"Snivelly, Snivelly."

In 1976, James Potter hung Severus Snape from a fuchsia under the school beech tree and publicly humiliated him, as the onlookers called him.

Who would have imagined that the snot in that slum would become what it is now.

Many old couples who have been married for decades do not talk to each other, but the two of them achieved it in a month. No one at the table spoke, quietly eating the steak on their plate.

He was very good with a knife, and the beef was cut to almost the same size, which may have come from years of handling potions.

He also didn't sit leaning against the back of the chair, keeping his body upright, and his every move was in line with noble etiquette. This was completely different from the lively and friendly atmosphere at the dining table in the Order of the Phoenix where everyone enjoyed joking.

If Severus had eaten with everyone in the Order of the Phoenix, no matter how delicious Molly's food was, no one would be able to eat it.

In order to save each other's appetites and hard-earned food, he never dined with the Order of the Phoenix, except at the Hogwarts banquet.

The main character of the banquet is the food. Everyone is attracted by the delicious food, and no one will pay special attention to the faculty seats.

Students always think that the teacher can't see the small movements under the desk. In fact, he can see very clearly. If he stands at a higher position, he will see much more than others, and the teacher's seat is also higher than the students. Not to mention that the famous Harry Potter disappeared, it was hard for Severus not to notice.

Harry and his friends were in the hallway just as the blood was on the wall, looking very suspicious.

He didn't believe that Harry was the owner of the Chamber of Secrets, but he didn't know where Harry had gone.

Now that he's talking to her about the Chamber of Secrets again, it seems like he's getting paranoid again.

At first she asked him to check the information in the secret room, and later she said that Teddy Lupine was a descendant of Hufflepuff, and he didn't know what happened in the middle.

Information about the founder of the school does not have to be through literature, he can "ask" the ghosts that wander in Hogwarts - Cinderella and Baron the Bloody Man, Helena is the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw , Barrow is her fiancé, and Helga is equivalent to their elders.

Harry was curious about what his parents were like, and often asked Remus, so did Helena wonder about her mother, Rowena? What was her relationship to Helga Hufflepuff?

Helena once said that Tom Riddle is very charming. Of course, a charming man will not only have a bright smile like Lockhart. He should be good at chatting. This castle has many secrets. He can ask the sea for advice. Lianna asked, for example, what kind of person his ancestor Salazar Slytherin was, or how the magic on the ceiling was realized.

Severus went to Hogwarts, and it was because of this that the cabin had the same magic as the Hogwarts auditorium.

He later went to another place to buy rugs and roses, and since he had threatened to kill Harry Potter if she didn't come home within three hours, this place should be related to finding Harry's whereabouts.

Only a few people knew where Harry was now, perhaps including Calvin, the head of the Auror office.

The Axminster pile carpet is a specialty of Axminster in Devon. It is rarely seen now. There is still a smell of spices in the carpet. What Muggle shop still has spices? Everyone is using air fresheners.

He went looking for Harry and couldn't find it, just like he had caught the trio in the corridor and didn't know where they went.

He said he wanted to go to Italy for a honeymoon, oh, it would be fine if she was really a naive little fool, but he just mentioned the number "7". I'm afraid that his going to Italy this time is not as simple as a honeymoon.

"what's on your mind?"

Just when she was thinking about it, Severus suddenly asked with a smile.

"Nothing." She replied with a smirk. "I was thinking about what clothes to take to Venice."

"We are going to Venice, not the wilderness. It is enough to bring money." He stared at her and licked his lips, as if licking the gravy on his lips.

She purposely focuses on the meat on the plate.

"I haven't seen you in silk."

"That's because I don't have one." She sliced ​​through the steak like it was someone's meat.

"I'd like to see it," he whispered. "It's a comfortable fabric."

"How did you pass the application for going abroad?" Pomona changed the subject.

