Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 660 This killer is not too cold

Philippe is from Lyon, France. He is not a wizard, but a squib. He has been a flight attendant on a European train for more than six years.

Squibs cannot enter the magic school as a student, but not everyone has nothing to do all their lives. Mrs. Figg served as Dumbledore's correspondent, responsible for contacting the wizarding world and the Muggle world. It was the fate of the savior Potter. A key witness to a pivotal trial.

Not everyone is as stubborn and extreme as Filch and stays at Hogwarts as a warden, unlike the children in the past.

Philip likes to travel, so he applied for this "job of serving people". However, this job is not as romantic as he imagined. He spends most of his time on the train and has no time to get off and travel.

But he is still positive and optimistic. He can cook delicious French meals while watching the changing beautiful scenery in the luxurious mobile palace. What is the wife saying sir.

In the hearts of Italian and French men, every woman is an angel, their mouths are sweet to the point of madness, when Philip knew that Pomona also likes to cook, he even invited her to teach while watching the sunset in front of Severus. She makes baked snails.

Many ingredients in the wizarding world are dangerous, such as kale that can bite people. He enjoys the process of "killing" vegetables.

When he was young, he didn't like to eat vegetables. His mother said that if he didn't eat vegetables, he would eat him. At first, he didn't believe it at all, until she took him to see those magic plants. This Muggle world grew up. Only then did the big Squib realize that the bedtime stories his mother told him were true.

It's a pity that he can't be a wizard, but it doesn't hinder his "ambition". Lyon is the headquarters of the Interpol. Like many boys, he once aspired to become an Interpol.

Later, his mother told him the story of Grindelwald. A squib like him is no match for a dark wizard. At that time, he still couldn't tell the difference between Interpol and Auror. When he made it clear, his His interests have shifted to cooking, and it's become his job to "kill" those veggies that bite.

Wizards generally don't know much about Muggles, and few people watch movies. Philip likes watching movies, and sometimes he writes some scripts by himself, and the protagonists are the passengers.

He helped Severus with little effort, after all, brothers and sisters all over the world are one family, and Philip's humor made Pomona reluctant to go back to the box and continue reading to pass the time.

Fleur Delacour and her female classmates walk briskly and confidently, which may be due to the French atmosphere.

Picking up a conversation on the street is a tradition, and complimenting beauty is a virtue. Without a strong heart, women are easily deceived by these slick liars. Of course it feels good to be flattered all day long, and that kind of confidence and elegance come naturally.

The open atmosphere of France is completely different from the closedness of the British Isles. They are used to that kind of dull and depressing life, and they don't understand how much the outside world has changed. Until Furong became a mixed Veela They suddenly appeared at Hogwarts, and they suddenly realized that the times had changed.

Even the mindset of a reporter like Rita Kiester hasn't changed. She reported Hagrid's status as a half-giant, thinking that there would be an uproar. Hagrid also thought that he would be expelled like Remus. Submitted resignation to Albus, but he was fine, he was still working as a forest guard at Hogwarts.

During the Second Wizarding War, many Britons fled the UK on European trains.

There are men who are warlike and men who are not. Philip has prepared a lot of delicious food for those who panic. He believes that food and hot drinks can make those who have been tortured by fear feel better.

In addition to macarons, the famous French dessert is mille-feuille, which is made of three layers of brown mille-feuille pastry and sandwiched with two layers of custard sauce. Although the material is simple, the process of making the meringue is extremely complicated. A piece of Napoleon cake and a cup of coffee, this is the dessert and afternoon tea provided by the "Orient Express".

Many people think that if I can afford some expensive and luxurious things, I am an important person. This kind of perception is actually putting the cart before the horse.

In Breakfast at Tiffany's, the fake necklace worn by Hepburn is not worth much, but there are still many people who want to buy it, and even her used lipstick is bought at sky-high prices.

A used lipstick is not worth much at all, even if it was once a top luxury item, but if that lipstick was used by Hepburn, it feels different.

It's like kissing an angel.

It was Hepburn who made it less of a commodity, because she no longer associated it with cold war, brutal beast fighting, and dirty politics.

There's a naughty princess who recklessly sneaks out to play and meets a rude American reporter who picks up a pretty drunk-looking girl on the side of the road and doesn't take advantage of her, leaving her safe in his own home Joe may not be a gentleman, but he is a good man. His life has been changed because of this romantic encounter.

Now there are fewer and fewer men like Joe. Seeing that girls are getting worse and worse, Merope is ugly, and Bok Bojin blackmailed her for money.

