Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 605: Human or Monster?

"Rita Kistor really dared to write. Not only did she scribble about Dumbledore and Professor Snape, she even scribbled about Scamander." Hannah sat on the bench by the Hexagonal Pavilion, chattering Said, Hermione smiled.

"What did she write about Scamander?"

"She said that Scamander was Dumbledore's spy, infiltrated the Magical Congress of America under the name of Magizoologist, and had an affair with Serafina Picquery..."

"Oh, watch your words! Hannah!" said Pomona, fussing.

"All in all, last time she wrote about Professor Snape's "A Sinner or a Saint", she received a lot of ranting letters. No publishing house dared to print her book anymore. There are many publishing houses in Diagon Alley. Back at the Leaky Cauldron for a drink, the editor of Little Red Books chatted with me about her manuscript, and she said that Scamander was a heartbreaker who broke Serafina Piqueri's heart."

"She is like this, she is good at provoking. I can't believe that people believe her so much. There is no law that can punish this kind of person." Hermione and Hannah talked bad things about Rita Kister together as if she had found a close friend.

Neville probably hadn't seen this side of the girl before, and looked stunned.

"What do you think of Rolf, Neville."

"He made me feel very good, very easy-going." Neville immediately focused on Pomona.

"Do you think he might be a spy?" Pomona asked.

"Spy? Rolf? No!" Hermione screamed immediately. "Ron said he came to see real wolves."

"If two werewolves meet and mate on a full moon, they will have pups. Fenrir Greyberg is said to be a true wolf." Hannah frowned. "I've heard people say that."

After being reminded by Hannah, Pomona remembered that on Christmas in 1995, the Death Eaters escaped from prison. At that time, the Aurors were busy defending the Department of Mysteries, and because of the Christmas holiday, they were negligent. On Christmas in 2004, Severus was so determined to think that the werewolf would rob the prison and rescue their "King", so there was a battle in Beihai. It was so late at night that no one thought about whether the werewolf would break into prison again.

If you become a werewolf, you will lose your mind. As long as you drink wolfbane potion, you will have a strong body and a clear mind. On the contrary, as long as you are bitten by a werewolf, you will also become a werewolf. It is narrow and crowded. The prison is not suitable for Auror fighting.

The attacking party can choose any weak link to attack, and the defensive party does not know how the offensive party will attack. In game theory, creating information gap is an effective measurement for the offensive party. Now the human side is in a passive position and their lives are threatened. Sometimes, some precepts don’t have to be kept.

Everyone knows the theory of morality, but in practice, they have to compromise because of the actual situation. Without interrogating the prisoners, how can they know the real purpose of the enemy, so as to ensure that they will not be attacked by surprise?

"Is the legend of real wolves in the Forbidden Forest true, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"I haven't seen him, only Wilmina knows where he lives." Pomona said calmly, "What are the Order of the Phoenix doing now?"

"Why do you ask?" Hermione whispered, and Pomona had the feeling that they were wary of her now.

"Be careful of someone robbing the prison." She said as if she didn't notice, "The werewolf may leave Fenrir if he wants to."

"Since Kingsley approved the execution of the werewolf, why not kill him." Hannah said convincingly, "There is no werewolf who is more vicious than him."

"He is very special. The blood of the wolf-bound juice needs his blood to be brewed. He is constantly being squeezed out of blood like a leech."

"Wolf bind juice was invented by Professor Snape, right?" Hermione asked. "I've heard some rumors..."

"The inventor of the wolfsbane potion is Damocles Belbi. Now time is running out. You should remind the Order of the Phoenix to be more vigilant." Pomona rubbed the bridge of her nose, "It will be troublesome if Fenrir escapes."

Hermione didn't say anything more, and took the fake Galleon to contact someone.

"Is Harry here today?" Pomona asked Neville.

"He and Ron are on a mission. He asked for a list from Horror Tours, and he's writing letters to those tourists who took part in the Zombie Trail," Neville said.


"Harry thinks that Pete Pediru might be photographed in the tourist's photo." Neville paused. "Do you think he really became a zombie?"

Pomona thought of Pete's eyes. His eyeballs could no longer see what color they were, and they were pearly white. Fortunately, there was no cruel smile on his face, which was already good.

