Austria and Hungary border, and when it comes to Hungary, the most impressive thing is the Hungarian Horntail.

The flames sprayed by ordinary fire dragons are only twenty feet, but it can spray at least forty feet, and the farthest is said to be fifty feet. It is the most dangerous and aggressive of all fire dragons.

Its origin is Hungary, but now the vast majority of Hungarian Horntails are domesticated in Romania. That country is dominated by plains, and a small number of mountains are mainly concentrated in the northern region, but Hungarian Horntails do not only live in the Carpathian Mountains.

When the special train travels from west to east, the train travels in the mountains, and when it travels from north to south, try to avoid those mountains. The plains are very suitable for farming, and all the fields passing by outside the train window.

If trees are not cut down, humans will not have so much land to cultivate crops, and without a stable source of food, there will be no way to settle down and concentrate on developing civilization.

The reason why nomads are so barbaric is not only that they are wild and difficult to tame, but also because they have no stable source of food. Cattle and sheep are greatly affected by plague and weather. Natural disasters caused by cold weather and locust plagues have the same impact on farming civilization .

Lambs are born in lush green grass every summer, and they must learn to stand and run as quickly as possible so that predators can come and escape.

At the same time, they also need to learn to hide. The body odor of lambs is not heavy, and they will not be discovered by predators when hiding in the grass. This refers to the ground, but it is another matter from the sky.

The little white lamb stands out against the green grass waves, and the Hungarian Horntail has no trouble finding it.

The Hungarian Horntail will not attack humans if there are enough sheep and goats, but it will attack humans if there is no food to eat.

In the 1st century BC, the Roman Empire conquered the southern part of Hungary, which belonged to the province of Pannoa.

The Mediterranean Sea is on the earthquake zone, and there are more volcanic activities, and the food is grown on the volcanic soil around the volcano.

At that time, China was in the Han Dynasty, and the Guanzhong Plain was the center of civilization. It was difficult to say whether the soil in Rome was fertile or in Guanzhong. But at that time, it was not Hungary’s turn to nourish Rome, and Egypt and North Africa were the food producing areas of Rome.

Hungary at that time was a barren land, just like Jiangnan before the Tang Dynasty, no one went there at all, and the southeast region did not begin to develop rapidly until a large number of Han Chinese moved southward in Wuhuluanhua.

After the demise of the Roman Empire, various ethnic groups migrated to the banks of the Danube. The Huns were the first to arrive. Under the leadership of Attila, the whip of God, they established a powerful Hungarian Empire. It is said that the name of Hungary may come from this.

After the disintegration of the Hungarian Empire, the Germanic tribes ruled here for nearly 100 years, followed by the Avars. The terror they created was no worse than Attila, the whip of God. In the 9th century, they plundered Europe from Hungary But after they converted to Christianity, the Magyar Hungary quickly became the barrier of the Catholic world in the east. They not only became a nail in the Slavic ocean, but also became an important barrier to prevent the Mongols and Ottoman Turkey from attacking Europe in the future.

In 1000 AD, Stephen I, Grand Duke of Hungary, promoted Catholicism in Hungary and was crowned by the Pope as the first king of Hungary.

Under the attack of the Mongol Golden Horde from 1241 to 1242, Hungary was hit hard. The military strength of Mongolia is obvious to all, but their level of governance is indeed lacking, and they cannot be compared with the Xianbei people in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The ancestors of the brutal Sui Yang Emperor and the benevolent Tian Khan both came from Wuchuan, a small military town in history. The harsh environment gave them a steel-like will. After arriving in the Central Plains, they began to degenerate, just like Jean. The process by which rich countries are conquered by poor countries as Jacques Rousseau said.

Hungary is still one of the poorest EU member states, and was even poorer a thousand years ago.

But it is such a poor and barbaric nomad that makes the well-trained army of the West and the nation with "excellent" laws and institutions howl under their iron hooves.

When disasters come, it is normal for people to flee. When the Black Death ravaged Europe, not only the inaccessible Iceland, but also the uninhabited island where Sigismundbach lived was settled. I feel at ease.

However, if there are fewer people, it will be difficult to deal with dragons. Harry Potter used firebolts to deal with the Hungarian Horntail. There is no difference between slaying dragons and murdering children.

As long as you can get your goal, even if it doesn't quite meet the rules of the game, you can do it if you can accomplish the goal. At first, Harry didn't want to cheat like Cedric. Later, thanks to Ron's disclosure of the information, if he was asked to temporarily think about how to deal with it A dragon, if he's taking the Hungarian Horntail and the Basilisk the same way, this time without the old Gryffindor's phoenix to help him poke the basilisk's eyes out, then it's too obvious to be cheating on favoritism.

The Triwizard Tournament is an international competition, and besides, the Eye Sickness Curse has limited use on dragons, so Victor Krum will use it, unless he suddenly turns into a sharp archer and shoots the dragon's eyes blind with arrows, but the dragon will close its eyes , so that his arrows would miss its eyeball.