Rousseau said in "On the Origin of Human Inequality" that the differences between people are just caused by habits, or caused by the different lifestyles people choose when adapting to life, so a person's physique Good or bad or strength often depends on whether his education is hard work or pampering, rather than his natural disposition.

Education not only makes the difference between the educated and the uneducated, but the difference between such educated people increases as the degree of education increases, like a giant and a dwarf, Every time they take a step on the same starting line, the distance between them increases.

People in the natural state eat the same food, use the same tools, and live the same life, and the differences between people are smaller.

The difference between people of different classes in the social state is due to their differences in education and life style, and how much the natural inequality of human beings is aggravated by the inequality caused by the social system.

The "food" of the British is not considered food at all in the eyes of the French and Chinese, but the British who are used to British food still think that there is no way anyone would eat baked snails. It looks too much like a slug.

The stronger the desire, the more need for legal restrictions, however, not to mention that the chaos and crimes that desire brings to society every day have proved the powerlessness of the law in this respect, we must also seriously study whether these crimes are accompanied by the law , if so, even if the law can subdue those evils, it is meaningless for us to ask the law to punish those evils that would not exist without the law.

We must first distinguish between physical love and spiritual love. Physical love is lust, and spiritual love is to limit this lust to a specific object, or at least to put more attention on it. An object of preference, and this kind of spiritual love is what women extol.

Why does "Mr. Love Saint" have so many female admirers? He was not as handsome as Sirius Black.

Because he has always loved Lily, the kind of pure spirit, he didn't get any feedback from Lily, he just paid blindly, even including his own life.

This is the expression of great chivalry and chivalry.

In the love of knights, the man unconditionally lifts the woman to an unmatched height, "I will go to attack the city for you", "I will go through fire and water for you", "I will fight for you" and so on, and doing so is Nothing in return is required.

The essence of the knights doing this is not that he is good to the lady, but for himself. Through such behavior, he has obtained an identity, an identity that can improve himself, which is similar to fighting for God , even if the Crusaders slaughtered the heretics cruelly, in the hearts of those butchers, what they did was still sacred.

During the Fifth Crusade, the Crusaders even looted the Byzantine Empire, the brother of the Lord, and robbed the famous golden cross in Hagia Sophia.

In order to deal with the powerful and brutal Crusades, the Arab kings who had been fighting each other on weekdays had to abandon their previous suspicions and gradually unite. The effective counterattack against the Crusades in the Arab world began in the late period of the Second Crusade. Saladin effectively expanded the results of the battle and recovered the city of Jerusalem.

The Franks have always been the main provider of the Crusades, and even the Arabs called the "Crusades" the "Franks Invasion". And Venice, but because of another reason. More than a century of experience in the Crusades made Christians understand the fact that the land route to Syria was difficult and difficult, and the Byzantines were wary of troops passing through their territory, so the best way was to go through the Mediterranean Sea. At that time, there were roughly three navigating countries with this capability, Pisa, Genoa, and Venice, and Pisa and Genoa were at war, so Venice was the only option left.

In the first week of Lent in 1201, six Frankish knights arrived in Venice with a commercial request to transport 33,000 troops to the coast of Syria. Enrico Dandolo, consul of Venice at the time, was apparently taken aback by the envoys' stated scale. It took the Venetian a week to evaluate the task, and an experienced quoter finally came up with a quote: Freight: 4 marks per horse, 2 marks per person. The period of service is one year. The total cost was 94,000 marks. Fifty armed galleys are provided free of charge, on condition that half of all the spoils of the expeditionary force go to Venice. Judging from the unit price, this quotation is not too much, but the total cost is equivalent to Frank's annual financial income. After a night of deliberation, the Frankish knights agreed to Venice's plan. The Treaty of Venice was officially signed at a ceremony held in St. Mark's Basilica the next day.

For Venice, this largest commercial contract in the Middle Ages was an out-and-out gamble, because it required Venice to stop all other commercial activities for as long as two years, and put all its possessions into the entire labor force of the Treaty of Venice , ships, shipyards, arsenals, and funds. This means that if the Crusades fail, Venice will be doomed.

The original destination of the Eastern Expedition was not the holy land of Jerusalem, but Egypt. Egypt is a country of wealth. If Cairo or Alexandria is captured, Venice will get more than the sum of all previous commercial profits. The high rate of return made the Venetian merchants promote the signing of this commercial contract. Only a few people knew this secret at the time, and the treaty vaguely stated: "Start from the port of Venice, no matter where you go." In this way, the preparations for the largest sea voyage in the history of Venice began.

