Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 790 Goethe's Palm

You can actually take a boat from Venice to Padua, but winter is the flood season and the water conditions are unknown, and it is much more convenient to have a car in the city.

It would take at least an hour for the Muggles to come here by car, so they turned around and walked to the botanical garden.

The Botanical Garden of Padua was previously established by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Padua to study the medicinal value of rare plants. The location and pattern have not changed for centuries.

The botanical garden is surrounded by red bricks and iron fences. There is a sycamore tree not far from the entrance. It was planted in 1860. Because it was struck by lightning, the inside is hollow, but it still looks vibrant.

The oldest tree in the botanical garden is the palm planted in 1585. Because Goethe wrote a poem "The Metamorphosis of Plants" for it, it was renamed Goethe's palm. The greenhouse also specially designed a poster for it, which is posted everywhere.

"That's what was planned." Severus said, pointing to the geometrically arranged nurseries. "It's full of order. Your nursery is like a crazy tropical rainforest."

"I put carnivorous plants in a separate nursery." Pomona smirked. "I think plants will thrive closer to their natural growth environment. This artificially planned environment is not conducive to their growth."

"You just don't listen to advice, do you?" Severus smirked too.

"Do you want to be a flower fertilizer?"

"You're going to murder me?" he said in feigned surprise.

"I've even thought of a way to destroy the corpse." She said in a sweet voice.

"What made you want to murder me, madam."

"I don't know, but I've heard that most couples become murderous, do you think we'll have that one day?"

"This is our honeymoon," he said slickly. "Let's not talk about bloody things."

So they joined hands and visited with a group of college students who were observing the internship.

Just as the Germans have the Valkyrie plan, not all Italians are supporters of Mussolini.

The motto of the University of Padua is: here everyone is completely free.

Once the Jews are sent on the train, there is basically no return. Now there is a "Last Train" monument in Venice. The Zionist League and its publications went underground to fight for accelerating the immigration of Italian Jews to Palestine.

Although Auschwitz was known as a death camp and was heavily guarded, some people still escaped. Some of these Jewish youths joined the anti-government guerrillas, and some participated in the Italian resistance movement. For severe punishment, many Jews still found refuge among the Italians.

During World War II, the Arboretum was a meeting place for secret resistance groups.

It is not easy to escape from Auschwitz, but the people in the black-and-white photos pasted on the wooden boards look ordinary, even young and immature, and they don't seem to have escaped from that magic den at all.

Italians have a strange temper, as if their goods are works of art and luxury goods, requiring customers to worship.

Forget about Ferrari, and the same is true for cars used by the public like Fiat. Others such as Volkswagen and Ford will open many shiny specialty stores, but Fiat seldom sees them.

The automobile industry is a pillar industry in many countries, which will solve many jobs. However, in the fierce competition in the automobile market, the Italians' habit of selling cars has been lower than that of the United States. Coupled with the refugee problem, fiscal revenue is even more stretched. .

Not all Venetians do not want to be independent, restore the Republic of Venice, and get rid of debt-ridden Italy.

This is a common problem in Catholic countries, and they are not as keen on chasing and accumulating wealth as Protestants.

Tourism is the most attractive source of consumption besides industry, but Venetians also have to face a problem. Landlords can rent a house to tourists for 1,000 euros. Why would they rent a house to locals who can only pay 250 euros?

A study by the Oriental University of Venice found that the maximum number of tourists that Venice can receive in a year is only 7.5 million, but the tourists flood in like a tide, exceeding the local carrying capacity, and the Grand Canal is muddy by motorboats that pick up passengers for one-day tours , Soaring housing prices have also closed down local shops and replaced them with cheap souvenir shops.

There is an oriental ideal city in Padua. Most of the businesses in the city are Chinese businessmen. The housing prices in Venice are indeed too expensive, and Padua is cheaper.

When Constantinople was sacked, Enrico Dandolo declared that he was the emperor of Constantinople three-eighths, and three-eighths of the treasures were robbed by him.

The Venetians returned home loaded with spoils, leaving the Franks alone to complete the Fourth Crusade. The enmity between the French and the Venetians was forged at that time.

Even today, the feud between some Venetians and Genoese has not been sorted out. Many Italian ingredients have entered Venice, such as pistachios from Sicily and steak from Tuscany. Only pine nut pesto is bought in Venice. No, because it is from Genoa.

At the "dinner" at the Doge's Palace on the day of Severus' proposal for the Construction Bank of Venice, not everyone opposed it, and some even thought it would be a good thing to take this opportunity to be independent.

There are really not many people who can keep calm in the face of interests. If you lose your calm mind, you will make impulsive choices. The Republic of Venice was robbed by the French emperor and Austria hundreds of years ago.

The tax paid by Venice and Veneto every year is 7 Euros, and the public construction provided by the government is only 5 Euros. The Natural History Museum converted from a Turkish warehouse does not look like a high-end museum at all. The staff's perfunctory attitude and perfunctory attitude Simple appropriations become perfunctory, Venice is the playground of the European elite, and they don't go to third-rate museums.

Francois Pinault spent more than 300 million US dollars to buy a painting is not arty, he is a very shrewd businessman.

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is the treasure of the Louvre, just like Goethe's palm is the treasure of the Botanical Garden in Padua. Once there is a treasure of the town, people will come to visit it. Tickets can be collected. Tickets for the Customs House and Palazzo Grassi are 20 Euros. Based on the traffic in Venice, it is conservatively estimated that there are 10 million people per year. Even if only 100,000 people visit his pavilion every year, it will cost 2 million Euros a year. income.

When he arrives at a place, he will go shopping nearby. He is the director of Gucci, and he will open a specialty store nearby, and there will definitely be people who will go in and spend money.

The business can only be done well if the Asian customers are favored. Otherwise, Gucci will be resisted by patriotism, and he will lose a lot. Donate a few treasures lost from the Old Summer Palace to China, and he will gain both fame and fortune.

The only pity is that he didn't buy the "Savior of the World" oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci. He didn't feel sorry for the 300 million dollars. When he was there, he was still depressed.

In the royal palace of Venice, the most indispensable thing is Chinese porcelain, even Fontainebleau has a lot of porcelain.

Porcelain is actually made of clay, similar to glass, but it was a luxury in ancient times.

What people like most is not something, but their own desires.

In the past, goods from the East represented expensive and luxurious goods, such as silk and spices. Therefore, when Marco Polo said that there was gold everywhere in China, people believed it.

At the same time, when Marco Polo introduced Europe to the Khan of Yuan Dadu, he seemed to be talking about a city every day, but in fact, all of these cities were Venice.

If China can rent out giant pandas, why can't it rent out a piece or two of porcelain for Francois Pinault's exhibition?

He can get traffic to sell tickets, and China has also done its own cultural export, which is much more useful than the propaganda of self-organized non-governmental organizations.

Just like what Zhang Tao said, the Boys need Bengal tigers to accompany them on a fantasy drift in the sea.

Only a good opponent can promote each other's growth. Human beings are moving too fast, and it is time to wait for their own souls.

"Where there is the tree of knowledge, there is heaven." Pomona said, looking at the famous palm tree,

"Who planted that fig tree in the greenhouse?" Severus asked.

"I don't know, do you want to investigate?"

He thought for a while, shook his head, and looked at the magical tropical palm together among the blooming flowers.

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