"You forgot that the UK is now an EU country, and we don't need to apply abroad." He showed his yellow teeth and said with a smug smile, "Do you need a passport to travel to Ireland?"

She poked a piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth, preventing that mouth from saying anything stupid again.

"Last time we brought Robbie, this time we brought honey?" But he continued on this topic endlessly.

“The hotel has room service.”

"I like tents, and camping, do you like it?"

He stared at her, and Pomona knew with her toes that he was dreaming now.

"Didn't we go to Italy to appreciate art?" She said in a dying struggle.

Art needs someone who can appreciate it. Severus has poor taste in clothing, but because of the guidance of his mentor Voldemort, it is also extraordinary and refined. Italy is one of the important places of the Renaissance. She hopes to accept a little bit of humanism. nurturing.

"Ancient Greek sculpture admired the beauty of nature, but not in other civilizations. The Egyptians, Persians, and Assyrians all felt it was a shame not to wear clothes. What do you think, sister?"

He took a sip of his wine and said casually.

"It's not something that should be discussed at the dinner table."

"What are you thinking? I'm talking about art with you." He seemed to have caught her, and continued aggressively, "Although the Dunhuang sculptures are wearing clothes, they are very close-fitting. The silk fabric can really outline the lines."

"I won't buy silk!" she said angrily.

"So, tulle?" He thought for a moment, raised his eyebrows, "I have no objection."

She stood up straight away, even if it was a waste of food, she didn't intend to continue eating these juicy steaks.

"I'm a man, not a stone." He said coldly behind her, "I know the price of using the Philosopher's Stone to maintain my longevity. You forgot that Albus once asked me to guard the Philosopher's Stone. He always gave important things to the Those who use it keep it.”

"I know," she said, and she wasn't going to use the Resurrection Stone to bring him back to life before he died, just as he hadn't thought of using the Philosopher's Stone to cure her curse before she died.

"I don't want to get involved in those intrigues. I'm a wizard. If it weren't for my status, I should be able to travel every year instead of being stuck in England." He said in a gloomy tone, "Only the Triwizard Tournament He will think of me as a dark wizard when someone needs to lead the team."

She rolled her eyes skyward and started again.

"I know he wanted to expose the wizarding world to cover up the fantasy pair. They were seen by so many Muggles driving a flying car, but Arthur Weasley only fined a little money..."

"He covered you too, Severus."

"Oh? Isn't it because I was more useful than a stupid dog in that werewolf rehabilitation program? Haven't you wondered why Black was locked up in Azkaban for twelve years?"

"You said, Alastor took out Sirius' wand, and he cast a Flashback Charm on that wand."

"Albus Dumbledore is old, and his energy is not as good as before, so he made the wrong choice, and he ruined Black's life." Severus growled and said, "Black waited twelve years in prison. Years before the Law Enforcement Officer remembered to test the wand and prove his innocence, but he didn't know that the only evidence of his innocence had been destroyed, and I was killed by the White Wizard just like him Yes! And you, look what a road he has arranged for you, does he want you to be as lonely as he is forever?"

She doesn't really want to get married that much, and neither does Helena, and it's good to continue to seek knowledge and wisdom.

One question, is it a good thing or a bad thing to donate money earned by illegal or even sinful means to churches and temples for good deeds?

The Crusades in the 13th century, and the film Infernal Affairs in the 21st century, where the money earned by gangsters selling drugs and donating to temples are all examples. This question is worth thinking about.

But Barrow and Severus were unwilling to let them go.

Helena fled with the Ravenclaw diadem, and Baron found her, and the love-struck wretch killed his lover.

Pomona didn't run away, and fortunately she didn't, otherwise, what was talking here would be two corpses as cold as stones.

"Forget him, you have buried your father yourself."

"He's not my father." She said wearily, "I'm tired, can I go to bed?"

He put down the knife and fork and stood up straight away.

Obviously, he wouldn't think she was going to sleep alone.

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