For Venice, a country of merchants, the transshipment trade between the East and the West is the most important source of wealth, so the relationship between Venice and Byzantium is very important.

Different from the well-organized Venetian maritime supply line, the crusaders were loose and inefficient. Those crusaders made a lot of jokes when they saw the walls of Constantinople for the first time. A city of this size was theirs. Unheard of. Constantinople was the largest city in the Christian world at the time, with a population of 400,000 to 500,000, compared with about 60,000 each for Venice and Paris. European villagers who saw this city for the first time were shocked and awed, and it was hard to believe that such a huge city existed in the world. Still less did they understand the marble streets, the mosaics, the sacred gold, the statues of the classical world, and the sacred relics of Constantinople.

Venice rose in the Crusades, and the wealth plundered by the Crusades, as well as the books about ancient Greece and Rome looted from the Arabs, were first appreciated by Venetian merchants, and then shipped to Western Europe.

This is why the three cities of Florence, Genoa and Venice have become the birthplace and largest center of the Renaissance in Italy and even in the whole of Europe.

The International Wizarding Conference held in Sardinia in 1289 discussed something related to the Crusades. Wizards did not directly participate in the war, but took on the responsibility of "porters" in the war.

Subsequently, the outbreak of the Black Death also spread throughout Europe through maritime trade lines. Wizards were used as scapegoats and tied to the stake by Muggles.

This knowledge is not suitable for children to know, and the old ghost of Binns should not say it in class, just like he should not tell the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets to those students.

Salazar Slytherin has always been a controversial and taboo person. Some people think he is as great as Merlin, and some people think he is the most evil and cruel dark wizard. His secrets make people curious and frightening. All in all, he is prone to eccentric madness.

Voldemort told her that he gave her the honor of wearing Slytherin's locket, maybe in his eyes, Slytherin's locket was better worn by her on this beautiful display stand than by Kreacher's ugly one The house elves wear beautiful clothes.

It wasn't really a necklace, it was more like a noose, and it was like wisdom itself, which would strangle her sooner or later.

Why can't she simply enjoy the honeymoon trip like ordinary women? Furong is much happier than her!

She became inexplicably angry and poked at the cake on the plate, dismembering it again.

Philip, who was trying to make her happy, saw that she was angry again, and stopped telling jokes. He quietly turned his gaze to Severus, who silently mouthed the word "period", Philip Got it right away.

For women, there are always some unreasonable days every month. Girls who are in their menstrual period are best not to provoke them at this time, because their tempers will be very irritable at this time, and it will be fine after that.

So Philip wisely started chatting with Severus about the Quidditch World Cup qualifiers.

This topic is common to men all over the world, even if Philip and Severus are a French Squib and an English wizard.

"I bet the French team will win this time. How about you, sir?" Philippe asked in French.

"I don't bet on football." Severus smiled oilily, "I just like to watch games."

"I heard that there was a riot in Chinatown in London yesterday. Oh, the 98 World Cup was held in Malawi. I went to see it. Because of the riots in 1994, the security at that event was stricter than ever. Do you think the next World Cup will be the same?" Will there be riots?"

"How would I know?" Severus smirked.

Pomona looked at Philip, and suddenly understood his mother's good intentions. He seemed to be really not very smart. How could such a person be an Interpol.

"Those Uncle Yun actually stole all the food." Philip said incredulously, "It's unbelievable."

Severus lit a cigarette and began to puff leisurely.

"Did they affect you?"

"I don't like Africans. Paris is full of them now." Philippe said with no secret of his disgust. "Sometimes I thought I was going to Africa instead of Paris."

"I thought Yumbo was a kind of house-elf," asked Pomona.

"You don't think house-elves are human, dear?" Severus asked with a smirk.

"People, of course," Philip said, "but some people are like vermin. The organizers just don't let them in for safety reasons. They steal all the food to retaliate. We left after watching the game. Uncle Yun stole it." Their food doesn't give us much trouble, but those Muggles will starve."

"Oh..." Pomona didn't know what to say.

"Why don't they stay in their hometown and make their country better instead of running to other people's land."

"I'm tired, I'm going back to rest first." She stood up, but Severus didn't move, obviously he planned to continue chatting with Philip.

So she kissed his forehead and went back to the box by herself.

Some topics are not allowed to be discussed in depth, on these topics it is better for girls to keep their mouths shut, otherwise men will think that girl is not cute.

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