Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 792 The Reborn Troy

In Homer's epic poem "Iliad", the Greek army led by Agamemnon and Achilles attacked the city of Troy led by Paris and Hector in order to snatch Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world.

Zeus has a romantic nature, and this time he coveted the sea goddess Thetis, but was noticed by his wife Hera. So Hera married Thetis to the mortal hero Peleus, putting an end to Zeus's ideas.

On the wedding day of Thetis and Peleus, they had a feast for all the gods, but Eris, the goddess of strife, was offended. She left a huge and gorgeous golden apple at the banquet. The words "καλλστ" are engraved on it, which means "dedicated to the most beautiful goddess".

The three goddesses with the highest god level and the most beautiful glamor at the scene: Hera, the mother of the gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, argued endlessly for the golden apple. apple. Zeus believed that Paris, a handsome and talented prince in the world, was more suitable to be the judge of this problem. He was herding sheep on Mount Ida near Troy at that time.

So the queen Hera, the goddess of wisdom Athena and the god of love Aphrodite, led by the envoy Hermes, went to Mount Ida and asked Prince Paris to be an arbitrator. The three goddesses all hoped that Paris would award him the golden apple, so they each made a promise to him.

Hera, the mother of the gods, said that if Paris could give her the golden apple, she would let Paris rule the richest country in the world. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, promised to make him the wisest person. Venus, the goddess of love, promised him the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. Hera and Athena were very angry and determined to destroy the city of Troy.

As a reward, Aphrodite gave Paris the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen.

At that time, Helen was already a married woman, and Aphrodite betrothed Helen to Paris, the little prince of Troy. After the two eloped hand in hand, the Greeks believed that Helen was taken away as a disgrace to Sparta, so Contact the city-states of Sila to organize an army to attack Troy.

In the past ten years, stories of countless heroes have been born, but many heroes have been bloody on the battlefield. After the fall of Troy, Paris died at the hands of the archer Philoctetes.

After the city was broken, some people were captured as slaves, and some fled. Among them, a nobleman named Antonio took his tribe northward by boat along the Adriatic Sea, and finally ran to Padua to establish a new home. .

All this was 400 years earlier than the founding of Rome, and the people of Padua also regarded themselves as the remnants of Troy. The roof of the living room in Baicao Square is in the shape of a ship. There are several collections in the hall that are quite conspicuous. One of the wooden horse sculptures is said to be San Antonio. A replica of the bronze sculpture in front of the cathedral, but Pomona thinks it looks a lot like the bronze horse robbed from Constantinople in St. Mark's Square.

Trojan Horse Massacre is also mentioned in Odyssey, but Odyssey is like a follow-up to the Iliad. After the Trojan War, the Greeks returned home one after another. Paris, who had the "golden apple covenant", refused to let her go.

Of course, Helen is a blonde, which was very rare in the Mediterranean two thousand years ago. Otherwise, why would that apple be "golden"?

Peerless beauties should have blond hair, and the women representing Venice on the murals of the Doge's Palace are blond.

"Pig!" she said angrily, staring at the wooden horse.

"That's a horse." Severus looked at the horse too and said, "How do you say it's a pig?"

She didn't bother to explain to this idiot.

The University of Padua was led by Gianluca, a student at the school, and they went in for a visit. Studying is such a painful thing. Many children even want to blow up the school with explosives on their backs. Whoever comes out to play will run away from the school. inside.

At the age of 20, he should be a sophomore, but Gianluca is studying for a Ph. D., but what he studies has nothing to do with "computers". What he studies is history, appreciation and cultural heritage protection.

Until he graduated from high school, like any ordinary Italian kid, he showed nothing unusual.

He finished his undergraduate courses in middle school. After all, the school only has half a day of class, and he can freely control half a day and one night. Italians like to socialize very much, but he is not good at it, chasing Monica around, Alessandro caught a cold last night playing in the water, the old bat gave him a tube of refreshment, and now he is resting in the commercial vehicle, after all two Smoke from only one ear is still noticeable.

