Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 793 City Angel

Agronomy is such a popular subject in Italy that even female prisoners in prisons are trained in growing organic produce as part of their reintegration training.

There are also agricultural colleges in universities. Italian "Local eat" is only enjoyed by middle- and high-income groups. Ordinary people still have to eat vegetables with pesticides, but the pesticide residues meet the EU standards. Vegetables that are not sprayed with pesticides or fertilizers are very expensive. Expensive, not served in the school cafeteria.

Professors will not share the cafeteria with students. University dormitories are provided for visiting scholars. Students have to find a place to live in the urban area by themselves, and they will buy vegetables and cook for themselves.

Gianluca tried it once, and the food served in the cafeteria can only be said to be "edible". Italians like to have a glass of espresso for breakfast, and drink a glass of espresso after lunch and dinner. His "canteen" is a cafe outside the school, where he and Professor Oparo met.

University teachers are well known to be a decent job, but the basic salary of national universities can only be regarded as the upper middle level, which is not as good as those rich people who are making money every day.

Generally speaking, full professors have to take on some extracurricular projects. Sometimes, doctoral students do not call their teachers "professors", but call them "bosses".

Albus Dumbledore's research paper on dragon's blood has been sued, and Severus Snape's improved paper on wolfbane potion has also been used by the "White Wizard" for political transactions.

The cultural heritage protection that Gianluca learned seems to have nothing to do with hydraulic engineering, but Venice is a water city, such as canals, dams, etc. are hydraulic engineering, which involves many people's pies, and Oparo may He will be dismissed from the university. At this time, he knows a rich man who loves Venice, so Oparo doesn't have to worry about his job.

Even Leonardo da Vinci once went to paint frescoes in the Dominican church where the heresy was judged for a bite of food. in front of Matthew.

He also added orange slices, and painted the abbot who was mean to his wages as Judas, so sour that it was unbearable to look at.

There is no Holy Grail in Da Vinci's "The Last Supper", not even a wine jug. There are different opinions about where he hid the "Holy Grail", maybe he simply forgot.

When Jesus was tortured, this cup was used to hold the blood left by Jesus.

After the crucifixion of Christ, this wine glass was enshrined on the top of a small hill and guarded by soldiers day and night. People deified Christ after his death, and the wine cup that contained the blood of Christ was also regarded as containing infinite holy power, and was coveted by countless people. Finally, rumors led to the theft of the Holy Grail. Since then, the Holy Grail disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, and people began to write stories about searching for the Holy Grail.

While hiring young people to paint murals on the walls and decorate the cafe, the boss also funded him. After all, no one knows whether the young man who painted on the walls will become the second Da Vinci in the future.

The rhythm and way of life in the university town are incompatible with modern society. Even this small cafe retains the style of the 19th century. The marble on the floor is the same as that in the church, all white and ocher squares. From the Roman-style balcony on the second floor, you can also see the round roof of San Antonio Church. There are no billboards or neon lights. If you don’t look at people’s clothes, time seems to have frozen here. It’s almost the same as in the Middle Ages.

Shakespeare once wrote: If you know how a person feels in his heart when he is in love, you will know that it is as useless to suppress the flame of love with empty words as to make fire in snow.

The Scottish winter in March has not completely left, and the ice on the Whomping Willow has not completely melted, but on February 24, the second stage of the Triwizard Tournament was held on the Black Lake in full swing.

Lily's son is on an adventure, and the man who is supposed to look after him has disappeared. After all, "Moody" has taken his place.

He should be ashamed of that, for avoiding his responsibilities, just as Albus was ashamed of his entanglement with Grindelwald.

But he felt very happy, the suppressed beast was finally released, and it was all because of a little mixed-race Veela.

Fleur is free, chased by boys for her beauty, and no one looks down on her for being a half-breed magical creature.

Although she didn't dance alone like Asmeralda in Notre Dame de Paris, she was just as eye-catching. This kind of attention was different from the eyes that stared at Madame Maxime. The half-blood giant was taller than Hagrid, a human male It must have been weird looking at her.

