Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 677 Strange Family

From the perspective of human history, the current situation has created outstanding historical figures, including heroes and demons.

The ideological trend of communism has risen around the world, advocating that "excellent nations" should conquer "inferior nations" and seize other countries' territories as their own living space. This trend of thought actually exists in the United Kingdom.

Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, three Victorian prime ministers of England, an imperialist who believed in the progress of backward races Had to go through a period of domination by the Europeans, especially the British, and had to maintain it by force, and his mission was to expand and defend the British Empire.

Diplomatically he focused on looting colonies. In Asia, he captured Burma; in West Africa, he conquered Nigeria, occupied Kenya, and entered Uganda; in South Africa, he occupied Rhodesia, and he also agreed to the 1900 war against China.

Although historically known as the Eight-Power Allied Forces, in the last decade of the 19th century, major European powers formed alliances one after another. He believed that Britain did not need allies, maintained glorious isolation, and maintained the balance of power in Europe. He did not support Joseph Chamberlain’s idea of ​​an alliance with the German Empire. Briefly In other words, he thought he was omnipotent, and if he hadn't been too old, the prime minister would not have given up his part-time job as foreign minister.

His non-aligned policy was ended by Foreign Minister Marquess Lansdowne in 1902 when he concluded the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and abandoned the policy of glorious isolation. In the same year he announced his retirement, ceding the prime ministership to his nephew Arthur Balfour.

Compared with his own son, the Marquis prefers his nephew. Arthur Belfort has the nickname "Bloody Belfort", named after his bloody suppression of the Irish independence movement during his tenure as Secretary of State for Irish Affairs.

The Marquis' son, E. A. Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil, won the 1937 Nobel Peace Prize. When the First World War broke out, Cecil was 50 years old and could not join the army. He could only work in the Red Cross.

Although Belfort's father, James Maitland Balfour, was a wealthy landowner, he is undoubtedly a small figure compared with the formidable Conservative Prime Minister, the Marquess of Salisbury, not to mention that James was in Belfort. He died aged six, leaving him only the bulk of a fortune worth £4million.

In Balfour's childhood, His Excellency the Marquis had a great influence on him. Boys would always unconsciously imitate the men around them, while Viscount Cecil preferred to stay at home and receive education.

He has a famous father, which troubled him at Eton, Pomona only wanted James Sirius Potter to be like the Viscount, and as for Teddy Tonks... the thought of that Pomona is worried about her child's future.

Many people know 10 Downing Street, but few people pay attention to who its next-door neighbor is.

Of course, the people who live there are not ordinary people. 1-8 Downing Street no longer exists. No. 9 used to be the office of the Privy Council, but now it is the office of the party whip, and No. 11 is the Chancellor of the Exchequer. No. 12 used to be the office of the party whip and is now the prime minister's press office. No. 13 does not exist. This number is very unlucky. No. 14 was demolished in 1876. It used to be the Office of War and the Office of the Colonial Administration specializing in colonial affairs.

Balfour had just succeeded the Marquess of Salisbury as Prime Minister, and the elder Earl of Rosebery gave him a piece of advice; "Don't forget, Arthur, that this garden belongs to 10 Downing Street and has nothing to do with 11." relevant."

In capitalist countries, capital is the supreme power, but other systems are not necessarily the same. Capital or money is not omnipotent.

Italy during the Renaissance was deeply involved in intricate conspiracies. At that time, the Medici family was once the wealthiest and most influential family in the world. They controlled the finance of the entire Europe and influenced the appointment of the Pope. They also extended their influence to most of Europe and parts of the Middle East through marriage with the European royal family. This family promoted the Renaissance and the modernization of Europe.

The Rothschild family is far from comparable to the Medici family, because they have left nothing but money and a few wineries. The Earl of Rosebery is the son-in-law of the famous Rothschild family, and his attitude towards capitalists can be seen from his advice to the Prime Minister.

During the peak tourist season, it is difficult to find vacant cabins for skiers on the mountain. Now Pomona is very afraid that Severus will be like Grindelwald, which house she has her eyes on. Go in and use Avada Killing them with the Killing Curse, then living in themselves.

This is the usual style of dark wizards.

Places with few people are boring, places with many people are crowded, and most importantly, the two of them don't ski, so what are they doing in a ski resort?

"Look at them." He stopped suddenly, smiled and looked in one direction.

I saw an Asian girl, holding a small Swiss flag in her hand, fluttering in white clothes, with long hair brushing her face, and posing in a... very artistic style. The accompanying male partner pressed the shutter at least a hundred times, as if they were not Instead of taking pictures, you are taking artistic photos.

And the cold weather didn't affect that girl at all. Japanese high school girls wear short skirts no matter how cold the weather is. Don't they feel cold?

Asians are more particular about taking pictures, especially portraits than Europeans and Americans. Pomona made up her mind that she must use Asians for her next photoshoot.

"Which country do you think they are from, Japan, Korea or China?"

"I don't care." Pomona took his arm and walked on. "What do we have for lunch?"

"We've only had breakfast in less than two hours!"

"Do you want to ski? I believe there should be places to rent ski equipment."

"No." He said disgustedly.

"You can't bike, you can't ski, what do you know?" Pomona said disgustedly. Although James is an egomaniac, he is very good at sports. Jing is not a person of the same world at all.

He suddenly patted her ass.

This blow hurt a little, she screamed out, and the passers-by around looked at her strangely.

"What are you doing!" she asked angrily, her face flushed.

He smirked bitterly. "You know, I'm not as cocky as James Potter, and criticism doesn't go off my ears."

"I didn't criticize you."

"I know." He waved in front of her like a demonstration, "So I was just joking with you just now."

Who made jokes like death threats?

Pomona smiled dryly, not daring to yell at him anymore.

"How about we hike for a while?" He saw a sign saying that you can hike or take the cable car to the First Peak. Wearing a coat only worn in the city.

"I'm not going." She said intuitively.

"Why?" He looked back at her.

"I'm not wearing the right clothes."

"What does climbing have to do with what you wear?"

"How can I explain it to you!" Pomona wanted to scream to the sky.

"Wait for you to dawdle and pack your luggage, we are still in London." He put on an arrogant look, "That's why I didn't tell you my plan. When I act, I should make a quick decision. Are you so foresight?"

"Hey, look!" shouted a young man wearing a ski cap, and saw a blond beauty in a pink bikini stepping down the mountain on skis amidst the cheers of the crowd.

That's right, in a world of ice and snow, only wearing a bikini!

In the open space in the town, there are more young people in bikinis and shorts chatting and sunbathing while drinking beer, which is similar to the scene of hippies playing rock and roll in the 1970s.

The Muggle bikini girl that Sirius Black used to stick to the wall with the Permanent Paste Charm is now a grandmother in her fifties or sixties.

"What else is there to say?" Severus asked triumphantly.

"Don't look at me!" She yelled at him angrily, the bodies of those young girls looked very attractive, with small waists, long legs, peach buttocks and plump breasts, such a small figure is so good !

"Where are you going?" the old bat looked at her back and asked.

"Buy some food!" Pomona said without looking back, "To save us from being stuck on the snow-capped mountains all night like last time."

As if she had a grudge against Xuedi, she stomped it hard.

She thought she was open enough, but now she realizes that she is still a "grandmother".

Oh my gosh, this is just horrific.

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