'accident' that the death curse was rebounded. In order to make up seven Horcruxes, he will definitely make another one. That hand has the soul of the Dark Lord, so that it can kill Pete, Dumbledore Duo said it himself, it was an accident that Harry became a Horcrux, but I believe that Harry is not a Horcrux, his mother sacrificed her life to protect him, one life cannot be sacrificed twice, and the Dark Lord cannot do without a victim Cutting your own soul..."

"But he can understand Parseltongue, and has connections with Voldemort," interrupted Hermione again.

"Before Henry Potter, the Potter family has always been a pure-blood family. Pure-blood wizards marry each other. It is also possible that Harry just inherited the blood of the Gaunt family. You can check the family tree of the Potter family. " Pomona looked at Hermione and said blankly, "As for the spiritual connection between him and Harry, it was in the fifth grade. At that time, the Dark Lord was resurrected with Harry's blood, and the twins have telepathy. Am I right, George?"

George, who was in a daze, came back to his senses and looked at her blankly.

"Who buried Pete Pediru's body?" Kingsley asked Passy.

Percy shook her head in bewilderment.

"You said, you were attacked by Pete." Hermione asked again at this moment, "How is that possible?"

"It was last winter, and he looked very down and down in the snow, as if he was dead." Pomona recalled the scene at that time and said, "He smelled bad, and you three still remember the smell on Quirrell?" Is that garlic smell?"

"So, he's possessed by Voldemort now?" Hermione asked palely.

"I'm more convinced that he became an infernal corpse, a zombie or something."

Zombies are a kind of living dead. It is not known whether the infernal corpse belongs to the living dead. It is written in the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook "Dark Magic: Self-Defense Guide". Zombies are characterized by gray skin and emitting a rotten smell. Smell, that smell of Quirrell.

He looks normal, but the skin color can be changed by blindfolding.

The day she saw Pete, he looked so bad that Pomona thought it was frozen.

In six years, Pete has not rotted into bones. Where is he hiding?

"I remember that Horror Tours launched a travel project to hike along the Zombie Trail. Could Pettigrew be hiding there?" Percy asked suddenly.

"What?" Pomona and Hermione exclaimed together.

Sometimes Muggles have to marvel at wizards' strange hobbies.

The best way to hide a leaf is to hide it in the forest. In order to maintain the "vigor" of the "living dead", the people in the travel agency will maintain them, so that Pete's body can last for several years under the blessing of magic power It doesn't rot anymore.

Pomona subconsciously clutched her stomach, because of her kindness she lost her daughter and even her own home.

If a person is kind, it is easy to become a victim. Six years of happy life made her lose her vigilance, and the person who was supposed to protect her disappeared at a critical moment.

That house cast the Fidelity Charm, and it would not be noticeable from the outside, but Severus had the Dark Mark on his arm, which Voldemort and the Death Eaters could feel, and every time he went to Black's old house, he came and went In a hurry, never going to the kitchen for dinner like everyone else.

If he stays there for too long, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix will be discovered, and Albus will put her there, and he won't have to worry about Severus giving out the address, Severus will find any reason to explain, It would be safe for Harry to stay there.

She rescued Pete, and zombie Pete followed her back to the house where they lived in seclusion. If Severus didn't come home, Pete couldn't find that house, but Severus never left inside, so the house It was discovered.

He wants a stable life, but others don't give it to him. His life is destined to be turbulent.

The smart decisions you made when you were young and ignorant will take the rest of your life to pay back. Just like stains, once they are branded, they can never be washed away.

"Arrange Aurors to search that place, don't use Calvin's men." Kingsley said to Percy.

"How about letting the old pair of Ron and Harry deal with Horcruxes?" Pomona suggested. "You have other things to do."

"What else do you want to say?"

"The moon will be full in less than three days, and the werewolves will start their activities again. Remember Basil Fleck? He was the shortest serving minister. He resigned after two months in power after the elves and werewolves rebelled together. , I heard that in 1999 you had a very unpleasant negotiation with the Fairy Brotherhood."

"You think goblins are going to partner with werewolves?" Kingsley asked.

"They used a magic wand, where did that come from? On the way here just now, I saw that Ollivander hadn't been rebuilt. What happened?" Pomona asked aggressively.

"You don't need to worry about this, what else do you want to say?" Kingsley asked sullenly.

"The agents sent back news that the werewolves are most likely to attack Chinatown this time. Chinese people like to carry a lot of cash with them, and they will eat very fat after the Spring Festival. Both Liverpool and Chinatown in London may be targeted."

"We already know the news," Kingsley said. "They don't want to cooperate with us."

"You can find someone who can help you contact overseas Chinese in Liverpool." Pomona put Zhang Tao's business card on the low table.

"What about Chinatown in London?"

"I think I can only wish them luck." Pomona said calmly, and now her heart is at peace without feeling guilty at all. protest."

"Compared with Liverpool, London's Chinatown is an easier target." George frowned.

"London is an easy target, and Chinatown is still chaotic, but don't forget that there was a riot at London Bridge last month at the Night of the Night, and the Scotland Yard police were very alert. Liverpool hasn't experienced an attack for many years. , have let down their vigilance, and London Chinatown is mostly young people, while Liverpool is old people, it is much easier to deal with them than young people."

Kingsley fell into deep thought.

"Hermione, come here." Pomona waved to her.

She hesitated for a moment, and walked to Pomona's side.

"Here is your speech, I have changed some."

"How is it with you?" Hermione asked.

"Do you remember Potter's Lookout? You can start a radio show with Lee Jordan, like Roosevelt's fireside chat, and explain to the public your problem with improving the treatment of house elves, and the house we used to live in, You can let Arthur and the others live temporarily, I think Bill knows how to use the Fidelity Charm, right?"

"Why did you do this?" Percy suddenly asked loudly, "What good will it do you?"

"Why are you here again? Passy, ​​you have found another chance for promotion?" Pomona asked without looking back.

"No, I came back because my family needed me. Does my dad's attack have anything to do with you?" Passy asked.

"Not all Slytherins are bad, we're short of men!" Pomona yelled back.

"Then why don't you find someone to help us?" Kingsley stroked his eyebrows with his little finger, and looked at her thoughtfully. "I heard that there were many people who exterminated spiders in the Forbidden Forest last time."

"That's your problem." Pomona said coldly, turning her head and continuing to discuss the house-elves with Hermione.

As it turns out, she's also a pretty good actress and liar.

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