Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 710 Song of the Ocean

Venice was originally a fishing village. In the 5th century, the Roman Empire was divided, and the inland residents were harassed by the Huns and Lombards, and they moved here one after another. In 687, the first governor was produced and a republic was established.

The Doge's Palace, a must-see attraction in Venice, was built in the 9th century. The house was in the Byzantine style. The Republic of Venice belonged to the Eastern Roman Empire at the beginning of its founding, and it became independent at the end of the 10th century. Wealthy merchant nation.

Since the eighth century AD, Viking pirates have been harassing the European coast and the British islands, and their footprints have covered the vast territory from the European continent to the Arctic. The Normans in northern France are descendants of the Vikings.

In the Middle Ages, affected by the coming of the Little Ice Age, the peninsula was much colder than other periods. The Vikings who used to make this home could not bear the sudden extreme cold and began to go south.

Merchants and pirates are natural enemies. In order to deal with these Viking pirates who come and go like the wind, the Venetians formed a powerful navy. Because of assisting Byzantium to repel the Norman attack, Venice was allowed to be in the Byzantine Empire in 1082. The establishment of business stations in the territory of duty-free merchants.

Venice and Hungary are separated by Slovenia, which is a mountainous country. The international train will make a turn after arriving in Hungary. It is estimated that it should arrive in Venice at around three o'clock in the morning.

Although Venice is a big station, the terminal of this train is in Florence, and it will arrive at around 7:00 in the morning. The slow train is usually late, but people will complain if it is too late.

Today's Venice is far from its heyday. Venice fought four consecutive naval battles with the Republic of Genoa, defeated this trade competitor, and became a powerful country in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. With the Crusades in charge of logistics, it completed the largest in the Middle Ages. Their orders, their wealth, their monopoly of glassware, and their correct strategy as the Black Death spread, Venice did not suffer much while the populations of other seaport cities perished.

The reason for its decline is directly related to the opening of new shipping routes at the end of the 15th century and the shift of the European commercial center from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast.

The Great Geographical Discovery is another feat in human history. Dias, Magellan, Columbus, and Da Gama all left their names in history, but these explorers were driven across the ocean, risking being attacked by sea monsters The dangers of exploring the world are not just dreams and curiosity, but also to find the passage to Asia.

The Arabs took advantage of their geographical advantages to monopolize the land Silk Road. If they wanted to trade with Asia, they had to find another way.

After a thousand years of knowledge blockade and ignorant education, the Greeks already knew that the earth is round, but people after a thousand years think that the sky is round and the earth is round.

It is easy to understand that the earth is flat. Only when we are flat can we stand on the ground. If it is round, how can the people on the other side of the ball stand?

Among the correct choice and the easy choice, people often choose the easy one, and then it becomes common knowledge that the earth is flat.

After a few people were burned to death, Muggles began to believe that the earth was round.

Muggles are not fools, they only become easy to fool after receiving the education of fools. It is definitely easier to rule a group of fools and weak people than to rule capable and smart people. In Rousseau's words, it is not the capitalists who feed the proletariat, the real When the famine comes, the capitalists will not give the poor a piece of bread. In Han Fei’s words, the capitalists’ high salaries to those workers are not really generous, but he knows that if his products are to be sold, the workers need money in their hands. I don't really want workers to be as rich as themselves.

Wealth in society should be concentrated in the hands of some people. Originally, he has spent time and suffered a lot in order to obtain this wealth, but he must not lose the balance. If the ecological balance is broken, it will also bring disaster to himself.

Another thing is that rich people cannot lose the ability to protect themselves. In the face of huge disasters, social civilization and order are very easy to collapse. Human beings give up their rationality and return to animal nature very quickly. The first step is to escape, and the second step is to start creating law and order. Confused.

Hungary is facing an extremely serious immigration problem, or a refugee problem. The Irish who went to the United States for construction in the early days had to flee to the United States because of the wrong decision-making and passive disaster relief of the British government during the Great Famine in Ireland.