In Hogwarts, Dean Slytherin was a person with a strong sense of presence, but in Padua, an academic city, he became dispensable.

As if he wanted to divert her attention from observing the city to himself, he kissed her in the shadow of the empty balcony.

This kind of tweed kiss is different from the deliberately solemn and beautiful formal kiss for wedding photos. It is like the heat generated when a fire snake egg breaks its shell, which can burn the house to ashes.

In the San Antonio Church in the distance, there are relics left by him after his cremation. It is hard to imagine that a crystal-like substance can be produced in a human body.

She didn't know what would be left after she was burned to ashes, but she wanted to keep burning like a phoenix flame.

When love enters a person's heart, it cannot be beaten or scolded. Once it reaches you, it will take over everything you have.

She bit his lips that always said harsh words in revenge, there was a faint smell of blood, and a blood-like substance would flow out after the steak was cut, it was not real blood, but myoglobin.

The habit of people in some parts of Europe to slaughter livestock without bleeding has something to do with the Mongolian Western Expeditionary Army that swept across Eurasia. Back then, the Mongolian army carried a lot of cattle and sheep as rations. They strictly stipulate that no bloodletting is allowed when slaughtering, saying that this can make more effective use of the calories and nutrients in the livestock, so as to ensure that every officer and soldier can have enough food.

The sacrificial rites of the Old Testament stipulated that blood symbolized life, and the blood of animals could not be used as food.

Strangled animals are also fasted in Christianity, because the blood of strangled animals, including those that died of illness, or other non-slaughtering reasons, has not flowed out and has been absorbed into the meat, so it is better not to eat them.

But if the animal is placed upside down, the blood can still flow out.

At that point the slaughtered cow is no longer a life, but a commodity up for grabs.

"You're not a monk," she said, looking him in the eyes.

"You're not a nun either." He smiled and said, "We don't need to keep the ring."

She licked her lips, there was a faint smell of butter, and it felt a little greasy, but listening to his beating heartbeat, she felt much more at ease.

This is not Scotland. The Mediterranean Sea in March is warmed only by the sun, and chatter and laughter in Italian can be heard from the floor-to-ceiling windows next door.

All of this was far away from her and very close, as if in a dream, it disappeared as soon as she opened her eyes.

"You know, what people say about Helen?" He whispered in her ear, "everyone who met her said it was worth fighting for her."

As if she was drunk, she asked him for a kiss.

This time the kiss was not as bloodthirsty as before, it was like the cool early summer, when the wedding was held under the loggia, the kind of kiss in front of the public, but with a little dark secret.

Sweet love is like food in the mouth of fate.

In the Alps, everything that happened in the uninhabited cabin began to reappear, sharing the chewed food did not feel disgusting, the poisoned brain almost lost the ability to think, and she pushed him away after returning to the cage. opened.

"Won't you tell me to stop!" she snapped, as Ron always told Lavender when he was with him.

"Why do I have to stop?" He laughed as if he thought her question was funny.

This is the dark wizard.

She shook her head helplessly, took out the mirror and looked at it, her lipstick was stained, she quickly touched up the makeup, the old bat also wiped the lipstick off his mouth, it looked like a vampire wiped the "lunch" clean.

After they cleaned themselves up, the two returned to the coffee table like gentlemen.

Sometimes, students at the University of Padua will gather together to discuss over coffee, as they do now, either academically or not.

When the two of them returned, the three young men switched easily to English again, this time talking about a lawsuit between the Guggenheim Museum and Palais Vernier-Leoni over their collections.

Peggy Guggenheim was born into a wealthy family, but she has always been not very interested in money, always trying to distinguish herself from other Guggenheims. She loved new and trendy things from a very young age. At first, she worked as an ordinary clerk in an avant-garde bookstore, not for making money, but purely for curiosity. While working there, Peggy wore pearl necklaces and expensive coats to sweep the floor of the bookstore, organize books, met a group of pioneer intellectuals from Europe, and came into contact with modern art. Since then, she has tried to enter the circle of avant-garde art through collection and dialogue, and strives to leave her mark on the world.

