Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 676 Shock in the Alps

Han Fei is a very unfortunate talent. If his brother Li Si hadn't framed him because of jealousy, he might have assisted Qin Shihuang in creating a different empire.

"Han Feizi" uses twenty-five historical stories and folk legends to explain the twelve chapters of "Laozi", including eight chapters in "De Jing" and four chapters in "Tao Jing", which make the abstract philosophical thoughts of "Laozi" concrete. The presentation of feeling.

The pre-Qin Legalists were originally extremely fierce, but the Taoist Laozi was far more profound and profound than other schools of thought. The fierce Legalism and the profound Taoism are originally descended from the same strain, so scholars have a saying that "Tao produces the law".

"Han Feizi·Yu Lao" records: "The king of Chu Zhuang has been in power for three years. He has no orders and no government actions. He is on the throne of Sima, and he and Wang Yin said, 'There are birds that stop at the southern monastery. They don't have wings for three years, and they don't fly. Singing, silent and silent, what is this name?' The king said: 'If you don't have wings for three years, you will grow your wings; if you don't fly and don't sing, you will use it to watch the people. .The son explained it, but he did not know it.'”

Because of this article, there is an idiom in Chinese that is nothing but a blockbuster.

Albert Einstein used to live at 49 Cramshaw Street in Bern. As a Jew, it is not a good choice to go east or west. Switzerland is a permanent neutral country. Applying for Swiss citizenship is the most sensible choice .

From the age of 16, Einstein began to think about what a person would see when moving at the speed of light, and thus became puzzled by the inherent contradictions of classical theories.

At the age of 17, he obtained his Aarau secondary school diploma. After moving to Zurich and studying at the Swiss Institute of Technology, Einstein formally applied for Swiss citizenship at the age of 20 in 1899. In the same year, Adolf Hitler was 10 years old. Hitler was born in a small family named Bommer in Braunau. in the inn. He was the third child born to a customs officer in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in his third marriage. He had three brothers and two sisters, all of whom died in infancy, leaving only his brother Alois Hitler and his sister Paula Hitler , His grades in primary school have always been good. He studied in the Benedictine monastery near Lambach for two years. He participated in the choir. According to his own records, his dream at the time was to become a priest in the future.

On April 10, 1870 in the Russian calendar, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk on the banks of the Volga River in the Russian Empire. Many people are unfamiliar with this name, but many people use his pseudonym We all know, that is Lenin.

His father, Ilya Ulyanov, was an inspector of the Department of National Education of Simbirsk Province. Due to his many years of national education, he was promoted to the provincial director of national education and was awarded the title of nobleman. Lenin's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, was the daughter of a doctor and lived in the countryside before she got married. Although she had only received family education, she still passed the exam to obtain the title of primary school teacher because of her studiousness. The elder brother Alexander Ulyanov was a top student at Kazan University and a member of the Narodnaya Volya Youth Group. On March 13, 1887, he was arrested for participating in the assassination of Tsar Alexander III and was killed on May 20 of the same year.

Lenin and Nicholas III had a personal enmity. Under the influence of the family, Lenin's family moved to Kazan at the end of June 1887. In autumn Lenin entered the Faculty of Law of Kazan University. Expelled from school and banned from living in Kazan.

In 1895, Lenin founded the "Petersburg Working Class Association for the Liberation Struggle" in Petersburg. At the end of the year, he was arrested and imprisoned again, and after 14 months in prison, he was exiled to Siberia in 1897. During the three years in Siberia, he began to use the pen name "Lenin", wrote the book "The Development of Capitalism in Russia", and married Krupskaya.

In February 1900, Lenin's exile in Siberia ended, and shortly after returning to Petersburg, he went to Western Europe and founded the first official newspaper of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, Iskra, in Germany.

At the age of 11, Hitler was sent to Linz to attend secondary school. This requires his father to spend a little money, and it also shows that his father has the ambition to let his son follow his own path—becoming a civil servant. But that was the last thing Hitler wanted to do. He had a dispute with his father, Hitler wanted to be a painter, and the result of this conflict was that Hitler stopped doing well in school.

In 1903, at the age of 24, Einstein married his college classmate Minerva Marik, and they had their first child before their marriage.

On July 30, 1903, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party held a congress in Brussels, at which the Bolsheviks with Lenin at the core were formed.

On January 3, 1903, Hitler's father died of a lung hemorrhage while taking a morning walk at the age of 65. Hitler's mother was 42 years old at the time and lived in a simple apartment with little savings and pensions to raise two orphans, Adolf Hitler and Paula Hitler. In keeping with her husband's last wish, she tried every means to persuade her son to go back to school and inherit his father's career, but Hitler was more determined than before, determined not to do this job and continue to waste his studies.

After the outbreak of World War I, Lenin criticized those Social Democrats who supported their own wars, claimed that the Second International was dead, and put forward the slogan of "turning imperialist wars into civil wars". During the war, he was briefly detained by authorities while living in the Austrian town of Poronin. He then moved to Berne in neutral Switzerland in 1914.

In April 1914, Einstein accepted an invitation from the German scientific community. Moved to Berlin. In August, World War I broke out.

