Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 675: Road of Ice and Snow

British wizards still have at least Diagon Alley, and Swiss wizards don’t even have a small commercial street like Diagon Alley, or go to the black market near the Black Forest in Germany, where everything is sold, black wizards and white magic supplies are mixed. , there is no one to take care of it at all.

That kind of market is very similar to the free trade market in China’s JX city, which borders Russia. The Soviet Union disintegrated in December 1991. The long-term Cold War made Russia’s serious preference for heavy industrial products and lack of light industrial products. I found that the international special train from BJ to Russia departs once a week, but BJ businessmen are still not as good as Jixi's geographical location.

The main production area of ​​the fast hair conditioner is now China, and they have gradually established trade relations with the world. Swiss products are still mainly clocks and watches, and they do not produce other materials, mainly relying on imports.

The paradise-like environment needs to be protected. The pillar industries of Switzerland are finance, tourism, medicine and complete sets of industrial products. They do not do low-end raw material processing.

European welfare is good, which is the consensus of people all over the world; Europeans are "lazy", which is almost the consensus of people all over the world.

If there is no job in Switzerland and Germany, then have two more children. In Germany, the subsidy is accumulated sequentially according to the number of children born, and after the child is born, the subsidy can be enjoyed until the age of 18, or even until the age of 25.

Now no woman would make such sacrifices to contribute to the country like the population farms in Germany. Such a depressed social atmosphere is completely different from the prosperous scene in China.

Europe is such a place. Not every country is a developed country, and there is also a relatively backward country like Albania. Although it is located in Europe, it has not joined the European Union. This is not only because it is poor.

A thousand years ago, Helena hid Ravenclaw's diadem in a tree hole. A thousand years later, it was discovered by an Albanian farmer. Muggles also had a strong thirst for knowledge. Some ancient ruins have been studied.

The same medieval-style city, Berne gives people a warm feeling, while Albania gives people a cold and dark feeling, which is very suitable for black wizards to practice black magic.

From the time Voldemort found Ravenclaw's diadem to the time he went to Hogwarts to apply for a job, he disappeared for twenty years, most likely staying in Albania.

Mirto, Italy is an officially allowed trade center, but the Greeks still circulate some prohibited goods, and some "mysterious people" will appear in bars or other places, and that's how Hagrid's dragon eggs were obtained.

In order to complete Albus's mission to win over the giant, Hagrid and Mrs. Maxim also traveled in Europe and fought a vampire in Minsk, Poland.

Hagrid liked those cherished magical animals very much, many of which were forbidden. Eastern Europe felt like a perennial darkness, as if it had nothing to do with modern civilization.

They are still stuck in the last century, or several centuries ago, so closed that people feel suffocated.

The national emblem of Albania is a black double-headed eagle with a red background, following the seal of Skanderbeg, the leader who resisted the invasion of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. Romania’s former ruler Dracula also fought against the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, but those "enemy The Army" saw 20,000 people being impaled on spears and allowed them to rot in front of Dracula's castle. After being frightened by this horrible scene, they ran away, and the nickname "Piercing Lord" spread like wildfire.

Romanians saw him as a national hero, and Dracula's enemies were happy to see history transform him into the villainous vampire and son of dragons of folklore.

Even if it is a monster, some people will still love it, but most ordinary people's understanding of monsters is scary-looking animals, and they don't have the ability to fully identify those monsters with human appearance or even handsome appearance.

The vast majority of tourists like the colorful scenery. Switzerland in summer is colorful, with clear blue rivers, green grasslands, flowers of various colors, white sheep and cows, and towering snow-capped mountains. .

But Switzerland in winter loses those highly saturated colors, and even the brick-red roofs are covered with snow.

Unlike the autumn at Hogwarts, there are yellow leaves everywhere, which looks like a golden age, glowing with youthful and beautiful brilliance.

Lily and James died at the most beautiful age. They have been dancing among the golden leaves. Her hair is like a burning flame, which can warm people's hearts. Unlike Pomona's hair, which is silver-gray, It is the same color as winter and snow mountains.

Jungfrau is not the highest peak in Europe. It stands in the southeast of Bern, almost half of Mount Everest. The mountain is often shrouded in clouds, like a shy girl who does not want to see people.

There is an ice field of eternal snow on the top of the mountain. When the sky is clear, you can even overlook the Black Forest of Germany from the top of the mountain.

In Switzerland, there is an ancient legend: It is said that an angel came to the world and lived in a beautiful valley, and also paved it with endless flowers and forests, inlaid with silver glittering pearl chains, and made a wish for it Said: "From now on, people will come to be close to you, praise you, and fall in love with you." This mountain that fascinates angels also refers to the Swiss Jungfrau.

Maybe not everyone who comes to Switzerland will go to the Bear Park in Bern to see bears, but everyone who comes to Switzerland will definitely not miss the Jungfrau.

Lucius Malfoy said that she is suitable for those who dare to challenge the limits of human beings, just like the alpine edelweiss that grows in the Alps, it is very inconspicuous compared with roses and lilies, but this kind of flower cannot be cultivated artificially.

The person who picks her must have a strong body and a strong will. Hannibal, Napoleon, and the German Mountain Ranger Army have all crossed the Alps.

It must have been a great feeling when they climbed to the "Top of Europe".

The German mountain troops called themselves men wearing edelweiss. Although they did not launch blitzkrieg like paratroopers, they were called "Caucasian Eagles" by the Soviets. The name from the enemy was more objective than the self-proclaimed one.

Although the Death Eaters were British, their relationship with the German dark wizards was probably closer than that of the British League Against the Dark Arts, and Draco almost went to school in Durmstrang.

It takes a long detour to understand the praise of pure-blood nobles. At the same time, when you understand it, the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment will also be doubled, which can make you feel the highest level of flattery.

Grindelwald, also known as Dream Mountain, is one of the three main accommodations for the Jungfraujoch, and it is also the farthest one. It is a pity that Albus has never been to this place.


"What?" Pomona saw Severus open his mouth, but she didn't hear a word, she was in the midst of Apparating dizziness and dreamlike beauty.

"I said, how about we take a photo here?" he repeated triumphantly.

There are many Muggles in Grindelwald, much more than Bernese, and you can overlook the Jungfrau from here.

"Listen to you." She said sweetly in a girlish voice.

She's pretty sure she looks stupid now with her smirk, and she wishes the guy who took the picture took a better picture of her, luckily she's wearing makeup when she goes out today.

Then, using the Alpa camera he just bought, Severus asked a passerby to take a photo of them, they didn't dance, they stood in good order, she happily took his hand, and gestured with her fingers like an Asian girl She made a "V", and with a "click" the shutter sounded, and her stupid appearance was frozen forever.

At this moment, Severus kissed her suddenly, and then he took the camera from the Muggle climber, without even saying thank you, and left in a rude manner.

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