The Guggenheim is the second richest Jewish family in the world after the Rothschilds, and the Wernier family was the wealthiest family in the heyday of Venice. Of course, it was also the worst robbed by Napoleon and the Austrians. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had been dilapidated, and Peggy Guggenheim bought it. The first floor was used as a collection hall, and an airy room facing the Grand Canal stored Picasso, Kandinsky, Malevich, Mondrian, Magritte, Rico, Duchamp, Miró, Dali, Chagall, Tanguy, Moore, etc. There is also a room dedicated to displaying Pollock's works.

These paintings and sculptures are now priceless. With the raging flames of World War II, the whole of Europe fell into division and chaos, disrupting Peggy's plan to open an art museum. Peggy tried his best to help artists avoid the war, and even called President Roosevelt for help. In 1941, he used a plane to send artists such as Breton, Serge and Ernst to New York. Peggy's second husband.

** Likes to collect art, no matter what era it is, Peggy had to emigrate to the United States with her collection, and her mansion in Manhattan soon became the base camp of European artists in exile in the United States.

Peggy created a private gallery called "Art of the Century" in 1942, which is open to the public and artists, and even Mrs. Roosevelt came here admiringly.

The problem is that Peggy still decided to return to Europe after World War II. She closed the gallery in 1947 and finally chose Venier's Palace of the Lions on the Grand Canal in Venice as her residence in 1948.

The Lion Palace is the main house of the Vinier family, which is also the home of Cecilia Vinier's father.

There are different opinions about who is the queen of Venice. Some people think it is the Queen of Cyprus, Caterina Cornaro, and some people think it should be the legendary Sultan Princess. All in all, it takes a lot of money to restore those luxurious palaces, That is not what the poor Venice can support now. The Vernier Palace only rebuilt one floor, and it was taken up by the Guggenheim Museum.

For modern and surrealism, Pomona can't understand at all, what the hell is that painting.

The Venice government only provides local exhibitions, and the content of the exhibition is not under their control. This is the purview of the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation. Now the foundation exhibits the art collections bequeathed by other collectors. Peggy’s great-grandson and half-sister The Solomon Guggenheim Foundation's brother Nicholas Herrien and his children accused the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation of disrespecting the last wishes of the deceased, beginning a long battle over the management of the artwork.

The paintings that can be collected by the Louvre should be famous paintings. This is the public perception. Even if some paintings are not very good, as long as they are displayed in a good exhibition hall, the artist will be famous and his paintings will be valuable. The level of children's graffiti is just as arty and expensive.

Not to mention that Rudolph Schulhoff joined Buck's family business of greeting cards and art reproductions, Reproducta, Peggy was a Dadaist, pursuing a state of sober irrationality, rejecting conventional artistic standards, disillusionment, cynicism, Pursue the state of being unintentional, accidental, and spontaneous, etc.

Peggy's relatives believe that Rudolf Schulhoff's collection cannot be included in her exhibition hall, which is against her will.

"What are they talking about?" the old bat leaned close to her ear and asked.

"I don't understand either." Pomona looked at Monica and Gianluca, who were arguing and Alessandro was fast asleep.

So, like a student who doesn't listen to lectures in class, she sneaks under the coffee table to touch the thigh of the old bat.

She was more interested in the question of who was the Queen of Venice than in any doctrine: the Sultan, the Queen of Cyprus, or the artist's mistress?

Like golden apples, laurel wreaths belong to the fairest goddesses.

"You're being naughty again." He whispered in her ear.

"Do you want to stay with me, Professor?"

He smiled without speaking, and turned to look at the three young men.

"It's like going back in time," he said idly. "We're guardian angels again."

"And they are protecting this city." Pomona looked at the three young people who exuded the air of failure and said, "They are the guardian angels of this city."

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