In August 1914, when World War I broke out, Hitler volunteered to join the 16th Regiment of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment in Germany, and fought against the British and French forces on the Western Front. He took part in the first Battle of Ypres, the Battle of the Somme, and the Battle of Arras. , Battle of Basinda. In 1917, he was promoted from "herald soldier" to corporal, and received an "Iron Cross First Class" and an "Iron Cross Second Class" for his bravery in combat. A soldier with whom he was in a unit said that he did not like to talk to people in the army and received very few letters. Hitler returned to the battlefield on March 1, 1917 after being wounded in the thigh by a shell during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. On October 14, 1918, near the village of Wilwick, Hitler was temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack. During this recovery period, Germany announced its surrender to the Allies.

The place where the armistice agreement was signed was on the luxury carriage of the Orient Express.

These three men who had a huge impact on the world pattern had a wonderful turn of fate in 1903 and 1914. When Einstein left Bern, Lenin came to Bern.

Einstein let his classmate get pregnant out of wedlock. Lenin's leadership of the revolution may have something to do with his family's personal enmity with the tsarist family. In contrast, Hitler was much more idealistic. He actually wanted to be a painter and a priest.

Jungfraujoch quietly overlooks the human beings below the mountain. She had nothing to do with human wars. Whether it was World War I or World War II, the artillery fire did not affect her. However, in 1968, the construction of the Gotthard Tunnel disturbed the Alps. tranquility.

There is a natural barrier between Italy and Germany, the Alps, not to mention how could Germany invade Italy, an ally?

Even if the tunnel from Switzerland to Italy was not penetrated during World War II, the German paratrooper division and mountain division would be enough to deal with the Italians.

After the Second World War entered the middle and late stages, the Soviets began to enter the counter-offensive stage, repelling the German invaders all the way, and fighting all the way to Berlin. With such a record alone, the credit of the Soviet Union in World War II is indispensable.

But they relied on human sea tactics. Before entering the war in 1941, the Soviet Union had a population of about 180 million. According to the official statistics of the Soviet Union, the total number of Soviet military and civilian casualties in World War II was about 26.8 million. Such a death rate is indeed the highest among the countries participating in World War II. This is official data. Soviet officials concealed the Chernobyl incident. The real number of casualties in the Soviet Union must be much higher than this number. .

Judging from the situation at the time, the Soviet army was actually inferior to Germany in terms of the sophistication of its soldiers, the advanced level of weapons and equipment, and even the battlefield discipline of the soldiers. The only thing the Soviet Union could take advantage of was their numerical advantage.

There are many people and great strength. China has always had the largest population in the world. If it could be the same as the Soviets during the Qing Dynasty, it would not be the turn of the Eight-Power Allied Forces to divide China.

India is also a country with a large population, but it is difficult for them to become a powerful country. The conquest of India did not make the British feel "great".

After the opium war conquered China, the sense of glory and confidence made some people dream of an empire on which the sun never sets. The British king never proclaimed himself emperor. The dream of unifying the world made some people lose their minds and be ruled by a few people. For most people, this paranoid ideal is unattainable.

Grindelwald did not give up, Albus stood on the opposite side of the old lover, God gave them such a smart brain, what a waste if they are not used.

Individuals are inherently mortal, but as a whole they live forever.

The blood purists led by Grindelwald turned to the newly-rising leader Voldemort after he was imprisoned. Voldemort had been dormant for many years. When he appeared in front of people again, his blood-red eyes had a kind of magic Charm.

He doesn't have as many shining titles as Albus Dumbledore, but he is a veritable Dark Lord.

When she was walking on the hillside, she looked at the gray granite peaks. The granite is so hard that it is not easy to leave a mark on it, let alone drilling a hole. The cost of the Swiss to build the tunnel must have been lower Building a subsea tunnel is much higher.

There was once a boy who was parasitized by Silence. He shouldn't have lived to be an adult, but he survived by luck. There was a dark wizard who gave the Silencer a magic wand. The magic power he released almost turned a mountain It was flattened.

The boy's name was Credence, and his adoptive mother beat him all the time, and what was even more incredible was that the woman was a Muggle.

When the International Union of Wizards occupied Nurmengard, they saw the traces left by him. Many people thought that the dark power of the Obscure was already the peak that darkness could reach. In fact, it was not. There was someone stronger than Credence. .

The core of Voldemort's wand is the tail feather of the phoenix, which is said to be the most beautiful feather on the phoenix.

But that kind of cored wand wasn't really the best one for him, not even the Elder Wand.

Salazar Slytherin has a wand with a snakewood body and a basilisk horn core. Snakewood is also a wand material that Ollivander would not use. Why did he not think of it when he accompanied Severus to change the wand? Change one yourself.

Pomona rested her head on Severus' arm and stopped thinking about the war.

Although Fu Rong complained that the greasy food at Hogwarts made her fat, but she couldn't help eating and felt that she was not smart, but she was happy.

It is she who chooses her dance partner and chooses her own life, instead of waiting for others to take her away like Pomona. Those things in her mind are not what a woman should think about. She will live well if she finds a sense of identity in the wrong group Very painful, why does she always forget the lesson?

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