The reason why Newton became the director of the Royal Mint was not because he "socialized" it, but because he became the most intelligent person recognized in Britain after discovering gravity, so his Cambridge classmates recommended him.

As a result, such a smart person suffered heavy losses in the South China Sea bubble.

If you make a wrong choice, you will bear the corresponding consequences. Just a word that blurts out can change many things.

Whether the earth revolves around the sun or the sun revolves around the earth is just a trivial matter. Whoever revolves will not affect the daily life of ordinary people. Those who should take care of their children continue to take care of their children, and those who should make money continue to make money. Big uproar?

Scholasticism refers to the fusion of Aristotle's philosophy with the Christian God, when philosophers were preoccupied with trivial logical disputes.

A boatman sent a philosopher across the river. When boarding the boat, the philosopher asked, "Do you understand philosophy?"

The boatman said, "I don't understand."

"Half your life is gone," said the philosopher to the boatman.

Halfway through the boat, the philosopher asked again: "Boatman, do you know history?"

The boatman said, "I don't understand."

The philosopher said again: "Half of half your life is gone again."

While he was talking, there was a strong wind on the sea, and the boat was about to capsize. The boatman asked the philosopher, "Excuse me, can you swim?"

The philosopher said: "No!"

The boatman said earnestly to him, "Then your whole life will be gone!"

Socrates was so modest that he said that he was a fool, and then he argued with everyone in the city. No one would think he was a fool. As a result, they couldn't argue against Socrates, who called himself a "fool".

He caused public outrage, like the philosopher who crossed the river, God knows if the boatman will save him.

This story shows that don't be an annoying person. An annoying person is easy to be left alone. If Harry hadn't justified Severus' name afterwards, many people would think that he deserved it because he killed the respectable Albus. Headmaster Dumbledore.

Socrates died, and many Athenians began to regret it, not only the Athenians, but also many Europeans got the inspiration from his death-no one can be above the law, even if Socrates used money for the students He could choose to escape under his management, but he still accepted the result of the "tyranny of the majority" and drank the poisonous pansy.

Although he said that the god of love prefers the handsome rich god after he was drunk, he set an example. Maybe he was cursed by the god of love, but he was favored by Athena. He is still a wise sage.

The same is true for the Republic of Venice. Governor Marino can use other methods to kill the young man who insulted him, but he cannot overturn the decision of the Council of Ten and kill his love rival in a "legal" way.

The law is not a tool of corruption. The privileged class of Venice exists according to his contribution to the country, not pure blood relationship. This is different from the "Eight Pieces" system of Confucianism. are different.

Steno, who kissed the Governor's beautiful wife, got into trouble. The Steno family did not protect him, and he was exiled when he should be exiled. Even Governor Foscari had to kneel before the Lion of San Marco and the Codex.

It is not acceptable to act outrageously on the basis that you are someone's relative.

The first line of the Godfather movie is: "I believe in America."

However, the poor girl's father did not get a fair judicial decision, and those "American boys" who hurt his daughter left in a grand manner.

Lu Xun's "Diary of a Madman" reveals the "cannibalistic" nature of feudal ethics.

Those "American boys" were probably from the Ivy League, they had rich parents, they were Protestants, they were early immigrants, they had deeper connections than the Italian coffin shop owner with the accent, and they always showed They are excellent, they look good in character and learning, and they are first-time offenders, so they can't ruin their future because of impulse.

As for the future of that disfigured girl, who the hell cares.

She made a wrong choice, and the result will be borne by herself.

The only one who can "revenge" her and her father is Vitocrion, an Italian mafia, and those gentlemen who wear "white gloves" will not let their white gloves be stained with blood.

Not only women, scientists are also the food they "eat". The Moses plan has 100 scientists who jointly confirmed that it is feasible. Those scientists with higher education said that the plan is feasible. How does a high school graduate know that the Moses plan is useless? Woolen cloth?

Practice is the best means to witness the truth.

But spending 4.5 billion euros on experiments, isn't it too much investment to witness the truth?

Pomona looked at the debtor's stone that had become an exhibit in the exhibition hall. If the debt must be repaid, how should the "blood debt" be calculated?

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