It wasn't fun for Queenie to hear those dark, negative thoughts, but she was gifted as a natural Legilimency, and she listened to them whether she wanted to or not. Noisy sound.

There are moments in life when you do nothing and the disaster finds you, the Chinese work hard to save money, but the wealth attracts wolves, and there is no other way but to shoot them back with a gun.

There is a group of people who tend to use force to solve problems when they encounter problems. Their previous violent behaviors gave them an advantage in interpersonal relationships. They felt that the other party was afraid, retreated, and in awe, and gained a sense of superiority and success from it, thus strengthening the violent tendency of the perpetrators. Continue and upgrade.

Dudley was that kind of kid, strong and stupid, luckily he corrected it in time, when he was still using his fists.

If a werewolf bites a Muggle, not only will the Muggle not become a werewolf, but it will even cause death. Even being caught by a werewolf may be fatal.

In other words, Muggles must kill those fast, agile, and powerful monsters while ensuring that they are not injured.

Before the advent of Wolfsbane Potion, werewolves had no rationality. With it, they can attack in an organized manner. Even if only one werewolf still has rationality, the other werewolves will shift their attack positions according to his "wolf howl"...

How to fight is a man's business, not to mention that this is not her territory, so Pomona "drinks morning tea" while reading the Daily Prophet.

When Sirius escaped from Azkaban, the streets and alleys of the wizarding world were covered with wanted photos of him, and even Muggle TV news reported it, but there was no news about his escape from Azkaban.

Azkaban was indeed too crowded. The departure of these prisoners also relieved the pressure on the prison, and none of the most notorious ones escaped. They were not so aggressive compared to fighting dark wizards.

After being imprisoned for so many years, Theodore Not's father and grandfather couldn't possibly fight like Anthony Doholov.

Today is the third day she has been sleepless, and when she thinks that she will not be able to sleep for the next four days, she feels extremely anxious.

Tom Riddle, who doesn't need to sleep after being reborn, will go crazy if he keeps going like this, even if his temper is not grumpy, not to mention that he is quite cold and extreme.

Pomona twirled her summoning ring, weighing whether to ask Severus to have breakfast with her, when she noticed someone standing beside her - Hermione Granger with a very dark eye.

"Don't say anything." Hermione sat down on the chair next to Pomona.

"A bad night?" Pomona said, taking a sip of her tea.

"Aren't you still willing to tell me who is your caller?"


"Is he related to the riots on January 9?"

"I have no idea."

"Then we have nothing to talk about." Hermione picked up the chopsticks to eat the shrimp dumplings. Her movements were very skillful, obviously this was not the first time she had Chinese food.

"What about your work, I mean the rights of the house-elves."

Hermione's brow furrowed.

She was going through a painful process, her relationship with Ron was not as good as it was at school, her career was just getting started, and then so much happened that the average girl might not be able to handle it anymore.

Pomona then stopped talking and quietly looked at the newspaper in her hand.

"I can't believe that someone sent me undiluted babo tuber pus," said Hermione suddenly, angrily.

"You mean... during the Triwizard Tournament, Rita Kistor scribbled after you." Pomona recalled that many people in the auditorium saw it.

"No, I got it last week," said Hermione, suppressing her anger. "It would be terrible if something more dangerous was in the mail."

"The security of the Ministry of Magic is really problematic, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sneak in so easily." Pomona sighed and said, the entrance for ordinary staff is really disgusting.

"Kingsley wants to cancel the special entrance for pure-blood nobles, what should I do?"

"Why do you care about this?"

"He made me think," said Hermione sadly. "I've only been in the Ministry for two months."

"I know you've been in the house elf office for a while." Pomona said without surprise. "When will you be transferred?"

"I don't know. I don't have any actual achievements yet. I don't want others to think that I got there through relationships."

Pomona thought the subject was really boring.

"Remember how Harry passed you in Potions when you were both in sixth year?"

"Yes," said Hermione grimly. "He got the old Half-Blood Prince textbook."

"Did you ever have a crush on a boy with good grades in your class when you were in elementary school?" Pomona said with a smile on her face as if she had been cast under the Imperius Curse.

"I'm number one in my class, always have been," said Hermione dryly.

"I'm not very fond of athletes, do you think Victor is cute?"

"He's a big guy," Hermione reminded her. "I thought cute meant smaller."

"I don't care about looks that much..."

"You just like Professor Snape, don't you?" Hermione murmured, "I can't believe it."

"Don't forget to be charming, dear, the faster a woman forgets being charming, the faster she will hate the world. You can try to seduce Ron."

"What?" Hermione was stunned.

"How do you usually flirt?"

"Oh!" Hermione yelled as if she had been mentally injured. "When are you still thinking about this?"

"Anxiety won't solve anything for you, stay positive honey, what doesn't kill us just makes us stronger, you should learn to relax yourself, sometimes you really collapse Too tight."

Hermione fell silent, as if thinking hard.

Pomona was under the table, rubbing her ankle against her calf, and Hermione flinched back as if electrocuted.

"Like this," Pomona said with a smile, "You can try that too."

Hermione took a sip of tea and said expressionlessly, "Professor Snape is younger than you, how could you do this to him?"

Pomona felt like a monkey juggling on a tightrope on a unicycle. Hermione untied the tightrope, and she fell off the tightrope even though she was riding the bicycle no matter how steady she was.

"That's it, we officially have nothing to say." Pomona picked up the Daily Prophet on the table to read again.

"You guys made out in front of me, you didn't feel anything at first, do you know how annoying it is?" Hermione said grumpily.

"Jealous?" Pomona said with a smug smile.

"No!" Hermione shot back mercilessly. "I'm not Lavender Brown."

Pomona's face suddenly became ugly.

"What's up with her?"

"You know what girls say about her behind her back, and you're preventing her from being friends with Neville."

"I stopped her and Neville not because of her and Ron, but because she was bitten by a werewolf, even though it was not a full moon night." Pomona turned her eyes to the newspaper again, "I can't allow that cursed blood to enter Pure blood circle."

"So you support pure blood?"

"Everyone has their own living habits. Don't forget what you did to the house elves. You force others to give you what you think is good. Others may not accept it. Damn it, Hermione, you remind me of West Reese's mother..."

"I won't attach my soul to a painting like her after death and scream and curse the guests."

"You don't understand," Pomona said wearily. "She's not just guarding that home, she's waiting for her sons to come home."

"They always thought that you would be poisoned if you got too close to Professor Snape. I can't believe they defended you before."

"Don't be radical, be patient, and improve slowly." Pomona said, holding her forehead, "It is unrealistic for you to want everyone to accept that everyone is equal."

"Why do some people stubbornly insist that people are not equal?" Hermione touched her arm, where Bella left the word "Mudblood", which is the trace left by black magic, and the black blood of Death Eaters. The magic mark cannot be cleared either.

"How did you cover up that stench?" Pomona changed the subject.

"You'll know when the time comes," Hermione said grumpily. "I don't know why I feel so anxious. I feel like I'm not me at all."

"Because darkness is approaching." Pomona looked at the blue sky outside. Today seems to be a good weather, and the full moon should be visible at night. "Go to sleep after eating, you are not a monster after all."

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