Muggle novels and stories often have the plot of slaying the dragon and saving the princess. That kind of adventure is not impossible, but it requires the adventurer to be very smart, which is not something ordinary people can achieve.

That was slaying a dragon, not trampling a gecko to death, although they all looked like four-legged lizards.

Men love to brag in front of beauties that they are the legendary dragon slayer, and Charlie is a real dragon companion. He is very low-key and covered with scars.

Many people have the habit of collecting armor. Some armor can only be collected. It is very gorgeous. Wearing it on the battlefield will definitely become a target. Everyone knows that those who can afford that kind of armor must be nobles.

Veteran armor is often tattered, with dents from stray arrows all over it, and it doesn't look pretty at all, but this kind of person is not "Prince Charming".

Although dragons are powerful, there will also be stupid dragons who, like Norbeta, fall into the trap of humans because of greed, eat food containing sleeping water, and then are caught by black-hearted businessmen to suck dragon blood.

There are also incompetent generals who are greedy for merit, fall into the trap of the enemy, and go to the battlefield with that reckless fool young master. It is really close to death. If he still refuses to listen to people's persuasion, it will only be a tragedy.

Fortunately, unlike his father, James Potter, he was lazy but not arrogant.

"Bang bang, bang bang"

That's the sound the heart makes after experiencing fear or refusing to exercise.

That was all she could hear.

Both her own and another's, it's proof that one is alive.

"Have you listened with earplugs?" After calming down a bit, she asked in a hoarse voice.

"I don't know." He looked at the ceiling and said in a daze, as if he was still immersed in the excitement just now. "What about you?"

"Wow..." She covered her face and cried.

She will definitely become a talking point for others, and how badly others will speak of her.

The old bat exuded a sense of relaxation and comfort, and even lit a cigarette leisurely. His skin was almost as thick as that of a dragon.

"I love magic," he said in his most sincere tone.

He should really love it, if it weren't for the magic, he'd be a Cokeworth slum kid.

How could it be the same as now, traveling leisurely on a luxury train, and my wife is a beautiful mixed-race Veela, who looks so ugly and has so many female admirers.

"Give me that." Pomona snatched the cigarette from Severus' hand, smoking like Rose in Titanic.

"How can a good girl smoke?" the old bat said in feigned surprise.

"Go away." Pomona puffed like a smoker.

The old bat stretched out his hand and directed the smoke with wandless magic, turning it into the shape of a fire dragon. Looking closely, it seemed that it was still the Malfoy family crest.

"Let's give the dragon eggs to Draco, and the cockroach pile is ours."

The cockroaches who were sleeping on the sofa suddenly raised their heads when they heard someone call their name, and let out a "chirp".

"Whatever you want." Pomona looked at the little bird snake and said, "It's about time to learn how to transform."

"That's your problem," Severus said irresponsibly.

"You have to help too!"

"I have to worry about our godson, or let's change?"

Pomona thought for a moment.

"If you want to fulfill your godmother responsibilities, you have to meet Lucius."

"That's it!" Pomona agreed without hesitation, "You bring us dinner in the box, and I want to eat Hungarian food."

"Yes, ma'am." He obediently agreed. "Are you hungry now?"

"Later," she said shyly, "let's talk about that violin."

"Maybe later." He smiled weirdly. "How about turning your wings out?"

"No!" she refused.

"why not?"

She didn't know what to say, but she just felt disgusted anyway.

"Okay, whatever you want." He actually compromised easily.

"Aren't you enough?" She asked, who can connect this "beast" with the potions professor who exudes abstinence in the Scottish castle.

"I'm someone who wants to eat even death." He smiled greedily and said, "Not to mention you are so delicious."

Pomona felt that she must be like a lamb hiding in the grass at this moment, and the guy in front of her was a Hungarian hornet that came out to look for food.

"I'd like to eat goulash." She said pitifully.

She was silenced.

He is no longer a young man, isn't he afraid of early death due to indulgence?

Men are really crazy about Veela, but they still want more for this beautiful monster.

Indra and Asura are in a hostile relationship, because Asura has beautiful women but no delicious food, and Indra has delicious food but lacks beautiful women. The two gods are jealous of each other, and the times are fighting, so the battlefield is called "Sura Field".

Food, sex, and gods all have an animal side, let alone humans.

According to Buddhist legend, there is a saying of "eight hells". In this hell, sinners all have long and sharp iron claws on their hands, and they stare at each other angrily, trying to poison each other. They danced their iron claws to fight, and the skin and flesh would fall off when they touched each other, and new flesh would grow again soon, and they were tormented in circles. Or being stabbed and smashed, there is no way to die, and there is no way to live.

Is it the world, is it heaven, or is it hell?

Already mixed together, can not tell.

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