Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 656 Look at me

In Albus's letter to Grindelwald, he once wrote "I am exhausted".

When you get caught up in the hustle and bustle, trivial mistakes can kill you right away.

A person's energy is limited, and it is impossible to be alert at all times, which is why a person needs to make more friends.

Having more friends not only allows you to receive more information, but also makes fewer enemies for yourself.

The sample taken from the bottle of Derwent reservoir has not been tested yet, and it would be bad if it was really poisoned.

This time it was Neville who received the message from the trees, and next time he might not be so lucky.

The loopholes caused by negligence in defense may be insignificant, but the result is terrible. However, Severus, who is good at potions, has no intention to test it, and he should be very tired.

Wizards are already a secret in human society. Most Muggles only hear about them by name, but never see them. Even the Muggle Prime Minister has never been to the Ministry of Magic underground in Whitehall.

There is another world underground in the wizarding society, which is the dark wizard and the scattered European underground magic organization. Albus once formed an organization to deal with Grindelwald, which later became the predecessor of the Order of the Phoenix.

Pomona didn't know if Lily had contact with wizards in Europe. The origin of her spell was too mysterious. How did a housewife who married after graduation discover and learn this mystery that even Albus Dumbledore could not understand? of the spell.

Druids can use runes, maybe the scar on Harry's forehead is the trace of runes, but every time the Dark Lord appears that scar will hurt again.

Only then did Pomona realize that she didn't really know Lily very well, even though they were once friends, they became more and more estranged because of work and school.

It takes time to understand a person. Time is equal to everyone. Everyone has only 24 hours. If you are busy with work, you cannot spend the same time with your relatives and friends.

Even if you use the Time-Turner, there is a limit. Hermione tried it in the third grade. The little witch with such a strong thirst for knowledge eventually gave up some courses, and her temper became bad. This side effect No one predicted it.

Nietzsche once said, don't bury your head in the sands of heaven, but set your mind free.

But Pomona dared to say that the philosopher's final madness was directly related to his "too free" mind.

Freedom needs to be restrained, which is a contradiction in itself. Freedom should be unrestricted. Hermione is free to seek knowledge, which eventually leads to another form of "indulgence", which is unhealthy.

The faster a woman forgets her charms, the faster she hates the world.

This kind of charming is not only the appearance, but also the inner style.

Lipstick and eye shadow cannot modify the soul, and books are its indispensable "cosmetics".

Use the power of life itself to overcome the pain of life, and when you fight, you will feel a hundred times the joy of life in the pain.

Goddess worship is often directly related to fertility, and Christianity advocates morality and abstinence.

In medieval Europe, thousands of women were burned at the stake as witches, limiting their power and independence and quelling the enthusiasm for goddess worship.

God, King, Priest, Father replaced Goddess, Queen, Priestess and Mother.

Women were once walking wombs, to be destroyed except for their usefulness in procreation, because they represented temptation and fall, the embodiment of sin.

This situation improved until the early Renaissance, the worship of the Virgin Mary, and the rise of courtly love and chivalry.

They are not only evil temptations, but also goddesses of innocence. Whether women are willing to admit it or not, when their emotional needs are not met, women will use material desires to fill their inner loneliness. There are so many extravagant works of art in the Renaissance period. so produced.

They paid painters and sculptors, and then asked them to draw their own portraits. At first, they only showed the painters their own profiles, and their eyes did not meet them at all.

Later, they became more and more bold and knew how to express their beauty with color and light and shadow. When the painter painted for them, they could feel the joy of being noticed by others, which was not felt by their husbands who neglected them.

Why does Mona Lisa smile?

She just wanted to be noticed by others, she succeeded, didn't she? So many people around the world want to understand why she smiles, and devote their time and energy to her. Tens of thousands of people in the Louvre see that world-famous painting every day, but the painting is actually not that big. There are not so many people watching paintings bigger than hers.

People would rather line up to see her than to see other masterpieces in the Louvre, like boys vying to ask a beautiful woman while ignoring the other well-dressed ladies at the ball.

Jealousy is like hellfire, it makes people feel irritable.

To love only one person is a barbaric act, for all others will be sacrificed for it.

The "sacrifice spirit" is not possessed by everyone. The laws of the State of Lu allow people to redeem their own citizens for a fee, but Zilu does good deeds for free. Doing so will make other people who do good deeds paid look inferior, so that article Well-intentioned laws lose their effect.

The development of human art requires cost. The reason why Italy became one of the birthplaces of the Renaissance is because of its prosperous trade and commerce.

Because Britain was far away from the Mediterranean, it was not until the end of the 15th century that it was shrouded in the tide of the Renaissance. Later, when Henry VIII adopted Protestantism as the state religion, this trend of goddess worship based on the Virgin Mary stopped.

Compared with Italy and France, the British were more martial and warlike. With the opening of new sea routes, the trade center gradually shifted from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic.

Knowledge was used in the service of war rather than improving people's lives, and Britain's overseas colonies increased.

But the wives did not feel happy because of this. It was mistresses and courtesans who were really rampant in social situations, and men were willing to spend money on them.

Virtue is not as important as birth, as long as she has a beautiful appearance, she can move freely in the upper class-only in the male group, and in the female group, such a young, beautiful and frivolous woman will be excluded.

Albus was ashamed of this, and he kept the secret deep in the cupboard, and even in his death he did not reveal it to the world.

Severus hated him, but he didn't announce to the world the scandal and letters that were enough to destroy the White Wizard. After all, the White Wizard was indeed a great wizard, and he sacrificed a lot of personal things in exchange for so many unworthy He is respected and trusted by those who know and know him well.

What a waste, so talented geniuses, wasting precious time for love, doing things that are interesting to themselves, but worthless to others.

Don't waste your talent. Pomona thought of Lily and Tonks in the same way before. Who would have thought that she would have such a day?

She is becoming an ordinary woman who cares about her appearance in order to attract his attention, and even broke up with Lily.

She hoped that he could look at her and stop thinking about the lily that was always pure in his memory.

"You said you were tired, why didn't you close your eyes?" He lay down next to her, staring into her eyes and said.

Now they were in the lounge next to the study, where Draco used to sleep, with green Slytherin sheets and silver-white tassels on the curtains, which looked icy gorgeous.

"You are handsome, my prince." She stroked his pale face and said, "I'm afraid that once I close my eyes, you won't be there when I wake up."

"Me too," he said in a low voice, "I'm afraid you're a figment of my imagination."

"What color are my eyes?" she asked.

"Blue, like the sky."

"Isn't it as green as lake water?"

He smiled smugly.

"What are you laughing at?" she said angrily.

"It's good to be alive." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "You know what it's like to have something you like growing on the face you hate the most? It's like a rose blooming on shit."

"Oh!" Pomona exclaimed.

"That's how I see Harry Potter, he turns me off."

"But you care about him."

He fell silent.

"I hate that kid." He said in an extremely complicated tone.

"What if Harry was a girl?"

His facial features wrinkled as if he had eaten a sour orange.

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