During the Triwizard Tournament, Beauxbatons did not live in Hogwarts Castle, but in a carriage.

The carriage must have been extended, and Newt Scamander's suitcase has also been extended. A mobile "house" like a luxury train is much more comfortable than a tent. life, then it is best to start preparing now.

There's always this weird indulgence for newlyweds on their honeymoon, even if they wake up late and miss breakfast, the dining car still leaves food for them.

The French toast was delicious, but it was a bit too greasy, but it was better to eat this when fleeing than Hermione and the others went hunting in the wild by themselves, or even endured starvation.

Many people have always been deeply attracted by the romantic architecture and distinctive cuisine of France, but they have forgotten that this country has many beautiful scenery. It seems that as long as you leave Paris, there are rural areas everywhere.

When Britain was still bleak at the end of February, spring in France began to arrive quietly.

Spring in France is around the time of Easter, which this year falls on March 27, the third day after the full moon.

One month before Easter, the greenery is not so abundant, but people are already working in the fields, and the bright sunshine is rare in Britain, which has been shrouded in rainy weather for many years. It looks like the end of the world when the volcanic ash blocks the sun.

Without sunshine, not only wheat cannot grow, but even hay cannot grow. A large number of cattle and sheep are slaughtered cheaply. When urban residents eat cheap meat, herdsmen suffer serious losses.

Later, the stock of livestock was almost slaughtered, and the price of meat began to rise again. The poor could not afford it, but the rich could still cook it with exquisite French cooking methods.

There is a saying in the East, don’t worry about scarcity but inequality, don’t worry about poverty but worry about anxiety, if everyone can’t afford meat, there will be no complaints, the problem is that you eat what you have and I don’t, this kind of “unfairness” It will grow in people's hearts. If the rich have no sense of crisis, they will not be far from being robbed.

This is shown in the painting "Liberty Leading the People". The army loyal to the king was stripped off by the people. The army is much better than the civilians in terms of military quality and weapons, but the problem is that there are too many civilians.

Once the order maintained by force loses its strongest force, the original order will be replaced by the new strongest force.

The French nobles were sent to the guillotine by the people. This "revolution" was thorough, and even the wizards hidden among the nobles were not spared.

It is not that people cannot accept inequality, but they cannot accept that they are the one being unequal. Before the outbreak of the revolution, the first class composed of Catholic priests and the second class composed of nobles were the privileged class living in the ruling class. The third class, composed of the bourgeoisie, peasants and urban commoners, was ruled.

After overthrowing the priests and nobles of the first and second ranks, property became the yardstick for distinguishing human classes, and the bourgeoisie who had mastered wealth became a privileged class that needed to be restricted in the eyes of peasants and urban commoners.

French aristocrats and some wealthy people have the habit of wearing tight shorts and stockings below the knees, while commoners wear trousers. The no-culottes man was originally a mocking name for the nobles for the commoners, but soon became synonymous with the revolutionaries.

When a person has nothing to lose, what else will he care about? Those sans-culottes became the main force in several armed uprisings and urban revolutions during the Revolution.

There is a saying in China that those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. The modern Chinese revolution also launched these proletariats without property.

In Rousseau's book, if there is no property, how can people be dependent? If one accepts that such a relationship exists, one must be willing to get himself into endless troubles, which are bound to be more troubles than he would like to avoid and impose on the oppressed.

A broomstick made of goblin-made metal parts is much better than a normal broomstick, and the Firebolt is the top broomstick, and it's also expensive.

Everyone knows that goblins make good stuff, but goblins are always on strike, and in their words "goblins are not house-elves", goblins gain their existing social status through rebellion, and they take control of Gringotts.

During the Second Wizarding War, Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic and also took over the Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The operation of the bank was changed to the Ministry of Magic, but after the Second Wizarding War, Gringotts was again run by goblins.

Without the threat of Voldemort, goblins dared to pick up their wands and cause riots in 1999.

There are generally two forms of rebellion, one is the sudden outbreak of the French Revolution and the capture of the Bastille, and the other is a small-scale temptation and then a little escalation.

On the frontal battlefield, you don't have to choose to fight a positional battle with an enemy who has more people than you. You can also avoid their edge, use the strong defense of the castle, and then decapitate the opponent's commander.

As long as the leader dies or is bought off, the mob will disperse. The problem is that the French nobles lack this kind of military quality. They are greedy for comfort, enjoy food, art, and romance, but they don't like military affairs.

Napoleon was from Corsica. He was promoted by military service. He didn't like the luxurious Rococo style. The high-waisted skirts in the imperial era didn't have so many embroidery and lace, and everything was simple and natural. With Napoleon's military conquest, this artistic style spread throughout Europe. Jane Austen's era happened to be the era when the British imperial style was popular, and the clothing in her works also described the popularity of British society at that time. trend.

Pomona let him sleep on the sofa last night, and today she is wearing the empire high-waisted skirt he gave her. This dress must look weird in the Muggle world. Who still wears it from hundreds of years ago? Antique?

But they had a quarrel yesterday, and he would feel happier in this suit. A man in Victorian men's clothing and a woman in an Empire dress are sitting on a luxurious "steam train" in the 21st century... They really have nothing to do with the words "trend" and "fashion", but only Use "retro" to reduce a little sense of disobedience.

This silent breakfast might have been awkward, but Pomona had a chance to think about her own business.

If you go to Italy, you can’t just go to Venice, she also has to go to Rome, she has to wear the same clothes, hairstyle and makeup as Hepburn to reenact the Roman Holiday, she will not be a fugitive, she is an escaped princess! Damn old Slytherin bat, always using her as a disguise...

"Does the toast have any grudge against you?" He suddenly said coldly, "Eat it or leave it alone, don't waste the food."

Pomona glanced at the broken toast on the plate, which had been mutilated by her fork.

"Can you ride a bicycle?" she asked boldly.

As expected, the death gaze of the "basilisk" cast over.

"I'm going to Rome for a bike ride!" she said petulantly.

"Why are you going to Rome for a bike ride?" he asked inexplicably.

It seems that in his understanding, the earth is so big, you can ride a bicycle anywhere, why must you ride a bicycle in Rome?

"You want to go to Venice, I want to go to Rome!" She slapped the table angrily. "Do you know how Annie and Joe spent their first night?"

"What?" Severus was even more confused.

"Roman Holiday, sir." The waiter in the dining car reminded him kindly in French, "Your wife wants to experience the feeling in the movie with you."

Severus rolled his eyes in disgrace.

"He's just as ungentlemanly as you are!" Pomona pointed a fork at Severus' nose. "How could he let a girl sleep on the sofa?"

"Who is he? Also, the sofa I slept on last night!"

"Oh, you think you're a gentleman just because you sleep on the sofa?"

"He is Joe, the hero of Roman Holiday, an American reporter." The flight attendant continued to kindly remind "Anne is a princess, and Joe is responsible for interviewing Princess Anne, but he doesn't know Anne. They fell in love later, but because of their identity The gap, the princess and the reporter did not end up together."

"Fool," Pomona said to the thoughtful man, eating up the toast she had mutilated.

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