"Who's at the Leaky Cauldron now?" asked Pomona.

"Aberforth," Hannah said, "and the clerk in the bar."

"Where's the Pig's Head?"

"I... I don't know."

"Think about what the Death Eaters did when they stormed into the school before. Lavender is also a victim. Don't let the same thing happen again. Go back and be vigilant." Pomona said to Hannah and Neville, "Don't Let werewolves storm Diagon Alley and wreak havoc."

Subconsciously, she turned the summoning ring, and now she wanted to see him again without any use.

The Order of the Phoenix did not find Moody's body, and many believed that Death Eaters had deformed his body.

Torturing humans is not the same as humans torturing other creatures. Werewolves are like animals after being transformed. There are many ways to torture animals, and many people think it’s no big deal. This is the scary part of the Transfiguration Torment Curse.

To mutilate any life is a serious crime. There is no need to feel guilty about torturing something. If it is a person who is torturing, then the conscience of the torturer will also be tortured. There are not so many scruples about things.

In Martina's human nature experiment, people did not regard her as a human being, and the evil in human nature would be released infinitely.

Lockhart writes in the book that he transformed the Wagga Wagga werewolf and knocked him back, that is indeed possible, Ron's mouse was almost turned into a cup, it was Pete's Animagus State, since this is the case, the transformed werewolves may also be transformed, but they are resistant to many magics, which cannot be achieved by ordinary transformation spells.

It's okay to make out with Severus in front of Hermione and Hannah, but it's different in front of Neville. Boys generally don't like Snape. It's been like this since they were studying. Who let him see Looks like a bad guy.

"Professor, are you okay?" Hermione asked with concern after contacting the Order of the Phoenix.

"I miss him so much." Pomona looked at Hermione and said "Do you miss Ron?"

Hermione pursed her lips and nodded.

"When he left, I thought, and when he came back, I couldn't help being angry, you know what he said to me? He actually said 'hi' to me, swore to Merlin I've never been so angry!" said the Gryffindor lioness angrily. "He and Harry broke Slytherin's locket without telling me. Why did they do it? It's because of me Can't you trust it?"

"How do I know what the boys are thinking." Pomona looked at Hannah and Neville who were arguing not far away. "Maybe they just hope that we can stay away from those evil and dirty things."

"It's unbelievable." Hermione shook her head in disbelief.

"You know, sometimes I don't like their attitude that all problems should be solved by men, just like women shouldn't have the ability to think independently, but sometimes, they are actually quite cute."

This is where the boys of Slytherin and Gryffindor are better than Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, who call Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff women?

Even girls will become masculine when they enter Gryffindor. Girls in Slytherin are suppressed by boys and traditions. Female Quidditch players will not play the offensive position, but only goalkeepers.

"The ball of the Triwizard Tournament, why didn't you invite Ron, Hermione?"

"I have the same question, why didn't you go with Professor Snape?" Hermione looked at Hannah and Neville who were arguing, "You obviously want to go with him, he invited you several times, why didn't you agree he?"

"I like it when he hangs around me," Pomona said dryly, "and I want to see what lame excuses he'll come up with."

Hermione didn't make a sound, and after a long while she laughed.

"He actually said to me, you are a girl, what did he think at that time?"

"Don't be so wasteful...you're such an idiot." Pomona smiled helplessly.

"Want something to drink?" Hermione asked. "I'm in for a treat. I've got my first salary."

"Didn't you get paid when you were Aurors?"

"Yes, but you know, that's different," said Hermione, smiling. "My current job is related to improving the treatment of house-elves."

"You mean the sense of accomplishment?"

"Yeah, that's it!" Hermione sighed. "Ginny can't understand that."

"You still get along well?"

"Before we got married, we got along well, but after we got married, we couldn't be as close as before." Hermione asked confusedly, "Why did it become like this?"

"At least Ron and Harry didn't get fat, which is good news," Pomona sighed. "Severus got fat when he first came back."

"What does that have to do with me and Ginny?"

"Oh, believe me, honey, this is the root of why you guys don't get along well." Pomona said to her in a very sure and sure tone, "What's worse is that Ron is Ginny's brother, and she must hate him in her heart." You're dead."

Hermione was even more confused.

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