Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 789: Judah's Twins

Among all the artists in the world, Da Vinci's life was far from miserable, but it was not very satisfactory after all. He left his hometown in his later years and went to France to serve Francois I who had admired him for a long time, and finally died in a foreign land.

Regarded as an enlightened monarch, an amorous man and patron of the arts, François I was one of the most famous and beloved kings in French history.

Not all French kings in the Middle Ages were as unreasonable as handsome men. People with lofty ideals in their hearts often hope to be appreciated by those in power, but very few can do this. There are too many people around the "king". Women, men and women, Napoleon Panama has also been hidden in the snow.

In the end, if these people are not reused, they will leave their hometowns and serve the kings of other countries. Napoleon wants to serve the Maharaja of Turkey. The problem is that if a talented person like Napoleon serves other countries, then Europe To be swept again by the sword of Allah.

They don't want to let people go away and don't want to give them the treatment they deserve, so they drive people to death.

Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Van Gogh will have special speculators who will price their works at sky-high prices after their death. Titian was affirmed by people when he was alive, and his reputation after death is not as loud as that of Da Vinci, but he is indeed a philosopher. , and learned from Plato, which is different from that engineer Leonardo.

François Pinault's oil painting "Salvator Mundi" painted by Leonardo da Vinci was bought by another buyer for 400 million US dollars. This buyer bought it over the phone, so no one knows what happened to him. who is it.

Monica's grandmother Rosa likes to copy famous paintings, so Gianluca gave her a high-quality imitation of "Savior of the World" through Monica's mother.

Pomona tried her best not to think about whether the "fake" that was placed casually behind the bar of the Flore Cafe was really a fake. All in all, Alicia knew that her daughter Monica was "dating" Gianluca.

Rich people can use money to knock girls out of their heads, and if they lose their clear minds, they will lose their judgment. Chinese people write the "marriage" of marriage as women and fainting. Women get married when they are dizzy, and the image is direct. The ancient oriental wisdom is really prescient.

She thought she would see a great luxury car, but it turned out that the car that Shadow drove was a very ordinary Fiat business car. Severus frowned when he saw it, so he Apparated in front of those muggles up.

A pure-blood would rather ride a horse-drawn carriage or a train than a car, the kind of transportation that the pure-blood traitors Arthur Weasley and Sirius Black would use.

The pure bloods were most opposed to the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy back then, because they had close contacts with the Muggle upper class.

Ordinary people have no access to this information. Even the Holy See does not ban all books, and there are quite a few Greek and Roman books that can be printed.

Banned books are those that will shake their rule and liberate their minds. The Nika riots during the Justinian period. Nika means freedom in Greek. Due to the secret deal between the king and the church, the church persuaded the common people to obey the king's orders. Order.

Some orders must be obeyed, but isn't such a thing as "the right of the first night" funny?

The king does not necessarily want the newlyweds of the people to accompany him for a night, but to pay taxes to the king or nobles if he wants to get married.

All kinds of exorbitant taxes continue to be exploited, and the necessities of life such as salt have to be bought at high prices. Peasants have very little property and cannot spend as much as the nobles. At this time, the asceticism pursued by Christianity came into play. A book that teaches people to go to heaven. In order to go to heaven after death, one must endure those sinful desires in this world.

At the same time, the nobles and priests lived a very luxurious life. Later, with the advancement of science and the spread of the Black Death, the lies in the Bible were exposed, and the priests also died of the disease. Who would believe the words of the liar?

No one donated money to the church, coupled with a large number of deaths, economic recession and extravagance within the Holy See, in the 17th century, it faced very serious financial problems. It happened that the Ottoman Empire invaded at this time, and the Christian Union was not unified. In the end, it was The Habsburg family pulled the sacrilegious alliance of France to their side, and the Holy See paid for the arming of the Polish hussars, and then there was the Battle of Vienna.

Venice betrayed Constantinople, but did not apostate. If the governor of Venice at that time had not embezzled the money for naval armaments to donate to the church, then there would be no hussars, and the Battle of Vienna would have failed.

The Republic of Venice is not only a small island in the lagoon, but also a territory on the shore. It is bound to use the army to border other countries. The army has always been Venice's weakness.

If the Ottoman Empire attacked Venice, it would be unstoppable to rely on Venice to defend itself. In the end, he would have to ask other countries for help. Venice stood by when everyone needed help. Why did they help Venice?

The University of Padua is not as famous as Oxford and Cambridge, but it is still one of the oldest top universities in Europe.

For many tourists, this place is unfamiliar. Given the out-of-control tourism development in Venice, many attractions in Padua need to be reserved, and they simply cannot go before Gianluca arrives.

There was no need to Confuse Muggles just to get around, and they walked along Dale Square in the golden morning light.

According to the multilingual introduction on the sign, the square is oval in shape. It was originally planned to build 88 sculptures, but some sculptures of the Governor of Venice were destroyed during Napoleon’s reign, and there are 78 sculptures left.

There is also a market on the square on Saturdays, and this city of universities does not exclude merchants, even though the walls of the college have a mural of Jesus driving merchants out of the temple.

On the edge of the square, Pomona bought a tourist map, which she would collect every time she went, and it was her "trophy".

Rasputin likes to collect the hair of his virgins, and serial killers also have this habit. Obtaining "trophies" can bring back a memory. This is a normal psychology, and everyone has their own hobbies.

"Oh, they have botanical gardens," said Pomona cheerfully.

"I'd like to go around the front." Severus said with a smirk. "You've gained weight."

She couldn't laugh anymore.

As a civilized person, violence should not be used.

But now she wants to shoot the poisonous snake to death.

"Would you prefer Hogwarts or Padua," she asked as they walked along the river.

He didn't answer.

"The tuition here should not be cheap." He said after a long time, "I'm not sure if I can earn as much money as I did in a magic school."

Given Tobia's economic situation, Severus probably missed out on such a prestigious school.

This is why Pomona hates Lockhart. How can his books be used as teaching materials? The XZ snowman can only be dealt with with fire magic. What if there are children who use his method to explore.

After seeing too many narrow and complicated waterways and alleys in Venice, and then seeing the wide valley square, she felt that the cloud in her heart had finally dissipated a little.

For Galileo, he may not understand why he would be reported when he lived in a friend’s house, but he would be fine only if he lived in his own child’s house. After all, he never thought that the tool he used to study the moon turned out to be a tool for manipulating other people’s behavior tool.

He is just a scientist, and his field of wisdom is different from that of some people.

The moon has a greater effect on the tide than other planets, but who knows whether the power generated by the supernova explosion tens of thousands of light-years away will affect the earth after it propagates in the vacuum.

That requires a more genius mind to think about this problem, and this talent is not available to 99% of people.

There was once a genius who was born in Germany, but ended up in America, creating a deadly weapon capable of defeating his own country.

He was not a great or noble person. When he was young, he let his female classmates have children out of wedlock. In order to survive, he stayed in the United States during his academic visit.

People used his theory to create the atomic bomb, ended the Second World War, and then used the atomic bomb to implement the Cold War. Then he researched and spread this knowledge, is it righteous or evil?

No one knows the answer, maybe mankind was not destroyed by nuclear war.

There are water level detectors in Venice. One siren goes off and no one cares about it. Two sirens go off.

Just like the plot of the day after tomorrow in the movie.

The flood in the lagoon can be pumped out, and the rising sea level cannot be solved by pumping machines.

When Venice sinks to the bottom of the sea, Padua may become the city they will move to.

When Padua is also submerged, who will be next?

She took his arm and went on walking, though all she could hear were sirens beeping.

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