It was the same during the Second World War. There were many Italians and Hungarians in the United States, while Europe had a small population, but there were many foreign refugees. This faced a very helpless problem. The original ethnic groups were replaced by foreign ethnic groups. Paris, the former capital of flowers, is now everywhere. They are all black, who makes white people inferior to black people.

The member states of the European Union will definitely not use the method of ** population farms to deceive girls into contributing to the country. Patriotism is said by Americans to be related to **, let alone this.

Girls don't get married, don't have children, and the children are not really brought by the bird. Christianity prohibits abortion. Under the real problem of children, the wizarding world, which has a lower birth rate than Muggles, compromised with the church.

Not all children with magical talents will go to wizarding schools. Some children study in church schools. After they are discovered, they will not be burned to death like wizards. Instead, they will go to the Vatican to engage in a special vocational training-exorcist .

Neoplatonism has the occult, and the occult is not just witchcraft, the supernatural, but hidden knowledge.

For example, the Kabbalah tree of life, the rabbi said it very complicatedly. In another way of understanding, the Garden of Eden created by God is like keeping pets at home. Pets are obedient and obey God’s will and rules, and godlike masters will give pets food. It takes a bath, gives it injections and medicines when it is sick, and helps protect it if it is bullied. If it is disobedient, it will be kicked out of the house, and the abandoned pet will leave the Garden of Eden. I made a mistake, I prayed for God's forgiveness, but the owner just didn't open the door. At that time, the cry of pets was similar to that of human beings.

There are only two ways for a lamb, either to die and apologize, or to restore wildness in a cruel world and become a wild animal. The price of freedom is vigilance, and domesticated pet dogs live longer than wolves. Husky's silly dog ​​will never live long in the wild, but it looks like a wolf, and it is so cute and stupid. Is it a stupid crying husky or a wolf in the wild?

The owner will be very sad when the pet dies, and he is no longer in the mood to raise anything else. Ron's mouse, Banban, is actually an Animagus. How complicated is his feeling when he finds out.

Later, the little owl he raised didn't care, after all, the mouse had been in love with him for twelve years.

Now that Pomona was reconnecting with the cockroach pile, the little bird and snake still remembered her, and didn't forget its mother just because it had been eating and drinking with Draco for two months.

I think it was not easy for her to hatch it like an old hen.

The cockroach pile has gorgeous feathers, and when it is coiled on her arm, it looks like some kind of colorful jewelry. It looks gorgeous, and although the horse-shaped monster is cool, she still likes this kind of flying Fantastic Beasts.

"Call Mama!" Pomona said to a snake, which tilted its head at her in as much bewilderment as a bird, and then "quacked," and Pomona immediately fed it a dried cockroach.

At this moment, the door of the box opened, and Severus pushed the dining car in, and she could smell the aroma of goulash from a long distance away.

"Oh, it smells so good." She stood up happily and lifted the silver lid. A layer of potatoes and beef was poured on the steaming rice, exactly the same as what they ate at XZ Yeti Base.

"I made it," he said with a smile, "How does it taste?"

She stirred the thick sauce with a spoon, and it really tasted like a standard goulash.

"It's delicious!" she admired. "What's underneath?"

She lifted off the second layer of covering cloth, and there were all living cockroaches inside!


"It's the food of birds and snakes." He said slowly, "I just slowed down for a second."

Pomona looks everywhere for her wand.

She knows the spell, Avada Kedavra, and today she's going to kill the old bat!

Suddenly, she saw a dreamy blue light powder in front of her eyes. Looking carefully, it was not left by a butterfly, but a blue liquid, which seemed to be the venom of a bat.

"I used the potion of oblivion, and everyone in this car will not remember what happened." The head of Slytherin said confidently, and then covered the second layer of cloth "Curiosity will kill the cat, don't you It's time to uncover the secret."

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