Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 623 Just world

In Celtic mythology, Skatha, the master of the Isle of Shadows, taught Cu Chulainn the art of battle, and she made him a famous hero.

They later had two sons who helped them a lot in their fight against Princess Aifa.

Not only female students are interested in male teachers, but even male students have the same thoughts about female teachers.

As an elder, the teacher should reject the untimely ideas of young people. This is what Pomona persuaded Remus. He is not suitable for marriage in all aspects. The love affair caused by young people's impulsiveness will soon cool down. Wait until then The one who gets hurt after breaking up is himself.

When Pomona was completely immersed in the happiness of love, she completely lost the ability to perceive pain. Ireland was described as a fairyland in mythology, and she wanted to go there a long time ago.

The environment there was indeed beautiful, but as she looked up the information in the library, she began to understand that this place also had a tragic past.

The custom of human sacrifice among the Celts, criminals or prisoners of war and children were sacrificed as sacrifices every time. Some people claim that this was instigated by the barbaric Druids, which is one of the reasons why the Romans invaded the sacred forest and slaughtered the Druids. They did not feel that they were doing evil, but eliminated the apostles of the devil. Modern scholars They are trying to prove that human sacrifice has nothing to do with Druidism.

There is a very old pamphlet "The Annals of the Province of Leinster" which records the historical facts of the Irish people's practice of human sacrifice: worshiping a great and cruel god living on the plains, crom cruach, when the Gaelic people prayed for good weather When the time comes, children will be used as sacrifices to him.

They traded their children for milk and grain, and their fear and pain was so deep.

There are also stories of living sacrifices in Chinese history. The famous one is He Bo's marriage. This custom was stopped by an official named Ximen Bao with ingenious tricks.

The Irishman sacrifice has become a legend in St. Patrick's time, and there is no existence of Crowm Creech in other pagan documents in Ireland. Few people know the meaning of this name.

Fenrir represents the giant wolf in Norse mythology. After he was arrested, there was a new leader among the werewolves. His name was Crom Kreech. Obviously he regarded himself as the "moon god", and people wanted to Sacrifice his own children to him, as the Irish did before, and he would give the family flour and milk.

Kraum is not ashamed of his identity as a werewolf at all. Instead, he feels that what he possesses is divine power. Fenrir is known for being cruel, and Kraum has obviously read a lot of books. He became a werewolf after being bitten. One of the last messages from an Auror agent.

This is the opponent that humans have to face, a cruel, cunning and intelligent werewolf. If he completes the unification of the werewolf tribes, it might not be a bad idea to put Fenrir back and let them fight each other.

But if they learn to cooperate, the news could not be worse for humanity.

Werewolf transformation is not limited to the night, it is possible before and after the night of the full moon. February 23, 2005 is Wednesday, which is not a statutory holiday. It is estimated that there will not be many tourists onlookers at the Lantern Festival parade at 10 am.

But at night, there will be more people coming to Chinatown to eat. At that time, the red lanterns on the street will be lit up. At that time, the exotic atmosphere will be more serious, and the fireworks show is better at night. That is when you really need to be fully vigilant. when.

Chinatown is very close to the Financial City, and there will be traffic jams during the rush hour every day. As long as there are no accidents, the traffic flow will be cleared soon, but today Chinatown is enclosed. The "roads" in the UK were originally used for carriages, especially Those old urban areas that were built hundreds of years ago are full of winding and winding roads, and people who want to take shortcuts can’t walk. In addition, it has attracted a lot of curious peeps, which has led to collision accidents. The blockage became more serious.

"Road rage" is also one of the dark creatures. They are controlled by dark negative emotions. It is not effective to hope to regulate negative emotions through road rage. It is even more difficult for drivers in road rage mode to make the right choice.

When you strongly hate and despise the ugly and vulgar things around you, these things will occupy the depths of your heart, and at the same time make you polluted and become ugly; at the same time, this negative emotion will also make you sick physically and mentally .

People who believe that the world is fair and just rarely exhibit road rage behavior, and when it does, it is easy to let the anger subside. People who play "what a wonderful world" in the car effect are of course in a different mood than those who play death metal.

People who believe that the world is pure and beautiful are so stupid. There are only two kinds of people in the eyes of road rage: rookies who drive slower than themselves and fools who drive faster than themselves.

In his eyes, the world is full of injustice. Cars in his hands are not vehicles, but weapons that can attack people like guns. Such people are very aggressive and emotionally unstable. It's like a pressure cooker that is ready to explode and needs a vent to release excess internal pressure.

It's useless to hate him, the abyss will also stare at you when you stare at the abyss, if you get angry with him, you will become a Lu Nu.

This hope that all road rage will disappear will make people lose their calm judgment and easily escalate the conflict.

The right of way includes the right of possession, the right of use and the right of priority. Most people actually don’t care about the right of possession and the right of use. Most traffic policemen and drivers are most concerned about the right of priority.

When ambulances and fire engines come, their priority is higher than that of ordinary vehicles. Who doesn't give way to ambulances and fire engines?

Some people will allow special vehicles, but not necessarily luxury cars. Most of the time, people with road rage will regard congested roads as flat roads with a large number of obstacles piled up, and do not regard other drivers as conscious as themselves. People come to think, let alone have the same right of way.

If a person who drives a luxury car thinks that his car cannot be compensated by someone else touching it, he honks his horn to let others get out of the way, then the final result is that he will be constantly blocked, and it will take a long time for him to move a little.

If you have money, you feel that you should enjoy privileges. On the road, this is a "fair" world where everyone is equal before the law, unless you drive a black Rolls Royce.

It was only driven by the nobles, but now that the black Rolls-Royce is used by civilians, there is no right-of-way priority.

If there is a traffic jam, everyone will block together. Who is in a hurry?

As long as it makes someone sad, Road Nurses feel comfortable, so there is no shortage of British people who ride their bicycles for an hour and a half to work in full armor with helmets and knee pads. You can exercise without having to endure the traffic jams in the morning rush hour. You can take a shower first when you arrive at the company, which is healthy and environmentally friendly.

If you are really rich, don't squeeze the morning peak with the ordinary people. Rich people don't lack the perfect attendance bonus.

The opening hours of international stock markets are different, so how much less money will he make if he delays a little time.

Everyone doesn't understand and tolerate each other. It's like jam in a jar. No one wants to leave.

Pomona estimated the time. St. Mungo didn't go to work until after nine o'clock, and he might not have arrived at the hospital yet when he went to Draco.

So she went back to Chinatown again, and she hadn't eaten Cantonese-style "morning tea" yet.

She is already fifty years old, and many Chinese elderly of her age are already sitting in morning tea shops and reading newspapers.

If Lily was alive, she would already be a grandmother. They have all passed the age of dying and living because of emotional entanglements like young people, and they just want to calm down and live a peaceful life.

Why is it so difficult to realize a small wish?

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