Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 606: Castle Fascination

"Have you read Mopsy Fliebert's book, Hermione?" Pomona asked.

"Animal ghosts in England?" Hermione replied after a moment of thought.

"That's right, that's the one." Pomona nodded. "What do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think there is any relationship between the patron saint of the flesh and some magically generated animal images and animal ghosts?"

Hermione became lost in thought.

Pomona continued to watch Neville and Hannah quarrel. Neville wanted Hannah to leave, but Hannah said she would not leave.

It's nice to be young.

"Have you read any research on the practical and abstract consequences of natural death, especially the reunification of mind and matter?" asked Hermione.

Pomona laughed.

"Of course, I haven't read it!"

Hermione's small face stretched all of a sudden.

"This kind of book is hard to hear, and I don't bother to read it." Pomona said, looking at the almost full moon in the sky comfortably, and she could still see it despite the heavy fog. "Only Severus That kind of bookworm will eat that kind of book."

"I read it from the book Dumbledore gave me, he mentioned it in the notes." Hermione took out the book of Beedle's tales from her bead bag, "Dumbledore What relic was given to you?"

Only then did Pomona remember that Albus hadn't left her anything.

She doesn't care much about the old fool's property, but mainly wants to know what he will leave her, maybe...she is not that important in his heart.

"Did you know that Albus was married?" she said to Hermione.

"with who?"

"Gellert Grindelwald."

Hermione opened her mouth, looking stunned.

"There was a bet between the teachers on who Albus's favorite woman was, and now we all lost." Pomona sighed. "He's gay, can you believe it? Gellert intends to use Owl remarries."

"How to remarry with an owl?" Hermione asked strangely.

"Do you want to know what they wrote in their letter?" Pomona looked at little Hermione evilly.

"No." Hermione immediately refused.

"The coffee table," Pomona said with a wicked grin. "Aberforth and Ariana hang out at that table whenever they're not around."

"Oh, my God, stop it!" Hermione screamed, covering her face, her ears blushing.

"Just now I met a spirit body of an animal. Chinese magic is very different from ours. That tiger looks like it is alive. It should be able to attack people like Peeves. I remember, the battle of the Ministry of Magic At that time, the Dark Lord conjured up a flaming python, do you think it is an animal ghost, or something else?"

It took Hermione a moment to put her hand down.

"I remember seeing, in the Room of Requirement, a lion-shaped flame chasing us."

"It's surprising that Crabbe can also use the Fiercefire Curse." Pomona took out the traveling kettle, filled it with a spring of clear water, and waited for the water to boil to make tea. "Flame is also a substance." , although it has no weight, the silver-white mist that emerges from the tip of the wand has properties similar to fire, which can make ghosts possess you. Expecto means to throw it out, and patronum means guardian, which means that the patron saint is a Is the shield right?"

"I thought a Patronus was a reflection of a person's character," said Hermione.

"Interesting, you think Severus is as timid as a deer?"

"No!" Hermione yelled immediately, as if mentally injured.

"Can you imagine a man like him with a Patronus like a deer?" Pomona recalled the bat-like Slytherin headmaster who dragged his black robes around the castle, and his Patronus actually It's a deer, even if it's a bear as his patron saint, Pomona, he doesn't think it's so unnatural.

"You're just obsessed with him, right?" Hermione grinned, looking like a thief.

"You know Ron is at the bottom of the dating list..."

"I know, but he's cute too." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"It's hard to admit that a young person is more mature than me, Hermione. I used to teach him, but now he knows more than me."

"Me too, I just read a lot more than Harry, and I'm a little smarter."

"You think Harry is better than you?"

"In the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin in the sixth grade, Ron thought that Harry had added Felicia to his pumpkin juice, and he suddenly became full of confidence. In fact, Harry didn't pour it in, Ron just because he was confident That’s why he played so well.”

"I understand that bad atmosphere in game theory can cause bank runs. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, everyone had no confidence in the economy. Later, after the run time passed, the bank did not go bankrupt, and everyone's confidence returned, and everyone deposited their money back. bank."

"Well, what I'm trying to say is that Harry is more versatile than I am, and I hadn't thought of that," Hermione stammered. "Hufflepuff is going to study game theory, too?"

"I remember you took Arithmancy and Divination as an elective. Do you know which college the thirteenth-century Arithmologist Bridget Willock belongs to?"

"Hufflepuff," Hermione replied without hesitation.

"That's right, Hermione, you're way smarter than the Ravenclaw prefects." Pomona smirked. "You think Hufflepuffs are stupid too?"

"No." The Gryffindor lioness replied tremblingly.

"Game theory is a Muggle lesson in arithmetic and divination, and you'll find it amusing to think of it that way."

"I heard that it's illegal for Newt to bring a case of magical animals to New York, and Rolf also brought a case of magical animals. Is that okay?"

"In the 20s, yes, it's not as strict as it used to be."


"How should I put it, the international law of secrecy is not as strict as it used to be. Muggles can marry wizards. If Queenie lived in modern times, she wouldn't be with Grindelwald just to be with Jacob."

"You seem to know a lot about Scamander."

"He's a Hufflepuff celebrity."

"Ron's got a big stack of Mad Muggle Martin Miggs comics in his bedroom," Hermione complained dejectedly. "I told him to throw it away, and he wouldn't die."

Pomona kept her mouth shut cautiously.

How did Ron, who likes Quidditch, likes reading comics, has such poor grades, and has been entangled with Lavender, chase Hermione?

"Which of the two of them is a Muggle?" Hermione asked.

"Do you think Grindelwald will cooperate with Muggles?" Pomona said coldly, her intelligence plummeting when Ron and Hermione were involved.

"That Jacob, is he as crazy as Martin?" Hermione asked angrily.

"I have no idea."

"I really don't understand why Ron likes reading comics so much! But he refuses to spend time reading serious books!" Hermione seemed to have entered a certain state, her hands kept flying, as if to tear up Ron's books into pieces.

"I wish Severus would do less reading and experimenting."

Pomona thought of every time she went to him, he was almost like a witch in a fairy tale, studying those tormenting spells and potions in the basement all day long.

"He used to be able to watch Quidditch and bask in the sun at school, but even then he was as pale as a vampire. I wish he could see more sunshine."

"I think he might have avoided burning in the sun," Hermione snapped.

Pomona flew over with a sharp eye.

"I'm sorry." Hermione stopped the smile at the corner of her mouth, but she covered her mouth and snickered after a while.

"You know that real vampires are not aristocrats like they are written in Muggle literature!" Pomona was about to explode, young people nowadays.

"I'm sorry." Hermione tried her best not to laugh at her own joke.

"When the water boils, make tea for yourself." Pomona stood up and left.

She didn't want to see those two idiots arguing anymore.

"Yes, ma'am," Hermione said with a smirk, as if she already knew what Pomona was going to do with her departure.

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